spark EventLogFileCompactor 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (633)

spark EventLogFileCompactor 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import java.util.ServiceLoader

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path}

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.deploy.history.EventFilter.FilterStatistics
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.ReplayListenerBus
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * This class compacts the old event log files into one compact file, via two phases reading:
 * 1) Initialize available [[EventFilterBuilder]] instances, and replay the old event log files with
 * builders, so that these builders can gather the information to create [[EventFilter]] instances.
 * 2) Initialize [[EventFilter]] instances from [[EventFilterBuilder]] instances, and replay the
 * old event log files with filters. Rewrite the events to the compact file which the filters decide
 * to accept.
 * This class will calculate the score based on statistic from [[EventFilter]] instances, which
 * represents approximate rate of filtered-out events. Score is being calculated via applying
 * heuristic; task events tend to take most size in event log.
class EventLogFileCompactor(
    sparkConf: SparkConf,
    hadoopConf: Configuration,
    fs: FileSystem,
    maxFilesToRetain: Int,
    compactionThresholdScore: Double) extends Logging {

  require(maxFilesToRetain > 0, "Max event log files to retain should be higher than 0.")

   * Compacts the old event log files into one compact file, and clean old event log files being
   * compacted away.
   * This method assumes caller will provide the sorted list of files which are sorted by
   * the index of event log file, with at most one compact file placed first if it exists.
   * When compacting the files, the range of compaction for given file list is determined as:
   * (first ~ the file where there're `maxFilesToRetain` files on the right side)
   * This method skips compaction for some circumstances described below:
   * - not enough files on the range of compaction
   * - score is lower than the threshold of compaction (meaning compaction won't help much)
   * If this method returns the compaction result as SUCCESS, caller needs to re-read the list
   * of event log files, as new compact file is available as well as old event log files are
   * removed.
  def compact(eventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus]): CompactionResult = {

    if (eventLogFiles.length < maxFilesToRetain) {
      return CompactionResult(CompactionResultCode.NOT_ENOUGH_FILES, None)

    val filesToCompact = findFilesToCompact(eventLogFiles)
    if (filesToCompact.isEmpty) {
      CompactionResult(CompactionResultCode.NOT_ENOUGH_FILES, None)
    } else {
      val builders = initializeBuilders(fs,

      val filters =
      val minScore = filters.flatMap(_.statistics()).map(calculateScore).min

      if (minScore < compactionThresholdScore) {
        CompactionResult(CompactionResultCode.LOW_SCORE_FOR_COMPACTION, None)
      } else {
        rewrite(filters, filesToCompact)
        CompactionResult(CompactionResultCode.SUCCESS, Some(

  private def assertPrecondition(eventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus]): Unit = {
    val idxCompactedFiles = eventLogFiles.zipWithIndex.filter { case (file, _) =>
    require(idxCompactedFiles.size < 2 && idxCompactedFiles.headOption.forall(_._2 == 0),
      "The number of compact files should be at most 1, and should be placed first if exists.")

   * Loads all available EventFilterBuilders in classloader via ServiceLoader, and initializes
   * them via replaying events in given files.
  private def initializeBuilders(fs: FileSystem, files: Seq[Path]): Seq[EventFilterBuilder] = {
    val bus = new ReplayListenerBus()

    val builders = ServiceLoader.load(classOf[EventFilterBuilder],

    files.foreach { log =>
      Utils.tryWithResource(EventLogFileReader.openEventLog(log, fs)) { in =>
        bus.replay(in, log.getName)


  private def calculateScore(stats: FilterStatistics): Double = {
    // For now it's simply measuring how many task events will be filtered out (rejected)
    // but it can be sophisticated later once we get more heuristic information and found
    // the case where this simple calculation doesn't work.
    (stats.totalTasks - stats.liveTasks) * 1.0 / stats.totalTasks

   * This method rewrites the event log files into one compact file: the compact file will only
   * contain the events which pass the filters. Events will be dropped only when all filters
   * decide to reject the event or don't mind about the event. Otherwise, the original line for
   * the event is written to the compact file as it is.
  private[history] def rewrite(
      filters: Seq[EventFilter],
      eventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus]): String = {

    val lastIndexEventLogPath = eventLogFiles.last.getPath
    val logWriter = new CompactedEventLogFileWriter(lastIndexEventLogPath, "dummy", None,
      lastIndexEventLogPath.getParent.toUri, sparkConf, hadoopConf)

    eventLogFiles.foreach { file =>
      EventFilter.applyFilterToFile(fs, filters, file.getPath,
        onAccepted = (line, _) => logWriter.writeEvent(line, flushLogger = true),
        onRejected = (_, _) => {},
        onUnidentified = line => logWriter.writeEvent(line, flushLogger = true)


  private def cleanupCompactedFiles(files: Seq[FileStatus]): Unit = {
    files.foreach { file =>
      var deleted = false
      try {
        deleted = fs.delete(file.getPath, true)
      } catch {
        case _: IOException =>
      if (!deleted) {
        logWarning(s"Failed to remove ${file.getPath} / skip removing.")

  private def findFilesToCompact(eventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus]): Seq[FileStatus] = {
    val numNormalEventLogFiles = {
      if (EventLogFileWriter.isCompacted(eventLogFiles.head.getPath)) {
        eventLogFiles.length - 1
      } else {

    // This avoids compacting only compact file.
    if (numNormalEventLogFiles > maxFilesToRetain) {
    } else {

 * Describes the result of compaction.
 * @param code The result of compaction.
 * @param compactIndex The index of compact file if the compaction is successful.
 *                     Otherwise it will be None.
case class CompactionResult(code: CompactionResultCode.Value, compactIndex: Option[Long])

object CompactionResultCode extends Enumeration {

 * This class helps to write compact file; to avoid reimplementing everything, it extends
 * [[SingleEventLogFileWriter]], but only `originalFilePath` is used to determine the
 * path of compact file.
private class CompactedEventLogFileWriter(
    originalFilePath: Path,
    appId: String,
    appAttemptId: Option[String],
    logBaseDir: URI,
    sparkConf: SparkConf,
    hadoopConf: Configuration)
  extends SingleEventLogFileWriter(appId, appAttemptId, logBaseDir, sparkConf, hadoopConf) {

  override val logPath: String = originalFilePath.toUri.toString + EventLogFileWriter.COMPACTED


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