
  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (647)


You can build source code with hb or the build.sh script. This section exemplifies how to build source code with hb. For details about how to build with the build.sh script, see Building Source Code Using the build.sh Script.

Go to the root directory of the source code and run the build command.

  1. Set the build path.
   hb set
  1. Select the current path.
  1. Select ipcamera_hispark_taurus under hisilicon and press Enter.

  2. Start building.

icon-note.gif NOTE - To build a component (for example, hello), run the hb build -T _ Target name _ command.

  • To build a product incrementally, run the hb build command.

  • To build a product from the scratch, run the hb build -f command.

This example builds a product from the scratch.

   hb build -f
 **Figure 1** Hi3516 build settings

  1. Check the build result. If “build success” is displayed, the building is successful. > icon-notice.gif NOTICE > Paths to burning-related files: > > - Build result and log files: out/hispark_taurus/ipcamera_hispark_taurus > > - U-Boot file: device/board/hisilicon/hispark_taurus/uboot/out/boot/u-boot-hi3516dv300.bin


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