harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (1881)

OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3

Version Description

OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3 provides the following enhancements over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2:

Enhanced basic capabilities for the standard system

The pan-sensor subsystem adds vibrator priority management.

The multimodal input subsystem adds mouse pointer style and speed setting, configuration of sequential ability startup, and ScreenHop; and enhances mouse event reporting.

The Misc services subsystem adds the following basic features: pasteboard, upload and download, screen lock, and input method framework.

The kernel subsystem adds the following basic capabilities: memory level notification to Ability Manager Service (AMS), reclaim priority management for resident system services, and reclaim priority management based on different Extension ability states.

In the Design For X (DFX) subsystem, the faultloggerd component supports print in the hybrid JS and native stacks; the hilog component provides domain trustlist management and log statistics; the hisysevent and hiappeventssh components provide enhanced event capabilities; the hidumper component provides more detailed memory classification information.

The parameterized data driver capability is added to the unit test framework. APIs related to fling and complex gestures (such as two-finger pinch) are added to the UI test framework. The xdevice component adds device-level DFX log collection upon task execution.

The multi-language runtime subsystem adds the following capabilities: ES2021 in strict mode, modularization, runtime debugging and tuning enhancement, and bytecode hot reload.

User identity authentication is added to the IAM account subsystem. The permission service supports precise positioning and fuzzy positioning, and other capabilities are enhanced. The privacy management service is provided.

The multimedia subsystem adds native APIs for audio decoding, audio encoding, video decoding, and video encoding; audio and video synchronization; playback start time optimization; video hardware encoding and decoding based on the HDI codec interface; distributed audio, volume, and device status management; device listening and projection; preview, photographing, and video recording using distributed cameras.

Enhanced application development framework for the standard system

The common event and notification subsystem provides DLP adaptation. Subsystems can send notifications.

The webview component supports copy and paste. Basic audio/video playback and HTTPS bidirectional authentication are supported.

Permission verification, startup rules, and quick repair are added for the ability framework, and widgets can be flexibly separated and combined.

The following capabilities are enhanced: ArkUI component, resource and media query, DFX, and toolchain. The memory and performance are optimized.

The DeviceProfile subsystem supports adaptation to the automatic synchronization policy of the distributed database and supplements the type of information that can be collected.

For the bundle management framework, Extension abilities are added for the thumbnail and preview. Certain features become tailorable. Foolproof and quick repair are added. Specific capabilities of preset applications can be managed. Applications can be installed without decompressing HAP files.

For the system ability management subsystem (SAMGR), system services can be loaded across devices. The restart and recovery mechanism is provided for the foundation process. Distributed component management supports multi-user, cross-device invoking. Singleton ability continuation is supported.

Enhanced distributed capabilities for the standard system

The distributed database supports cross-device and cross-application sharing. The relational database (RDB) supports remote query, database encryption, and app twin. The KVDB supports backup and restore, condition-based synchronization, and centralized system data synchronization when the device goes online.

Version Mapping

Table 1 Version mapping of software and tools

Software/Tool Version Remarks
OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3 NA
Public SDK Ohos_sdk_public (API Version 9 Beta3)
Ohos_sdk_public (API Version 9 Beta3)
This toolkit is intended for application developers and does not contain system APIs that require system permissions.
It is provided as standard in DevEco Studio.
Full SDK Ohos_sdk_full (API Version 9 Beta3)
Ohos_sdk_full (API Version 9 Beta3)
This toolkit is intended for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and contains system APIs that require system permissions.
To use the full SDK, manually obtain it from the mirror and switch to it in DevEco Studio. For details, see Guide to Switching to Full SDK.
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Studio 3.0 Release Recommended for developing OpenHarmony applications.
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool 3.0 Release Recommended for developing OpenHarmony devices.

Source Code Acquisition


  1. Register your account with Gitee.

  2. Register an SSH public key for access to Gitee.

  3. Install the git client and git-lfs, and configure user information.

   git config --global user.name "yourname"
   git config --global user.email "your-email-address"
   git config --global credential.helper store
  1. Run the following commands to install the repo tool:
   curl -s https://gitee.com/oschina/repo/raw/fork_flow/repo-py3 > /usr/local/bin/repo  # If you do not have the permission, download the tool to another directory and configure it as an environment variable by running the chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo command.
   pip3 install -i https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/pypi/simple requests

Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool

Method 1 (recommended)

Use the repo tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)

  • Obtain the source code from the version branch. You can obtain the latest source code of the version branch, which includes the code that has been incorporated into the branch up until the time you run the following commands:

    repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta3 --no-repo-verify
    repo sync -c
    repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'
  • Obtain the source code from the version tag, which is the same as that released with the version.

    repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.2-Beta3 --no-repo-verify
    repo sync -c
    repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Method 2

Use the repo tool to download the source code over HTTPS.

  • Obtain the source code from the version branch. You can obtain the latest source code of the version branch, which includes the code that has been incorporated into the branch up until the time you run the following commands:

    repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta3 --no-repo-verify
    repo sync -c
    repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'
  • Obtain the source code from the version tag, which is the same as that released with the version.

    repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.2-Beta3 --no-repo-verify
    repo sync -c
    repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors

Table 2 Mirrors for acquiring source code

Source Code Version Mirror SHA-256 Checksum
Full code base (for mini, small, and standard systems) 3.2 Beta3 Download Download
Hi3861 mini system solution (binary) 3.2 Beta3 Download Download
Hi3516 mini system solution - LiteOS (binary) 3.2 Beta3 Download Download
Hi3516 mini system solution - Linux (binary) 3.2 Beta3 Download Download
RK3568 standard system solution (binary) 3.2 Beta3 Download Download
Full SDK package for the standard system (macOS) Download Download
Full SDK package for the standard system (Windows/Linux) Download Download
Public SDK package for the standard system (macOS) Download Download
Public SDK package for the standard system (Windows/Linux) Download Download
Full SDK package for the standard system (macOS) Download Download
Full SDK package for the standard system (Windows/Linux) Download Download
Public SDK package for the standard system (macOS) Download Download
Public SDK package for the standard system (Windows/Linux) Download Download


This version has the following updates to OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2.

Feature Updates

Table 3 New and enhanced features

Subsystem Standard System Mini and Small Systems
Ability framework Permission verification, startup rules, and quick repair are added, and widgets can be flexibly separated and combined.
The following requirements are involved:
I581RO [New feature] Adaptation of Recents to the sandbox process of encrypted files
I581SE [New feature] AMS permission verification for the sandbox process
I581XD [New feature] Capturing of JavaScript crashes by application
I581YL [New feature] Widget sharing
I58213 [Enhanced feature] APIs for listening for the association between Service, Data, and Extension abilities
I5824D [New feature] Worker thread of JS runtime
I5825N [New feature] Application code loading without HAP decompression
I5826I [New feature] Application resource loading without HAP decompression
I5826Y [New feature] Loading of code in the dependency HAP file
I5HQEM [New feature] Listening for the window stage lifecycle by context
I5MVKZ [New feature] Intra-application widget loading
I5OD2E [New feature] Quick repair service - patch installation
I5ODCD [New feature] Quick repair service - patch query
I5PXW4 [Enhanced feature] Querying and listening for process and component visibility
I5Q8IU [New feature] Forcible intra-application widget refresh
I5QGMS [New feature] Intra-application widget event management
Bundle management framework Extension abilities are added for the thumbnail and preview. Certain features become tailorable. Foolproof and quick repair are added. Specific capabilities of preset applications can be managed. Applications can be installed without decompressing HAP files.
The following requirements are involved:
I5MZ33 [New feature] Extension abilities for the thumbnail and preview
I56WAY [New feature] Tailorable bundle management
I56WA0 [New feature] Foolproof
I56W8O [New feature] Capability management for preset applications
I56WGB [New Feature] Application installation without HAP decompression
I5N7AD [New feature] Patch installation
I5MZ6Z [New feature] Patch package scan upon startup
DFX The faultloggerd component supports print in the hybrid JS and native stacks. The hilog component provides domain trustlist management and log statistics. The hisysevent and hiappeventssh components provide enhanced event capabilities. The hidumper component provides more detailed memory classification information.
The following requirements are involved:
I5PJ9O [New specifications] [faultloggerd] Print in the hybrid JS and native stacks
I5OA3F [New specifications] [hisysevent] Improved usability of the HiSysEvent subscription and query interfaces
I5NU4L [New feature] [hilog] System domain trustlist management
I5NU71 [New feature] [hilog] Log statistics
I5NU7F [New feature] [hilog] Log service permission management
I5KDIG [New specifications] [hisysevent] Handling system event storms of the subscription interface
I5L2RV [New specifications] [hisysevent] Handling system event storms of the query interface
I5LFCZ [New specifications] [hisysevent] Handling of system event storms of the system event storage and processing interface
I5FNPQ [New specifications] [hisysevent] Handling system event storms of the system event dotting interface
I5NTOS [New specifications] [hiappevent] Event clearance
I5NTOD [New specifications] [hiappevent] Event query
I5LB4N [New specifications] [hiappevent] Event subscription
I5KYYI [New specifications] [hiappevent] Event distribution
I5K0X6 [New specifications] [hiappevent] Event management
I5NULM [New specifications] [hiview] Reading kernel events
I5NWZQ [New feature] Further smaps classification of processes; display of more detailed classification information in the exported hidumper information
I5GXTG [New feature] Optimized hidumper permission privacy
Test subsystem The parameterized data driver capability is added to the unit test framework. APIs related to fling and complex gestures (such as two-finger pinch) are added to the UI test framework. The xdevice component adds device-level DFX log collection upon task execution.
The following requirements are involved:
I5LI56 [New specifications] DFX integration for log collection
I5LUI8 [New specifications] Parameterized data driver for the unit test framework
I5L5DL [New specifications] APIs related to fling and complex gestures of the UI test framework
I5K2LZ [New specifications] Updated readme file for the unit test framework and UI test framework
I5MQTL [New feature] Updated readme files for WuKong
SAMGR System services can be loaded across devices. The restart and recovery mechanism is provided for the foundation process. Distributed component management supports multi-user, cross-device invoking. Singleton ability continuation is supported.
The following requirements are involved:
I5KMF7 [samgr] [Enhanced feature] Remote loading of system services
I5IZ7R [safwk] [New Feature] Restart and recovery for the foundation process
I5LO67 [dmsfwk] [New feature] Multi-user adaptation
I5I5FV [dmsfwk] [New feature] Singleton ability continuation
I5OJD [dmsfwk] [New feature] Automatic component status continuation
I5NOA1 [dmsfwk] [New feature] Application information reporting by DMS on the target device
DeviceProfile subsystem The DeviceProfile subsystem supports adaptation to the automatic synchronization policy of the distributed database and supplements the type of information that can be collected.
The following requirements are involved:
I5QPGN [device_profile] [Enhanced feature] Adaptation to the automatic database synchronization policy
I5J7PW [device_profile] [Enhanced feature] Basic DeviceProfile information supplementation
Common event and notification subsystem DLP adaptation is added. Subsystems can send notifications.
The following requirements are involved:
I582TY [New specifications] DLP adaptation for notifications
I582VA [New specifications] DLP adaptation for events
I5P1GU [distributed_notification_service] Sending notifications by subsystems
Multimodal input subsystem The following features are added: mouse pointer style and speed setting, configuration of sequential ability startup, and ScreenHop. Mouse event reporting is enhanced.
The following requirements are involved:
I530UX [New feature] Changing the mouse pointer speed
I530VT [New feature] Displaying or hiding the mouse pointer
I530XP [New feature] Mouse acceleration algorithm
I530XS [New feature] Multiple mouse pointer styles
I530UQ [New feature] Distributed input
I5HMF3 [Enhanced feature] Event reporting when the mouse pointer leaves the window
I5HMEF [Enhanced feature] Enhancement of mouse events
I5HMD9 [input] Ability startup based on the configuration of the key event sequence
I5P6TG Adaptive display of the mouse pointer in ScreenHop
I5P6UW ScreenHop status management
I5HMCX [New feature] Enabling or disabling keys on the keyboard
I5HMCB [input] Multiple touch targets related to the input device
Pan-sensor subsystem Vibrator priority management is supported.
The following requirement is involved:
I53SGE [New specifications] Vibrator priority management
Distributed data management subsystem Cross-device and cross-application sharing is supported. The RDB supports remote query, database encryption, and app twin. The KVDB supports backup and restore, condition-based synchronization, and centralized system data synchronization when the device goes online.
The following requirements are involved:
I5JV75 [New feature] [relational_store] Remote query
I5LBDS [New feature] [kv_store] Independent isolation of DLP sandbox application data
I5JZM1 [data_object] App twin
I5OM83 [kv_store] Condition-based synchronization
I5OE57 [New feature] [relational_store] Encrypted database storage
I5QN1E [kv_store] Centralized system data synchronization when the device goes online
Web subsystem The webview component supports copy and paste. Basic audio/video playback and HTTPS bidirectional authentication are supported.
The following requirements are involved:
I5QA3D [New feature] [webview] Content selection and copy on a page with both texts and images
I5P97S [Enhanced feature] Input method binding when the W3C input tag is set to autofocus
I5P001 [Enhanced feature] [webview] Selecting of multiple texts by holding down Shift
I5OZZ8 [New feature] [webview] Text selection by clicking and sliding the left mouse button
I5OURV [Enhanced feature] [webview] Optimization of the soft keyboard pop-up effect
I5ORNO [New feature] [webview] HTTPS bidirectional verification
I5OESN [Enhanced feature] [webview] W3C draggable attribute
I5O4BN [New feature] [webview] Connection between the webview pasteboard and system pasteboard
I5O4BB [New feature] [webview] Obtaining page images (rendered images)
I5O4B5 [New feature] [webview] Pasting plain text based on the input tag
I5O4AZ [New feature] [webview] Obtaining plain text on the page
I5NXG9 [New specifications] [web] Support for the touch, scroll, and gesture events
I5LIL6 [New feature] [web] Message exchange between applications and HTML5
I5JTLQ [New specifications] [web] Handle event notification
I5HRX9 [New feature] [webview] Basic multimedia playback capabilities
Kernel subsystem The following basic capabilities are added: memory level notification to AMS, reclaim priority management for resident system services, and reclaim priority management based on different Extension ability states.
Forward edge CFI is added.
The clang compiler is used for kernel compilation.
The following requirements are involved:
I5K0VE Memory level notification to AMS
I5BND4 Reporting to the adj module whether a system application can be restarted after being killed
I5BNEC Listening for the association between Service, Data, and Extension abilities
I5MXBS Forward edge CFI
I5P4FB Enable CFI configurations
I5LX3A Building Linux with Clang/LLVM
Multimedia subsystem The following features are added: distributed audio, volume, and device status management; device listening and projection; preview, photographing, and video recording using distributed cameras; metadata management. Connection to 3.5 mm headsets is supported.
I5NYBJ [Performance] Media playback start time
I5NYCF [New feature] Video hardware encoding based on the HDI codec interface
I5NYCP [New feature] Video hardware decoding based on the HDI codec interface
I5OOKN [New feature] H.265 video hardware decoding
I5OOKW [New feature] H.265 video hardware encoding
I5OWXY [New feature] Native audio decoding APIs
I5OXCD [New feature] Native audio encoding APIs
I5P8N0 [New feature] Native video encoding APIs
I5O336 [New feature] Projection of a single-application audio stream or all audio streams in the system
I5OEWG [New feature] Setting and obtaining the volume of a single audio stream by system applications
Multi-language runtime subsystem The front-end compilation performance is improved, for example, by using the es2abc component.
Runtime performance is improved through ISA reconstruction, assembly interpreter, and TS Ahead of Time (AOT) compiler.
New functions are added, such as ES2021 in strict mode, modularization, runtime debugging and tuning enhancement, and bytecode hot reload.
The following requirements are involved:
I5MYM9 [New specifications] Merging and adaptation of the abc file for multiple modules
I59TAQ [New specifications] Standard compilation lowering of the TS AOT compiler and pass description optimization
I5OJ8Q [New specifications] Displaying the attribute types defined ES2021 in DevEco Studio
I5ODV4 [New feature] Uninstalling bytecode patch files
I5OXSC [New feature] Installing bytecode patch files
I5HNNZ [New feature] Enabling the namespace of the loader
I5HVQE [New feature] Product-specific stack size setting of the thread, and stack page guard
I5MCUF [Enhanced feature] New CAPIs of libc and support for symbols such as pthread
I5HVNH [New feature] RM.006. Enhanced dynamic library symbol management
I5HVQ0 [New feature] RM.008. Fortify supported by musl
I5KT7X [New feature] RM.002. API detection for API header files
I5TB3Y [New feature] ABI using emutls by default
I5R119 [Enhanced feature] Separated use of memory for loader and libc
Open-source Clang toolchain
I5MYM9 [New specifications] Modular compilation supported by the front-end compiler toolchain
I5IKO1 [New specifications] Compiling Commonjs module with the es2abc component
I5RRAJ [New specifications] Patch file source code identification tool
I5PRFT [New specifications] Patch bytecode compiler
I5RHDH [New specifications] Hot loading of ArkCompiler bytecode
I5RA7C [New specifications] Support for ES2021 in strict mode
I5HRUY [New specifications] Converting from JS code to ArkCompiler bytecode by the es2abc component
IAM account subsystem and program access control subsystem User identity authentication is added to the IAM account subsystem. The permission service supports precise positioning and fuzzy positioning, and other capabilities are enhanced. The privacy management service is provided.
The following requirements are involved:
I5N90B [New specifications] Application accounts adaptation to sandbox applications
I5N90O [New specifications] User identity authentication of the IAM account subsystem
I5NOQI [New feature] Precise positioning and fuzzy positioning of the permission service
I5NT1X [New feature] Enhanced permission usage record management
I5NU8U [New feature] Improved UX effect for the permission request dialog box
I5P4IU [New feature] Privacy management
I5P530 [New feature] Location service usage status management
Globalization subsystem The pseudo-localization capability is added.
The following requirement is involved:
I4WLSJ [New feature] Pseudo-localization
Misc services subsystem The following basic module features are added: pasteboard, upload and download, screen lock, and input method framework.
The following requirements are involved:
I5JPMG [request] [download] Background task notification
I5NXHK [input_method_fwk] Binding of only the innerkits interface of the input method and the JS interface that independently controls the display and hiding of the soft keyboard
I5NG2X [theme_screenlock] Screen lock requested by specific system applications
I5IU1Z Adding image data to pasteboard data
I5OGA3 Pasteboard plugin loading switch
I5NMKI [pasteboard] Adding binary data to pasteboard data
I5MAMN Limiting the pasteboard data range to within the application
I5OX20 [input_method_fwk] Added the API for obtaining the input method
ArkUI development framework The following capabilities are enhanced: ArkUI component, resource and media query, DFX, and toolchain. The memory and performance are optimized.
The following requirements are involved:
I5IZZ7 [ace_engine_standard] Separate borderRadius setting for each corner by the <panel> component
I5JQ1R [ace_engine_standard] Image copy and paste
I5JQ3F [ace_engine_standard] Enhanced text box capabilities
I5JQ3J [ace_engine_standard] Event topology of the <stack> component
I5JQ54 [ace_engine_standard] Specifying a component to get the focus
I5MX7J [ace_engine_standard] Left sliding, right sliding, and rebound effect of the <list> component
I5MWS0 [ace_engine_standard] Height notification of the <panel> component
I5IZVY [ace_engine_standard] Component refresh upon the keyboard and mouse connection
I5JQ5Y [ace_engine_standard] Enhanced focus navigation
I5IY7K [New requirement] [ace_engine_standard] Theme capability
I5MWTB [ace_engine_standard] vp query for media
I5IZU9 [ace_engine_standard] Optimization of the resident memory of ui_service
I5JQ26 [ace_engine_standard] Optimized Vsync request mechanism
I5JQ2O [ace_engine] Preloading of public resources
I5JQ2D [ace_engine_standard] Optimized resampling of move events
I5IZXS [toolchain] Display of the plaintext of the developer variable name in the DFX error stack print
I5IZYG [toolchain] Display of the plaintext of the developer variable name in the DFX error stack print
I5IZX0 [toolchain] Adding the bundleName and moduleName parameters to $r during compilation
I5J09I [toolchain] Export of \@Builder

For details about the API changes, see the following:

API Differences

Chip and Development Board Adaptation

For details about the adaptation status, see SIG_DevBoard.


Table 4 New samples

Subsystem Name Introduction Programming Language
ArkUI development framework HealthyDiet This sample app helps you keep food records and view food information. After you add food records, including the food type, weight, and meal time, the app can calculate nutrition data (calories, proteins, fats, and carbon water) for the meals and display the data in a bar chart. ArkTS
ArkUI development framework MusicAlbum This sample shows the home page of a music album app. The adaptive layout and responsive layout are used to ensure that the app can be properly displayed on devices irrespective of screen sizes. ArkTS
Ability framework and file management subsystem CustomShare Using this sample app, you can share texts, links, and images with third-party applications and display them in these applications. ArkTS
Ability framework GalleryForm This sample demonstrates the display of Gallery images in a widget and periodic update of the widget. ArkTS
ArkUI development framework AppMarket This sample shows the home page of an application market, which contains the tab bar, banner, featured apps, and featured games. ArkTS
ArkUI development framework Weather This sample demonstrates one-time development for multi-device deployment by showing how to develop a weather app and deploy it across different devices. The demo app includes the following: home page, Manage City page, Add City page, and Update Time page. ArkTS
Multimedia subsystem MediaCollections This sample shows the capabilities of online streaming, audio and video playback control, and volume adjustment. ArkTS

For more information, visit Samples.

Resolved Issues

Table 5 Resolved issues

Issue No. Description
I5I4GJ There is a possibility that the RK3568 device is disconnected from DevEco Studio.
I5HTGF The photo taken is rotated by 90 degrees clockwise when compared with the preview image.
I5FUNB There are no patches for the known Linux kernel vulnerabilities yet.

Known Issues

Table 6 Known issues

Issue No. Description Impact To Be Resolved By
I59PWR In the memory usage test performed on the RK3568 device, the actual value of the com.ohos.launcher process is 84279 KB, which exceeds the baseline value by 200 MB. Though the process consumes more memory than what is expected, it does not affect the overall memory usage of the system. October 20
I59QII In the resident memory test performed on the RK3568 device, the actual value of the netmanager process is 3884 KB, which exceeds the baseline value (1241 KB) by 2.58 MB. In the memory test, the actual value of the netmanager process exceeds the baseline value (1241 KB) by 1 MB. Though the process consumes more memory than what is expected, it does not affect the overall memory usage of the system. October 20
I5LH57 In the resident memory test performed on the RK3568 device, the actual value of the telephony process is 10329 KB, which exceeds the baseline value (8434 KB) by 1.85 MB. Though the process consumes more memory than what is expected, it does not affect the overall memory usage of the system. October 20
I5Q5PR In the resident memory test performed on the RK3568 device, the actual value of the wifi_hal_service process is 4374 KB, which exceeds the baseline value (829 KB) by 3.4 MB. The memory usage exceeds the expected value, but the memory usage of the entire system is not affected. The baseline value has been met, and no function is affected. October 20
I5T71O In the dynamic memory test performed on the RK3568 device, the actual value of the com.ohos.settings process is 76123 KB, which exceeds the baseline value (15824 KB) by 58.8 MB. Though the process consumes more memory than what is expected, it does not affect the overall memory usage of the system. October 20
I5S40B The actual sliding frame rate of Contacts is 30.3 fps, which is less than the baseline value (54 fps) by 23.7 fps. The load success rate is affected. This issue depends on the ArkUI framework reconstruction. October 15
I5MVDK A crash occurs when a socket fuzz test is performed on /data/data/.pulse_dir/runtime/cli. The process crashes during the test. October 18
I5M3UO [TTE WRC team] There is new line injection via the Wi-Fi SSID in the wifi_manager_service. If the Wi-Fi SSID contains invalid characters (\n), an exception occurs when saving or parsing the configuration file. October 12
I5T8FV The verification permission is not defined in the system and does not take effect. The authentication fails. No process can request the permission. Currently, no service uses this permission. October 18


harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 1.0 (2020-09-10) (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 1.1.0 LTS (2021-04-01) (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 1.1.1 LTS (2021-06-22) (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary (2021-06-01)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony v1.1.3 LTS (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 1.1.4 LTS (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony v1.1.2 LTS (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 1.1.5 LTS (EOL)

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony v2.2 Beta2

harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS

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