harmony 鸿蒙Menu

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (844)


You can use menu APIs to display a context menu – a vertical list of items displayed by long pressing, clicking, or right-clicking a component. For details, see Menu Control.

Creating a Menu in the Default Style

Use the bindMenu API to implement a menu. bindMenu responds to the click event of the bound component. When the bound component is clicked, the menu is displayed.

Button('click for Menu')
    value: 'Menu1',
    action: () => {
      console.info('handle Menu1 select')


Creating a Menu in a Custom Style

If the default style does not meet requirements, you can use \@Builder to customize menu content and use the bindMenu API to bind the custom menu to a component.

\@Builder: Customizing Menu Content

class Tmp{
  iconStr2: ResourceStr = $r("app.media.view_list_filled")
    this.iconStr2 = val
@State select: boolean = true
private iconStr: ResourceStr = $r("app.media.view_list_filled")
private iconStr2: ResourceStr = $r("app.media.view_list_filled")
SubMenu() {
  Menu() {
    MenuItem({ content: "Copy", labelInfo: "Ctrl+C" })
    MenuItem({ content: "Paste", labelInfo: "Ctrl+V" })

  Menu() {
    MenuItem({ startIcon: $r("app.media.icon"), content: "Menu option" })
    MenuItem({ startIcon: $r("app.media.icon"), content: "Menu option" }).enabled(false)
      startIcon: this.iconStr,
      content: "Menu option",
      endIcon: $r("app.media.arrow_right_filled"),
      // When the builder parameter is set, it indicates that a submenu is bound to a menu item. When the user hovers the cursor over the menu item, the submenu is displayed.
      builder: this.SubMenu.bind(this),
    MenuItemGroup ({ header: 'Subtitle' }) {
      MenuItem ({ content: "Menu option" })
        .onChange((selected) => {
           console.info("menuItem select" + selected);
            let Str:Tmp = new Tmp()
        startIcon: $r("app.media.view_list_filled"),
        content: "Menu option",
        endIcon: $r("app.media.arrow_right_filled"),
        builder: this.SubMenu.bind(this)
      startIcon: this.iconStr2,
      content: "Menu option",
      endIcon: $r("app.media.arrow_right_filled")

Using the bindMenu Attribute to Bind a Component

Button('click for Menu')


Creating a Context Menu Displayed Upon Right-clicking or Long Pressing

Use the bindContextMenu API to customize the menu content and menu popup mode: right-click or long press. The menu items that are displayed using bindContextMenu are in an independent child window and can be displayed outside the application window.

  • The content in the @Builder is the same as that in the preceding section.

  • Check the menu popup mode and bind the component through the bindContextMenu attribute. In the example, the menu is displayed upon right-clicking.

  Button('click for Menu')
    .bindContextMenu(this.MyMenu, ResponseType.RightClick)


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