spark MemoryManager 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark MemoryManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.memory

import{ManagementFactory, PlatformManagedObject}
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.util.Try

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.array.ByteArrayMethods
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.memory.MemoryAllocator
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * An abstract memory manager that enforces how memory is shared between execution and storage.
 * In this context, execution memory refers to that used for computation in shuffles, joins,
 * sorts and aggregations, while storage memory refers to that used for caching and propagating
 * internal data across the cluster. There exists one MemoryManager per JVM.
private[spark] abstract class MemoryManager(
    conf: SparkConf,
    numCores: Int,
    onHeapStorageMemory: Long,
    onHeapExecutionMemory: Long) extends Logging {

  require(onHeapExecutionMemory > 0, "onHeapExecutionMemory must be > 0")

  // -- Methods related to memory allocation policies and bookkeeping ------------------------------

  protected val onHeapStorageMemoryPool = new StorageMemoryPool(this, MemoryMode.ON_HEAP)
  protected val offHeapStorageMemoryPool = new StorageMemoryPool(this, MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP)
  protected val onHeapExecutionMemoryPool = new ExecutionMemoryPool(this, MemoryMode.ON_HEAP)
  protected val offHeapExecutionMemoryPool = new ExecutionMemoryPool(this, MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP)


  protected[this] val maxOffHeapMemory = conf.get(MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE)
  protected[this] val offHeapStorageMemory =
    (maxOffHeapMemory * conf.get(MEMORY_STORAGE_FRACTION)).toLong

  offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.incrementPoolSize(maxOffHeapMemory - offHeapStorageMemory)

   * Total available on heap memory for storage, in bytes. This amount can vary over time,
   * depending on the MemoryManager implementation.
   * In this model, this is equivalent to the amount of memory not occupied by execution.
  def maxOnHeapStorageMemory: Long

   * Total available off heap memory for storage, in bytes. This amount can vary over time,
   * depending on the MemoryManager implementation.
  def maxOffHeapStorageMemory: Long

   * Set the [[MemoryStore]] used by this manager to evict cached blocks.
   * This must be set after construction due to initialization ordering constraints.
  final def setMemoryStore(store: MemoryStore): Unit = synchronized {

   * Acquire N bytes of memory to cache the given block, evicting existing ones if necessary.
   * @return whether all N bytes were successfully granted.
  def acquireStorageMemory(blockId: BlockId, numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean

   * Acquire N bytes of memory to unroll the given block, evicting existing ones if necessary.
   * This extra method allows subclasses to differentiate behavior between acquiring storage
   * memory and acquiring unroll memory. For instance, the memory management model in Spark
   * 1.5 and before places a limit on the amount of space that can be freed from unrolling.
   * @return whether all N bytes were successfully granted.
  def acquireUnrollMemory(blockId: BlockId, numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean

   * Try to acquire up to `numBytes` of execution memory for the current task and return the
   * number of bytes obtained, or 0 if none can be allocated.
   * This call may block until there is enough free memory in some situations, to make sure each
   * task has a chance to ramp up to at least 1 / 2N of the total memory pool (where N is the # of
   * active tasks) before it is forced to spill. This can happen if the number of tasks increase
   * but an older task had a lot of memory already.
  def acquireExecutionMemory(
      numBytes: Long,
      taskAttemptId: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode): Long

   * Release numBytes of execution memory belonging to the given task.
  def releaseExecutionMemory(
      numBytes: Long,
      taskAttemptId: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
    memoryMode match {
      case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes, taskAttemptId)
      case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes, taskAttemptId)

   * Release all memory for the given task and mark it as inactive (e.g. when a task ends).
   * @return the number of bytes freed.
  private[memory] def releaseAllExecutionMemoryForTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Long = synchronized {
    onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseAllMemoryForTask(taskAttemptId) +

   * Release N bytes of storage memory.
  def releaseStorageMemory(numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
    memoryMode match {
      case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapStorageMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes)
      case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapStorageMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes)

   * Release all storage memory acquired.
  final def releaseAllStorageMemory(): Unit = synchronized {

   * Release N bytes of unroll memory.
  final def releaseUnrollMemory(numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
    releaseStorageMemory(numBytes, memoryMode)

   * Execution memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def executionMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {
    onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed + offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed

   * Storage memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def storageMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {
    onHeapStorageMemoryPool.memoryUsed + offHeapStorageMemoryPool.memoryUsed

   *  On heap execution memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def onHeapExecutionMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {

   *  Off heap execution memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def offHeapExecutionMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {

   *  On heap storage memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def onHeapStorageMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {

   *  Off heap storage memory currently in use, in bytes.
  final def offHeapStorageMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {

   * Returns the execution memory consumption, in bytes, for the given task.
  private[memory] def getExecutionMemoryUsageForTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Long = synchronized {
    onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.getMemoryUsageForTask(taskAttemptId) +

  // -- Fields related to Tungsten managed memory -------------------------------------------------

   * Tracks whether Tungsten memory will be allocated on the JVM heap or off-heap using
   * sun.misc.Unsafe.
  final val tungstenMemoryMode: MemoryMode = {
    if (conf.get(MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED)) {
      require(conf.get(MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE) > 0,
        "spark.memory.offHeap.size must be > 0 when spark.memory.offHeap.enabled == true")
        "No support for unaligned Unsafe. Set spark.memory.offHeap.enabled to false.")
    } else {

   * The default page size, in bytes.
   * If user didn't explicitly set "spark.buffer.pageSize", we figure out the default value
   * by looking at the number of cores available to the process, and the total amount of memory,
   * and then divide it by a factor of safety.
   * SPARK-37593 If we are using G1GC, it's better to take the LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET
   * into consideration so that the requested memory size is power of 2
   * and can be divided by G1 heap region size to reduce memory waste within one G1 region.
  private lazy val defaultPageSizeBytes = {
    val minPageSize = 1L * 1024 * 1024   // 1MB
    val maxPageSize = 64L * minPageSize  // 64MB
    val cores = if (numCores > 0) numCores else Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
    // Because of rounding to next power of 2, we may have safetyFactor as 8 in worst case
    val safetyFactor = 16
    val maxTungstenMemory: Long = tungstenMemoryMode match {
      case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.poolSize
      case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.poolSize
    val size = ByteArrayMethods.nextPowerOf2(maxTungstenMemory / cores / safetyFactor)
    val chosenPageSize = math.min(maxPageSize, math.max(minPageSize, size))
    if (isG1GC && tungstenMemoryMode == MemoryMode.ON_HEAP) {
      chosenPageSize - Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET
    } else {

  val pageSizeBytes: Long = conf.get(BUFFER_PAGESIZE).getOrElse(defaultPageSizeBytes)

   * Allocates memory for use by Unsafe/Tungsten code.
  private[memory] final val tungstenMemoryAllocator: MemoryAllocator = {
    tungstenMemoryMode match {
      case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => MemoryAllocator.HEAP
      case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => MemoryAllocator.UNSAFE

   * Return whether we are using G1GC or not
  private lazy val isG1GC: Boolean = {
    Try {
      val clazz = Utils.classForName("")
        .asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: PlatformManagedObject]]
      val vmOptionClazz = Utils.classForName("")
      val hotSpotDiagnosticMXBean = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(clazz)
      val vmOptionMethod = clazz.getMethod("getVMOption", classOf[String])
      val valueMethod = vmOptionClazz.getMethod("getValue")

      val useG1GCObject = vmOptionMethod.invoke(hotSpotDiagnosticMXBean, "UseG1GC")
      val useG1GC = valueMethod.invoke(useG1GCObject).asInstanceOf[String]


spark 源码目录


spark ExecutionMemoryPool 源码

spark MemoryPool 源码

spark StorageMemoryPool 源码

spark UnifiedMemoryManager 源码

spark package 源码

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