harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.secureElement (安全单元的通道管理)

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (1257)

@ohos.secureElement (安全单元的通道管理)



类型 说明
Session 此类的实例表示与设备上可用的某个SE的连接会话。
Reader 此类的实例表示该设备支持的SE Reader。
Channel 此类的实例表示向SE打开的ISO/IEC 7816-4通道。


本模块首批接口从API version 10开始支持。后续版本的新增接口,采用上角标单独标记接口的起始版本。


import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';


定义不同的SE 服务状态值。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement

名称 说明
CONNECTED 1 SE服务状态已连接。


newSEService(type: ‘serviceState’, callback: Callback<ServiceState>): SEService



系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
type string ‘serviceState’
callback Callback<ServiceState> 返回SE服务状态的回调


类型 说明
SEService SE服务实例


import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

try {
    let nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService occurs " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


getReaders(): Reader[]

返回可用SE Reader的数组。返回的数组中不能有重复的对象。即使没有插入卡,也应列出所有可用的reader。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
Reader[] 返回可用Reader对象数组


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "excpetion: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        console.log("get reader successfully");
    } else {
        console.log("get reader failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("getReaders " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


isConnected(): boolean


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
boolean true:SE 服务状态已连接 false:SE服务状态已断开


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService" + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    let ret: boolean = false;
    // refer to newSEService for this.nfcSEService 
    if (nfcSEService != null) {
        ret = nfcSEService.isConnected();
    if (ret) {
        console.log("get state: connected");
    } else {
        console.log("get state: not connected");
} catch (e) {
        console.log("isConnected " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


shutdown(): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    // refer to newSEService for this.nfcSEService 
    if (nfcSEService != null) {
    console.log("shutdown successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("shutdown exception:" + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


getVersion(): string


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
string OMA版本号(例如,“3.3”表示开放移动API规范版本3.3)


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    // refer to newSEService for this.nfcSEService 
    if (nfcSEService != null) {
        console.log("version: " + nfcSEService.getVersion());
} catch (e) {
    console.log("getVersion " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


getName(): string

返回此reader的名称。如果此读卡器是SIM reader,则其名称必须为“SIM[Slot]”。如果读卡器是嵌入式SE reader,则其名称须为“eSE[slot]”。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
string reader名称


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
    } else {
        console.log("getName failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("getName " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


isSecureElementPresent(): boolean


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
boolean true: 安全单元可用, false: 安全单元不可用。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        if (nfcOmaReaderList[0].isSecureElementPresent()) {
            console.log("isSecureElementPresent success");
        } else {
            console.log("isSecureElementPresent failed");
    } else {
        console.log("isSecureElementPresent failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("isSecureElementPresent " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openSession(): Session


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
Session 用于创建channel的Session对象。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        if (nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession()) {
            console.log("get session successfully");
        } else {
            console.log("get session failed");
    } else {
        console.log("OpenSession failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("OpenSession " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


closeSessions(): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        console.log("closeSessions successfully");
    } else {
        console.log("closeSessions failed");
} catch (e) {
  console.log("closeSessions " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


getReader(): Reader


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
Reader 返回此session的Reader对象。


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession.getReader() != null) {
            console.log("get reader successfully");
        } else {
            console.log("get reader failed");
    } else {
        console.log("getReader failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("getReader " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


getATR(): number[]


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
number[] 返回SE的ATR,SE的ATR不可用时,返回空的数组。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let omaATR : number[]|null = null;
let str : string = "";

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
            omaATR = omaSession.getATR();
        } else {
            console.log("getATR failed");
    if (omaATR != null && omaATR.length > 0) {
        str = 'getATR result:[';
        for (let i = 0; i < omaATR.length; ++i) {
            str += omaATR[i];
            str += ' ';
        str += ']';
    } else {
        console.log("getATR failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("getATR " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


close(): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
        nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
        } else {
            console.log("close failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("close " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Session. isClosed

isClosed(): boolean


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
boolean true:session状态已关闭,否则false。




import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null &&  omaSession.isClosed()) {
           console.log("isClosed success");
        } else {
            console.log("isClosed failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("isClosed " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


closeChannels(): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, service state exception.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
            console.log("closeChannels success");
        } else {
            console.log("closeChannels failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("closeChannels " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openBasicChannel(aid: number[]): Promise<Channel>

获取基本channel,参考[ISO 7816-4]协议,返回Channel实例对象,SE不能提供新逻辑Channel或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象而无法获取访问控制规则,返回null。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在此channel上选择的applet的AID数组或如果没有applet被选择时空的数组null。


类型 说明
Channel 可用Channel对象实例。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
            getPromise = omaSession.openBasicChannel(aidArray);
        } else {
            console.log("openBasicChannel1 failed");
    if (getPromise != null) {
        console.log("openBasicChannel1 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openBasicChannel1 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openBasicChannel(aid: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void

获取基本channel,参考[ISO 7816-4]协议,返回channel实例对象,SE不能提供新逻辑Channel或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象而无法获取访问控制规则,返回null。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在此channel上选择的applet的AID数组或null 如果没有applet被选择。
callback AsyncCallback<Channel> callback返回可用Channel对象实例。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
            omaSession.openBasicChannel(aidArray, (error, data) => {
                if (error) {
                    console.log("openBasicChannel2 failed:" + JSON.stringify(error));
                console.log("openBasicChannel2 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openBasicChannel2 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openBasicChannel(aid: number[], p2: number): Promise<Channel>

获取基本channel,参考[ISO 7816-4]协议,返回Channel实例对象,SE不能提供新逻辑Channel对象或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象而无法获取访问控制规则,返回null。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在此channel上选择的applet的AID数组或null 如果没有applet被选择。
p2 number 在该channel上执行的SELECT APDU的P2参数。


类型 说明
Channel 可用Channel对象实例。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let nfcOmaChannel : omapi.Channel|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openBasicChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            nfcOmaChannel = channel;
            console.log("openBasicChannel3 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openBasicChannel3 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openBasicChannel(aid: number[], p2:number, callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void

获取基本channel,参考[ISO 7816-4]协议,返回channel实例对象,SE不能提供新逻辑Channel对象或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象而无法获取访问控制规则,返回null。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在此channel上选择的applet的AID数组或null 如果没有applet被选择。
p2 number 此channel上执行SELECT APDU命令的P2参数。
callback AsyncCallback<Channel> callback返回可用Channel对象实例。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let nfcOmaChannel : omapi.Channel|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
  if(nfcSEService != null) {
    nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
  if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
    omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
  if (omaSession != null) {
    omaSession.openBasicChannel(aidArray, p2, (error , data) => {
      if (error) {
        console.log("openBasicChannel4 failed:" + JSON.stringify(error));
      nfcOmaChannel = data;
      console.log("openBasicChannel4 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
  console.log("openBasicChannel4 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openLogicalChannel(aid: number[]): Promise<Channel>


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在该Channel对象上选择的applet AID数组。


类型 说明
Channel 返回可用Channel对象实例,SE不能提供新的Channel对象或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象无法获取访问控制规则返回null。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
        if (omaSession != null) {
            getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray);
        } else {
            console.log("openLogicalChannel1 failed");
    if (getPromise != null) {
        console.log("openLogicalChannel1 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openLogicalChannel1 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openLogicalChannel(aid:number[], callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在该Channel对象上被选择的applet AID数组。
callback AsyncCallback<Channel> callback返回可用Channel对象实例,SE不能提供新的channel或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象无法获取访问控制规则返回null。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, (error, data) => {
            if (error) {
                console.log("openLogicalChannel2 failed:" + JSON.stringify(error));
            console.log("openLogicalChannel2 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openLogicalChannel2 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openLogicalChannel(aid: number[], p2: number): Promise<Channel>


如果AID数组长度为0,则该方法将通过发送一个select命令来选择SE的Issuer Security Domain,该命令的AID长度为0(如[GPCS]中所定义)。

如果AID为Null,则该方法应仅发送MANAGE CHANNEL Open(管理通道打开),而不应发送SELECT(选择)命令。在这种情况下,默认情况下将选择与逻辑通道关联的默认applet.

P2通常为0x00。设备应允许P2的任何值,并且应允许以下值: 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C (如 ISO 7816-4中所定义).

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在该Channel对象上被选择的applet AID数组。
p2 number 此channel上执行SELECT APDU命令的P2参数。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let nfcOmaChannel : omapi.Channel|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            nfcOmaChannel = channel;
            console.log("openLogicalChannel3 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("openLogicalChannel3 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


openLogicalChannel(aid: number[], p2: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>):void


如果AID数组长度为0,则该方法将通过发送一个select命令来选择SE的Issuer Security Domain,该命令的AID长度为0(如[GPCS]中所定义)。

如果AID为Null,则该方法应仅发送MANAGE CHANNEL Open(管理通道打开),而不应发送SELECT(选择)命令。在这种情况下,默认情况下将选择与逻辑通道关联的默认applet.

P2通常为0x00。设备应允许P2的任何值,并且应允许以下值: 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C (如 ISO 7816-4中所定义).

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
aid number[] 在该Channel对象上被选择的applet AID数组。
p2 number 此channel上执行SELECT APDU命令的P2参数。
callback AsyncCallback<Channel> callback返回可用Channel对象实例,SE不能提供新的Channel对象或因缺乏可用逻辑Channel对象无法获取访问控制规则返回null。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session that has been closed.
3300102 NoSuchElementError, the AID on the SE is not available or cannot be selected.
3300103 SecurityError, the calling application cannot be granted access to this AID or the default applet on this session.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let nfcOmaChannel : omapi.Channel|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
  if(nfcSEService != null) {
    nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
  if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
    omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
  if (omaSession != null) {
    omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2, (error, data) => {
      if (error) {
        console.log("openLogicalChannel4 failed:" + JSON.stringify(error));
      nfcOmaChannel = data;
      console.log("openLogicalChannel4 get channel successfully");
} catch (e) {
  console.log("openLogicalChannel4 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. getSession

getSession(): Session


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
Session 该channel绑定的Session 对象。


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let mySession : omapi.Session|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            mySession = channel.getSession();
            console.log("openLogicalChannel get channel successfully");
    if (mySession != null) {
        console.log("get session successfully");
    } else {
        console.log("get session failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("get session " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. close

close(): void


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            console.log("channel close successfully");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("channel close " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. isBasicChannel

isBasicChannel(): boolean


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
boolean true: 该channel是基本channel false:该channel不是基本channel 。


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let ret : boolean = false;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            ret = channel.isBasicChannel();
    if (ret) {
        console.log("isBasicChannel TRUE");
    } else {
        console.log("isBasicChannel FALSE");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("isBasicChannel " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. isClosed

isClosed(): boolean


系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
boolean true:channel是closed false: 不是closed状态。


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let ret : boolean = false;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            ret = channel.isClosed();
    if (ret) {
        console.log("channel isClosed TRUE");
    } else {
        console.log("channel isClosed False");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("isBasicChannel " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. getSelectResponse



系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


类型 说明
number[] 返回从应用程序选择命令接收的数据,包括在applet选择时接收的状态字。




import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let responseArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let str : string = "";

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            responseArray = channel.getSelectResponse();
    if (responseArray) {
        str = "getSelectResponse result:[";
        for (let i = 0; i < responseArray.length; ++i) {
            str += responseArray[i];
            str += ' ';
        str += ']';
    } else {
        console.log("getSelectResponse result is null");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("isBasicChannel " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. transmit

transmit(command: number[]): Promise

向SE发送APDU命令(根据ISO/IEC 7816)。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
command number[] 在该channel上被选择的applet AID数组。


类型 说明
number[] 响应结果数组。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session or channel that has been closed.
3300103 SecurityError, the command is filtered by the security policy.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let responseArray : Promise<number[]>|null = null;

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            let command: number[] = [100, 200];
            // refer to Session.openBasicChannel for this.nfcOmaChannel
            responseArray = channel.transmit(command);
    if (responseArray != null) {
        console.log("transmit1 success");
    } else {
        console.log("transmit1 failed");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("transmit1 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

Channel. transmit

transmit(command: number[], callback: AsyncCallback): void

向SE发送APDU命令(根据ISO/IEC 7816)。

系统能力: SystemCapability.Communication.SecureElement


参数名 类型 必填 说明
command number[] 在该Channel上被选择的applet AID数组。
callback AsyncCallback 返回接收到的响应的回调,number数组。



错误码ID 错误信息
3300101 IllegalStateError, an attempt is made to use an SE session or channel that has been closed.
3300103 SecurityError, the command is filtered by the security policy.
3300104 IOError, there is a communication problem to the reader or the SE.


import omapi from '@ohos.secureElement';
import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let nfcSEService : omapi.SEService|null = null;
let nfcOmaReaderList : omapi.Reader[]|null = null;
let omaSession : omapi.Session|null = null;
let getPromise : Promise<omapi.Channel>|null = null;
let aidArray : number[] = [720, 1080];
let p2 : number = 0x00;
let str : string = "";

try {
    nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => {
        if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) {
            console.log("Service state is Disconnected");
        } else {
            console.log("Service state is Connected");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("newSEService " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");

try {
    if(nfcSEService != null) {
      nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders();
    if (nfcOmaReaderList != null && nfcOmaReaderList.length > 0) {
        omaSession = nfcOmaReaderList[0].openSession();
    if (omaSession != null) {
        getPromise = omaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2);
        getPromise.then((channel) => {
            let command: number[] = [100, 200];
            // refer to Session.openBasicChannel for this.nfcOmaChannel
            channel.transmit(command, (error, data) => {
                if (error) {
                    console.log("transmit2 exception:" + JSON.stringify(error));
                str = "transmit2 result:[";
                for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
                    str += data[i];
                    str += " ";
                str += "]";
} catch (e) {
    console.log("transmit2 " + "exception: ${(e : BusinessError).message}");


harmony 鸿蒙接口

harmony 鸿蒙系统公共事件定义(待停用)

harmony 鸿蒙系统公共事件定义

harmony 鸿蒙开发说明

harmony 鸿蒙企业设备管理概述(仅对系统应用开放)

harmony 鸿蒙BundleStatusCallback

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager (innerBundleManager模块)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.distributedBundle (分布式包管理)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.bundle (Bundle模块)

harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.enterprise.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility (企业设备管理扩展能力)

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