tidb row 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (516)

tidb row 代码


// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package chunk

import (


// Row represents a row of data, can be used to access values.
type Row struct {
	c   *Chunk
	idx int

// Chunk returns the Chunk which the row belongs to.
func (r Row) Chunk() *Chunk {
	return r.c

// IsEmpty returns true if the Row is empty.
func (r Row) IsEmpty() bool {
	return r == Row{}

// Idx returns the row index of Chunk.
func (r Row) Idx() int {
	return r.idx

// Len returns the number of values in the row.
func (r Row) Len() int {
	return r.c.NumCols()

// GetInt64 returns the int64 value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetInt64(colIdx int) int64 {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetInt64(r.idx)

// GetUint64 returns the uint64 value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetUint64(colIdx int) uint64 {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetUint64(r.idx)

// GetFloat32 returns the float32 value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetFloat32(colIdx int) float32 {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetFloat32(r.idx)

// GetFloat64 returns the float64 value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetFloat64(colIdx int) float64 {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetFloat64(r.idx)

// GetString returns the string value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetString(colIdx int) string {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetString(r.idx)

// GetBytes returns the bytes value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetBytes(colIdx int) []byte {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetBytes(r.idx)

// GetTime returns the Time value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetTime(colIdx int) types.Time {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetTime(r.idx)

// GetDuration returns the Duration value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetDuration(colIdx int, fillFsp int) types.Duration {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetDuration(r.idx, fillFsp)

func (r Row) getNameValue(colIdx int) (string, uint64) {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].getNameValue(r.idx)

// GetEnum returns the Enum value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetEnum(colIdx int) types.Enum {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetEnum(r.idx)

// GetSet returns the Set value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetSet(colIdx int) types.Set {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetSet(r.idx)

// GetMyDecimal returns the MyDecimal value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetMyDecimal(colIdx int) *types.MyDecimal {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetDecimal(r.idx)

// GetJSON returns the JSON value with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetJSON(colIdx int) types.BinaryJSON {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetJSON(r.idx)

// GetDatumRow converts chunk.Row to types.DatumRow.
// Keep in mind that GetDatumRow has a reference to r.c, which is a chunk,
// this function works only if the underlying chunk is valid or unchanged.
func (r Row) GetDatumRow(fields []*types.FieldType) []types.Datum {
	datumRow := make([]types.Datum, 0, r.c.NumCols())
	for colIdx := 0; colIdx < r.c.NumCols(); colIdx++ {
		datum := r.GetDatum(colIdx, fields[colIdx])
		datumRow = append(datumRow, datum)
	return datumRow

// GetDatum implements the chunk.Row interface.
func (r Row) GetDatum(colIdx int, tp *types.FieldType) types.Datum {
	var d types.Datum
	switch tp.GetType() {
	case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(tp.GetFlag()) {
			} else {
	case mysql.TypeYear:
		// FIXBUG: because insert type of TypeYear is definite int64, so we regardless of the unsigned flag.
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	case mysql.TypeFloat:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	case mysql.TypeDouble:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	case mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeBlob, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			d.SetString(r.GetString(colIdx), tp.GetCollate())
	case mysql.TypeDate, mysql.TypeDatetime, mysql.TypeTimestamp:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	case mysql.TypeDuration:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			duration := r.GetDuration(colIdx, tp.GetDecimal())
	case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			// If tp.decimal is unspecified(-1), we should set it to the real
			// fraction length of the decimal value, if not, the d.Frac will
			// be set to MAX_UINT16 which will cause unexpected BadNumber error
			// when encoding.
			if tp.GetDecimal() == types.UnspecifiedLength {
			} else {
	case mysql.TypeEnum:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			d.SetMysqlEnum(r.GetEnum(colIdx), tp.GetCollate())
	case mysql.TypeSet:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			d.SetMysqlSet(r.GetSet(colIdx), tp.GetCollate())
	case mysql.TypeBit:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	case mysql.TypeJSON:
		if !r.IsNull(colIdx) {
	return d

// GetRaw returns the underlying raw bytes with the colIdx.
func (r Row) GetRaw(colIdx int) []byte {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].GetRaw(r.idx)

// IsNull returns if the datum in the chunk.Row is null.
func (r Row) IsNull(colIdx int) bool {
	return r.c.columns[colIdx].IsNull(r.idx)

// CopyConstruct creates a new row and copies this row's data into it.
func (r Row) CopyConstruct() Row {
	newChk := renewWithCapacity(r.c, 1, 1)
	return newChk.GetRow(0)

// ToString returns all the values in a row.
func (r Row) ToString(ft []*types.FieldType) string {
	var buf []byte
	for colIdx := 0; colIdx < r.Chunk().NumCols(); colIdx++ {
		if r.IsNull(colIdx) {
			buf = append(buf, "NULL"...)
		} else {
			switch ft[colIdx].EvalType() {
			case types.ETInt:
				buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, r.GetInt64(colIdx), 10)
			case types.ETString:
				switch ft[colIdx].GetType() {
				case mysql.TypeEnum:
					buf = append(buf, r.GetEnum(colIdx).String()...)
				case mysql.TypeSet:
					buf = append(buf, r.GetSet(colIdx).String()...)
					buf = append(buf, r.GetString(colIdx)...)
			case types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp:
				buf = append(buf, r.GetTime(colIdx).String()...)
			case types.ETDecimal:
				buf = append(buf, r.GetMyDecimal(colIdx).ToString()...)
			case types.ETDuration:
				buf = append(buf, r.GetDuration(colIdx, ft[colIdx].GetDecimal()).String()...)
			case types.ETJson:
				buf = append(buf, r.GetJSON(colIdx).String()...)
			case types.ETReal:
				switch ft[colIdx].GetType() {
				case mysql.TypeFloat:
					buf = strconv.AppendFloat(buf, float64(r.GetFloat32(colIdx)), 'f', -1, 32)
				case mysql.TypeDouble:
					buf = strconv.AppendFloat(buf, r.GetFloat64(colIdx), 'f', -1, 64)
		if colIdx != r.Chunk().NumCols()-1 {
			buf = append(buf, ", "...)
	return string(buf)


tidb 源码目录


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