harmony 鸿蒙SmartPerf User Guide

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (1387)

SmartPerf User Guide


Performance testing helps developers detect the performance bottlenecks and deliver quality applications that meet user expectations. For this reason, SmartPerf, a performance testing tool specially designed for OpenHarmony developers, is provided.


SmartPerf is a reliable, easy-to-use performance and power consumption test tool built for the OpenHarmony system. It provides KPIs with test value details that help you measure the performance and power consumption of your application, such as FPS, CPU, GPU, and Ftrace.

You can use SmartPerf in two modes: visualized operation mode (SmartPerf-Device) and command-line shell mode (SmartPerf-Daemon). SmartPerf-Device supports visualized operations and floating window based operations (such as data collection control and real-time data display). SmartPerf-Daemon is applicable to devices without screens and devices with high tolerance regarding performance, for example, Hi3568.


SmartPerf come with SmartPerf-Device and SmartPerf-Daemon. SmartPerf-Device sends data requests for KPIs (such as FPS, RAM, and Trace) through messages to SmartPerf-Daemon, which then collects and sends back data as requested, and displays the received data. SmartPerf-Daemon also allows on-demand data collection through hell commands. The figure below demonstrates the main functions of SmartPerf.



  • SmartPerf-Device and SmartPerf-Daemon are pre-installed in OpenHarmony 3.2 and later versions.
  • SmartPerf-Device can only be used on devices with a screen.

Environment Preparations

To run SmartPerf-Daemon, you must connect the PC to an OpenHarmony device, such as the RK3568 development board.

Performing Performance Testing

Using SmartPerf-Device

In the screenshots below, the RK3568 development board is used as an example.

  1. Set the application for which you want to collect data.

Start SmartPerf-Device. On the home screen, select the test application and test indicators, and touch Start Test.

  1. Control the data collection process from the floating window.

To start collection, touch Start in the floating window. To pause, touch the timer in the floating window to pause data collection. To resume, touch the timer again. To view the collected data in real time, double-touch the timer. To stop, touch and hold the timer. You can drag the floating window to anywhere you like.

  1. View the report.

Touch Report to view the test report list. Touch Report List to view details about test indicators.

Using SmartPerf-Daemon

  1. Access the shell and run the following command to view the help information: :# SP_daemon --help
  2. Run the collection commands. :# SP_daemon -N 2 -PKG com.ohos.contacts -c -g -t -p -r

Collection Commands

Command Function Mandatory
-N Set the number of collection times. Yes
-PKG Set the package name. No
-PID Sets the PID of a process (applicable to RAM). No
-c Set whether to collect CPU data. No
-g Set whether to collect GPU data. No
-f Set whether to collect FPS data. No
-t Set whether to collect temperature data. No
-p Set whether to collect current data. No
-r Set whether to collect memory data. No

The default output path of the test result is as follows:


The table below lists the data fields in the data.csv file.

Data Field Description Remarks
cpuFrequ CPU frequency. Unit: Hz
cpuLoad CPU load. %
currentNow Current value. Unit: mA
fps Screen refresh rate. Unit: FPS
fpsJitters Frame interval. Unit: ns
gpuFrequ GPU frequency. Unit: Hz
gpuLoad GPU load. %
shell_front Front cover temperature. Unit: °C
shell_frame Frame temperature. Unit: °C
shell_back Rear cover temperature. Unit: °C
soc_thermal SoC temperature. Unit: °C
system_h System temperature. Unit: °C
timeStamp Timestamp. Collection time.
voltageNow Voltage value. Unit: μV


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