greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt 源码

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greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2010 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt.h
//	@doc:
//		Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to GPDB PlannedStmt
//	@test:

#ifndef GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H
#define GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H

extern "C" {
#include "postgres.h"

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/translate/CContextDXLToPlStmt.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CDXLTranslateContext.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CMappingColIdVarPlStmt.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorDXLToScalar.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/CIdGenerator.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLCtasStorageOptions.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLPhysicalIndexScan.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDRelationExternal.h"

#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"

// fwd declarations
namespace gpopt
class CMDAccessor;

namespace gpmd
class IMDRelation;
class IMDIndex;
}  // namespace gpmd

struct PlannedStmt;
struct Scan;
struct HashJoin;
struct NestLoop;
struct MergeJoin;
struct Hash;
struct RangeTblEntry;
struct Motion;
struct Limit;
struct Agg;
struct Append;
struct Sort;
struct SubqueryScan;
struct SubPlan;
struct Result;
struct Material;
struct ShareInputScan;
//struct Const;
//struct List;

namespace gpdxl
using namespace gpopt;

// fwd decl
class CDXLNode;
class CDXLPhysicalCTAS;
class CDXLDirectDispatchInfo;

//	@class:
//		CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt
//	@doc:
//		Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to GPDB PlannedStmt
class CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt
	// context for fixing index var attno
	struct SContextIndexVarAttno
		// MD relation
		const IMDRelation *m_md_rel;

		// MD index
		const IMDIndex *m_md_index;

		// ctor
		SContextIndexVarAttno(const IMDRelation *md_rel,
							  const IMDIndex *md_index)
			: m_md_rel(md_rel), m_md_index(md_index)
			GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != md_rel);
			GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != md_index);
	};	// SContextIndexVarAttno

	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// meta data accessor
	CMDAccessor *m_md_accessor;

	CContextDXLToPlStmt *m_dxl_to_plstmt_context;

	CTranslatorDXLToScalar *m_translator_dxl_to_scalar;

	// command type
	CmdType m_cmd_type;

	// is target table distributed, false when in non DML statements
	BOOL m_is_tgt_tbl_distributed;

	// list of result relations range table indexes for DML statements,
	// or NULL for select queries
	List *m_result_rel_list;

	// number of segments
	ULONG m_num_of_segments;

	// partition selector counter
	ULONG m_partition_selector_counter;

	// private copy ctor
	CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt(const CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt &);

	// walker to set index var attno's
	static BOOL SetIndexVarAttnoWalker(
		Node *node, SContextIndexVarAttno *ctxt_index_var_attno_walker);

	// ctor
	CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
						   CContextDXLToPlStmt *dxl_to_plstmt_context,
						   ULONG num_of_segments);

	// dtor

	// translate DXL operator node into a Plan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLOperatorToPlan(
		const CDXLNode *dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// main translation routine for DXL tree -> PlannedStmt
	PlannedStmt *GetPlannedStmtFromDXL(const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
									   const Query *orig_query,
									   bool can_set_tag);

	// translate the join types from its DXL representation to the GPDB one
	static JoinType GetGPDBJoinTypeFromDXLJoinType(EdxlJoinType join_type);

	// Set the bitmapset of a plan to the list of param_ids defined by the plan
	static void SetParamIds(Plan *);

	// translate DXL table scan node into a SeqScan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLTblScan(
		const CDXLNode *tbl_scan_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL index scan node into a IndexScan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLIndexScan(
		const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translates a DXL index scan node into a IndexScan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLIndexScan(
		const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
		gpdxl::CDXLPhysicalIndexScan *dxl_physical_idx_scan_op,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL index scan node into a IndexOnlyScan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLIndexOnlyScan(
		const CDXLNode *index_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL hash join into a HashJoin node
	Plan *TranslateDXLHashJoin(
		const CDXLNode *TranslateDXLHashJoin,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL nested loop join into a NestLoop node
	Plan *TranslateDXLNLJoin(
		const CDXLNode *nl_join_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL merge join into a MergeJoin node
	Plan *TranslateDXLMergeJoin(
		const CDXLNode *merge_join_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL motion node into GPDB Motion plan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLMotion(
		const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL motion node
	Plan *TranslateDXLDuplicateSensitiveMotion(
		const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL duplicate sensitive redistribute motion node into
	// GPDB result node with hash filters
	Plan *TranslateDXLRedistributeMotionToResultHashFilters(
		const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL aggregate node into GPDB Agg plan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLAgg(
		const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL window node into GPDB window node
	Plan *TranslateDXLWindow(
		const CDXLNode *motion_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL sort node into GPDB Sort plan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLSort(
		const CDXLNode *sort_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a DXL node into a Hash node
	Plan *TranslateDXLHash(
		const CDXLNode *dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL Limit node into a Limit node
	Plan *TranslateDXLLimit(
		const CDXLNode *limit_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate DXL TVF into a GPDB Function Scan node
	Plan *TranslateDXLTvf(
		const CDXLNode *tvf_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLSubQueryScan(
		const CDXLNode *subquery_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLProjectSet(
		const CDXLNode *result_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLResult(
		const CDXLNode *result_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLAppend(
		const CDXLNode *append_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLMaterialize(
		const CDXLNode *materialize_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	Plan *TranslateDXLSharedScan(
		const CDXLNode *shared_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a sequence operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLSequence(
		const CDXLNode *sequence_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a dynamic table scan operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLDynTblScan(
		const CDXLNode *dyn_tbl_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a dynamic index scan operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLDynIdxScan(
		const CDXLNode *dyn_idx_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a DML operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLDml(
		const CDXLNode *dml_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a Split operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLSplit(
		const CDXLNode *split_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate an Assert operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLAssert(
		const CDXLNode *assert_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a CTE producer into a GPDB share input scan
	Plan *TranslateDXLCTEProducerToSharedScan(
		const CDXLNode *cte_producer_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a CTE consumer into a GPDB share input scan
	Plan *TranslateDXLCTEConsumerToSharedScan(
		const CDXLNode *cte_consumer_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a (dynamic) bitmap table scan operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapTblScan(
		const CDXLNode *bitmapscan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a DXL PartitionSelector into a GPDB PartitionSelector
	Plan *TranslateDXLPartSelector(
		const CDXLNode *partition_selector_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *
			ctxt_translation_prev_siblings	// translation contexts of previous siblings

	// translate a DXL Value Scan into GPDB Value Scan
	Plan *TranslateDXLValueScan(
		const CDXLNode *value_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings);

	// translate DXL filter list into GPDB filter list
	List *TranslateDXLFilterList(
		const CDXLNode *filter_list_dxlnode,
		const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// create range table entry from a CDXLPhysicalTVF node
	RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLTvfToRangeTblEntry(
		const CDXLNode *tvf_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);

	// create range table entry from a CDXLPhysicalValueScan node
	RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLValueScanToRangeTblEntry(
		const CDXLNode *value_scan_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);

	// create range table entry from a table descriptor
	RangeTblEntry *TranslateDXLTblDescrToRangeTblEntry(
		const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr, Index index,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context);

	// translate DXL projection list into a target list
	List *TranslateDXLProjList(
		const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
		const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// insert NULL values for dropped attributes to construct the target list for a DML statement
	List *CreateTargetListWithNullsForDroppedCols(List *target_list,
												  const IMDRelation *md_rel);

	// create a target list containing column references for a hash node from the
	// project list of its child node
	static List *TranslateDXLProjectListToHashTargetList(
		const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	List *TranslateDXLFilterToQual(
		const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
		const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// translate operator costs from the DXL cost structure into a Plan
	// struct used by GPDB
	void TranslatePlanCosts(const CDXLNode *dxlnode, Plan *plan);

	// shortcut for translating both the projection list and the filter
	void TranslateProjListAndFilter(
		const CDXLNode *project_list_dxlnode, const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
		const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts, List **targetlist_out,
		List **qual_out, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// translate the hash expr list of a redistribute motion node
	void TranslateHashExprList(const CDXLNode *hash_expr_list_dxlnode,
							   const CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
							   List **hash_expr_out_list,
							   List **hash_expr_types_out_list,
							   CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// translate the tree of bitmap index operators that are under a (dynamic) bitmap table scan
	Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapAccessPath(
		const CDXLNode *bitmap_access_path_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
		const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
		BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);

	// translate a bitmap bool op expression
	Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapBoolOp(
		const CDXLNode *bitmap_boolop_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
		const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
		BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);

	// translate CDXLScalarBitmapIndexProbe into BitmapIndexScan or DynamicBitmapIndexScan
	Plan *TranslateDXLBitmapIndexProbe(
		const CDXLNode *bitmap_index_probe_dxlnode,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context, const IMDRelation *md_rel,
		const CDXLTableDescr *table_descr,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
		BitmapHeapScan *bitmap_tbl_scan);

	static void TranslateSortCols(const CDXLNode *sort_col_list_dxl,
								  const CDXLTranslateContext *child_context,
								  AttrNumber *att_no_sort_colids,
								  Oid *sort_op_oids, Oid *sort_collations_oids,
								  bool *is_nulls_first);

	List *TranslateDXLScCondToQual(
		const CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
		const CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts,
		CDXLTranslateContext *output_context);

	// parse string value into a Const
	static Cost CostFromStr(const CWStringBase *str);

	// check if the given operator is a DML operator on a distributed table
	BOOL IsTgtTblDistributed(CDXLOperator *dxlop);

	// add a target entry for a junk column with given colid to the target list
	static void AddJunkTargetEntryForColId(
		List **target_list, CDXLTranslateContext *dxl_translate_ctxt,
		ULONG colid, const char *resname);

	// translate the index condition list in an Index scan
	void TranslateIndexConditions(
		CDXLNode *index_cond_list_dxlnode, const CDXLTableDescr *dxl_tbl_descr,
		BOOL is_bitmap_index_probe, const IMDIndex *index,
		const IMDRelation *md_rel, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings,
		List **index_cond, List **index_orig_cond, List **index_strategy_list,
		List **index_subtype_list);

	// translate the index filters
	List *TranslateDXLIndexFilter(
		CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable *base_table_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings);

	// translate the assert constraints
	List *TranslateDXLAssertConstraints(
		CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *child_contexts);

	// translate a CTAS operator
	Plan *TranslateDXLCtas(
		const CDXLNode *dml_dxlnode, CDXLTranslateContext *output_context,
		CDXLTranslationContextArray *ctxt_translation_prev_siblings =
			nullptr	 // translation contexts of previous siblings

	// sets the vartypmod fields in the target entries of the given target list
	static void SetVarTypMod(const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop, List *target_list);

	// translate the into clause for a DXL physical CTAS operator
	static IntoClause *TranslateDXLPhyCtasToIntoClause(
		const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop);

	// translate the distribution policy for a DXL physical CTAS operator
	static GpPolicy *TranslateDXLPhyCtasToDistrPolicy(
		const CDXLPhysicalCTAS *dxlop, List *target_list);

	// translate CTAS storage options
	static List *TranslateDXLCtasStorageOptions(

	// compute directed dispatch segment ids
	List *TranslateDXLDirectDispatchInfo(
		CDXLDirectDispatchInfo *dxl_direct_dispatch_info);

	// hash a DXL datum with GPDB's hash function
	ULONG GetDXLDatumGPDBHash(CDXLDatumArray *dxl_datum_array);

	// translate nest loop colrefs to GPDB nestparams
	static List *TranslateNestLoopParamList(
		CDXLColRefArray *pdrgdxlcrOuterRefs, CDXLTranslateContext *dxltrctxLeft,
		CDXLTranslateContext *dxltrctxRight);
}  // namespace gpdxl

#endif	// !GPDXL_CTranslatorDxlToPlStmt_H

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CCTEListEntry 源码

greenplumn CContextDXLToPlStmt 源码

greenplumn CContextQueryToDXL 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContext 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable 源码

greenplumn CGPDBAttInfo 源码

greenplumn CGPDBAttOptCol 源码

greenplumn CIndexQualInfo 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVar 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVarPlStmt 源码

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