kafka FileRecords 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka FileRecords 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.record;

import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.network.TransferableChannel;
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.FileLogInputStream.FileChannelRecordBatch;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AbstractIterator;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * A {@link Records} implementation backed by a file. An optional start and end position can be applied to this
 * instance to enable slicing a range of the log records.
public class FileRecords extends AbstractRecords implements Closeable {
    private final boolean isSlice;
    private final int start;
    private final int end;

    private final Iterable<FileLogInputStream.FileChannelRecordBatch> batches;

    // mutable state
    private final AtomicInteger size;
    private final FileChannel channel;
    private volatile File file;

     * The {@code FileRecords.open} methods should be used instead of this constructor whenever possible.
     * The constructor is visible for tests.
    FileRecords(File file,
                FileChannel channel,
                int start,
                int end,
                boolean isSlice) throws IOException {
        this.file = file;
        this.channel = channel;
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
        this.isSlice = isSlice;
        this.size = new AtomicInteger();

        if (isSlice) {
            // don't check the file size if this is just a slice view
            size.set(end - start);
        } else {
            if (channel.size() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new KafkaException("The size of segment " + file + " (" + channel.size() +
                        ") is larger than the maximum allowed segment size of " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);

            int limit = Math.min((int) channel.size(), end);
            size.set(limit - start);

            // if this is not a slice, update the file pointer to the end of the file
            // set the file position to the last byte in the file

        batches = batchesFrom(start);

    public int sizeInBytes() {
        return size.get();

     * Get the underlying file.
     * @return The file
    public File file() {
        return file;

     * Get the underlying file channel.
     * @return The file channel
    public FileChannel channel() {
        return channel;

     * Read log batches into the given buffer until there are no bytes remaining in the buffer or the end of the file
     * is reached.
     * @param buffer The buffer to write the batches to
     * @param position Position in the buffer to read from
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs, see {@link FileChannel#read(ByteBuffer, long)} for details on the
     * possible exceptions
    public void readInto(ByteBuffer buffer, int position) throws IOException {
        Utils.readFully(channel, buffer, position + this.start);

     * Return a slice of records from this instance, which is a view into this set starting from the given position
     * and with the given size limit.
     * If the size is beyond the end of the file, the end will be based on the size of the file at the time of the read.
     * If this message set is already sliced, the position will be taken relative to that slicing.
     * @param position The start position to begin the read from
     * @param size The number of bytes after the start position to include
     * @return A sliced wrapper on this message set limited based on the given position and size
    public FileRecords slice(int position, int size) throws IOException {
        int availableBytes = availableBytes(position, size);
        int startPosition = this.start + position;
        return new FileRecords(file, channel, startPosition, startPosition + availableBytes, true);

     * Return a slice of records from this instance, the difference with {@link FileRecords#slice(int, int)} is
     * that the position is not necessarily on an offset boundary.
     * This method is reserved for cases where offset alignment is not necessary, such as in the replication of raft
     * snapshots.
     * @param position The start position to begin the read from
     * @param size The number of bytes after the start position to include
     * @return A unaligned slice of records on this message set limited based on the given position and size
    public UnalignedFileRecords sliceUnaligned(int position, int size) {
        int availableBytes = availableBytes(position, size);
        return new UnalignedFileRecords(channel, this.start + position, availableBytes);

    private int availableBytes(int position, int size) {
        // Cache current size in case concurrent write changes it
        int currentSizeInBytes = sizeInBytes();

        if (position < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position: " + position + " in read from " + this);
        if (position > currentSizeInBytes - start)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slice from position " + position + " exceeds end position of " + this);
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid size: " + size + " in read from " + this);

        int end = this.start + position + size;
        // Handle integer overflow or if end is beyond the end of the file
        if (end < 0 || end > start + currentSizeInBytes)
            end = this.start + currentSizeInBytes;
        return end - (this.start + position);

     * Append a set of records to the file. This method is not thread-safe and must be
     * protected with a lock.
     * @param records The records to append
     * @return the number of bytes written to the underlying file
    public int append(MemoryRecords records) throws IOException {
        if (records.sizeInBytes() > Integer.MAX_VALUE - size.get())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Append of size " + records.sizeInBytes() +
                    " bytes is too large for segment with current file position at " + size.get());

        int written = records.writeFullyTo(channel);
        return written;

     * Commit all written data to the physical disk
    public void flush() throws IOException {

     * Close this record set
    public void close() throws IOException {

     * Close file handlers used by the FileChannel but don't write to disk. This is used when the disk may have failed
    public void closeHandlers() throws IOException {

     * Delete this message set from the filesystem
     * @throws IOException if deletion fails due to an I/O error
     * @return  {@code true} if the file was deleted by this method; {@code false} if the file could not be deleted
     *          because it did not exist
    public boolean deleteIfExists() throws IOException {
        Utils.closeQuietly(channel, "FileChannel");
        return Files.deleteIfExists(file.toPath());

     * Trim file when close or roll to next file
    public void trim() throws IOException {

     * Update the parent directory (to be used with caution since this does not reopen the file channel)
     * @param parentDir The new parent directory
    public void updateParentDir(File parentDir) {
        this.file = new File(parentDir, file.getName());

     * Rename the file that backs this message set
     * @throws IOException if rename fails.
    public void renameTo(File f) throws IOException {
        try {
            Utils.atomicMoveWithFallback(file.toPath(), f.toPath(), false);
        } finally {
            this.file = f;

     * Truncate this file message set to the given size in bytes. Note that this API does no checking that the
     * given size falls on a valid message boundary.
     * In some versions of the JDK truncating to the same size as the file message set will cause an
     * update of the files mtime, so truncate is only performed if the targetSize is smaller than the
     * size of the underlying FileChannel.
     * It is expected that no other threads will do writes to the log when this function is called.
     * @param targetSize The size to truncate to. Must be between 0 and sizeInBytes.
     * @return The number of bytes truncated off
    public int truncateTo(int targetSize) throws IOException {
        int originalSize = sizeInBytes();
        if (targetSize > originalSize || targetSize < 0)
            throw new KafkaException("Attempt to truncate log segment " + file + " to " + targetSize + " bytes failed, " +
                    " size of this log segment is " + originalSize + " bytes.");
        if (targetSize < (int) channel.size()) {
        return originalSize - targetSize;

    public ConvertedRecords<? extends Records> downConvert(byte toMagic, long firstOffset, Time time) {
        ConvertedRecords<MemoryRecords> convertedRecords = RecordsUtil.downConvert(batches, toMagic, firstOffset, time);
        if (convertedRecords.recordConversionStats().numRecordsConverted() == 0) {
            // This indicates that the message is too large, which means that the buffer is not large
            // enough to hold a full record batch. We just return all the bytes in this instance.
            // Even though the record batch does not have the right format version, we expect old clients
            // to raise an error to the user after reading the record batch size and seeing that there
            // are not enough available bytes in the response to read it fully. Note that this is
            // only possible prior to KIP-74, after which the broker was changed to always return at least
            // one full record batch, even if it requires exceeding the max fetch size requested by the client.
            return new ConvertedRecords<>(this, RecordConversionStats.EMPTY);
        } else {
            return convertedRecords;

    public long writeTo(TransferableChannel destChannel, long offset, int length) throws IOException {
        long newSize = Math.min(channel.size(), end) - start;
        int oldSize = sizeInBytes();
        if (newSize < oldSize)
            throw new KafkaException(String.format(
                    "Size of FileRecords %s has been truncated during write: old size %d, new size %d",
                    file.getAbsolutePath(), oldSize, newSize));

        long position = start + offset;
        long count = Math.min(length, oldSize - offset);
        return destChannel.transferFrom(channel, position, count);

     * Search forward for the file position of the last offset that is greater than or equal to the target offset
     * and return its physical position and the size of the message (including log overhead) at the returned offset. If
     * no such offsets are found, return null.
     * @param targetOffset The offset to search for.
     * @param startingPosition The starting position in the file to begin searching from.
    public LogOffsetPosition searchForOffsetWithSize(long targetOffset, int startingPosition) {
        for (FileChannelRecordBatch batch : batchesFrom(startingPosition)) {
            long offset = batch.lastOffset();
            if (offset >= targetOffset)
                return new LogOffsetPosition(offset, batch.position(), batch.sizeInBytes());
        return null;

     * Search forward for the first message that meets the following requirements:
     * - Message's timestamp is greater than or equals to the targetTimestamp.
     * - Message's position in the log file is greater than or equals to the startingPosition.
     * - Message's offset is greater than or equals to the startingOffset.
     * @param targetTimestamp The timestamp to search for.
     * @param startingPosition The starting position to search.
     * @param startingOffset The starting offset to search.
     * @return The timestamp and offset of the message found. Null if no message is found.
    public TimestampAndOffset searchForTimestamp(long targetTimestamp, int startingPosition, long startingOffset) {
        for (RecordBatch batch : batchesFrom(startingPosition)) {
            if (batch.maxTimestamp() >= targetTimestamp) {
                // We found a message
                for (Record record : batch) {
                    long timestamp = record.timestamp();
                    if (timestamp >= targetTimestamp && record.offset() >= startingOffset)
                        return new TimestampAndOffset(timestamp, record.offset(),
        return null;

     * Return the largest timestamp of the messages after a given position in this file message set.
     * @param startingPosition The starting position.
     * @return The largest timestamp of the messages after the given position.
    public TimestampAndOffset largestTimestampAfter(int startingPosition) {
        long maxTimestamp = RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP;
        long offsetOfMaxTimestamp = -1L;
        int leaderEpochOfMaxTimestamp = RecordBatch.NO_PARTITION_LEADER_EPOCH;

        for (RecordBatch batch : batchesFrom(startingPosition)) {
            long timestamp = batch.maxTimestamp();
            if (timestamp > maxTimestamp) {
                maxTimestamp = timestamp;
                offsetOfMaxTimestamp = batch.lastOffset();
                leaderEpochOfMaxTimestamp = batch.partitionLeaderEpoch();
        return new TimestampAndOffset(maxTimestamp, offsetOfMaxTimestamp,

    private Optional<Integer> maybeLeaderEpoch(int leaderEpoch) {
        return leaderEpoch == RecordBatch.NO_PARTITION_LEADER_EPOCH ?
                Optional.empty() : Optional.of(leaderEpoch);

     * Get an iterator over the record batches in the file. Note that the batches are
     * backed by the open file channel. When the channel is closed (i.e. when this instance
     * is closed), the batches will generally no longer be readable.
     * @return An iterator over the batches
    public Iterable<FileChannelRecordBatch> batches() {
        return batches;

    public String toString() {
        return "FileRecords(size=" + sizeInBytes() +
                ", file=" + file +
                ", start=" + start +
                ", end=" + end +

     * Get an iterator over the record batches in the file, starting at a specific position. This is similar to
     * {@link #batches()} except that callers specify a particular position to start reading the batches from. This
     * method must be used with caution: the start position passed in must be a known start of a batch.
     * @param start The position to start record iteration from; must be a known position for start of a batch
     * @return An iterator over batches starting from {@code start}
    public Iterable<FileChannelRecordBatch> batchesFrom(final int start) {
        return () -> batchIterator(start);

    public AbstractIterator<FileChannelRecordBatch> batchIterator() {
        return batchIterator(start);

    private AbstractIterator<FileChannelRecordBatch> batchIterator(int start) {
        final int end;
        if (isSlice)
            end = this.end;
            end = this.sizeInBytes();
        FileLogInputStream inputStream = new FileLogInputStream(this, start, end);
        return new RecordBatchIterator<>(inputStream);

    public static FileRecords open(File file,
                                   boolean mutable,
                                   boolean fileAlreadyExists,
                                   int initFileSize,
                                   boolean preallocate) throws IOException {
        FileChannel channel = openChannel(file, mutable, fileAlreadyExists, initFileSize, preallocate);
        int end = (!fileAlreadyExists && preallocate) ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        return new FileRecords(file, channel, 0, end, false);

    public static FileRecords open(File file,
                                   boolean fileAlreadyExists,
                                   int initFileSize,
                                   boolean preallocate) throws IOException {
        return open(file, true, fileAlreadyExists, initFileSize, preallocate);

    public static FileRecords open(File file, boolean mutable) throws IOException {
        return open(file, mutable, false, 0, false);

    public static FileRecords open(File file) throws IOException {
        return open(file, true);

     * Open a channel for the given file
     * For windows NTFS and some old LINUX file system, set preallocate to true and initFileSize
     * with one value (for example 512 * 1025 *1024 ) can improve the kafka produce performance.
     * @param file File path
     * @param mutable mutable
     * @param fileAlreadyExists File already exists or not
     * @param initFileSize The size used for pre allocate file, for example 512 * 1025 *1024
     * @param preallocate Pre-allocate file or not, gotten from configuration.
    private static FileChannel openChannel(File file,
                                           boolean mutable,
                                           boolean fileAlreadyExists,
                                           int initFileSize,
                                           boolean preallocate) throws IOException {
        if (mutable) {
            if (fileAlreadyExists || !preallocate) {
                return FileChannel.open(file.toPath(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.READ,
            } else {
                RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
                return randomAccessFile.getChannel();
        } else {
            return FileChannel.open(file.toPath());

    public static class LogOffsetPosition {
        public final long offset;
        public final int position;
        public final int size;

        public LogOffsetPosition(long offset, int position, int size) {
            this.offset = offset;
            this.position = position;
            this.size = size;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o)
                return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
                return false;

            LogOffsetPosition that = (LogOffsetPosition) o;

            return offset == that.offset &&
                    position == that.position &&
                    size == that.size;


        public int hashCode() {
            int result = Long.hashCode(offset);
            result = 31 * result + position;
            result = 31 * result + size;
            return result;

        public String toString() {
            return "LogOffsetPosition(" +
                    "offset=" + offset +
                    ", position=" + position +
                    ", size=" + size +

    public static class TimestampAndOffset {
        public final long timestamp;
        public final long offset;
        public final Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch;

        public TimestampAndOffset(long timestamp, long offset, Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.offset = offset;
            this.leaderEpoch = leaderEpoch;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            TimestampAndOffset that = (TimestampAndOffset) o;
            return timestamp == that.timestamp &&
                    offset == that.offset &&
                    Objects.equals(leaderEpoch, that.leaderEpoch);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(timestamp, offset, leaderEpoch);

        public String toString() {
            return "TimestampAndOffset(" +
                    "timestamp=" + timestamp +
                    ", offset=" + offset +
                    ", leaderEpoch=" + leaderEpoch +


kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractLegacyRecordBatch 源码

kafka AbstractRecordBatch 源码

kafka AbstractRecords 源码

kafka BaseRecords 源码

kafka ByteBufferLogInputStream 源码

kafka CompressionRatioEstimator 源码

kafka CompressionType 源码

kafka ControlRecordType 源码

kafka ControlRecordUtils 源码

kafka ConvertedRecords 源码

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