greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt 源码
greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2010 Greenplum, Inc.
// @filename:
// CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt.h
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to GPDB PlannedStmt
// @test:
#ifndef GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H
#define GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H
extern "C" {
#include "postgres.h"
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CContextDXLToPlStmt.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CDXLTranslateContext.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CMappingColIdVarPlStmt.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorDXLToScalar.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/CIdGenerator.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLCtasStorageOptions.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLPhysicalIndexScan.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDRelationExternal.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
// fwd declarations
namespace gpopt
class CMDAccessor;
namespace gpmd
class IMDRelation;
class IMDIndex;
} // namespace gpmd
struct PlannedStmt;
struct Scan;
struct HashJoin;
struct NestLoop;
struct MergeJoin;
struct Hash;
struct RangeTblEntry;
struct Motion;
struct Limit;
struct Agg;
struct Append;
struct Sort;
struct SubqueryScan;
struct SubPlan;
struct Result;
struct Material;
struct ShareInputScan;
//struct Const;
//struct List;
namespace gpdxl
using namespace gpopt;
// fwd decl
class CDXLNode;
class CDXLPhysicalCTAS;
class CDXLDirectDispatchInfo;
// @class:
// CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to GPDB PlannedStmt
class CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt
// context for fixing index var attno
struct SContextIndexVarAttno
// MD relation
const IMDRelation *m_md_rel;
// MD index
const IMDIndex *m_md_index;
// ctor
SContextIndexVarAttno(const IMDRelation *md_rel,
const IMDIndex *md_index)
: m_md_rel(md_rel), m_md_index(md_index)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != md_rel);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != md_index);
}; // SContextIndexVarAttno
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// meta data accessor
CMDAccessor *m_md_accessor;
CContextDXLToPlStmt *m_dxl_to_plstmt_context;
CTranslatorDXLToScalar *m_translator_dxl_to_scalar;
// command type
CmdType m_cmd_type;
// is target table distributed, false when in non DML statements
BOOL m_is_tgt_tbl_distributed;
// list of result relations range table indexes for DML statements,
// or NULL for select queries
List *m_result_rel_list;
// number of segments
ULONG m_num_of_segments;
// partition selector counter
ULONG m_partition_selector_counter;
// private copy ctor
CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt(const CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt &);
// walker to set index var attno's
static BOOL SetIndexVarAttnoWalker(
Node *node, SContextIndexVarAttno *ctxt_index_var_attno_walker);
// ctor
CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CContextDXLToPlStmt *dxl_to_plstmt_context,
ULONG num_of_segments);
// dtor
// translate DXL operator node into a Plan node
Plan *TranslateDXLOperatorToPlan(
const CDXLNode *dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// main translation routine for DXL tree -> PlannedStmt
PlannedStmt *GetPlannedStmtFromDXL(const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
const Query *orig_query,
bool can_set_tag);
// translate the join types from its DXL representation to the GPDB one
static JoinType GetGPDBJoinTypeFromDXLJoinType(EdxlJoinType join_type);
// Set the bitmapset of a plan to the list of param_ids defined by the plan
static void SetParamIds(Plan *);
// translate DXL table scan node into a SeqScan node
Plan *TranslateDXLTblScan(
const CDXLNode *tbl_scan_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL index scan node into a IndexScan node
Plan *TranslateDXLIndexScan(
const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translates a DXL index scan node into a IndexScan node
Plan *TranslateDXLIndexScan(
const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
gpdxl::CDXLPhysicalIndexScan *dxl_physical_idx_scan_op,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL index scan node into a IndexOnlyScan node
Plan *TranslateDXLIndexOnlyScan(
const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL hash join into a HashJoin node
Plan *TranslateDXLHashJoin(
const CDXLNode *TranslateDXLHashJoin,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL nested loop join into a NestLoop node
Plan *TranslateDXLNLJoin(
const CDXLNode *nl_join_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL merge join into a MergeJoin node
Plan *TranslateDXLMergeJoin(
const CDXLNode *merge_join_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL motion node into GPDB Motion plan node
Plan *TranslateDXLMotion(
const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL motion node
Plan *TranslateDXLDuplicateSensitiveMotion(
const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL duplicate sensitive redistribute motion node into
// GPDB result node with hash filters
Plan *TranslateDXLRedistributeMotionToResultHashFilters(
const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL aggregate node into GPDB Agg plan node
Plan *TranslateDXLAgg(
const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL window node into GPDB window node
Plan *TranslateDXLWindow(
const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL sort node into GPDB Sort plan node
Plan *TranslateDXLSort(
const CDXLNode *sort_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a DXL node into a Hash node
Plan *TranslateDXLHash(
const CDXLNode *dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL Limit node into a Limit node
Plan *TranslateDXLLimit(
const CDXLNode *limit_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate DXL TVF into a GPDB Function Scan node
Plan *TranslateDXLTvf(
const CDXLNode *tvf_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLSubQueryScan(
const CDXLNode *subquery_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLProjectSet(
const CDXLNode *result_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLResult(
const CDXLNode *result_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLAppend(
const CDXLNode *append_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLMaterialize(
const CDXLNode *materialize_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
Plan *TranslateDXLSharedScan(
const CDXLNode *shared_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a sequence operator
Plan *TranslateDXLSequence(
const CDXLNode *sequence_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a dynamic table scan operator
Plan *TranslateDXLDynTblScan(
const CDXLNode *dyn_tbl_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a dynamic index scan operator
Plan *TranslateDXLDynIdxScan(
const CDXLNode *dyn_idx_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a DML operator
Plan *TranslateDXLDml(
const CDXLNode *dml_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a Split operator
Plan *TranslateDXLSplit(
const CDXLNode *split_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate an Assert operator
Plan *TranslateDXLAssert(
const CDXLNode *assert_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a CTE producer into a GPDB share input scan
Plan *TranslateDXLCTEProducerToSharedScan(
const CDXLNode *cte_producer_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a CTE consumer into a GPDB share input scan
Plan *TranslateDXLCTEConsumerToSharedScan(
const CDXLNode *cte_consumer_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a (dynamic) bitmap table scan operator
Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapTblScan(
const CDXLNode *bitmapscan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a DXL PartitionSelector into a GPDB PartitionSelector
Plan *TranslateDXLPartSelector(
const CDXLNode *partition_selector_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *
ctxt_translation_prev_siblings // translation contexts of previous siblings
// translate a DXL Value Scan into GPDB Value Scan
Plan *TranslateDXLValueScan(
const CDXLNode *value_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings);
// translate DXL filter list into GPDB filter list
List *TranslateDXLFilterList(
const CDXLNode *filter_list_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// create range table entry from a CDXLPhysicalTVF node
RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLTvfToRangeTblEntry(
const CDXLNode *tvf_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);
// create range table entry from a CDXLPhysicalValueScan node
RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLValueScanToRangeTblEntry(
const CDXLNode *value_scan_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);
// create range table entry from a table descriptor
RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLTblDescrToRangeTblEntry(
const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr, Index index,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);
// translate DXL projection list into a target list
List *TranslateDXLProjList(
const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// insert NULL values for dropped attributes to construct the target list for a DML statement
List *CreateTargetListWithNullsForDroppedCols(List *target_list,
const IMDRelation *md_rel);
// create a target list containing column references for a hash node from the
// project list of its child node
static List *TranslateDXLProjectListToHashTargetList(
const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
List *TranslateDXLFilterToQual(
const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// translate operator costs from the DXL cost structure into a Plan
// struct used by GPDB
void TranslatePlanCosts(const CDXLNode *dxlnode, Plan *plan);
// shortcut for translating both the projection list and the filter
void TranslateProjListAndFilter(
const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode, const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts, List **targetlist_out,
List **qual_out, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// translate the hash expr list of a redistribute motion node
void TranslateHashExprList(const CDXLNode *hash_expr_list_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
List **hash_expr_out_list,
List **hash_expr_types_out_list,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// translate the tree of bitmap index operators that are under a (dynamic) bitmap table scan
Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapAccessPath(
const CDXLNode *bitmap_access_path_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);
// translate a bitmap bool op expression
Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapBoolOp(
const CDXLNode *bitmap_boolop_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);
// translate CDXLScalarBitmapIndexProbe into BitmapIndexScan or DynamicBitmapIndexScan
Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapIndexProbe(
const CDXLNode *bitmap_index_probe_dxlnode,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);
static void TranslateSortCols(const CDXLNode *sort_col_list_dxl,
const CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
AttrNumber *att_no_sort_colids,
Oid *sort_op_oids, Oid *sort_collations_oids,
bool *is_nulls_first);
List *TranslateDXLScCondToQual(
const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);
// parse string value into a Const
static Cost CostFromStr(const CWStringBase *str);
// check if the given operator is a DML operator on a distributed table
BOOL IsTgtTblDistributed(CDXLOperator *dxlop);
// add a target entry for a junk column with given colid to the target list
static void AddJunkTargetEntryForColId(
List **target_list, CDXLTranslateContext *dxl_translate_ctxt,
ULONG colid, const char *resname);
// translate the index condition list in an Index scan
void TranslateIndexConditions(
CDXLNode *index_cond_list_dxlnode, const CDXLTableDescr *dxl_tbl_descr,
BOOL is_bitmap_index_probe, const IMDIndex *index,
const IMDRelation *md_rel, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
List **index_cond, List **index_orig_cond, List **index_strategy_list,
List **index_subtype_list);
// translate the index filters
List *TranslateDXLIndexFilter(
CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings);
// translate the assert constraints
List *TranslateDXLAssertConstraints(
CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts);
// translate a CTAS operator
Plan *TranslateDXLCtas(
const CDXLNode *dml_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings =
nullptr // translation contexts of previous siblings
// sets the vartypmod fields in the target entries of the given target list
static void SetVarTypMod(const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop, List *target_list);
// translate the into clause for a DXL physical CTAS operator
static IntoClause *TranslateDXLPhyCtasToIntoClause(
const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop);
// translate the distribution policy for a DXL physical CTAS operator
static GpPolicy *TranslateDXLPhyCtasToDistrPolicy(
const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop, List *target_list);
// translate CTAS storage options
static List *TranslateDXLCtasStorageOptions(
// compute directed dispatch segment ids
List *TranslateDXLDirectDispatchInfo(
CDXLDirectDispatchInfo *dxl_direct_dispatch_info);
// hash a DXL datum with GPDB's hash function
ULONG GetDXLDatumGPDBHash(CDXLDatumArray *dxl_datum_array);
// translate nest loop colrefs to GPDB nestparams
static List *TranslateNestLoopParamList(
CDXLColRefArray *pdrgdxlcrOuterRefs, CDXLTranslateContext *dxltrctxLeft,
CDXLTranslateContext *dxltrctxRight);
} // namespace gpdxl
#endif // !GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H
// EOF
greenplumn CContextDXLToPlStmt 源码
greenplumn CContextQueryToDXL 源码
greenplumn CDXLTranslateContext 源码
greenplumn CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable 源码
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10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦