tidb errors 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (521)

tidb errors 代码


// Copyright 2019-present PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package kverrors

import (

	deadlockpb "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/deadlock"

// ErrLocked is returned when trying to Read/Write on a locked key. Client should
// backoff or cleanup the lock then retry.
type ErrLocked struct {
	Key  []byte
	Lock *mvcc.Lock

// BuildLockErr generates ErrKeyLocked objects
func BuildLockErr(key []byte, lock *mvcc.Lock) *ErrLocked {
	errLocked := &ErrLocked{
		Key:  key,
		Lock: lock,
	return errLocked

// Error formats the lock to a string.
func (e *ErrLocked) Error() string {
	lock := e.Lock
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		"key is locked, key: %q, Type: %v, primary: %q, startTS: %v, forUpdateTS: %v, useAsyncCommit: %v",
		e.Key, lock.Op, lock.Primary, lock.StartTS, lock.ForUpdateTS, lock.UseAsyncCommit,

// ErrRetryable suggests that client may restart the txn. e.g. write conflict.
type ErrRetryable string

func (e ErrRetryable) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("retryable: %s", string(e))

// ErrRetryable
var (
	ErrLockNotFound    = ErrRetryable("lock not found")
	ErrAlreadyRollback = ErrRetryable("already rollback")
	ErrReplaced        = ErrRetryable("replaced by another transaction")

// ErrInvalidOp is returned when an operation cannot be completed.
type ErrInvalidOp struct {
	Op kvrpcpb.Op

func (e ErrInvalidOp) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("invalid op: %s", e.Op.String())

// ErrAlreadyCommitted is returned specially when client tries to rollback a
// committed lock.
type ErrAlreadyCommitted uint64

func (ErrAlreadyCommitted) Error() string {
	return "txn already committed"

// ErrKeyAlreadyExists is returned when a key already exists.
type ErrKeyAlreadyExists struct {
	Key []byte

func (ErrKeyAlreadyExists) Error() string {
	return "key already exists"

// ErrDeadlock is returned when deadlock is detected.
type ErrDeadlock struct {
	LockKey         []byte
	LockTS          uint64
	DeadlockKeyHash uint64
	WaitChain       []*deadlockpb.WaitForEntry

func (ErrDeadlock) Error() string {
	return "deadlock"

// ErrConflict is the error when the commit meets an write conflict error.
type ErrConflict struct {
	StartTS          uint64
	ConflictTS       uint64
	ConflictCommitTS uint64
	Key              []byte
	Reason           kvrpcpb.WriteConflict_Reason

func (*ErrConflict) Error() string {
	return "write conflict"

// ErrCommitExpire is returned when commit key commitTs smaller than lock.MinCommitTs
type ErrCommitExpire struct {
	StartTs     uint64
	CommitTs    uint64
	MinCommitTs uint64
	Key         []byte

func (*ErrCommitExpire) Error() string {
	return "commit expired"

// ErrTxnNotFound is returned if the required txn info not found on storage
type ErrTxnNotFound struct {
	StartTS    uint64
	PrimaryKey []byte

func (*ErrTxnNotFound) Error() string {
	return "txn not found"

// ErrAssertionFailed is returned if any assertion fails on a transaction request.
type ErrAssertionFailed struct {
	StartTS          uint64
	Key              []byte
	Assertion        kvrpcpb.Assertion
	ExistingStartTS  uint64
	ExistingCommitTS uint64

func (e *ErrAssertionFailed) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("AssertionFailed { StartTS: %v, Key: %v, Assertion: %v, ExistingStartTS: %v, ExistingCommitTS: %v }",
		e.StartTS, hex.EncodeToString(e.Key), e.Assertion.String(), e.ExistingStartTS, e.ExistingCommitTS)


tidb 源码目录


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