spark EnsureRequirements 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark EnsureRequirements 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.{ShuffledHashJoinExec, SortMergeJoinExec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf

 * Ensures that the [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.Partitioning Partitioning]]
 * of input data meets the
 * [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.Distribution Distribution]] requirements for
 * each operator by inserting [[ShuffleExchangeExec]] Operators where required.  Also ensure that
 * the input partition ordering requirements are met.
 * @param optimizeOutRepartition A flag to indicate that if this rule should optimize out
 *                               user-specified repartition shuffles or not. This is mostly true,
 *                               but can be false in AQE when AQE optimization may change the plan
 *                               output partitioning and need to retain the user-specified
 *                               repartition shuffles in the plan.
 * @param requiredDistribution The root required distribution we should ensure. This value is used
 *                             in AQE in case we change final stage output partitioning.
case class EnsureRequirements(
    optimizeOutRepartition: Boolean = true,
    requiredDistribution: Option[Distribution] = None)
  extends Rule[SparkPlan] {

  private def ensureDistributionAndOrdering(
      originalChildren: Seq[SparkPlan],
      requiredChildDistributions: Seq[Distribution],
      requiredChildOrderings: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]],
      shuffleOrigin: ShuffleOrigin): Seq[SparkPlan] = {
    assert(requiredChildDistributions.length == originalChildren.length)
    assert(requiredChildOrderings.length == originalChildren.length)
    // Ensure that the operator's children satisfy their output distribution requirements.
    var children = {
      case (child, distribution) if child.outputPartitioning.satisfies(distribution) =>
      case (child, BroadcastDistribution(mode)) =>
        BroadcastExchangeExec(mode, child)
      case (child, distribution) =>
        val numPartitions = distribution.requiredNumPartitions
        ShuffleExchangeExec(distribution.createPartitioning(numPartitions), child, shuffleOrigin)

    // Get the indexes of children which have specified distribution requirements and need to be
    // co-partitioned.
    val childrenIndexes = requiredChildDistributions.zipWithIndex.filter {
      case (_: ClusteredDistribution, _) => true
      case _ => false

    // Special case: if all sides of the join are single partition
    val allSinglePartition =
      childrenIndexes.forall(children(_).outputPartitioning == SinglePartition)

    // If there are more than one children, we'll need to check partitioning & distribution of them
    // and see if extra shuffles are necessary.
    if (childrenIndexes.length > 1 && !allSinglePartition) {
      val specs = => {
        val requiredDist = requiredChildDistributions(i)
          s"Expected ClusteredDistribution but found ${requiredDist.getClass.getSimpleName}")
        i -> children(i).outputPartitioning.createShuffleSpec(

      // Find out the shuffle spec that gives better parallelism. Currently this is done by
      // picking the spec with the largest number of partitions.
      // NOTE: this is not optimal for the case when there are more than 2 children. Consider:
      //   (10, 10, 11)
      // where the number represent the number of partitions for each child, it's better to pick 10
      // here since we only need to shuffle one side - we'd need to shuffle two sides if we pick 11.
      // However this should be sufficient for now since in Spark nodes with multiple children
      // always have exactly 2 children.

      // Whether we should consider `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` and ensure enough parallelism
      // during shuffle. To achieve a good trade-off between parallelism and shuffle cost, we only
      // consider the minimum parallelism iff ALL children need to be re-shuffled.
      // A child needs to be re-shuffled iff either one of below is true:
      //   1. It can't create partitioning by itself, i.e., `canCreatePartitioning` returns false
      //      (as for the case of `RangePartitioning`), therefore it needs to be re-shuffled
      //      according to other shuffle spec.
      //   2. It already has `ShuffleExchangeLike`, so we can re-use existing shuffle without
      //      introducing extra shuffle.
      // On the other hand, in scenarios such as:
      //   HashPartitioning(5) <-> HashPartitioning(6)
      // while `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` is 10, we'll only re-shuffle the left side and make it
      // HashPartitioning(6).
      val shouldConsiderMinParallelism = specs.forall(p =>
        !p._2.canCreatePartitioning || children(p._1).isInstanceOf[ShuffleExchangeLike]
      // Choose all the specs that can be used to shuffle other children
      val candidateSpecs = specs
          .filter(p => !shouldConsiderMinParallelism ||
              children(p._1).outputPartitioning.numPartitions >= conf.defaultNumShufflePartitions)
      val bestSpecOpt = if (candidateSpecs.isEmpty) {
      } else {
        // When choosing specs, we should consider those children with no `ShuffleExchangeLike` node
        // first. For instance, if we have:
        //   A: (No_Exchange, 100) <---> B: (Exchange, 120)
        // it's better to pick A and change B to (Exchange, 100) instead of picking B and insert a
        // new shuffle for A.
        val candidateSpecsWithoutShuffle = candidateSpecs.filter { case (k, _) =>
        val finalCandidateSpecs = if (candidateSpecsWithoutShuffle.nonEmpty) {
        } else {
        // Pick the spec with the best parallelism

      // Check if 1) all children are of `KeyGroupedPartitioning` and 2) they are all compatible
      // with each other. If both are true, skip shuffle.
      val allCompatible = childrenIndexes.sliding(2).forall {
        case Seq(a, b) =>
          checkKeyGroupedSpec(specs(a)) && checkKeyGroupedSpec(specs(b)) &&

      children = {
        case ((child, _), idx) if allCompatible || !childrenIndexes.contains(idx) =>
        case ((child, dist), idx) =>
          if (bestSpecOpt.isDefined && bestSpecOpt.get.isCompatibleWith(specs(idx))) {
          } else {
            val newPartitioning = { bestSpec =>
              // Use the best spec to create a new partitioning to re-shuffle this child
              val clustering = dist.asInstanceOf[ClusteredDistribution].clustering
            }.getOrElse {
              // No best spec available, so we create default partitioning from the required
              // distribution
              val numPartitions = dist.requiredNumPartitions

            child match {
              case ShuffleExchangeExec(_, c, so) => ShuffleExchangeExec(newPartitioning, c, so)
              case _ => ShuffleExchangeExec(newPartitioning, child)

    // Now that we've performed any necessary shuffles, add sorts to guarantee output orderings:
    children = { case (child, requiredOrdering) =>
      // If child.outputOrdering already satisfies the requiredOrdering, we do not need to sort.
      if (SortOrder.orderingSatisfies(child.outputOrdering, requiredOrdering)) {
      } else {
        SortExec(requiredOrdering, global = false, child = child)


  private def checkKeyGroupedSpec(shuffleSpec: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = {
    def check(spec: KeyGroupedShuffleSpec): Boolean = {
      val attributes = spec.partitioning.expressions.flatMap(_.collectLeaves())
      val clustering = spec.distribution.clustering

        attributes.length == clustering.length && {
          case (l, r) => l.semanticEquals(r)
      } else {
        true // already validated in `KeyGroupedPartitioning.satisfies`
    shuffleSpec match {
      case spec: KeyGroupedShuffleSpec => check(spec)
      case ShuffleSpecCollection(specs) => specs.exists(checkKeyGroupedSpec)
      case _ => false

  private def reorder(
      leftKeys: IndexedSeq[Expression],
      rightKeys: IndexedSeq[Expression],
      expectedOrderOfKeys: Seq[Expression],
      currentOrderOfKeys: Seq[Expression]): Option[(Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression])] = {
    if (expectedOrderOfKeys.size != currentOrderOfKeys.size) {
      return None

    // Check if the current order already satisfies the expected order.
    if ( => p._1.semanticEquals(p._2))) {
      return Some(leftKeys, rightKeys)

    // Build a lookup between an expression and the positions its holds in the current key seq.
    val keyToIndexMap = mutable.Map.empty[Expression, mutable.BitSet]
    currentOrderOfKeys.zipWithIndex.foreach {
      case (key, index) =>
        keyToIndexMap.getOrElseUpdate(key.canonicalized, mutable.BitSet.empty).add(index)

    // Reorder the keys.
    val leftKeysBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Expression](leftKeys.size)
    val rightKeysBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Expression](rightKeys.size)
    val iterator = expectedOrderOfKeys.iterator
    while (iterator.hasNext) {
      // Lookup the current index of this key.
      keyToIndexMap.get( match {
        case Some(indices) if indices.nonEmpty =>
          // Take the first available index from the map.
          val index = indices.firstKey

          // Add the keys for that index to the reordered keys.
          leftKeysBuffer += leftKeys(index)
          rightKeysBuffer += rightKeys(index)
        case _ =>
          // The expression cannot be found, or we have exhausted all indices for that expression.
          return None
    Some(leftKeysBuffer.toSeq, rightKeysBuffer.toSeq)

  private def reorderJoinKeys(
      leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
      rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
      leftPartitioning: Partitioning,
      rightPartitioning: Partitioning): (Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression]) = {
    if (leftKeys.forall(_.deterministic) && rightKeys.forall(_.deterministic)) {
        .getOrElse((leftKeys, rightKeys))
    } else {
      (leftKeys, rightKeys)

   * Recursively reorders the join keys based on partitioning. It starts reordering the
   * join keys to match HashPartitioning on either side, followed by PartitioningCollection.
  private def reorderJoinKeysRecursively(
      leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
      rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
      leftPartitioning: Option[Partitioning],
      rightPartitioning: Option[Partitioning]): Option[(Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression])] = {
    (leftPartitioning, rightPartitioning) match {
      case (Some(HashPartitioning(leftExpressions, _)), _) =>
        reorder(leftKeys.toIndexedSeq, rightKeys.toIndexedSeq, leftExpressions, leftKeys)
            leftKeys, rightKeys, None, rightPartitioning))
      case (_, Some(HashPartitioning(rightExpressions, _))) =>
        reorder(leftKeys.toIndexedSeq, rightKeys.toIndexedSeq, rightExpressions, rightKeys)
            leftKeys, rightKeys, leftPartitioning, None))
      case (Some(KeyGroupedPartitioning(clustering, _, _)), _) =>
        val leafExprs = clustering.flatMap(_.collectLeaves())
        reorder(leftKeys.toIndexedSeq, rightKeys.toIndexedSeq, leafExprs, leftKeys)
              leftKeys, rightKeys, None, rightPartitioning))
      case (_, Some(KeyGroupedPartitioning(clustering, _, _))) =>
        val leafExprs = clustering.flatMap(_.collectLeaves())
        reorder(leftKeys.toIndexedSeq, rightKeys.toIndexedSeq, leafExprs, rightKeys)
              leftKeys, rightKeys, leftPartitioning, None))
      case (Some(PartitioningCollection(partitionings)), _) =>
        partitionings.foldLeft(Option.empty[(Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression])]) { (res, p) =>
          res.orElse(reorderJoinKeysRecursively(leftKeys, rightKeys, Some(p), rightPartitioning))
        }.orElse(reorderJoinKeysRecursively(leftKeys, rightKeys, None, rightPartitioning))
      case (_, Some(PartitioningCollection(partitionings))) =>
        partitionings.foldLeft(Option.empty[(Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression])]) { (res, p) =>
          res.orElse(reorderJoinKeysRecursively(leftKeys, rightKeys, leftPartitioning, Some(p)))
      case _ =>

   * When the physical operators are created for JOIN, the ordering of join keys is based on order
   * in which the join keys appear in the user query. That might not match with the output
   * partitioning of the join node's children (thus leading to extra sort / shuffle being
   * introduced). This rule will change the ordering of the join keys to match with the
   * partitioning of the join nodes' children.
  private def reorderJoinPredicates(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    plan match {
      case ShuffledHashJoinExec(
        leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, buildSide, condition, left, right, isSkew) =>
        val (reorderedLeftKeys, reorderedRightKeys) =
          reorderJoinKeys(leftKeys, rightKeys, left.outputPartitioning, right.outputPartitioning)
        ShuffledHashJoinExec(reorderedLeftKeys, reorderedRightKeys, joinType, buildSide, condition,
          left, right, isSkew)

      case SortMergeJoinExec(leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, condition, left, right, isSkew) =>
        val (reorderedLeftKeys, reorderedRightKeys) =
          reorderJoinKeys(leftKeys, rightKeys, left.outputPartitioning, right.outputPartitioning)
        SortMergeJoinExec(reorderedLeftKeys, reorderedRightKeys, joinType, condition,
          left, right, isSkew)

      case other => other

  def apply(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    val newPlan = plan.transformUp {
      case operator @ ShuffleExchangeExec(upper: HashPartitioning, child, shuffleOrigin)
          if optimizeOutRepartition &&
            (shuffleOrigin == REPARTITION_BY_COL || shuffleOrigin == REPARTITION_BY_NUM) =>
        def hasSemanticEqualPartitioning(partitioning: Partitioning): Boolean = {
          partitioning match {
            case lower: HashPartitioning if upper.semanticEquals(lower) => true
            case lower: PartitioningCollection =>
            case _ => false
        if (hasSemanticEqualPartitioning(child.outputPartitioning)) {
        } else {

      case operator: SparkPlan =>
        val reordered = reorderJoinPredicates(operator)
        val newChildren = ensureDistributionAndOrdering(

    if (requiredDistribution.isDefined) {
      val shuffleOrigin = if (requiredDistribution.get.requiredNumPartitions.isDefined) {
      } else {
      val finalPlan = ensureDistributionAndOrdering(
        newPlan :: Nil,
        requiredDistribution.get :: Nil,
      assert(finalPlan.size == 1)
    } else {


spark 源码目录


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spark Exchange 源码

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