greenplumn defrem 源码
greenplumn defrem 代码
* defrem.h
* POSTGRES define and remove utility definitions.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/commands/defrem.h
#ifndef DEFREM_H
#define DEFREM_H
#include "catalog/objectaddress.h"
#include "nodes/params.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "tcop/dest.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
struct HTAB; /* utils/hsearch.h */
/* commands/dropcmds.c */
extern void RemoveObjects(DropStmt *stmt);
/* commands/indexcmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress DefineIndex(Oid relationId,
IndexStmt *stmt,
Oid indexRelationId,
Oid parentIndexId,
Oid parentConstraintId,
bool is_alter_table,
bool check_rights,
bool check_not_in_use,
bool skip_build,
bool quiet,
bool is_new_table);
extern void ReindexIndex(ReindexStmt *stmt, bool isTopLevel);
extern Oid ReindexTable(ReindexStmt *stmt, bool isTopLevel);
extern void ReindexMultipleTables(const char *objectName, ReindexObjectType objectKind,
int options, bool concurrent);
extern char *makeObjectName(const char *name1, const char *name2,
const char *label);
extern char *ChooseRelationName(const char *name1, const char *name2,
const char *label, Oid namespaceid,
bool isconstraint);
extern char *ChooseRelationNameWithCache(const char *name1, const char *name2,
const char *label, Oid namespaceid,
bool isconstraint,
struct HTAB *cache);
extern char *ChooseIndexName(const char *tabname, Oid namespaceId,
List *colnames, List *exclusionOpNames,
bool primary, bool isconstraint);
extern List *ChooseIndexColumnNames(List *indexElems);
extern bool CheckIndexCompatible(Oid oldId,
const char *accessMethodName,
List *attributeList,
List *exclusionOpNames);
extern Oid GetDefaultOpClass(Oid type_id, Oid am_id);
extern Oid ResolveOpClass(List *opclass, Oid attrType,
const char *accessMethodName, Oid accessMethodId);
/* commands/functioncmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress CreateFunction(ParseState *pstate, CreateFunctionStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveFunctionById(Oid funcOid);
extern void SetFunctionReturnType(Oid funcOid, Oid newRetType);
extern void SetFunctionArgType(Oid funcOid, int argIndex, Oid newArgType);
extern ObjectAddress AlterFunction(ParseState *pstate, AlterFunctionStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress CreateCast(CreateCastStmt *stmt);
extern void DropCastById(Oid castOid);
extern ObjectAddress CreateTransform(CreateTransformStmt *stmt);
extern void DropTransformById(Oid transformOid);
extern void IsThereFunctionInNamespace(const char *proname, int pronargs,
oidvector *proargtypes, Oid nspOid);
extern void ExecuteDoStmt(DoStmt *stmt, bool atomic);
extern void ExecuteCallStmt(CallStmt *stmt, ParamListInfo params, bool atomic, DestReceiver *dest);
extern TupleDesc CallStmtResultDesc(CallStmt *stmt);
extern Oid get_cast_oid(Oid sourcetypeid, Oid targettypeid, bool missing_ok);
extern Oid get_transform_oid(Oid type_id, Oid lang_id, bool missing_ok);
extern void interpret_function_parameter_list(ParseState *pstate,
List *parameters,
Oid languageOid,
ObjectType objtype,
oidvector **parameterTypes,
ArrayType **allParameterTypes,
ArrayType **parameterModes,
ArrayType **parameterNames,
List **parameterDefaults,
Oid *variadicArgType,
Oid *requiredResultType);
/* commands/operatorcmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress DefineOperator(List *names, List *parameters);
extern void RemoveOperatorById(Oid operOid);
extern ObjectAddress AlterOperator(AlterOperatorStmt *stmt);
/* commands/statscmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress CreateStatistics(CreateStatsStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveStatisticsById(Oid statsOid);
extern void UpdateStatisticsForTypeChange(Oid statsOid,
Oid relationOid, int attnum,
Oid oldColumnType, Oid newColumnType);
/* commands/aggregatecmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress DefineAggregate(ParseState *pstate, List *name, List *args, bool oldstyle,
List *parameters, bool replace);
/* commands/opclasscmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress DefineOpClass(CreateOpClassStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress DefineOpFamily(CreateOpFamilyStmt *stmt);
extern Oid AlterOpFamily(AlterOpFamilyStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveOpClassById(Oid opclassOid);
extern void RemoveOpFamilyById(Oid opfamilyOid);
extern void RemoveAmOpEntryById(Oid entryOid);
extern void RemoveAmProcEntryById(Oid entryOid);
extern void IsThereOpClassInNamespace(const char *opcname, Oid opcmethod,
Oid opcnamespace);
extern void IsThereOpFamilyInNamespace(const char *opfname, Oid opfmethod,
Oid opfnamespace);
extern Oid get_opclass_oid(Oid amID, List *opclassname, bool missing_ok);
extern Oid get_opfamily_oid(Oid amID, List *opfamilyname, bool missing_ok);
/* commands/tsearchcmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress DefineTSParser(List *names, List *parameters);
extern void RemoveTSParserById(Oid prsId);
extern ObjectAddress DefineTSDictionary(List *names, List *parameters);
extern void RemoveTSDictionaryById(Oid dictId);
extern ObjectAddress AlterTSDictionary(AlterTSDictionaryStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress DefineTSTemplate(List *names, List *parameters);
extern void RemoveTSTemplateById(Oid tmplId);
extern ObjectAddress DefineTSConfiguration(List *names, List *parameters,
ObjectAddress *copied);
extern void RemoveTSConfigurationById(Oid cfgId);
extern ObjectAddress AlterTSConfiguration(AlterTSConfigurationStmt *stmt);
extern text *serialize_deflist(List *deflist);
extern List *deserialize_deflist(Datum txt);
/* commands/foreigncmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress AlterForeignServerOwner(const char *name, Oid newOwnerId);
extern void AlterForeignServerOwner_oid(Oid, Oid newOwnerId);
extern ObjectAddress AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner(const char *name, Oid newOwnerId);
extern void AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner_oid(Oid fwdId, Oid newOwnerId);
extern ObjectAddress CreateForeignDataWrapper(CreateFdwStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress AlterForeignDataWrapper(AlterFdwStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveForeignDataWrapperById(Oid fdwId);
extern ObjectAddress CreateForeignServer(CreateForeignServerStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress AlterForeignServer(AlterForeignServerStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveForeignServerById(Oid srvId);
extern ObjectAddress CreateUserMapping(CreateUserMappingStmt *stmt);
extern ObjectAddress AlterUserMapping(AlterUserMappingStmt *stmt);
extern Oid RemoveUserMapping(DropUserMappingStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveUserMappingById(Oid umId);
extern void CreateForeignTable(CreateForeignTableStmt *stmt, Oid relid, bool skip_permission_check);
extern void ImportForeignSchema(ImportForeignSchemaStmt *stmt);
extern Datum transformGenericOptions(Oid catalogId,
Datum oldOptions,
List *options,
Oid fdwvalidator);
/* commands/amcmds.c */
extern ObjectAddress CreateAccessMethod(CreateAmStmt *stmt);
extern void RemoveAccessMethodById(Oid amOid);
extern Oid get_index_am_oid(const char *amname, bool missing_ok);
extern Oid get_table_am_oid(const char *amname, bool missing_ok);
extern Oid get_am_oid(const char *amname, bool missing_ok);
extern char *get_am_name(Oid amOid);
/* Greenplum specific */
extern Oid get_table_am_handler_oid(const char *amname, bool missing_ok);
/* support routines in commands/define.c */
extern char *defGetString(DefElem *def);
extern double defGetNumeric(DefElem *def);
extern bool defGetBoolean(DefElem *def);
extern int32 defGetInt32(DefElem *def);
extern int64 defGetInt64(DefElem *def);
extern List *defGetQualifiedName(DefElem *def);
extern TypeName *defGetTypeName(DefElem *def);
extern int defGetTypeLength(DefElem *def);
extern List *defGetStringList(DefElem *def);
#endif /* DEFREM_H */
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦