go conversions 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang conversions 代码


// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package conversions

import "unsafe"

// constant conversions

func _[T ~byte]() T { return 255 }
func _[T ~byte]() T { return 256 /* ERROR cannot use 256 .* as T value */ }

func _[T ~byte]() {
	const _ = T /* ERROR T\(0\) .* is not constant */ (0)
	var _ T = 255
	var _ T = 256 // ERROR cannot use 256 .* as T value

func _[T ~string]() T { return T('a') }
func _[T ~int | ~string]() T { return T('a') }
func _[T ~byte | ~int | ~string]() T { return T(256 /* ERROR cannot convert 256 .* to T */ ) }

// implicit conversions never convert to string
func _[T ~string]() {
	var _ string = 0 // ERROR cannot use .* as string value
	var _ T = 0 // ERROR cannot use .* as T value

// failing const conversions of constants to type parameters report a cause
func _[
	T1 any,
	T2 interface{ m() },
	T3 ~int | ~float64 | ~bool,
	T4 ~int | ~string,
]() {
	// TODO(rfindley): align the error formatting here with types2.
	_ = T1(0 /* ERROR cannot convert 0 .* to T1.*T1 does not contain specific types */ )
	_ = T2(1 /* ERROR cannot convert 1 .* to T2.*T2 does not contain specific types */ )
	_ = T3(2 /* ERROR cannot convert 2 .* to T3.*cannot convert 2 .* to bool \(in T3\) */ )
	_ = T4(3.14 /* ERROR cannot convert 3.14 .* to T4.*cannot convert 3.14 .* to int \(in T4\) */ )

// "x is assignable to T"
// - tested via assignability tests

// "x's type and T have identical underlying types if tags are ignored"

func _[X ~int, T ~int](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X struct{f int "foo"}, T struct{f int "bar"}](x X) T { return T(x) }

type Foo struct{f int "foo"}
type Bar struct{f int "bar"}
type Far struct{f float64 }

func _[X Foo, T Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Foo|Bar, T Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Foo, T Foo|Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Foo, T Far](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by Foo\) to T.*cannot convert Foo \(in X\) to Far \(in T\) */ ) }

// "x's type and T are unnamed pointer types and their pointer base types
// have identical underlying types if tags are ignored"

func _[X ~*Foo, T ~*Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~*Foo|~*Bar, T ~*Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~*Foo, T ~*Foo|~*Bar](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~*Foo, T ~*Far](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by ~\*Foo\) to T.*cannot convert \*Foo \(in X\) to \*Far \(in T\) */ ) }

// Verify that the defined types in constraints are considered for the rule above.

type (
	B int
	C int
	X0 *B
	T0 *C

func _(x X0) T0 { return T0(x /* ERROR cannot convert */ ) } // non-generic reference
func _[X X0, T T0](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert */ ) }
func _[T T0](x X0) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert */ ) }
func _[X X0](x X) T0 { return T0(x /* ERROR cannot convert */ ) }

// "x's type and T are both integer or floating point types"

func _[X Integer, T Integer](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Unsigned, T Integer](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Float, T Integer](x X) T { return T(x) }

func _[X Integer, T Unsigned](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Unsigned, T Unsigned](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Float, T Unsigned](x X) T { return T(x) }

func _[X Integer, T Float](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Unsigned, T Float](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Float, T Float](x X) T { return T(x) }

func _[X, T Integer|Unsigned|Float](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X, T Integer|~string](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by Integer\|~string\) to T.*cannot convert string \(in X\) to int \(in T\) */ ) }

// "x's type and T are both complex types"

func _[X, T Complex](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X, T Float|Complex](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by Float\|Complex\) to T.*cannot convert float32 \(in X\) to complex64 \(in T\) */ ) }

// "x is an integer or a slice of bytes or runes and T is a string type"

type myInt int
type myString string

func _[T ~string](x int) T { return T(x) }
func _[T ~string](x myInt) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Integer](x X) string { return string(x) }
func _[X Integer](x X) myString { return myString(x) }
func _[X Integer](x X) *string { return (*string)(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by Integer\) to \*string.*cannot convert int \(in X\) to \*string */ ) }

func _[T ~string](x []byte) T { return T(x) }
func _[T ~string](x []rune) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~[]byte, T ~string](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~[]rune, T ~string](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Integer|~[]byte|~[]rune, T ~string](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X Integer|~[]byte|~[]rune, T ~*string](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by Integer\|~\[\]byte\|~\[\]rune\) to T.*cannot convert int \(in X\) to \*string \(in T\) */ ) }

// "x is a string and T is a slice of bytes or runes"

func _[T ~[]byte](x string) T { return T(x) }
func _[T ~[]rune](x string) T { return T(x) }
func _[T ~[]rune](x *string) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type \*string\) to T.*cannot convert \*string to \[\]rune \(in T\) */ ) }

func _[X ~string, T ~[]byte](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~string, T ~[]rune](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~string, T ~[]byte|~[]rune](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~*string, T ~[]byte|~[]rune](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by ~\*string\) to T.*cannot convert \*string \(in X\) to \[\]byte \(in T\) */ ) }

// package unsafe:
// "any pointer or value of underlying type uintptr can be converted into a unsafe.Pointer"

type myUintptr uintptr

func _[X ~uintptr](x X) unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(x) }
func _[T unsafe.Pointer](x myUintptr) T { return T(x) }
func _[T unsafe.Pointer](x int64) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type int64\) to T.*cannot convert int64 to unsafe\.Pointer \(in T\) */ ) }

// "and vice versa"

func _[T ~uintptr](x unsafe.Pointer) T { return T(x) }
func _[X unsafe.Pointer](x X) uintptr { return uintptr(x) }
func _[X unsafe.Pointer](x X) myUintptr { return myUintptr(x) }
func _[X unsafe.Pointer](x X) int64 { return int64(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by unsafe\.Pointer\) to int64.*cannot convert unsafe\.Pointer \(in X\) to int64 */ ) }

// "x is a slice, T is a pointer-to-array type,
// and the slice and array types have identical element types."

func _[X ~[]E, T ~*[10]E, E any](x X) T { return T(x) }
func _[X ~[]E, T ~[10]E, E any](x X) T { return T(x /* ERROR cannot convert x \(variable of type X constrained by ~\[\]E\) to T.*cannot convert \[\]E \(in X\) to \[10\]E \(in T\) */ ) }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following declarations can be replaced by the exported types of the
// constraints package once all builders support importing interfaces with
// type constraints.

type Signed interface {
	~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64

type Unsigned interface {
	~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~uintptr

type Integer interface {
	Signed | Unsigned

type Float interface {
	~float32 | ~float64

type Complex interface {
	~complex64 | ~complex128


go 源码目录


go assignability 源码

go comparisons 源码

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