dubbo MetadataService 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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dubbo MetadataService 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.dubbo.metadata;

import org.apache.dubbo.common.URL;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet;
import static org.apache.dubbo.common.URL.buildKey;

 * This service is used to expose the metadata information inside a Dubbo process.
 * Typical uses include:
 * 1. The Consumer queries the metadata information of the Provider to list the interfaces and each interface's configuration
 * 2. The Console (dubbo-admin) queries for the metadata of a specific process, or aggregate data of all processes.
public interface MetadataService {

     * The value of All service instances

     * The contract version of {@link MetadataService}, the future update must make sure compatible.
    String VERSION = "1.0.0";

     * Gets the current Dubbo Service name
     * @return non-null
    String serviceName();

     * Gets the version of {@link MetadataService} that always equals {@link #VERSION}
     * @return non-null
     * @see #VERSION
    default String version() {
        return VERSION;

    URL getMetadataURL();

     * the list of String that presents all Dubbo subscribed {@link URL urls}
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    default SortedSet<String> getSubscribedURLs() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This operation is not supported for consumer.");

     * Get the {@link SortedSet sorted set} of String that presents all Dubbo exported {@link URL urls}
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    default SortedSet<String> getExportedURLs() {
        return getExportedURLs(ALL_SERVICE_INTERFACES);

     * Get the {@link SortedSet sorted set} of String that presents the specified Dubbo exported {@link URL urls} by the <code>serviceInterface</code>
     * @param serviceInterface The class name of Dubbo service interface
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    default SortedSet<String> getExportedURLs(String serviceInterface) {
        return getExportedURLs(serviceInterface, null);

     * Get the {@link SortedSet sorted set} of String that presents the specified Dubbo exported {@link URL urls} by the
     * <code>serviceInterface</code> and <code>group</code>
     * @param serviceInterface The class name of Dubbo service interface
     * @param group            the Dubbo Service Group (optional)
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    default SortedSet<String> getExportedURLs(String serviceInterface, String group) {
        return getExportedURLs(serviceInterface, group, null);

     * Get the {@link SortedSet sorted set} of String that presents the specified Dubbo exported {@link URL urls} by the
     * <code>serviceInterface</code>, <code>group</code> and <code>version</code>
     * @param serviceInterface The class name of Dubbo service interface
     * @param group            the Dubbo Service Group (optional)
     * @param version          the Dubbo Service Version (optional)
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    default SortedSet<String> getExportedURLs(String serviceInterface, String group, String version) {
        return getExportedURLs(serviceInterface, group, version, null);

     * Get the sorted set of String that presents the specified Dubbo exported {@link URL urls} by the
     * <code>serviceInterface</code>, <code>group</code>, <code>version</code> and <code>protocol</code>
     * @param serviceInterface The class name of Dubbo service interface
     * @param group            the Dubbo Service Group (optional)
     * @param version          the Dubbo Service Version (optional)
     * @param protocol         the Dubbo Service Protocol (optional)
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting the {@link URL URLs}
     * @see #toSortedStrings(Stream)
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    SortedSet<String> getExportedURLs(String serviceInterface, String group, String version, String protocol);

    default Set<URL> getExportedServiceURLs() {
        return Collections.emptySet();

     * Interface definition.
     * @return
    default String getServiceDefinition(String interfaceName, String version, String group) {
        return getServiceDefinition(buildKey(interfaceName, group, version));

    String getServiceDefinition(String serviceKey);

    MetadataInfo getMetadataInfo(String revision);

    List<MetadataInfo> getMetadataInfos();

     * Convert the specified {@link Iterable} of {@link URL URLs} to be the {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting
     * the {@link URL URLs}
     * @param iterable {@link Iterable} of {@link URL}
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    static SortedSet<String> toSortedStrings(Iterable<URL> iterable) {
        return toSortedStrings(StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false));

     * Convert the specified {@link Stream} of {@link URL URLs} to be the {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting
     * the {@link URL URLs}
     * @param stream {@link Stream} of {@link URL}
     * @return the non-null read-only {@link SortedSet sorted set} of {@link URL#toFullString() strings} presenting
     * @see URL#toFullString()
    static SortedSet<String> toSortedStrings(Stream<URL> stream) {
        return unmodifiableSortedSet(stream.map(URL::toFullString).collect(TreeSet::new, Set::add, Set::addAll));

    static boolean isMetadataService(String interfaceName) {
        return interfaceName != null && interfaceName.equals(MetadataService.class.getName());

     * Export Metadata in Service Instance of Service Discovery
     * <p>
     * Used for consumer to get Service Instance Metadata
     * if Registry is unsupported with publishing metadata
     * @param instanceMetadata {@link Map} of provider Service Instance Metadata
     * @since 3.0
    void exportInstanceMetadata(String instanceMetadata);

     * Get all Metadata listener from local
     * <p>
     * Used for consumer to get Service Instance Metadata
     * if Registry is unsupported with publishing metadata
     * @return {@link Map} of {@link InstanceMetadataChangedListener}
     * @since 3.0
    Map<String, InstanceMetadataChangedListener> getInstanceMetadataChangedListenerMap();

     * 1. Fetch Metadata in Service Instance of Service Discovery
     * 2. Add a metadata change listener
     * <p>
     * Used for consumer to get Service Instance Metadata
     * if Registry is unsupported with publishing metadata
     * @param consumerId consumerId
     * @param listener   {@link InstanceMetadataChangedListener} used to notify event
     * @return {@link Map} of provider Service Instance Metadata
     * @since 3.0
    String getAndListenInstanceMetadata(String consumerId, InstanceMetadataChangedListener listener);


dubbo 源码目录


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