tidb repeatable_read 源码
tidb repeatable_read 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package isolation
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
tikverr "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/error"
// PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider provides txn context for isolation level repeatable-read
type PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider struct {
// Used for ForUpdateRead statement
forUpdateTS uint64
latestForUpdateTS uint64
// It may decide whether to update forUpdateTs when calling provider's getForUpdateTs
// See more details in the comments of optimizeWithPlan
optimizeForNotFetchingLatestTS bool
// NewPessimisticRRTxnContextProvider returns a new PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider
func NewPessimisticRRTxnContextProvider(sctx sessionctx.Context, causalConsistencyOnly bool) *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider {
provider := &PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider{
baseTxnContextProvider: baseTxnContextProvider{
sctx: sctx,
causalConsistencyOnly: causalConsistencyOnly,
onInitializeTxnCtx: func(txnCtx *variable.TransactionContext) {
txnCtx.IsPessimistic = true
txnCtx.Isolation = ast.RepeatableRead
onTxnActiveFunc: func(txn kv.Transaction, _ sessiontxn.EnterNewTxnType) {
txn.SetOption(kv.Pessimistic, true)
provider.getStmtReadTSFunc = provider.getTxnStartTS
provider.getStmtForUpdateTSFunc = provider.getForUpdateTs
return provider
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) getForUpdateTs() (ts uint64, err error) {
if p.forUpdateTS != 0 {
return p.forUpdateTS, nil
var txn kv.Transaction
if txn, err = p.ActivateTxn(); err != nil {
return 0, err
if p.optimizeForNotFetchingLatestTS {
p.forUpdateTS = p.sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.GetForUpdateTS()
return p.forUpdateTS, nil
txnCtx := p.sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx
futureTS := newOracleFuture(p.ctx, p.sctx, txnCtx.TxnScope)
if ts, err = futureTS.Wait(); err != nil {
return 0, err
txn.SetOption(kv.SnapshotTS, ts)
p.forUpdateTS = ts
// updateForUpdateTS acquires the latest TSO and update the TransactionContext and kv.Transaction with it.
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) updateForUpdateTS() (err error) {
sctx := p.sctx
var txn kv.Transaction
if txn, err = sctx.Txn(false); err != nil {
return err
if !txn.Valid() {
return errors.Trace(kv.ErrInvalidTxn)
failpoint.Inject("RequestTsoFromPD", func() {
// Because the ForUpdateTS is used for the snapshot for reading data in DML.
// We can avoid allocating a global TSO here to speed it up by using the local TSO.
version, err := sctx.GetStore().CurrentVersion(sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TxnScope)
if err != nil {
return err
p.latestForUpdateTS = version.Ver
txn.SetOption(kv.SnapshotTS, version.Ver)
return nil
// OnStmtStart is the hook that should be called when a new statement started
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) OnStmtStart(ctx context.Context, node ast.StmtNode) error {
if err := p.baseTxnContextProvider.OnStmtStart(ctx, node); err != nil {
return err
p.forUpdateTS = 0
p.optimizeForNotFetchingLatestTS = false
return nil
// OnStmtRetry is the hook that should be called when a statement is retried internally.
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) OnStmtRetry(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
if err = p.baseTxnContextProvider.OnStmtRetry(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// If TxnCtx.forUpdateTS is updated in OnStmtErrorForNextAction, we assign the value to the provider
if p.latestForUpdateTS > p.forUpdateTS {
p.forUpdateTS = p.latestForUpdateTS
} else {
p.forUpdateTS = 0
p.optimizeForNotFetchingLatestTS = false
return nil
// OnStmtErrorForNextAction is the hook that should be called when a new statement get an error
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) OnStmtErrorForNextAction(point sessiontxn.StmtErrorHandlePoint, err error) (sessiontxn.StmtErrorAction, error) {
switch point {
case sessiontxn.StmtErrAfterPessimisticLock:
return p.handleAfterPessimisticLockError(err)
return sessiontxn.NoIdea()
// AdviseOptimizeWithPlan optimizes for update point get related execution.
// Use case: In for update point get related operations, we do not fetch ts from PD but use the last ts we fetched.
// We expect that the data that the point get acquires has not been changed.
// Benefit: Save the cost of acquiring ts from PD.
// Drawbacks: If the data has been changed since the ts we used, we need to retry.
// One exception is insert operation, when it has no select plan, we do not fetch the latest ts immediately. We only update ts
// if write conflict is incurred.
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) AdviseOptimizeWithPlan(val interface{}) (err error) {
if p.isTidbSnapshotEnabled() || p.isBeginStmtWithStaleRead() {
return nil
plan, ok := val.(plannercore.Plan)
if !ok {
return nil
if execute, ok := plan.(*plannercore.Execute); ok {
plan = execute.Plan
p.optimizeForNotFetchingLatestTS = notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD(plan, false)
return nil
// notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD searches for optimization condition recursively
// Note: For point get and batch point get (name it plan), if one of the ancestor node is update/delete/physicalLock,
// we should check whether the plan.Lock is true or false. See comments in needNotToBeOptimized.
// inLockOrWriteStmt = true means one of the ancestor node is update/delete/physicalLock.
func notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD(plan plannercore.Plan, inLockOrWriteStmt bool) bool {
switch v := plan.(type) {
case *plannercore.PointGetPlan:
// We do not optimize the point get/ batch point get if plan.lock = false and inLockOrWriteStmt = true.
// Theoretically, the plan.lock should be true if the flag is true. But due to the bug describing in Issue35524,
// the plan.lock can be false in the case of inLockOrWriteStmt being true. In this case, optimization here can lead to different results
// which cannot be accepted as AdviseOptimizeWithPlan cannot change results.
return !inLockOrWriteStmt || v.Lock
case *plannercore.BatchPointGetPlan:
return !inLockOrWriteStmt || v.Lock
case plannercore.PhysicalPlan:
if len(v.Children()) == 0 {
return false
_, isPhysicalLock := v.(*plannercore.PhysicalLock)
for _, p := range v.Children() {
if !notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD(p, isPhysicalLock || inLockOrWriteStmt) {
return false
return true
case *plannercore.Update:
return notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD(v.SelectPlan, true)
case *plannercore.Delete:
return notNeedGetLatestTSFromPD(v.SelectPlan, true)
case *plannercore.Insert:
return v.SelectPlan == nil
return false
func (p *PessimisticRRTxnContextProvider) handleAfterPessimisticLockError(lockErr error) (sessiontxn.StmtErrorAction, error) {
sessVars := p.sctx.GetSessionVars()
txnCtx := sessVars.TxnCtx
if deadlock, ok := errors.Cause(lockErr).(*tikverr.ErrDeadlock); ok {
if !deadlock.IsRetryable {
return sessiontxn.ErrorAction(lockErr)
logutil.Logger(p.ctx).Info("single statement deadlock, retry statement",
zap.Uint64("txn", txnCtx.StartTS),
zap.Uint64("lockTS", deadlock.LockTs),
zap.Stringer("lockKey", kv.Key(deadlock.LockKey)),
zap.Uint64("deadlockKeyHash", deadlock.DeadlockKeyHash))
} else if terror.ErrorEqual(kv.ErrWriteConflict, lockErr) {
// Always update forUpdateTS by getting a new timestamp from PD.
// If we use the conflict commitTS as the new forUpdateTS and async commit
// is used, the commitTS of this transaction may exceed the max timestamp
// that PD allocates. Then, the change may be invisible to a new transaction,
// which means linearizability is broken.
errStr := lockErr.Error()
forUpdateTS := txnCtx.GetForUpdateTS()
logutil.Logger(p.ctx).Debug("pessimistic write conflict, retry statement",
zap.Uint64("txn", txnCtx.StartTS),
zap.Uint64("forUpdateTS", forUpdateTS),
zap.String("err", errStr))
} else {
// This branch: if err is not nil, always update forUpdateTS to avoid problem described below.
// For nowait, when ErrLock happened, ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet will be returned, and in the same txn
// the select for updateTs must be updated, otherwise there maybe rollback problem.
// begin
// select for update key1 (here encounters ErrLocked or other errors (or max_execution_time like util),
// key1 lock has not gotten and async rollback key1 is raised)
// select for update key1 again (this time lock is acquired successfully (maybe lock was released by others))
// the async rollback operation rollbacks the lock just acquired
if err := p.updateForUpdateTS(); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(p.ctx).Warn("UpdateForUpdateTS failed", zap.Error(err))
return sessiontxn.ErrorAction(lockErr)
if err := p.updateForUpdateTS(); err != nil {
return sessiontxn.ErrorAction(lockErr)
return sessiontxn.RetryReady()
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