harmony 鸿蒙DeviceInfo Adaptation

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (656)

DeviceInfo Adaptation

DeviceInfo parameters and mapping APIs

Parameter API Description
const.product.devicetype const char* GetDeviceType(void) Obtains the device type.
const.product.manufacturer const char* GetManufacture(void) Obtains the device manufacturer.
const.product.brand const char* GetBrand(void) Obtains the device brand.
const.product.name const char* GetMarketName(void) Obtains the device marketing name.
const.build.product const char* GetProductSeries(void) Obtains the device series name.
const.product.model const char* GetProductModel(void) Obtains the device authentication model.
const.software.model const char* GetSoftwareModel(void) Obtains the device software model.
const.product.hardwareversion const char* GetHardwareModel(void) Obtains the device hardware model.
const.product.hardwareprofile const char* GetHardwareProfile(void) Obtains the device hardware profile.
ohos.boot.sn const char* GetSerial(void) Obtains the serial number (SN) of the device.
const.product.software.version const char* GetDisplayVersion(void) Obtains the software version visible to users.
const.product.bootloader.version const char* GetBootloaderVersion(void) Obtains the bootloader version of the device.
const.product.udid int GetDevUdid(char *udid, int size) Obtains the UDID of the device through DeviceInfo or through calculation if the attempt to obtain the UDID through DeviceInfo fails.
const char *AclGetSerial(void); Obtains the SN of the device (with ACL check).
int AclGetDevUdid(char *udid, int size); Obtains the UDID of the device (with ACL check).

DeviceInfo Source

Adaptation of OHOS Fixed-value Parameters

  • OHOS fixed-value parameters:
  • Description of adaptation:

OHOS fixed-value parameters are filled by the OHOS and do not need to be adapted by vendors. Currently, these parameters are defined in the /base/startup/init/services/etc/param/ohos_const/ohos.para file.

Adaptation of Vendor Fixed-value Parameters

  • Vendor fixed-value parameters:
  ... ...

  • Description of adaptation:

Adapt parameters in the vendor directory based on actual requirements.

(1) Take RK3568 as an example for standard-system devices. Adapt parameters in the /vendor/hihope/rk3568/etc/para/hardware_rk3568.para file and install the file to the specified directory.

   ohos_prebuilt_etc("para_for_chip_prod") {
    source = "./para/hardware_rk3568.para"
    install_images = [ chip_prod_base_dir ]
    relative_install_dir = "para"
    part_name = "product_rk3568"

(2) For mini- and small-system devices, adapt parameters in the respective hals/utils/sys_param/vendor.para file. For example:








... ...

Adaptation of Vendor Dynamic-value Parameters

  • Currently, three ways are provided to obtain vendor dynamic-value parameters: cmdline, macro definition, and BUILD.gn definition.

    1. cmdline: Values that are read from cmdline include ohos.boot.hardware, ohos.boot.bootslots, and ohos.boot.sn. The way to obtain ohos.boot.sn differs according to the system type as follows:

(1) For standard-system devices: ohos.boot.sn is read from cmdline (generated by U-Boot). If the SN is obtained, the value is directly read; if the file path is obtained, the value is read from the file. If the preceding attempt fails, the value is read from the default SN files; that is, /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/cid and /proc/bootdevice/cid.

(2) For mini- and small-system devices: These devices may come with their own special algorithms. Therefore, HalGetSerial() can be used to obtain the SN from the hal_sys_param.c file in the hals/utils/sys_param directory.

  1. Macro definition: Obtain parameter values by compiling macro definitions. Currently, this mode is available only for mini- and small-system devices. For example:
    defines = [
  1. BUILD.gn definition: Obtain parameter values from the /base/startup/init/services/etc/BUILD.gn file. For example:
    if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
      extra_paras += [ "const.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a" ]
    if (build_variant == "user") {
      extra_paras += [
    } else if (build_variant == "root") {
      extra_paras += [
    if (device_type != "default") {
      extra_paras += [
    module_install_dir = "etc/param"


(1) For small-system devices, add the compilation of vendor.para to the hals/utils/sys_param/BUILD.gn file.

  copy("vendor.para") {
    sources = [ "./vendor.para" ]
    outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/vendor/etc/param/vendor.para" ]

(2) For mini-system devices, a file system is not available and therefore, the hal_sys_param.c and vendor.para files are converted into header files and are compiled to the system during compilation.


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