spark MemoryStore 源码
spark MemoryStore 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.memory.{MemoryManager, MemoryMode}
import org.apache.spark.serializer.{SerializationStream, SerializerManager}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.array.ByteArrayMethods
import org.apache.spark.util.{SizeEstimator, Utils}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.SizeTrackingVector
import{ChunkedByteBuffer, ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream}
private sealed trait MemoryEntry[T] {
def size: Long
def memoryMode: MemoryMode
def classTag: ClassTag[T]
private case class DeserializedMemoryEntry[T](
value: Array[T],
size: Long,
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
classTag: ClassTag[T]) extends MemoryEntry[T] {
private case class SerializedMemoryEntry[T](
buffer: ChunkedByteBuffer,
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
classTag: ClassTag[T]) extends MemoryEntry[T] {
def size: Long = buffer.size
private[storage] trait BlockEvictionHandler {
* Drop a block from memory, possibly putting it on disk if applicable. Called when the memory
* store reaches its limit and needs to free up space.
* If `data` is not put on disk, it won't be created.
* The caller of this method must hold a write lock on the block before calling this method.
* This method does not release the write lock.
* @return the block's new effective StorageLevel.
private[storage] def dropFromMemory[T: ClassTag](
blockId: BlockId,
data: () => Either[Array[T], ChunkedByteBuffer]): StorageLevel
* Stores blocks in memory, either as Arrays of deserialized Java objects or as
* serialized ByteBuffers.
private[spark] class MemoryStore(
conf: SparkConf,
blockInfoManager: BlockInfoManager,
serializerManager: SerializerManager,
memoryManager: MemoryManager,
blockEvictionHandler: BlockEvictionHandler)
extends Logging {
// Note: all changes to memory allocations, notably putting blocks, evicting blocks, and
// acquiring or releasing unroll memory, must be synchronized on `memoryManager`!
private val entries = new LinkedHashMap[BlockId, MemoryEntry[_]](32, 0.75f, true)
// A mapping from taskAttemptId to amount of memory used for unrolling a block (in bytes)
// All accesses of this map are assumed to have manually synchronized on `memoryManager`
private val onHeapUnrollMemoryMap = mutable.HashMap[Long, Long]()
// Note: off-heap unroll memory is only used in putIteratorAsBytes() because off-heap caching
// always stores serialized values.
private val offHeapUnrollMemoryMap = mutable.HashMap[Long, Long]()
// Initial memory to request before unrolling any block
private val unrollMemoryThreshold: Long =
/** Total amount of memory available for storage, in bytes. */
private def maxMemory: Long = {
memoryManager.maxOnHeapStorageMemory + memoryManager.maxOffHeapStorageMemory
if (maxMemory < unrollMemoryThreshold) {
logWarning(s"Max memory ${Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory)} is less than the initial memory " +
s"threshold ${Utils.bytesToString(unrollMemoryThreshold)} needed to store a block in " +
s"memory. Please configure Spark with more memory.")
logInfo("MemoryStore started with capacity %s".format(Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory)))
/** Total storage memory used including unroll memory, in bytes. */
private def memoryUsed: Long = memoryManager.storageMemoryUsed
* Amount of storage memory, in bytes, used for caching blocks.
* This does not include memory used for unrolling.
private def blocksMemoryUsed: Long = memoryManager.synchronized {
memoryUsed - currentUnrollMemory
def getSize(blockId: BlockId): Long = {
entries.synchronized {
* Use `size` to test if there is enough space in MemoryStore. If so, create the ByteBuffer and
* put it into MemoryStore. Otherwise, the ByteBuffer won't be created.
* The caller should guarantee that `size` is correct.
* @return true if the put() succeeded, false otherwise.
def putBytes[T: ClassTag](
blockId: BlockId,
size: Long,
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
_bytes: () => ChunkedByteBuffer): Boolean = {
require(!contains(blockId), s"Block $blockId is already present in the MemoryStore")
if (memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory(blockId, size, memoryMode)) {
// We acquired enough memory for the block, so go ahead and put it
val bytes = _bytes()
assert(bytes.size == size)
val entry = new SerializedMemoryEntry[T](bytes, memoryMode, implicitly[ClassTag[T]])
entries.synchronized {
entries.put(blockId, entry)
logInfo("Block %s stored as bytes in memory (estimated size %s, free %s)".format(
blockId, Utils.bytesToString(size), Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)))
} else {
* Attempt to put the given block in memory store as values or bytes.
* It's possible that the iterator is too large to materialize and store in memory. To avoid
* OOM exceptions, this method will gradually unroll the iterator while periodically checking
* whether there is enough free memory. If the block is successfully materialized, then the
* temporary unroll memory used during the materialization is "transferred" to storage memory,
* so we won't acquire more memory than is actually needed to store the block.
* @param blockId The block id.
* @param values The values which need be stored.
* @param classTag the [[ClassTag]] for the block.
* @param memoryMode The values saved memory mode(ON_HEAP or OFF_HEAP).
* @param valuesHolder A holder that supports storing record of values into memory store as
* values or bytes.
* @return if the block is stored successfully, return the stored data size. Else return the
* memory has reserved for unrolling the block (There are two reasons for store failed:
* First, the block is partially-unrolled; second, the block is entirely unrolled and
* the actual stored data size is larger than reserved, but we can't request extra
* memory).
private def putIterator[T](
blockId: BlockId,
values: Iterator[T],
classTag: ClassTag[T],
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
valuesHolder: ValuesHolder[T]): Either[Long, Long] = {
require(!contains(blockId), s"Block $blockId is already present in the MemoryStore")
// Number of elements unrolled so far
var elementsUnrolled = 0
// Whether there is still enough memory for us to continue unrolling this block
var keepUnrolling = true
// Initial per-task memory to request for unrolling blocks (bytes).
val initialMemoryThreshold = unrollMemoryThreshold
// How often to check whether we need to request more memory
val memoryCheckPeriod = conf.get(UNROLL_MEMORY_CHECK_PERIOD)
// Memory currently reserved by this task for this particular unrolling operation
var memoryThreshold = initialMemoryThreshold
// Memory to request as a multiple of current vector size
val memoryGrowthFactor = conf.get(UNROLL_MEMORY_GROWTH_FACTOR)
// Keep track of unroll memory used by this particular block / putIterator() operation
var unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock = 0L
// Request enough memory to begin unrolling
keepUnrolling =
reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, initialMemoryThreshold, memoryMode)
if (!keepUnrolling) {
logWarning(s"Failed to reserve initial memory threshold of " +
s"${Utils.bytesToString(initialMemoryThreshold)} for computing block $blockId in memory.")
} else {
unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += initialMemoryThreshold
// Unroll this block safely, checking whether we have exceeded our threshold periodically
while (values.hasNext && keepUnrolling) {
if (elementsUnrolled % memoryCheckPeriod == 0) {
val currentSize = valuesHolder.estimatedSize()
// If our vector's size has exceeded the threshold, request more memory
if (currentSize >= memoryThreshold) {
val amountToRequest = (currentSize * memoryGrowthFactor - memoryThreshold).toLong
keepUnrolling =
reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, amountToRequest, memoryMode)
if (keepUnrolling) {
unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += amountToRequest
// New threshold is currentSize * memoryGrowthFactor
memoryThreshold += amountToRequest
elementsUnrolled += 1
// Make sure that we have enough memory to store the block. By this point, it is possible that
// the block's actual memory usage has exceeded the unroll memory by a small amount, so we
// perform one final call to attempt to allocate additional memory if necessary.
if (keepUnrolling) {
val entryBuilder = valuesHolder.getBuilder()
val size = entryBuilder.preciseSize
if (size > unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock) {
val amountToRequest = size - unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock
keepUnrolling = reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, amountToRequest, memoryMode)
if (keepUnrolling) {
unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += amountToRequest
if (keepUnrolling) {
val entry =
// Synchronize so that transfer is atomic
memoryManager.synchronized {
releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode, unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock)
val success = memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory(blockId, entry.size, memoryMode)
assert(success, "transferring unroll memory to storage memory failed")
entries.synchronized {
entries.put(blockId, entry)
logInfo("Block %s stored as values in memory (estimated size %s, free %s)".format(blockId,
Utils.bytesToString(entry.size), Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)))
} else {
// We ran out of space while unrolling the values for this block
logUnrollFailureMessage(blockId, entryBuilder.preciseSize)
} else {
// We ran out of space while unrolling the values for this block
logUnrollFailureMessage(blockId, valuesHolder.estimatedSize())
* Attempt to put the given block in memory store as values.
* @return in case of success, the estimated size of the stored data. In case of failure, return
* an iterator containing the values of the block. The returned iterator will be backed
* by the combination of the partially-unrolled block and the remaining elements of the
* original input iterator. The caller must either fully consume this iterator or call
* `close()` on it in order to free the storage memory consumed by the partially-unrolled
* block.
private[storage] def putIteratorAsValues[T](
blockId: BlockId,
values: Iterator[T],
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
classTag: ClassTag[T]): Either[PartiallyUnrolledIterator[T], Long] = {
val valuesHolder = new DeserializedValuesHolder[T](classTag, memoryMode)
putIterator(blockId, values, classTag, memoryMode, valuesHolder) match {
case Right(storedSize) => Right(storedSize)
case Left(unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock) =>
val unrolledIterator = if (valuesHolder.vector != null) {
} else {
Left(new PartiallyUnrolledIterator(
unrolled = unrolledIterator,
rest = values))
* Attempt to put the given block in memory store as bytes.
* @return in case of success, the estimated size of the stored data. In case of failure,
* return a handle which allows the caller to either finish the serialization by
* spilling to disk or to deserialize the partially-serialized block and reconstruct
* the original input iterator. The caller must either fully consume this result
* iterator or call `discard()` on it in order to free the storage memory consumed by the
* partially-unrolled block.
private[storage] def putIteratorAsBytes[T](
blockId: BlockId,
values: Iterator[T],
classTag: ClassTag[T],
memoryMode: MemoryMode): Either[PartiallySerializedBlock[T], Long] = {
require(!contains(blockId), s"Block $blockId is already present in the MemoryStore")
// Initial per-task memory to request for unrolling blocks (bytes).
val initialMemoryThreshold = unrollMemoryThreshold
val chunkSize = if (initialMemoryThreshold > ByteArrayMethods.MAX_ROUNDED_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
logWarning(s"Initial memory threshold of ${Utils.bytesToString(initialMemoryThreshold)} " +
s"is too large to be set as chunk size. Chunk size has been capped to " +
} else {
val valuesHolder = new SerializedValuesHolder[T](blockId, chunkSize, classTag,
memoryMode, serializerManager)
putIterator(blockId, values, classTag, memoryMode, valuesHolder) match {
case Right(storedSize) => Right(storedSize)
case Left(unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock) =>
Left(new PartiallySerializedBlock(
def getBytes(blockId: BlockId): Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
val entry = entries.synchronized { entries.get(blockId) }
entry match {
case null => None
case e: DeserializedMemoryEntry[_] =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("should only call getBytes on serialized blocks")
case SerializedMemoryEntry(bytes, _, _) => Some(bytes)
def getValues(blockId: BlockId): Option[Iterator[_]] = {
val entry = entries.synchronized { entries.get(blockId) }
entry match {
case null => None
case e: SerializedMemoryEntry[_] =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("should only call getValues on deserialized blocks")
case DeserializedMemoryEntry(values, _, _, _) =>
val x = Some(values)
def freeMemoryEntry[T <: MemoryEntry[_]](entry: T): Unit = {
entry match {
case SerializedMemoryEntry(buffer, _, _) => buffer.dispose()
case e: DeserializedMemoryEntry[_] => e.value.foreach {
case o: AutoCloseable =>
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Fail to close a memory entry", e)
case _ =>
def remove(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = memoryManager.synchronized {
val entry = entries.synchronized {
if (entry != null) {
memoryManager.releaseStorageMemory(entry.size, entry.memoryMode)
logDebug(s"Block $blockId of size ${entry.size} dropped " +
s"from memory (free ${maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed})")
} else {
def clear(): Unit = memoryManager.synchronized {
entries.synchronized {
logInfo("MemoryStore cleared")
* Return the RDD ID that a given block ID is from, or None if it is not an RDD block.
private def getRddId(blockId: BlockId): Option[Int] = {
* Try to evict blocks to free up a given amount of space to store a particular block.
* Can fail if either the block is bigger than our memory or it would require replacing
* another block from the same RDD (which leads to a wasteful cyclic replacement pattern for
* RDDs that don't fit into memory that we want to avoid).
* @param blockId the ID of the block we are freeing space for, if any
* @param space the size of this block
* @param memoryMode the type of memory to free (on- or off-heap)
* @return the amount of memory (in bytes) freed by eviction
private[spark] def evictBlocksToFreeSpace(
blockId: Option[BlockId],
space: Long,
memoryMode: MemoryMode): Long = {
assert(space > 0)
memoryManager.synchronized {
var freedMemory = 0L
val rddToAdd = blockId.flatMap(getRddId)
val selectedBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockId]
def blockIsEvictable(blockId: BlockId, entry: MemoryEntry[_]): Boolean = {
entry.memoryMode == memoryMode && (rddToAdd.isEmpty || rddToAdd != getRddId(blockId))
// This is synchronized to ensure that the set of entries is not changed
// (because of getValue or getBytes) while traversing the iterator, as that
// can lead to exceptions.
entries.synchronized {
val iterator = entries.entrySet().iterator()
while (freedMemory < space && iterator.hasNext) {
val pair =
val blockId = pair.getKey
val entry = pair.getValue
if (blockIsEvictable(blockId, entry)) {
// We don't want to evict blocks which are currently being read, so we need to obtain
// an exclusive write lock on blocks which are candidates for eviction. We perform a
// non-blocking "tryLock" here in order to ignore blocks which are locked for reading:
if (blockInfoManager.lockForWriting(blockId, blocking = false).isDefined) {
selectedBlocks += blockId
freedMemory += entry.size
def dropBlock[T](blockId: BlockId, entry: MemoryEntry[T]): Unit = {
val data = entry match {
case DeserializedMemoryEntry(values, _, _, _) => Left(values)
case SerializedMemoryEntry(buffer, _, _) => Right(buffer)
val newEffectiveStorageLevel =
blockEvictionHandler.dropFromMemory(blockId, () => data)(entry.classTag)
if (newEffectiveStorageLevel.isValid) {
// The block is still present in at least one store, so release the lock
// but don't delete the block info
} else {
// The block isn't present in any store, so delete the block info so that the
// block can be stored again
if (freedMemory >= space) {
var lastSuccessfulBlock = -1
try {
logInfo(s"${selectedBlocks.size} blocks selected for dropping " +
s"(${Utils.bytesToString(freedMemory)} bytes)")
selectedBlocks.indices.foreach { idx =>
val blockId = selectedBlocks(idx)
val entry = entries.synchronized {
// This should never be null as only one task should be dropping
// blocks and removing entries. However the check is still here for
// future safety.
if (entry != null) {
dropBlock(blockId, entry)
lastSuccessfulBlock = idx
logInfo(s"After dropping ${selectedBlocks.size} blocks, " +
s"free memory is ${Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)}")
} finally {
// like BlockManager.doPut, we use a finally rather than a catch to avoid having to deal
// with InterruptedException
if (lastSuccessfulBlock != selectedBlocks.size - 1) {
// the blocks we didn't process successfully are still locked, so we have to unlock them
(lastSuccessfulBlock + 1 until selectedBlocks.size).foreach { idx =>
val blockId = selectedBlocks(idx)
} else {
blockId.foreach { id =>
logInfo(s"Will not store $id")
selectedBlocks.foreach { id =>
// hook for testing, so we can simulate a race
protected def afterDropAction(blockId: BlockId): Unit = {}
def contains(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
entries.synchronized { entries.containsKey(blockId) }
private def currentTaskAttemptId(): Long = {
// In case this is called on the driver, return an invalid task attempt id.
* Reserve memory for unrolling the given block for this task.
* @return whether the request is granted.
def reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(
blockId: BlockId,
memory: Long,
memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean = {
memoryManager.synchronized {
val success = memoryManager.acquireUnrollMemory(blockId, memory, memoryMode)
if (success) {
val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId()
val unrollMemoryMap = memoryMode match {
case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapUnrollMemoryMap
case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapUnrollMemoryMap
unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) = unrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(taskAttemptId, 0L) + memory
* Release memory used by this task for unrolling blocks.
* If the amount is not specified, remove the current task's allocation altogether.
def releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode: MemoryMode, memory: Long = Long.MaxValue): Unit = {
val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId()
memoryManager.synchronized {
val unrollMemoryMap = memoryMode match {
case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapUnrollMemoryMap
case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapUnrollMemoryMap
if (unrollMemoryMap.contains(taskAttemptId)) {
val memoryToRelease = math.min(memory, unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId))
if (memoryToRelease > 0) {
unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) -= memoryToRelease
memoryManager.releaseUnrollMemory(memoryToRelease, memoryMode)
if (unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) == 0) {
* Return the amount of memory currently occupied for unrolling blocks across all tasks.
def currentUnrollMemory: Long = memoryManager.synchronized {
onHeapUnrollMemoryMap.values.sum + offHeapUnrollMemoryMap.values.sum
* Return the amount of memory currently occupied for unrolling blocks by this task.
def currentUnrollMemoryForThisTask: Long = memoryManager.synchronized {
onHeapUnrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(currentTaskAttemptId(), 0L) +
offHeapUnrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(currentTaskAttemptId(), 0L)
* Return the number of tasks currently unrolling blocks.
private def numTasksUnrolling: Int = memoryManager.synchronized {
(onHeapUnrollMemoryMap.keys ++ offHeapUnrollMemoryMap.keys).toSet.size
* Log information about current memory usage.
private def logMemoryUsage(): Unit = {
s"Memory use = ${Utils.bytesToString(blocksMemoryUsed)} (blocks) + " +
s"${Utils.bytesToString(currentUnrollMemory)} (scratch space shared across " +
s"$numTasksUnrolling tasks(s)) = ${Utils.bytesToString(memoryUsed)}. " +
s"Storage limit = ${Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory)}."
* Log a warning for failing to unroll a block.
* @param blockId ID of the block we are trying to unroll.
* @param finalVectorSize Final size of the vector before unrolling failed.
private def logUnrollFailureMessage(blockId: BlockId, finalVectorSize: Long): Unit = {
s"Not enough space to cache $blockId in memory! " +
s"(computed ${Utils.bytesToString(finalVectorSize)} so far)"
private trait MemoryEntryBuilder[T] {
def preciseSize: Long
def build(): MemoryEntry[T]
private trait ValuesHolder[T] {
def storeValue(value: T): Unit
def estimatedSize(): Long
* Note: After this method is called, the ValuesHolder is invalid, we can't store data and
* get estimate size again.
* @return a MemoryEntryBuilder which is used to build a memory entry and get the stored data
* size.
def getBuilder(): MemoryEntryBuilder[T]
* A holder for storing the deserialized values.
private class DeserializedValuesHolder[T](
classTag: ClassTag[T],
memoryMode: MemoryMode) extends ValuesHolder[T] {
// Underlying vector for unrolling the block
var vector = new SizeTrackingVector[T]()(classTag)
var arrayValues: Array[T] = null
override def storeValue(value: T): Unit = {
vector += value
override def estimatedSize(): Long = {
override def getBuilder(): MemoryEntryBuilder[T] = new MemoryEntryBuilder[T] {
// We successfully unrolled the entirety of this block
arrayValues = vector.toArray
vector = null
override val preciseSize: Long = SizeEstimator.estimate(arrayValues)
override def build(): MemoryEntry[T] =
DeserializedMemoryEntry[T](arrayValues, preciseSize, memoryMode, classTag)
* A holder for storing the serialized values.
private class SerializedValuesHolder[T](
blockId: BlockId,
chunkSize: Int,
classTag: ClassTag[T],
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
serializerManager: SerializerManager) extends ValuesHolder[T] {
val allocator = memoryMode match {
case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => ByteBuffer.allocate _
case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => Platform.allocateDirectBuffer _
val redirectableStream = new RedirectableOutputStream
val bbos = new ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream(chunkSize, allocator)
val serializationStream: SerializationStream = {
val autoPick = !blockId.isInstanceOf[StreamBlockId]
val ser = serializerManager.getSerializer(classTag, autoPick).newInstance()
ser.serializeStream(serializerManager.wrapForCompression(blockId, redirectableStream))
override def storeValue(value: T): Unit = {
override def estimatedSize(): Long = {
override def getBuilder(): MemoryEntryBuilder[T] = new MemoryEntryBuilder[T] {
// We successfully unrolled the entirety of this block
override def preciseSize(): Long = bbos.size
override def build(): MemoryEntry[T] =
SerializedMemoryEntry[T](bbos.toChunkedByteBuffer, memoryMode, classTag)
* The result of a failed [[MemoryStore.putIteratorAsValues()]] call.
* @param memoryStore the memoryStore, used for freeing memory.
* @param memoryMode the memory mode (on- or off-heap).
* @param unrollMemory the amount of unroll memory used by the values in `unrolled`.
* @param unrolled an iterator for the partially-unrolled values.
* @param rest the rest of the original iterator passed to
* [[MemoryStore.putIteratorAsValues()]].
private[storage] class PartiallyUnrolledIterator[T](
memoryStore: MemoryStore,
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
unrollMemory: Long,
private[this] var unrolled: Iterator[T],
rest: Iterator[T])
extends Iterator[T] {
private def releaseUnrollMemory(): Unit = {
memoryStore.releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode, unrollMemory)
// SPARK-17503: Garbage collects the unrolling memory before the life end of
// PartiallyUnrolledIterator.
unrolled = null
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (unrolled == null) {
} else if (!unrolled.hasNext) {
} else {
override def next(): T = {
if (unrolled == null || !unrolled.hasNext) {
} else {
* Called to dispose of this iterator and free its memory.
def close(): Unit = {
if (unrolled != null) {
* A wrapper which allows an open [[OutputStream]] to be redirected to a different sink.
private[storage] class RedirectableOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private[this] var os: OutputStream = _
def setOutputStream(s: OutputStream): Unit = { os = s }
override def write(b: Int): Unit = os.write(b)
override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = os.write(b)
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = os.write(b, off, len)
override def flush(): Unit = os.flush()
override def close(): Unit = os.close()
* The result of a failed [[MemoryStore.putIteratorAsBytes()]] call.
* @param memoryStore the MemoryStore, used for freeing memory.
* @param serializerManager the SerializerManager, used for deserializing values.
* @param blockId the block id.
* @param serializationStream a serialization stream which writes to [[redirectableOutputStream]].
* @param redirectableOutputStream an OutputStream which can be redirected to a different sink.
* @param unrollMemory the amount of unroll memory used by the values in `unrolled`.
* @param memoryMode whether the unroll memory is on- or off-heap
* @param bbos byte buffer output stream containing the partially-serialized values.
* [[redirectableOutputStream]] initially points to this output stream.
* @param rest the rest of the original iterator passed to
* [[MemoryStore.putIteratorAsValues()]].
* @param classTag the [[ClassTag]] for the block.
private[storage] class PartiallySerializedBlock[T](
memoryStore: MemoryStore,
serializerManager: SerializerManager,
blockId: BlockId,
private val serializationStream: SerializationStream,
private val redirectableOutputStream: RedirectableOutputStream,
val unrollMemory: Long,
memoryMode: MemoryMode,
bbos: ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream,
rest: Iterator[T],
classTag: ClassTag[T]) {
private lazy val unrolledBuffer: ChunkedByteBuffer = {
// If the task does not fully consume `valuesIterator` or otherwise fails to consume or dispose of
// this PartiallySerializedBlock then we risk leaking of direct buffers, so we use a task
// completion listener here in order to ensure that `unrolled.dispose()` is called at least once.
// The dispose() method is idempotent, so it's safe to call it unconditionally.
Option(TaskContext.get()).foreach { taskContext =>
taskContext.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit] { _ =>
// When a task completes, its unroll memory will automatically be freed. Thus we do not call
// releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask() here because we want to avoid double-freeing.
// Exposed for testing
private[storage] def getUnrolledChunkedByteBuffer: ChunkedByteBuffer = unrolledBuffer
private[this] var discarded = false
private[this] var consumed = false
private def verifyNotConsumedAndNotDiscarded(): Unit = {
if (consumed) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Can only call one of finishWritingToStream() or valuesIterator() and can only call once.")
if (discarded) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call methods on a discarded PartiallySerializedBlock")
* Called to dispose of this block and free its memory.
def discard(): Unit = {
if (!discarded) {
try {
// We want to close the output stream in order to free any resources associated with the
// serializer itself (such as Kryo's internal buffers). close() might cause data to be
// written, so redirect the output stream to discard that data.
} finally {
discarded = true
memoryStore.releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode, unrollMemory)
* Finish writing this block to the given output stream by first writing the serialized values
* and then serializing the values from the original input iterator.
def finishWritingToStream(os: OutputStream): Unit = {
consumed = true
// `unrolled`'s underlying buffers will be freed once this input stream is fully read:
ByteStreams.copy(unrolledBuffer.toInputStream(dispose = true), os)
memoryStore.releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode, unrollMemory)
while (rest.hasNext) {
* Returns an iterator over the values in this block by first deserializing the serialized
* values and then consuming the rest of the original input iterator.
* If the caller does not plan to fully consume the resulting iterator then they must call
* `close()` on it to free its resources.
def valuesIterator: PartiallyUnrolledIterator[T] = {
consumed = true
// Close the serialization stream so that the serializer's internal buffers are freed and any
// "end-of-stream" markers can be written out so that `unrolled` is a valid serialized stream.
// `unrolled`'s underlying buffers will be freed once this input stream is fully read:
val unrolledIter = serializerManager.dataDeserializeStream(
blockId, unrolledBuffer.toInputStream(dispose = true))(classTag)
// The unroll memory will be freed once `unrolledIter` is fully consumed in
// PartiallyUnrolledIterator. If the iterator is not consumed by the end of the task then any
// extra unroll memory will automatically be freed by a `finally` block in `Task`.
new PartiallyUnrolledIterator(
unrolled = unrolledIter,
rest = rest)
- 所属分类: 前端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦