harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony 3.0.1 LTS

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (979)

OpenHarmony 3.0.1 LTS

Version Description

OpenHarmony 3.0.1 LTS is a maintenance version with a tag of OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS. This version has rectified certain issues detected in OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

Version Mapping

Table 1 Version mapping of software and tools

Software/Tool Version Remarks
OpenHarmony 3.0.1 LTS NA
SDK (API Version 7 release) NA
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Studio 3.0 Beta1 Recommended for developing OpenHarmony applications
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool 2.2 Beta2 Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices

Source Code Acquisition

Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool

Method 1 (recommended): Use the repo tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)

repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.0.1-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Method 2: Use the repo tool to download the source code over HTTPS.

repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.0.1-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors

Table 2 Mirrors for acquiring source code

LTS Code Version Mirror SHA-256 Checksum
Full code base (for mini, small, and standard systems) 3.0.1 Download Download
Standard system solution (binary) 3.0.1 Download Download
Hi3861 solution (binary) 3.0.1 Download Download
Hi3518 solution (binary) 3.0.1 Download Download
Hi3516 solution-LiteOS (binary) 3.0.1 Download Download
Hi3516 solution-Linux (binary) 3.0.1 Download Download

What’s New

This version has the following updates to OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

Feature Updates

This version does not involve feature updates.

API Updates

This version does not involve API updates.

Chip and Development Board Adaptation

For details about the adaptation status, see SIG_DevBoard.

Resolved Issues

Table 3 Issues resolved for the mini and small systems

Issue No. Description
I4BJFU An error occurs when the dyload_posix module removes a file.
I42N33 During the integration test, the Ctrl+C operation does not function after the cat command is run. A device restart is required.
I4C8BO The basic functions of the media subsystem (on a mini- or small-system device) are abnormal when Hi3516D V300 or Hi3518E V300 is burnt and configured by following the instructions in the official website.
I4BWKC The camera driver on the Hi3516D V300 board does not function properly in the pressure test.
I4BW0G The ResetDriver interface of the Hi3516D V300 board fails to be called.
I4C7ZK For Hi3516D V300, the resident memory of the small system exceeds the baseline.
I434P1 For Hi3518E V300, the resident memory exceeds the baseline.
I48IM7 During the HiLog pressure test, the hilogd restarts unexpectedly, and the hilog commands cannot be used.
I4EGMD The serialization and deserialization methods of Want are defective.
I4CED3 The JS API returns both “err” and “data” in one message.
I4BXZ1 The <Picker> component does not respond to clicks.
I4CMMH The display effect of the <Toggle> component is abnormal.
I4CE7D The response time of the edit box is inappropriate.
I4HI4C There is a failed item of the TDD test on a small-system device. This failure is caused by the inappropriate test case comparison time range.
I4EUOW The number of case execution threads is inappropriate.
I4HTFS BMS adaptation for the mini system is not supported.
I4C3BE During passive Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) discovery, the Bluetooth advertisement is frequently updated and, when the Bluetooth resources are used up, automatically disabled.
I4I7QL Packing fails when an ability has two widgets.
I4BW0G There is a possibility that the Wi-Fi ResetDriver interface fails to be called.
I4GBB6 The RISC-V QEMU emulator fails to run.
I4CE7E drivers/mtd/multi_partition/ in the LiteOS-A kernel is implemented by using the driver functions in device/hisilicon.
I4JBEH Memory leakage occurs when the DMA transmission interface of HDF is repeatedly used.
I4IGQ0 Resources are released after component detection fails.
I4JPCG The PWM backlight cannot be set to 0.
I4ERM4 A test case fails to be displayed.
I4CMUY The hdf_peripheral_wlan_test_performance.bin test suite fails to run.
I4FIP2 The ioctl function of the LiteOS_A kernel does not support the SIOCGIFBRDADDR option.
I4GVF7 The permissions on the files and folders generated by the blackbox are inappropriate.
I4EV8U Three test cases, including IO_TEST_PPOLL_001, fail in the liteos_a_io_unittest.bin#IoTest module.
I4EV3X Seven test cases, including ItTestSys018, fail in the liteos_a_sys_unittest.bin#SysTest module.
I4EVG0 The test case ItTestMisc009 fails in the liteos_a_misc_unittest.bin#MiscTest module.
I4JYAX The jffs2 adaptation layer incorrectly releases the lock.
I4FIQW The ioctl function of the LiteOS_M kernel does not support the SIOCGIFBRDADDR option.
I4ELVA The read interface at the VFS layer of the file system incorrectly determines whether g_fs is null.
I4C6P2 The LOS_QueueInfoGet function incorrectly counts the tasks waiting to be read and written.
I4C5RW The error indicating that the OS_TASK_STACK_PROTECT_SIZE macro is not defined occurs when the MPU is enabled to protect the task stack.
I4G4VK Some macros are inappropriate. If they (for example, inet_addr) are changed to functions, the lwIP header file is not required for external calling.
I4FVGV The default lwIP configuration of the LiteOS_M kernel is inappropriate.
I4CE7D There is no necessary to start the input method after a 3-second delay.
I4CFOO After an application running on the Linux system records videos for multiple times, the size of the last recording file is 0 when the system is restarted without exiting the application.
I4CLGW The page cache is inappropriate.
I4HKQ2 The mechanism for the LiteOS running on a mini-system board to obtain the UDID is inappropriate.
I4FVJN Mini system compilation fails because the dependency to mbedTLS is not added.
I4CE7E drivers/mtd/multi_partition/ in the LiteOS-A kernel is implemented by using the driver functions in device/hisilicon.

Table 4 Issues resolved for the standard system

Issue No. Description
I4BX4J The Hi3516D V300 board fails to call the hicollie interface.
I4BX1X The Hi3516D V300 board fails to call the hitrace interface.
I4BVUL When access points (APs) are changed, the success rate for networking between standard-system devices and mobile phones is 91%, lower than the expected value (98%).
I4BW6E During the test for networking between standard-system devices and mobile phones, when the mobile phone disables and enables the network access repeatedly for around 30 times, the networking fails.
I4BVVW During the test for networking between standard-system devices and mobile phones, when the Wi-Fi switch is turned on and off repeatedly, the networking success rate is 97%, lower than the expected value.
I48YPH During the test for discovery and networking performance, 3 out of 110 networking attempts fails.
I4492M The offline device detection takes about 30s longer than the specifications.
I44W7U The child window does not support zooming. As a result, the progress bar is hidden during video playback.
I480Z1 Softbus_server crashes when executing socketfuzz.
I4BGLS The key imported by using import_signed_auth_info_hilink is used for identifying the HiChain connection. After the key is imported, it is encrypted and stored in the file and is not cleared from the heap after being returned.
I4A10Q The performance of Hi3516 static KPIs deteriorates severely.
I4BXYT After device restart, developers must run the hdc_std kill command to discover the device again.
I4KUTY There are invalid return values.
I4DMFV The conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8 is inappropriate.
I4HGVM The dependency on mbedTLS is missing for the standard system.
I4DLV2 An invalid memory access error occurs due to the HidInfo* type.
I4CIJJ ACE does not support GPU rendering.
I4G31Z An update for the font engine version from 2.10.1 to 2.10.4 is unavailable.
I4H06M An update for the OpenType text shaping engine from 2.6.1 to 2.8.1 is unavailable.
I4FS7V The LWIP_NETCONN_FULLDUPLEX macro is not used to control the initialization of conn-&gt;mbox_threads_waiting.
I43KL7 The synthesizer does not support GPU synthesis.

Known Issues

Table 5 Known issues

Issue No. Description Impact To Be Resolved On
I4NMXQ The XTS test suites storagefileioperformancejstest and storagefilestabilityjstest cannot be automatically executed on a standard-system device. This issue is caused by the XTS test suite framework. The test suites can only be manually executed. This issue does not affect functions. 2022/01/30
I4NU92 Mini-system Hi3516_Linux: The ActsLwipTest.bin test suite has a failed test item. The automatic test case fails to invoke the kernel to read time_out. This issue does not affect the communication function. 2022/01/15
I4NTKG Two failed items are displayed when the XTS test suite WeekPluralNumberTest is executed. This is a test case issue and does not affect functions. 2022/01/15
I4OWWM The JSON file corresponding to the WeekPluralNumbertest module is incorrectly configured. During case execution, the error message “required device does not exist” is displayed. The JSON file configuration is incorrect. This issue does not affect functions. 2022/01/15
I4MSVV During the XTS test on the standard system, there are three failed items of the HiCollieCppTest cases in the ActsHiCollieCppTest module. The test suite name is changed. As a result, the test case with the text verification function fails. This issue does not affect functions. 2022/01/15
I4MSWM During the XTS test on the standard system, there is one failed item for faultloggertest in the ActsFaultLoggerTest module. The test suite name is changed. As a result, the test case with the text verification function fails. This issue does not affect functions. 2022/01/15
I4NODO During the test for the Hi3516 board running on a standard-system device, the E2E test of the distributed service hopping fails. The DM component fails to repeatedly create a group. This issue affects the services that use hopping in the same way as that described in the issue details. Other services are not affected. 2022/01/30


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