harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.multimodalInput.inputEventClient (Device Injection)
@ohos.multimodalInput.inputEventClient (Device Injection)
The inputEventClient module provides the device injection capability.
The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.
Modules to Import
import inputEventClient from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputEventClient';
injectEvent({KeyEvent: KeyEvent}): void
Injects keys (including single keys and combination keys).
System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputSimulator
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
KeyEvent | KeyEvent | Yes | Information about the key event to inject. |
try {
let backKeyDown: inputEventClient.KeyEvent = {
isPressed: true,
keyCode: 2,
keyDownDuration: 0,
isIntercepted: false
inputEventClient.injectEvent({ KeyEvent: backKeyDown });
let backKeyUp: inputEventClient.KeyEvent = {
isPressed: false,
keyCode: 2,
keyDownDuration: 0,
isIntercepted: false
inputEventClient.injectEvent({ KeyEvent: backKeyUp });
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to inject KeyEvent, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
injectMouseEvent({mouseEvent: MouseEvent}): void;
Injects a mouse/touchpad event.
System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputSimulator
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
mouseEvent | MouseEvent | Yes | Mouse/touchpad event to inject. |
try {
let mouseButtonUp = {
action: 2,
screenX: 200,
screenY: 620,
button: 0,
toolType: 1,
inputEventClient.injectMouseEvent({ mouseEvent: mouseButtonUp });
let mouseButtonDown = {
action: 3,
screenX: 200,
screenY: 620,
button: 0,
toolType: 1,
inputEventClient.injectMouseEvent({ mouseEvent: mouseButtonDown });
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to inject MouseEvent, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
injectTouchEvent({touchEvent: TouchEvent}): void;
Injects a touchscreen event.
System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputSimulator
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
touchEvent | TouchEvent | Yes | Touchscreen event to inject. |
try {
let touchEventUp = {
action: 1,
sourceType: 0,
screenX: 200,
screenY: 620,
pressedTime: 0,
inputEventClient.injectTouchEvent({ touchEvent: touchEventUp });
let touchEventDown = {
action: 3,
sourceType: 0,
screenX: 200,
screenY: 620,
pressedTime: 0,
inputEventClient.injectTouchEvent({ touchEvent: touchEventDown });
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to inject touchEvent, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
Represents the key event to inject.
System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputSimulator
Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
isPressed | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the key is pressed. The value true indicates that the key is pressed, and the value false indicates the opposite. |
keyCode | number | Yes | No | Keycode value. Currently, only the KEYCODE_BACK key is supported. |
keyDownDuration | number | Yes | No | Duration for pressing a key, in μs. |
isIntercepted | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the key event can be intercepted. The value true indicates that the key event can be intercepted, and the value false indicates the opposite. |
harmony 鸿蒙System Common Events (To Be Deprecated Soon)
harmony 鸿蒙System Common Events
harmony 鸿蒙API Reference Document Description
harmony 鸿蒙Enterprise Device Management Overview (for System Applications Only)
harmony 鸿蒙BundleStatusCallback
harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager (innerBundleManager)
harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.distributedBundle (Distributed Bundle Management)
harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle (Bundle)
harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.enterprise.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility (EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility)
- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦