harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony v1.1.2 LTS (EOL)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1033)

OpenHarmony v1.1.2 LTS (EOL)


This is an updated long-term support (LTS) version of OpenHarmony. It supports more functions and fixes some bugs in OpenHarmony 1.1.1.

Version Mapping

Table 1 Version mapping of software and tools

Software Version Remarks
OpenHarmony 1.1.2 LTS N/A
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool Deveco DeviceTool 2.2 Beta1 Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices

Source Code Acquisition

Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors

Table 2 Mirrors for acquiring source code

Source Code Version Information Mirror SHA-256 Checksum
Full code base 1.1.2 Download Download
Hi3861 solution (binary) 1.1.2 Download Download
Hi3518 solution (binary) 1.1.2 Download Download
Hi3516 solution (binary) 1.1.2 Download Download
Release Notes 1.1.2 Download N/A

Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool

Method 1 (recommended): Use the repo tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have registered an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)

repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.2-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Method 2: Use the repo tool to download the source code over HTTPS.

repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.2-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

What’s New

This version inherits all features of OpenHarmony 1.1.1, and adds and optimizes features for different modules based on OpenHarmony 1.1.1. The following table lists the feature updates.

Table 3 Feature updates

Subsystem New Feature Modified Feature Deleted Feature
Graphics Added settings for the slider style. None None
Update Added the 3072-bit RSA signature algorithm for update packages. None None
Driver Added certain internal OSAL APIs. Optimized the sensor model. None
Globalization - Added data functions such as the digital switch and weekday.
- Added the Get12HourTimeWithoutAmpm API.
None None

Resolved Issues

The following table lists the issues known in OpenHarmony 1.1.1 that have been resolved in this version.

Table 4 Resolved issues

Subsystem PR No. Description
Application Framework aafwk_aafwk_lite/pulls/35 There is a low probability that the Linux system cannot be shut down.
AI ai_engine/pulls/50 The test case for the client is not released.
AI ai_engine/pulls/46 Class members are not initialized.
IoT Hardware applications_sample_wifi_iot/pulls/12 A build fails.
Compilation and Building build_lite/pulls/151 The test case is not available in the build process.
Chip Platform third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/9 The CVE-2020-22025 vulnerability is detected.
Chip Platform third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/6 A build fails due to the dependency on valgrind in some environments.
Chip Platform vendor_hisilicon/pulls/39 Building the release fails.
Distributed Scheduler distributedschedule_dms_fwk_lite/pulls/23 The test case name is inappropriate.
Distributed Scheduler distributedschedule_samgr_lite/pulls/25 The CVE-2021-22478 vulnerability is detected.
Globalization global_i18n_lite/pulls/24 Resource loading of i18n.dat is defective.
Globalization third_party_jerryscript/pulls/22 There is a possibility that the breakpoint cannot be stopped during debugging of the macOS version.
Graphics graphic_ui/pulls/220 The Remove function is provided, but the Add function is not. After the modification, the child nodes are not cleared when the UIViewGroup is destructed.
Graphics graphic_ui/pulls/199 The image is not updated after the image path is updated.
Lite Kernel kernel_liteos_a/pulls/385 The CVE-2021-22479 vulnerability is detected.
Lite Kernel kernel_liteos_a/pulls/299 There are unnecessary maintenance and test logs of the PRINTK function.
Lite Kernel third_party_musl/pulls/44 The implementation of the srand function for setting random number seeds is inappropriate.
Startup startup_syspara_lite/pulls/31 The date of the security patch is incorrect.
Driver drivers_adapter_khdf_linux/pulls/28 The CVE-2021-22441 vulnerability is detected.
Driver drivers_adapter/pulls/50 The CVE-2021-22480 vulnerability is detected.
Testing xts_acts/pulls/294 Certain test cases of the fs_posix module are unstable.
Testing xts_acts/pulls/287 The acts test fails.
Testing xts_acts/pulls/283 Certain CMSIS test cases fail occasionally.
Testing xts_acts/pulls/270 The ShmTest.testShmatSHM_REMAP function in the ShmTest.cpp test case of the shared_memory module does not run as expected.
Testing xts_acts/pulls/314 The test of the net_posix module fails.


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