harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Management Development

  • 2022-12-13
  • 浏览 (743)

Bundle Management Development

How do I obtain the version code and version name of an application?

Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9

Use bundle.getBundleInfo() to obtain the bundle information, which contains the version code and version name.

Reference: Bundle

How do I obtain the bundle name of an application?

Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9

Obtain the bundle name through context.abilityInfo.bundleName.

Reference: AbilityContext and AbilityInfo

How do I obtain an application icon?

Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9

Use bundle.getAbilityIcon to obtain the application icon. To use this API, you must configure the permission ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO.

Reference: Bundle

How do I determine whether an application is a system application?

Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9

Use bundle.getApplicationInfo to obtain the application information, and then check the value of systemApp in the information. The application is a system application if the value is true.


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