tidb chunk 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb chunk 代码


// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package chunk

import (


var msgErrSelNotNil = "The selection vector of Chunk is not nil. Please file a bug to the TiDB Team"

// Chunk stores multiple rows of data in columns. Columns are in Apache Arrow format.
// See https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/Columnar.html#physical-memory-layout.
// Apache Arrow is not used directly because we want to access MySQL types without decoding.
// Values are appended in compact format and can be directly accessed without decoding.
// When the chunk is done processing, we can reuse the allocated memory by resetting it.
// All Chunk's API should not do the validation work, and the user should ensure it is used correctly.
type Chunk struct {
	// sel indicates which rows are selected.
	// If it is nil, all rows are selected.
	sel []int

	columns []*Column
	// numVirtualRows indicates the number of virtual rows, which have zero Column.
	// It is used only when this Chunk doesn't hold any data, i.e. "len(columns)==0".
	numVirtualRows int
	// capacity indicates the max number of rows this chunk can hold.
	// TODO: replace all usages of capacity to requiredRows and remove this field
	capacity int

	// requiredRows indicates how many rows the parent executor want.
	requiredRows int

// Capacity constants.
const (
	InitialCapacity = 32
	ZeroCapacity    = 0

// NewChunkWithCapacity creates a new chunk with field types and capacity.
func NewChunkWithCapacity(fields []*types.FieldType, capacity int) *Chunk {
	return New(fields, capacity, capacity)

// New creates a new chunk.
//	cap: the limit for the max number of rows.
//	maxChunkSize: the max limit for the number of rows.
func New(fields []*types.FieldType, capacity, maxChunkSize int) *Chunk {
	chk := &Chunk{
		columns:  make([]*Column, 0, len(fields)),
		capacity: mathutil.Min(capacity, maxChunkSize),
		// set the default value of requiredRows to maxChunkSize to let chk.IsFull() behave
		// like how we judge whether a chunk is full now, then the statement
		// "chk.NumRows() < maxChunkSize"
		// equals to "!chk.IsFull()".
		requiredRows: maxChunkSize,

	for _, f := range fields {
		chk.columns = append(chk.columns, NewColumn(f, chk.capacity))
	return chk

// renewWithCapacity creates a new Chunk based on an existing Chunk with capacity. The newly
// created Chunk has the same data schema with the old Chunk.
func renewWithCapacity(chk *Chunk, capacity, requiredRows int) *Chunk {
	if chk.columns == nil {
		return &Chunk{}
	return &Chunk{
		columns:        renewColumns(chk.columns, capacity),
		numVirtualRows: 0,
		capacity:       capacity,
		requiredRows:   requiredRows,

// Renew creates a new Chunk based on an existing Chunk. The newly created Chunk
// has the same data schema with the old Chunk. The capacity of the new Chunk
// might be doubled based on the capacity of the old Chunk and the maxChunkSize.
//	chk: old chunk(often used in previous call).
//	maxChunkSize: the limit for the max number of rows.
func Renew(chk *Chunk, maxChunkSize int) *Chunk {
	newCap := reCalcCapacity(chk, maxChunkSize)
	return renewWithCapacity(chk, newCap, maxChunkSize)

// renewColumns creates the columns of a Chunk. The capacity of the newly
// created columns is equal to cap.
func renewColumns(oldCol []*Column, capacity int) []*Column {
	columns := make([]*Column, 0, len(oldCol))
	for _, col := range oldCol {
		columns = append(columns, newColumn(col.typeSize(), capacity))
	return columns

// renewEmpty creates a new Chunk based on an existing Chunk
// but keep columns empty.
func renewEmpty(chk *Chunk) *Chunk {
	newChk := &Chunk{
		columns:        nil,
		numVirtualRows: chk.numVirtualRows,
		capacity:       chk.capacity,
		requiredRows:   chk.requiredRows,
	if chk.sel != nil {
		newChk.sel = make([]int, len(chk.sel))
		copy(newChk.sel, chk.sel)
	return newChk

func (c *Chunk) resetForReuse() {
	for i := 0; i < len(c.columns); i++ {
		c.columns[i] = nil
	columns := c.columns[:0]
	// Keep only the empty columns array space, reset other fields.
	*c = Chunk{columns: columns}

// MemoryUsage returns the total memory usage of a Chunk in bytes.
// We ignore the size of Column.length and Column.nullCount
// since they have little effect of the total memory usage.
func (c *Chunk) MemoryUsage() (sum int64) {
	if c == nil {
		return 0
	for _, col := range c.columns {
		curColMemUsage := int64(unsafe.Sizeof(*col)) + int64(cap(col.nullBitmap)) + int64(cap(col.offsets)*8) + int64(cap(col.data)) + int64(cap(col.elemBuf))
		sum += curColMemUsage

// RequiredRows returns how many rows is considered full.
func (c *Chunk) RequiredRows() int {
	return c.requiredRows

// SetRequiredRows sets the number of required rows.
func (c *Chunk) SetRequiredRows(requiredRows, maxChunkSize int) *Chunk {
	if requiredRows <= 0 || requiredRows > maxChunkSize {
		requiredRows = maxChunkSize
	c.requiredRows = requiredRows
	return c

// IsFull returns if this chunk is considered full.
func (c *Chunk) IsFull() bool {
	return c.NumRows() >= c.requiredRows

// Prune creates a new Chunk according to `c` and prunes the columns
// whose index is not in `usedColIdxs`
func (c *Chunk) Prune(usedColIdxs []int) *Chunk {
	chk := renewEmpty(c)
	chk.columns = make([]*Column, len(usedColIdxs))
	for i, idx := range usedColIdxs {
		chk.columns[i] = c.columns[idx]
	return chk

// MakeRef makes Column in "dstColIdx" reference to Column in "srcColIdx".
func (c *Chunk) MakeRef(srcColIdx, dstColIdx int) {
	c.columns[dstColIdx] = c.columns[srcColIdx]

// MakeRefTo copies columns `src.columns[srcColIdx]` to `c.columns[dstColIdx]`.
func (c *Chunk) MakeRefTo(dstColIdx int, src *Chunk, srcColIdx int) error {
	if c.sel != nil || src.sel != nil {
		return errors.New(msgErrSelNotNil)
	c.columns[dstColIdx] = src.columns[srcColIdx]
	return nil

// SwapColumn swaps Column "c.columns[colIdx]" with Column
// "other.columns[otherIdx]". If there exists columns refer to the Column to be
// swapped, we need to re-build the reference.
func (c *Chunk) SwapColumn(colIdx int, other *Chunk, otherIdx int) error {
	if c.sel != nil || other.sel != nil {
		return errors.New(msgErrSelNotNil)
	// Find the leftmost Column of the reference which is the actual Column to
	// be swapped.
	for i := 0; i < colIdx; i++ {
		if c.columns[i] == c.columns[colIdx] {
			colIdx = i
	for i := 0; i < otherIdx; i++ {
		if other.columns[i] == other.columns[otherIdx] {
			otherIdx = i

	// Find the columns which refer to the actual Column to be swapped.
	refColsIdx := make([]int, 0, len(c.columns)-colIdx)
	for i := colIdx; i < len(c.columns); i++ {
		if c.columns[i] == c.columns[colIdx] {
			refColsIdx = append(refColsIdx, i)
	refColsIdx4Other := make([]int, 0, len(other.columns)-otherIdx)
	for i := otherIdx; i < len(other.columns); i++ {
		if other.columns[i] == other.columns[otherIdx] {
			refColsIdx4Other = append(refColsIdx4Other, i)

	// Swap columns from two chunks.
	c.columns[colIdx], other.columns[otherIdx] = other.columns[otherIdx], c.columns[colIdx]

	// Rebuild the reference.
	for _, i := range refColsIdx {
		c.MakeRef(colIdx, i)
	for _, i := range refColsIdx4Other {
		other.MakeRef(otherIdx, i)
	return nil

// SwapColumns swaps columns with another Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) SwapColumns(other *Chunk) {
	c.sel, other.sel = other.sel, c.sel
	c.columns, other.columns = other.columns, c.columns
	c.numVirtualRows, other.numVirtualRows = other.numVirtualRows, c.numVirtualRows

// SetNumVirtualRows sets the virtual row number for a Chunk.
// It should only be used when there exists no Column in the Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) SetNumVirtualRows(numVirtualRows int) {
	c.numVirtualRows = numVirtualRows

// Reset resets the chunk, so the memory it allocated can be reused.
// Make sure all the data in the chunk is not used anymore before you reuse this chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Reset() {
	c.sel = nil
	if c.columns == nil {
	for _, col := range c.columns {
	c.numVirtualRows = 0

// CopyConstruct creates a new chunk and copies this chunk's data into it.
func (c *Chunk) CopyConstruct() *Chunk {
	newChk := renewEmpty(c)
	newChk.columns = make([]*Column, len(c.columns))
	for i := range c.columns {
		newChk.columns[i] = c.columns[i].CopyConstruct(nil)
	return newChk

// CopyConstructSel is just like CopyConstruct,
// but ignore the rows that was not selected.
func (c *Chunk) CopyConstructSel() *Chunk {
	if c.sel == nil {
		return c.CopyConstruct()
	newChk := renewWithCapacity(c, c.capacity, c.requiredRows)
	for colIdx, dstCol := range newChk.columns {
		for _, rowIdx := range c.sel {
			appendCellByCell(dstCol, c.columns[colIdx], rowIdx)
	return newChk

// GrowAndReset resets the Chunk and doubles the capacity of the Chunk.
// The doubled capacity should not be larger than maxChunkSize.
func (c *Chunk) GrowAndReset(maxChunkSize int) {
	c.sel = nil
	if c.columns == nil {
	newCap := reCalcCapacity(c, maxChunkSize)
	if newCap <= c.capacity {
	c.capacity = newCap
	c.columns = renewColumns(c.columns, newCap)
	c.numVirtualRows = 0
	c.requiredRows = maxChunkSize

// reCalcCapacity calculates the capacity for another Chunk based on the current
// Chunk. The new capacity is doubled only when the current Chunk is full.
func reCalcCapacity(c *Chunk, maxChunkSize int) int {
	if c.NumRows() < c.capacity {
		return c.capacity
	newCapacity := c.capacity * 2
	if newCapacity == 0 {
		newCapacity = InitialCapacity
	return mathutil.Min(newCapacity, maxChunkSize)

// Capacity returns the capacity of the Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Capacity() int {
	if c == nil {
		return 0
	return c.capacity

// NumCols returns the number of columns in the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) NumCols() int {
	return len(c.columns)

// NumRows returns the number of rows in the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) NumRows() int {
	if c.sel != nil {
		return len(c.sel)
	if c.NumCols() == 0 {
		return c.numVirtualRows
	return c.columns[0].length

// GetRow gets the Row in the chunk with the row index.
func (c *Chunk) GetRow(idx int) Row {
	if c.sel != nil {
		// mapping the logical RowIdx to the actual physical RowIdx;
		// for example, if the Sel is [1, 5, 6], then
		//	logical 0 -> physical 1,
		//	logical 1 -> physical 5,
		//	logical 2 -> physical 6.
		// Then when we iterate this Chunk according to Row, only selected rows will be
		// accessed while all filtered rows will be ignored.
		return Row{c: c, idx: c.sel[idx]}
	return Row{c: c, idx: idx}

// AppendRow appends a row to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendRow(row Row) {
	c.AppendPartialRow(0, row)

// AppendPartialRow appends a row to the chunk, starting from colOff.
func (c *Chunk) AppendPartialRow(colOff int, row Row) {
	for i, rowCol := range row.c.columns {
		chkCol := c.columns[colOff+i]
		appendCellByCell(chkCol, rowCol, row.idx)

// AppendRowByColIdxs appends a row to the chunk, using the row's columns specified by colIdxs.
// 1. every columns are used if colIdxs is nil.
// 2. no columns are used if colIdxs is not nil but the size of colIdxs is 0.
func (c *Chunk) AppendRowByColIdxs(row Row, colIdxs []int) (wide int) {
	wide = c.AppendPartialRowByColIdxs(0, row, colIdxs)

// AppendPartialRowByColIdxs appends a row to the chunk starting from colOff,
// using the row's columns specified by colIdxs.
// 1. every columns are used if colIdxs is nil.
// 2. no columns are used if colIdxs is not nil but the size of colIdxs is 0.
func (c *Chunk) AppendPartialRowByColIdxs(colOff int, row Row, colIdxs []int) (wide int) {
	if colIdxs == nil {
		c.AppendPartialRow(colOff, row)
		return row.Len()

	for i, colIdx := range colIdxs {
		rowCol := row.c.columns[colIdx]
		chkCol := c.columns[colOff+i]
		appendCellByCell(chkCol, rowCol, row.idx)
	return len(colIdxs)

// appendCellByCell appends the cell with rowIdx of src into dst.
func appendCellByCell(dst *Column, src *Column, rowIdx int) {
	if src.isFixed() {
		elemLen := len(src.elemBuf)
		offset := rowIdx * elemLen
		dst.data = append(dst.data, src.data[offset:offset+elemLen]...)
	} else {
		start, end := src.offsets[rowIdx], src.offsets[rowIdx+1]
		dst.data = append(dst.data, src.data[start:end]...)
		dst.offsets = append(dst.offsets, int64(len(dst.data)))

// Append appends rows in [begin, end) in another Chunk to a Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Append(other *Chunk, begin, end int) {
	for colID, src := range other.columns {
		dst := c.columns[colID]
		if src.isFixed() {
			elemLen := len(src.elemBuf)
			dst.data = append(dst.data, src.data[begin*elemLen:end*elemLen]...)
		} else {
			beginOffset, endOffset := src.offsets[begin], src.offsets[end]
			dst.data = append(dst.data, src.data[beginOffset:endOffset]...)
			lastOffset := dst.offsets[len(dst.offsets)-1]
			for i := begin; i < end; i++ {
				lastOffset += src.offsets[i+1] - src.offsets[i]
				dst.offsets = append(dst.offsets, lastOffset)
		for i := begin; i < end; i++ {
	c.numVirtualRows += end - begin

// TruncateTo truncates rows from tail to head in a Chunk to "numRows" rows.
func (c *Chunk) TruncateTo(numRows int) {
	for _, col := range c.columns {
		if col.isFixed() {
			elemLen := len(col.elemBuf)
			col.data = col.data[:numRows*elemLen]
		} else {
			col.data = col.data[:col.offsets[numRows]]
			col.offsets = col.offsets[:numRows+1]
		col.length = numRows
		bitmapLen := (col.length + 7) / 8
		col.nullBitmap = col.nullBitmap[:bitmapLen]
		if col.length%8 != 0 {
			// When we append null, we simply increment the nullCount,
			// so we need to clear the unused bits in the last bitmap byte.
			lastByte := col.nullBitmap[bitmapLen-1]
			unusedBitsLen := 8 - uint(col.length%8)
			lastByte <<= unusedBitsLen
			lastByte >>= unusedBitsLen
			col.nullBitmap[bitmapLen-1] = lastByte
	c.numVirtualRows = numRows

// AppendNull appends a null value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendNull(colIdx int) {

// AppendInt64 appends a int64 value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendInt64(colIdx int, i int64) {

// AppendUint64 appends a uint64 value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendUint64(colIdx int, u uint64) {

// AppendFloat32 appends a float32 value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendFloat32(colIdx int, f float32) {

// AppendFloat64 appends a float64 value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendFloat64(colIdx int, f float64) {

// AppendString appends a string value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendString(colIdx int, str string) {

// AppendBytes appends a bytes value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendBytes(colIdx int, b []byte) {

// AppendTime appends a Time value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendTime(colIdx int, t types.Time) {

// AppendDuration appends a Duration value to the chunk.
// Fsp is ignored.
func (c *Chunk) AppendDuration(colIdx int, dur types.Duration) {

// AppendMyDecimal appends a MyDecimal value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendMyDecimal(colIdx int, dec *types.MyDecimal) {

// AppendEnum appends an Enum value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendEnum(colIdx int, enum types.Enum) {
	c.columns[colIdx].appendNameValue(enum.Name, enum.Value)

// AppendSet appends a Set value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendSet(colIdx int, set types.Set) {
	c.columns[colIdx].appendNameValue(set.Name, set.Value)

// AppendJSON appends a JSON value to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendJSON(colIdx int, j types.BinaryJSON) {

func (c *Chunk) appendSel(colIdx int) {
	if colIdx == 0 && c.sel != nil { // use column 0 as standard
		c.sel = append(c.sel, c.columns[0].length)

// AppendDatum appends a datum into the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendDatum(colIdx int, d *types.Datum) {
	switch d.Kind() {
	case types.KindNull:
	case types.KindInt64:
		c.AppendInt64(colIdx, d.GetInt64())
	case types.KindUint64:
		c.AppendUint64(colIdx, d.GetUint64())
	case types.KindFloat32:
		c.AppendFloat32(colIdx, d.GetFloat32())
	case types.KindFloat64:
		c.AppendFloat64(colIdx, d.GetFloat64())
	case types.KindString, types.KindBytes, types.KindBinaryLiteral, types.KindRaw, types.KindMysqlBit:
		c.AppendBytes(colIdx, d.GetBytes())
	case types.KindMysqlDecimal:
		c.AppendMyDecimal(colIdx, d.GetMysqlDecimal())
	case types.KindMysqlDuration:
		c.AppendDuration(colIdx, d.GetMysqlDuration())
	case types.KindMysqlEnum:
		c.AppendEnum(colIdx, d.GetMysqlEnum())
	case types.KindMysqlSet:
		c.AppendSet(colIdx, d.GetMysqlSet())
	case types.KindMysqlTime:
		c.AppendTime(colIdx, d.GetMysqlTime())
	case types.KindMysqlJSON:
		c.AppendJSON(colIdx, d.GetMysqlJSON())

// Column returns the specific column.
func (c *Chunk) Column(colIdx int) *Column {
	return c.columns[colIdx]

// SetCol sets the colIdx Column to col and returns the old Column.
func (c *Chunk) SetCol(colIdx int, col *Column) *Column {
	if col == c.columns[colIdx] {
		return nil
	old := c.columns[colIdx]
	c.columns[colIdx] = col
	return old

// Sel returns Sel of this Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Sel() []int {
	return c.sel

// SetSel sets a Sel for this Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) SetSel(sel []int) {
	c.sel = sel

// Reconstruct removes all filtered rows in this Chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Reconstruct() {
	if c.sel == nil {
	for _, col := range c.columns {
	c.numVirtualRows = len(c.sel)
	c.sel = nil

// ToString returns all the values in a chunk.
func (c *Chunk) ToString(ft []*types.FieldType) string {
	var buf []byte
	for rowIdx := 0; rowIdx < c.NumRows(); rowIdx++ {
		row := c.GetRow(rowIdx)
		buf = append(buf, row.ToString(ft)...)
		buf = append(buf, '\n')
	return string(buf)

// AppendRows appends multiple rows to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendRows(rows []Row) {
	c.AppendPartialRows(0, rows)
	c.numVirtualRows += len(rows)

// AppendPartialRows appends multiple rows to the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) AppendPartialRows(colOff int, rows []Row) {
	columns := c.columns[colOff:]
	for i, dstCol := range columns {
		for _, srcRow := range rows {
			if i == 0 {
			appendCellByCell(dstCol, srcRow.c.columns[i], srcRow.idx)


tidb 源码目录


tidb alloc 源码

tidb chunk_util 源码

tidb codec 源码

tidb column 源码

tidb compare 源码

tidb disk 源码

tidb iterator 源码

tidb list 源码

tidb mutrow 源码

tidb pool 源码

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