kafka SustainedConnectionSpec 源码
kafka SustainedConnectionSpec 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskController;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskSpec;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskWorker;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
* The specification for a benchmark that creates sustained connections.
* An example JSON representation which will result in a test that creates 27 connections (9 of each), refreshes them
* every 10 seconds using 2 threads, running against topic `topic1`, for a duration of 1 hour, and with various other
* options set:
* #{@code
* {
* "class": "org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload.SustainedConnectionSpec",
* "durationMs": 3600000,
* "clientNode": "node0",
* "bootstrapServers": "localhost:9092",
* "commonClientConf": {
* "compression.type": "lz4",
* "auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
* "linger.ms": "100"
* },
* "keyGenerator": {
* "type": "sequential",
* "size": 4,
* "startOffset": 0
* },
* "valueGenerator": {
* "type": "uniformRandom",
* "size": 512,
* "seed": 0,
* "padding": 0
* },
* "producerConnectionCount": 9,
* "consumerConnectionCount": 9,
* "metadataConnectionCount": 9,
* "topicName": "test-topic1-1",
* "numThreads": 2,
* "refreshRateMs": 10000
* }
* }
public class SustainedConnectionSpec extends TaskSpec {
private final String clientNode;
private final String bootstrapServers;
private final Map<String, String> producerConf;
private final Map<String, String> consumerConf;
private final Map<String, String> adminClientConf;
private final Map<String, String> commonClientConf;
private final PayloadGenerator keyGenerator;
private final PayloadGenerator valueGenerator;
private final int producerConnectionCount;
private final int consumerConnectionCount;
private final int metadataConnectionCount;
private final String topicName;
private final int numThreads;
private final int refreshRateMs;
public SustainedConnectionSpec(
@JsonProperty("startMs") long startMs,
@JsonProperty("durationMs") long durationMs,
@JsonProperty("clientNode") String clientNode,
@JsonProperty("bootstrapServers") String bootstrapServers,
@JsonProperty("producerConf") Map<String, String> producerConf,
@JsonProperty("consumerConf") Map<String, String> consumerConf,
@JsonProperty("adminClientConf") Map<String, String> adminClientConf,
@JsonProperty("commonClientConf") Map<String, String> commonClientConf,
@JsonProperty("keyGenerator") PayloadGenerator keyGenerator,
@JsonProperty("valueGenerator") PayloadGenerator valueGenerator,
@JsonProperty("producerConnectionCount") int producerConnectionCount,
@JsonProperty("consumerConnectionCount") int consumerConnectionCount,
@JsonProperty("metadataConnectionCount") int metadataConnectionCount,
@JsonProperty("topicName") String topicName,
@JsonProperty("numThreads") int numThreads,
@JsonProperty("refreshRateMs") int refreshRateMs) {
super(startMs, durationMs);
this.clientNode = clientNode == null ? "" : clientNode;
this.bootstrapServers = (bootstrapServers == null) ? "" : bootstrapServers;
this.producerConf = configOrEmptyMap(producerConf);
this.consumerConf = configOrEmptyMap(consumerConf);
this.adminClientConf = configOrEmptyMap(adminClientConf);
this.commonClientConf = configOrEmptyMap(commonClientConf);
this.keyGenerator = keyGenerator;
this.valueGenerator = valueGenerator;
this.producerConnectionCount = producerConnectionCount;
this.consumerConnectionCount = consumerConnectionCount;
this.metadataConnectionCount = metadataConnectionCount;
this.topicName = topicName;
this.numThreads = numThreads < 1 ? 1 : numThreads;
this.refreshRateMs = refreshRateMs < 1 ? 1 : refreshRateMs;
public String clientNode() {
return clientNode;
public String bootstrapServers() {
return bootstrapServers;
public Map<String, String> producerConf() {
return producerConf;
public Map<String, String> consumerConf() {
return consumerConf;
public Map<String, String> adminClientConf() {
return adminClientConf;
public Map<String, String> commonClientConf() {
return commonClientConf;
public PayloadGenerator keyGenerator() {
return keyGenerator;
public PayloadGenerator valueGenerator() {
return valueGenerator;
public int producerConnectionCount() {
return producerConnectionCount;
public int consumerConnectionCount() {
return consumerConnectionCount;
public int metadataConnectionCount() {
return metadataConnectionCount;
public String topicName() {
return topicName;
public int numThreads() {
return numThreads;
public int refreshRateMs() {
return refreshRateMs;
public TaskController newController(String id) {
return topology -> Collections.singleton(clientNode);
public TaskWorker newTaskWorker(String id) {
return new SustainedConnectionWorker(id, this);
kafka ConfigurableProducerSpec 源码
kafka ConfigurableProducerWorker 源码
kafka ConnectionStressWorker 源码
kafka ConstantFlushGenerator 源码
kafka ConstantPayloadGenerator 源码
2、 - 优质文章
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