kafka ConfigurableProducerSpec 源码
kafka ConfigurableProducerSpec 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskController;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskSpec;
import org.apache.kafka.trogdor.task.TaskWorker;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
* This is the spec to pass in to be able to run the `ConfigurableProducerWorker` workload. This allows for customized
* and even variable configurations in terms of messages per second, message size, batch size, key size, and even the
* ability to target a specific partition out of a topic.
* This has several notable differences from the ProduceBench classes, namely the ability to dynamically control
* flushing and throughput through configurable classes, but also the ability to run against specific partitions within
* a topic directly. This workload can only run against one topic at a time, unlike the ProduceBench workload.
* The parameters that differ from ProduceBenchSpec:
* `flushGenerator` - Used to instruct the KafkaProducer when to issue flushes. This allows us to simulate
* variable batching since batch flushing is not currently exposed within the KafkaProducer
* class. See the `FlushGenerator` interface for more information.
* `throughputGenerator` - Used to throttle the ConfigurableProducerWorker based on a calculated number of messages
* within a window. See the `ThroughputGenerator` interface for more information.
* `activeTopic` - This class only supports execution against a single topic at a time. If more than one
* topic is specified, the ConfigurableProducerWorker will throw an error.
* `activePartition` - Specify a specific partition number within the activeTopic to run load against, or
* specify `-1` to allow use of all partitions.
* Here is an example spec:
* {
* "startMs": 1606949497662,
* "durationMs": 3600000,
* "producerNode": "trogdor-agent-0",
* "bootstrapServers": "some.example.kafka.server:9091",
* "flushGenerator": {
* "type": "gaussian",
* "messagesPerFlushAverage": 16,
* "messagesPerFlushDeviation": 4
* },
* "throughputGenerator": {
* "type": "gaussian",
* "messagesPerSecondAverage": 500,
* "messagesPerSecondDeviation": 50,
* "windowsUntilRateChange": 100,
* "windowSizeMs": 100
* },
* "keyGenerator": {
* "type": "constant",
* "size": 8
* },
* "valueGenerator": {
* "type": "gaussianTimestampRandom",
* "messageSizeAverage": 512,
* "messageSizeDeviation": 100,
* "messagesUntilSizeChange": 100
* },
* "producerConf": {
* "acks": "all"
* },
* "commonClientConf": {},
* "adminClientConf": {},
* "activeTopic": {
* "topic0": {
* "numPartitions": 100,
* "replicationFactor": 3,
* "configs": {
* "retention.ms": "1800000"
* }
* }
* },
* "activePartition": 5
* }
* This example spec performed the following:
* * Ran on `trogdor-agent-0` for 1 hour starting at 2020-12-02 22:51:37.662 GMT
* * Produced with acks=all to Partition 5 of `topic0` on kafka server `some.example.kafka.server:9091`.
* * The average batch had 16 messages, with a standard deviation of 4 messages.
* * The messages had 8-byte constant keys with an average size of 512 bytes and a standard deviation of 100 bytes.
* * The messages had millisecond timestamps embedded in the first several bytes of the value.
* * The average throughput was 500 messages/second, with a window of 100ms and a deviation of 50 messages/second.
public class ConfigurableProducerSpec extends TaskSpec {
private final String producerNode;
private final String bootstrapServers;
private final Optional<FlushGenerator> flushGenerator;
private final ThroughputGenerator throughputGenerator;
private final PayloadGenerator keyGenerator;
private final PayloadGenerator valueGenerator;
private final Map<String, String> producerConf;
private final Map<String, String> adminClientConf;
private final Map<String, String> commonClientConf;
private final TopicsSpec activeTopic;
private final int activePartition;
public ConfigurableProducerSpec(@JsonProperty("startMs") long startMs,
@JsonProperty("durationMs") long durationMs,
@JsonProperty("producerNode") String producerNode,
@JsonProperty("bootstrapServers") String bootstrapServers,
@JsonProperty("flushGenerator") Optional<FlushGenerator> flushGenerator,
@JsonProperty("throughputGenerator") ThroughputGenerator throughputGenerator,
@JsonProperty("keyGenerator") PayloadGenerator keyGenerator,
@JsonProperty("valueGenerator") PayloadGenerator valueGenerator,
@JsonProperty("producerConf") Map<String, String> producerConf,
@JsonProperty("commonClientConf") Map<String, String> commonClientConf,
@JsonProperty("adminClientConf") Map<String, String> adminClientConf,
@JsonProperty("activeTopic") TopicsSpec activeTopic,
@JsonProperty("activePartition") int activePartition) {
super(startMs, durationMs);
this.producerNode = (producerNode == null) ? "" : producerNode;
this.bootstrapServers = (bootstrapServers == null) ? "" : bootstrapServers;
this.flushGenerator = flushGenerator;
this.keyGenerator = keyGenerator;
this.valueGenerator = valueGenerator;
this.throughputGenerator = throughputGenerator;
this.producerConf = configOrEmptyMap(producerConf);
this.commonClientConf = configOrEmptyMap(commonClientConf);
this.adminClientConf = configOrEmptyMap(adminClientConf);
this.activeTopic = activeTopic.immutableCopy();
this.activePartition = activePartition;
public String producerNode() {
return producerNode;
public String bootstrapServers() {
return bootstrapServers;
public Optional<FlushGenerator> flushGenerator() {
return flushGenerator;
public PayloadGenerator keyGenerator() {
return keyGenerator;
public PayloadGenerator valueGenerator() {
return valueGenerator;
public ThroughputGenerator throughputGenerator() {
return throughputGenerator;
public Map<String, String> producerConf() {
return producerConf;
public Map<String, String> commonClientConf() {
return commonClientConf;
public Map<String, String> adminClientConf() {
return adminClientConf;
public TopicsSpec activeTopic() {
return activeTopic;
public int activePartition() {
return activePartition;
public TaskController newController(String id) {
return topology -> Collections.singleton(producerNode);
public TaskWorker newTaskWorker(String id) {
return new ConfigurableProducerWorker(id, this);
kafka ConfigurableProducerWorker 源码
kafka ConnectionStressWorker 源码
kafka ConstantFlushGenerator 源码
kafka ConstantPayloadGenerator 源码
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