tidb util 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb util 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package expression

import (

	driver "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types/parser_driver"

// cowExprRef is a copy-on-write slice ref util using in `ColumnSubstitute`
// to reduce unnecessary allocation for Expression arguments array
type cowExprRef struct {
	ref []Expression
	new []Expression

// Set will allocate new array if changed flag true
func (c *cowExprRef) Set(i int, changed bool, val Expression) {
	if c.new != nil {
		c.new[i] = val
	if !changed {
	c.new = make([]Expression, len(c.ref))
	copy(c.new, c.ref[:i])
	c.new[i] = val

// Result return the final reference
func (c *cowExprRef) Result() []Expression {
	if c.new != nil {
		return c.new
	return c.ref

// Filter the input expressions, append the results to result.
func Filter(result []Expression, input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) []Expression {
	for _, e := range input {
		if filter(e) {
			result = append(result, e)
	return result

// FilterOutInPlace do the filtering out in place.
// The remained are the ones who doesn't match the filter, storing in the original slice.
// The filteredOut are the ones match the filter, storing in a new slice.
func FilterOutInPlace(input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) (remained, filteredOut []Expression) {
	for i := len(input) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if filter(input[i]) {
			filteredOut = append(filteredOut, input[i])
			input = append(input[:i], input[i+1:]...)
	return input, filteredOut

// ExtractDependentColumns extracts all dependent columns from a virtual column.
func ExtractDependentColumns(expr Expression) []*Column {
	// Pre-allocate a slice to reduce allocation, 8 doesn't have special meaning.
	result := make([]*Column, 0, 8)
	return extractDependentColumns(result, expr)

func extractDependentColumns(result []*Column, expr Expression) []*Column {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
		result = append(result, v)
		if v.VirtualExpr != nil {
			result = extractDependentColumns(result, v.VirtualExpr)
	case *ScalarFunction:
		for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			result = extractDependentColumns(result, arg)
	return result

// ExtractColumns extracts all columns from an expression.
func ExtractColumns(expr Expression) []*Column {
	// Pre-allocate a slice to reduce allocation, 8 doesn't have special meaning.
	result := make([]*Column, 0, 8)
	return extractColumns(result, expr, nil)

// ExtractCorColumns extracts correlated column from given expression.
func ExtractCorColumns(expr Expression) (cols []*CorrelatedColumn) {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *CorrelatedColumn:
		return []*CorrelatedColumn{v}
	case *ScalarFunction:
		for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			cols = append(cols, ExtractCorColumns(arg)...)

// ExtractColumnsFromExpressions is a more efficient version of ExtractColumns for batch operation.
// filter can be nil, or a function to filter the result column.
// It's often observed that the pattern of the caller like this:
// cols := ExtractColumns(...)
//	for _, col := range cols {
//	    if xxx(col) {...}
//	}
// Provide an additional filter argument, this can be done in one step.
// To avoid allocation for cols that not need.
func ExtractColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, exprs []Expression, filter func(*Column) bool) []*Column {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		result = extractColumns(result, expr, filter)
	return result

func extractColumns(result []*Column, expr Expression, filter func(*Column) bool) []*Column {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
		if filter == nil || filter(v) {
			result = append(result, v)
	case *ScalarFunction:
		for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			result = extractColumns(result, arg, filter)
	return result

// ExtractEquivalenceColumns detects the equivalence from CNF exprs.
func ExtractEquivalenceColumns(result [][]Expression, exprs []Expression) [][]Expression {
	// exprs are CNF expressions, EQ condition only make sense in the top level of every expr.
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		result = extractEquivalenceColumns(result, expr)
	return result

func extractEquivalenceColumns(result [][]Expression, expr Expression) [][]Expression {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		// a==b, a<=>b, the latter one is evaluated to true when a,b are both null.
		if v.FuncName.L == ast.EQ || v.FuncName.L == ast.NullEQ {
			args := v.GetArgs()
			if len(args) == 2 {
				col1, ok1 := args[0].(*Column)
				col2, ok2 := args[1].(*Column)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col1, col2})
				col, ok1 := args[0].(*Column)
				scl, ok2 := args[1].(*ScalarFunction)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col, scl})
				col, ok1 = args[1].(*Column)
				scl, ok2 = args[0].(*ScalarFunction)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col, scl})
			return result
		if v.FuncName.L == ast.In {
			args := v.GetArgs()
			// only `col in (only 1 element)`, can we build an equivalence here.
			if len(args[1:]) == 1 {
				col1, ok1 := args[0].(*Column)
				col2, ok2 := args[1].(*Column)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col1, col2})
				col, ok1 := args[0].(*Column)
				scl, ok2 := args[1].(*ScalarFunction)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col, scl})
				col, ok1 = args[1].(*Column)
				scl, ok2 = args[0].(*ScalarFunction)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, []Expression{col, scl})
			return result
		// For Non-EQ function, we don't have to traverse down.
		// eg: (a=b or c=d) doesn't make any definitely equivalence assertion.
	return result

// extractColumnsAndCorColumns extracts columns and correlated columns from `expr` and append them to `result`.
func extractColumnsAndCorColumns(result []*Column, expr Expression) []*Column {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
		result = append(result, v)
	case *CorrelatedColumn:
		result = append(result, &v.Column)
	case *ScalarFunction:
		for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			result = extractColumnsAndCorColumns(result, arg)
	return result

// ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar detects the constant equal relationship from CNF exprs.
func ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar(ctx sessionctx.Context, result []Expression, exprs []Expression) []Expression {
	// exprs are CNF expressions, EQ condition only make sense in the top level of every expr.
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		result = extractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar(ctx, result, expr)
	return result

func extractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar(ctx sessionctx.Context, result []Expression, expr Expression) []Expression {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if v.FuncName.L == ast.EQ || v.FuncName.L == ast.NullEQ {
			args := v.GetArgs()
			if len(args) == 2 {
				col, ok1 := args[0].(*Column)
				_, ok2 := args[1].(*Constant)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, col)
				col, ok1 = args[1].(*Column)
				_, ok2 = args[0].(*Constant)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, col)
				// take the correlated column as constant here.
				col, ok1 = args[0].(*Column)
				_, ok2 = args[1].(*CorrelatedColumn)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, col)
				col, ok1 = args[1].(*Column)
				_, ok2 = args[0].(*CorrelatedColumn)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, col)
				scl, ok1 := args[0].(*ScalarFunction)
				_, ok2 = args[1].(*Constant)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, scl)
				scl, ok1 = args[1].(*ScalarFunction)
				_, ok2 = args[0].(*Constant)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, scl)
				// take the correlated column as constant here.
				scl, ok1 = args[0].(*ScalarFunction)
				_, ok2 = args[1].(*CorrelatedColumn)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, scl)
				scl, ok1 = args[1].(*ScalarFunction)
				_, ok2 = args[0].(*CorrelatedColumn)
				if ok1 && ok2 {
					result = append(result, scl)
			return result
		if v.FuncName.L == ast.In {
			args := v.GetArgs()
			allArgsIsConst := true
			// only `col in (all same const)`, can col be the constant column.
			// eg: a in (1, "1") does, while a in (1, '2') doesn't.
			guard := args[1]
			for i, v := range args[1:] {
				if _, ok := v.(*Constant); !ok {
					allArgsIsConst = false
				if i == 0 {
				if !guard.Equal(ctx, v) {
					allArgsIsConst = false
			if allArgsIsConst {
				if col, ok := args[0].(*Column); ok {
					result = append(result, col)
				} else if scl, ok := args[0].(*ScalarFunction); ok {
					result = append(result, scl)
			return result
		// For Non-EQ function, we don't have to traverse down.
	return result

// ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions extracts columns and correlated columns from expressions and append them to `result`.
func ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, list []Expression) []*Column {
	for _, expr := range list {
		result = extractColumnsAndCorColumns(result, expr)
	return result

// ExtractColumnSet extracts the different values of `UniqueId` for columns in expressions.
func ExtractColumnSet(exprs ...Expression) *intsets.Sparse {
	set := &intsets.Sparse{}
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		extractColumnSet(expr, set)
	return set

func extractColumnSet(expr Expression, set *intsets.Sparse) {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
	case *ScalarFunction:
		for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			extractColumnSet(arg, set)

// SetExprColumnInOperand is used to set columns in expr as InOperand.
func SetExprColumnInOperand(expr Expression) Expression {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
		col := v.Clone().(*Column)
		col.InOperand = true
		return col
	case *ScalarFunction:
		args := v.GetArgs()
		for i, arg := range args {
			args[i] = SetExprColumnInOperand(arg)
	return expr

// ColumnSubstitute substitutes the columns in filter to expressions in select fields.
// e.g. select * from (select b as a from t) k where a < 10 => select * from (select b as a from t where b < 10) k.
func ColumnSubstitute(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) Expression {
	_, _, resExpr := ColumnSubstituteImpl(expr, schema, newExprs, false)
	return resExpr

// ColumnSubstituteAll substitutes the columns just like ColumnSubstitute, but we don't accept partial substitution.
// Only accept:
//	1: substitute them all once find col in schema.
//	2: nothing in expr can be substituted.
func ColumnSubstituteAll(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) (bool, Expression) {
	_, hasFail, resExpr := ColumnSubstituteImpl(expr, schema, newExprs, true)
	return hasFail, resExpr

// ColumnSubstituteImpl tries to substitute column expr using newExprs,
// the newFunctionInternal is only called if its child is substituted
// @return bool means whether the expr has changed.
// @return bool means whether the expr should change (has the dependency in schema, while the corresponding expr has some compatibility), but finally fallback.
// @return Expression, the original expr or the changed expr, it depends on the first @return bool.
func ColumnSubstituteImpl(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression, fail1Return bool) (bool, bool, Expression) {
	switch v := expr.(type) {
	case *Column:
		id := schema.ColumnIndex(v)
		if id == -1 {
			return false, false, v
		newExpr := newExprs[id]
		if v.InOperand {
			newExpr = SetExprColumnInOperand(newExpr)
		return true, false, newExpr
	case *ScalarFunction:
		substituted := false
		hasFail := false
		if v.FuncName.L == ast.Cast {
			newFunc := v.Clone().(*ScalarFunction)
			substituted, hasFail, newFunc.GetArgs()[0] = ColumnSubstituteImpl(newFunc.GetArgs()[0], schema, newExprs, fail1Return)
			if fail1Return && hasFail {
				return substituted, hasFail, newFunc
			if substituted {
				// Workaround for issue https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/28804
				e := NewFunctionInternal(v.GetCtx(), v.FuncName.L, v.RetType, newFunc.GetArgs()...)
				return true, false, e
			return false, false, newFunc
		// cowExprRef is a copy-on-write util, args array allocation happens only
		// when expr in args is changed
		refExprArr := cowExprRef{v.GetArgs(), nil}
		_, coll := DeriveCollationFromExprs(v.GetCtx(), v.GetArgs()...)
		for idx, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
			changed, hasFail, newFuncExpr := ColumnSubstituteImpl(arg, schema, newExprs, fail1Return)
			if fail1Return && hasFail {
				return changed, hasFail, v
			oldChanged := changed
			if collate.NewCollationEnabled() {
				// Make sure the collation used by the ScalarFunction isn't changed and its result collation is not weaker than the collation used by the ScalarFunction.
				if changed {
					changed = false
					tmpArgs := make([]Expression, 0, len(v.GetArgs()))
					_ = append(append(append(tmpArgs, refExprArr.Result()[0:idx]...), refExprArr.Result()[idx+1:]...), newFuncExpr)
					_, newColl := DeriveCollationFromExprs(v.GetCtx(), append(v.GetArgs(), newFuncExpr)...)
					if coll == newColl {
						changed = checkCollationStrictness(coll, newFuncExpr.GetType().GetCollate())
			if fail1Return && oldChanged != changed {
				// Only when the oldChanged is true and changed is false, we will get here.
				// And this means there some dependency in this arg can be substituted with
				// given expressions, while it has some collation compatibility, finally we
				// fall back to use the origin args. (commonly used in projection elimination
				// in which fallback usage is unacceptable)
				return changed, true, v
			refExprArr.Set(idx, changed, newFuncExpr)
			if changed {
				substituted = true
		if substituted {
			return true, false, NewFunctionInternal(v.GetCtx(), v.FuncName.L, v.RetType, refExprArr.Result()...)
	return false, false, expr

// checkCollationStrictness check collation strictness-ship between `coll` and `newFuncColl`
// return true iff `newFuncColl` is not weaker than `coll`
func checkCollationStrictness(coll, newFuncColl string) bool {
	collGroupID, ok1 := CollationStrictnessGroup[coll]
	newFuncCollGroupID, ok2 := CollationStrictnessGroup[newFuncColl]

	if ok1 && ok2 {
		if collGroupID == newFuncCollGroupID {
			return true

		for _, id := range CollationStrictness[collGroupID] {
			if newFuncCollGroupID == id {
				return true

	return false

// getValidPrefix gets a prefix of string which can parsed to a number with base. the minimum base is 2 and the maximum is 36.
func getValidPrefix(s string, base int64) string {
	var (
		validLen int
		upper    rune
	switch {
	case base >= 2 && base <= 9:
		upper = rune('0' + base)
	case base <= 36:
		upper = rune('A' + base - 10)
		return ""
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		c := rune(s[i])
		switch {
		case unicode.IsDigit(c) || unicode.IsLower(c) || unicode.IsUpper(c):
			c = unicode.ToUpper(c)
			if c < upper {
				validLen = i + 1
			} else {
				break Loop
		case c == '+' || c == '-':
			if i != 0 {
				break Loop
			break Loop
	if validLen > 1 && s[0] == '+' {
		return s[1:validLen]
	return s[:validLen]

// SubstituteCorCol2Constant will substitute correlated column to constant value which it contains.
// If the args of one scalar function are all constant, we will substitute it to constant.
func SubstituteCorCol2Constant(expr Expression) (Expression, error) {
	switch x := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		allConstant := true
		newArgs := make([]Expression, 0, len(x.GetArgs()))
		for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			newArg, err := SubstituteCorCol2Constant(arg)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			_, ok := newArg.(*Constant)
			newArgs = append(newArgs, newArg)
			allConstant = allConstant && ok
		if allConstant {
			val, err := x.Eval(chunk.Row{})
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return &Constant{Value: val, RetType: x.GetType()}, nil
		var newSf Expression
		if x.FuncName.L == ast.Cast {
			newSf = BuildCastFunction(x.GetCtx(), newArgs[0], x.RetType)
		} else {
			newSf = NewFunctionInternal(x.GetCtx(), x.FuncName.L, x.GetType(), newArgs...)
		return newSf, nil
	case *CorrelatedColumn:
		return &Constant{Value: *x.Data, RetType: x.GetType()}, nil
	case *Constant:
		if x.DeferredExpr != nil {
			newExpr := FoldConstant(x)
			return &Constant{Value: newExpr.(*Constant).Value, RetType: x.GetType()}, nil
	return expr, nil

func locateStringWithCollation(str, substr, coll string) int64 {
	collator := collate.GetCollator(coll)
	strKey := collator.KeyWithoutTrimRightSpace(str)
	subStrKey := collator.KeyWithoutTrimRightSpace(substr)

	index := bytes.Index(strKey, subStrKey)
	if index == -1 || index == 0 {
		return int64(index + 1)

	// todo: we can use binary search to make it faster.
	count := int64(0)
	for {
		r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str)
		index -= len(collator.KeyWithoutTrimRightSpace(string(r)))
		if index <= 0 {
			return count + 1
		str = str[size:]

// timeZone2Duration converts timezone whose format should satisfy the regular condition
// `(^(+|-)(0?[0-9]|1[0-2]):[0-5]?\d$)|(^+13:00$)` to int for use by time.FixedZone().
func timeZone2int(tz string) int {
	sign := 1
	if strings.HasPrefix(tz, "-") {
		sign = -1

	i := strings.Index(tz, ":")
	h, err := strconv.Atoi(tz[1:i])
	m, err := strconv.Atoi(tz[i+1:])
	return sign * ((h * 3600) + (m * 60))

var logicalOps = map[string]struct{}{
	ast.LT:                 {},
	ast.GE:                 {},
	ast.GT:                 {},
	ast.LE:                 {},
	ast.EQ:                 {},
	ast.NE:                 {},
	ast.UnaryNot:           {},
	ast.LogicAnd:           {},
	ast.LogicOr:            {},
	ast.LogicXor:           {},
	ast.In:                 {},
	ast.IsNull:             {},
	ast.IsTruthWithoutNull: {},
	ast.IsFalsity:          {},
	ast.Like:               {},

var oppositeOp = map[string]string{
	ast.LT:       ast.GE,
	ast.GE:       ast.LT,
	ast.GT:       ast.LE,
	ast.LE:       ast.GT,
	ast.EQ:       ast.NE,
	ast.NE:       ast.EQ,
	ast.LogicOr:  ast.LogicAnd,
	ast.LogicAnd: ast.LogicOr,

// a op b is equal to b symmetricOp a
var symmetricOp = map[opcode.Op]opcode.Op{
	opcode.LT:     opcode.GT,
	opcode.GE:     opcode.LE,
	opcode.GT:     opcode.LT,
	opcode.LE:     opcode.GE,
	opcode.EQ:     opcode.EQ,
	opcode.NE:     opcode.NE,
	opcode.NullEQ: opcode.NullEQ,

func pushNotAcrossArgs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression, not bool) ([]Expression, bool) {
	newExprs := make([]Expression, 0, len(exprs))
	flag := false
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		newExpr, changed := pushNotAcrossExpr(ctx, expr, not)
		flag = changed || flag
		newExprs = append(newExprs, newExpr)
	return newExprs, flag

// pushNotAcrossExpr try to eliminate the NOT expr in expression tree.
// Input `not` indicates whether there's a `NOT` be pushed down.
// Output `changed` indicates whether the output expression differs from the
// input `expr` because of the pushed-down-not.
func pushNotAcrossExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, not bool) (_ Expression, changed bool) {
	if f, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
		switch f.FuncName.L {
		case ast.UnaryNot:
			child, err := wrapWithIsTrue(ctx, true, f.GetArgs()[0], true)
			if err != nil {
				return expr, false
			var childExpr Expression
			childExpr, changed = pushNotAcrossExpr(f.GetCtx(), child, !not)
			if !changed && !not {
				return expr, false
			return childExpr, true
		case ast.LT, ast.GE, ast.GT, ast.LE, ast.EQ, ast.NE:
			if not {
				return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), oppositeOp[f.FuncName.L], f.GetType(), f.GetArgs()...), true
			newArgs, changed := pushNotAcrossArgs(f.GetCtx(), f.GetArgs(), false)
			if !changed {
				return f, false
			return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), f.FuncName.L, f.GetType(), newArgs...), true
		case ast.LogicAnd, ast.LogicOr:
			var (
				newArgs []Expression
				changed bool
			funcName := f.FuncName.L
			if not {
				newArgs, _ = pushNotAcrossArgs(f.GetCtx(), f.GetArgs(), true)
				funcName = oppositeOp[f.FuncName.L]
				changed = true
			} else {
				newArgs, changed = pushNotAcrossArgs(f.GetCtx(), f.GetArgs(), false)
			if !changed {
				return f, false
			return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), funcName, f.GetType(), newArgs...), true
	if not {
		expr = NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.UnaryNot, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr)
	return expr, not

// GetExprInsideIsTruth get the expression inside the `istrue_with_null` and `istrue`.
// This is useful when handling expressions from "not" or "!", because we might wrap `istrue_with_null` or `istrue`
// when handling them. See pushNotAcrossExpr() and wrapWithIsTrue() for details.
func GetExprInsideIsTruth(expr Expression) Expression {
	if f, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
		switch f.FuncName.L {
		case ast.IsTruthWithNull, ast.IsTruthWithoutNull:
			return GetExprInsideIsTruth(f.GetArgs()[0])
			return expr
	return expr

// PushDownNot pushes the `not` function down to the expression's arguments.
func PushDownNot(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression {
	newExpr, _ := pushNotAcrossExpr(ctx, expr, false)
	return newExpr

// ContainOuterNot checks if there is an outer `not`.
func ContainOuterNot(expr Expression) bool {
	return containOuterNot(expr, false)

// containOuterNot checks if there is an outer `not`.
// Input `not` means whether there is `not` outside `expr`
// eg.
//	not(0+(t.a == 1 and t.b == 2)) returns true
//	not(t.a) and not(t.b) returns false
func containOuterNot(expr Expression, not bool) bool {
	if f, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
		switch f.FuncName.L {
		case ast.UnaryNot:
			return containOuterNot(f.GetArgs()[0], true)
		case ast.IsTruthWithNull, ast.IsNull:
			return containOuterNot(f.GetArgs()[0], not)
			if not {
				return true
			hasNot := false
			for _, expr := range f.GetArgs() {
				hasNot = hasNot || containOuterNot(expr, not)
				if hasNot {
					return hasNot
			return hasNot
	return false

// Contains tests if `exprs` contains `e`.
func Contains(exprs []Expression, e Expression) bool {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		if e == expr {
			return true
	return false

// ExtractFiltersFromDNFs checks whether the cond is DNF. If so, it will get the extracted part and the remained part.
// The original DNF will be replaced by the remained part or just be deleted if remained part is nil.
// And the extracted part will be appended to the end of the orignal slice.
func ExtractFiltersFromDNFs(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression {
	var allExtracted []Expression
	for i := len(conditions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if sf, ok := conditions[i].(*ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == ast.LogicOr {
			extracted, remained := extractFiltersFromDNF(ctx, sf)
			allExtracted = append(allExtracted, extracted...)
			if remained == nil {
				conditions = append(conditions[:i], conditions[i+1:]...)
			} else {
				conditions[i] = remained
	return append(conditions, allExtracted...)

// extractFiltersFromDNF extracts the same condition that occurs in every DNF item and remove them from dnf leaves.
func extractFiltersFromDNF(ctx sessionctx.Context, dnfFunc *ScalarFunction) ([]Expression, Expression) {
	dnfItems := FlattenDNFConditions(dnfFunc)
	sc := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	codeMap := make(map[string]int)
	hashcode2Expr := make(map[string]Expression)
	for i, dnfItem := range dnfItems {
		innerMap := make(map[string]struct{})
		cnfItems := SplitCNFItems(dnfItem)
		for _, cnfItem := range cnfItems {
			code := cnfItem.HashCode(sc)
			if i == 0 {
				codeMap[string(code)] = 1
				hashcode2Expr[string(code)] = cnfItem
			} else if _, ok := codeMap[string(code)]; ok {
				// We need this check because there may be the case like `select * from t, t1 where (t.a=t1.a and t.a=t1.a) or (something).
				// We should make sure that the two `t.a=t1.a` contributes only once.
				// TODO: do this out of this function.
				if _, ok = innerMap[string(code)]; !ok {
					innerMap[string(code)] = struct{}{}
	// We should make sure that this item occurs in every DNF item.
	for hashcode, cnt := range codeMap {
		if cnt < len(dnfItems) {
			delete(hashcode2Expr, hashcode)
	if len(hashcode2Expr) == 0 {
		return nil, dnfFunc
	newDNFItems := make([]Expression, 0, len(dnfItems))
	onlyNeedExtracted := false
	for _, dnfItem := range dnfItems {
		cnfItems := SplitCNFItems(dnfItem)
		newCNFItems := make([]Expression, 0, len(cnfItems))
		for _, cnfItem := range cnfItems {
			code := cnfItem.HashCode(sc)
			_, ok := hashcode2Expr[string(code)]
			if !ok {
				newCNFItems = append(newCNFItems, cnfItem)
		// If the extracted part is just one leaf of the DNF expression. Then the value of the total DNF expression is
		// always the same with the value of the extracted part.
		if len(newCNFItems) == 0 {
			onlyNeedExtracted = true
		newDNFItems = append(newDNFItems, ComposeCNFCondition(ctx, newCNFItems...))
	extractedExpr := make([]Expression, 0, len(hashcode2Expr))
	for _, expr := range hashcode2Expr {
		extractedExpr = append(extractedExpr, expr)
	if onlyNeedExtracted {
		return extractedExpr, nil
	return extractedExpr, ComposeDNFCondition(ctx, newDNFItems...)

// DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF given a DNF expression, derive a relaxed DNF expression which only contains columns
// in specified schema; the derived expression is a superset of original expression, i.e, any tuple satisfying
// the original expression must satisfy the derived expression. Return nil when the derived expression is universal set.
// A running example is: for schema of t1, `(t1.a=1 and t2.a=1) or (t1.a=2 and t2.a=2)` would be derived as
// `t1.a=1 or t1.a=2`, while `t1.a=1 or t2.a=1` would get nil.
func DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF(expr Expression, schema *Schema) Expression {
	sf, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction)
	if !ok || sf.FuncName.L != ast.LogicOr {
		return nil
	ctx := sf.GetCtx()
	dnfItems := FlattenDNFConditions(sf)
	newDNFItems := make([]Expression, 0, len(dnfItems))
	for _, dnfItem := range dnfItems {
		cnfItems := SplitCNFItems(dnfItem)
		newCNFItems := make([]Expression, 0, len(cnfItems))
		for _, cnfItem := range cnfItems {
			if itemSF, ok := cnfItem.(*ScalarFunction); ok && itemSF.FuncName.L == ast.LogicOr {
				relaxedCNFItem := DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF(cnfItem, schema)
				if relaxedCNFItem != nil {
					newCNFItems = append(newCNFItems, relaxedCNFItem)
				// If relaxed expression for embedded DNF is universal set, just drop this CNF item
			// This cnfItem must be simple expression now
			// If it cannot be fully covered by schema, just drop this CNF item
			if ExprFromSchema(cnfItem, schema) {
				newCNFItems = append(newCNFItems, cnfItem)
		// If this DNF item involves no column of specified schema, the relaxed expression must be universal set
		if len(newCNFItems) == 0 {
			return nil
		newDNFItems = append(newDNFItems, ComposeCNFCondition(ctx, newCNFItems...))
	return ComposeDNFCondition(ctx, newDNFItems...)

// GetRowLen gets the length if the func is row, returns 1 if not row.
func GetRowLen(e Expression) int {
	if f, ok := e.(*ScalarFunction); ok && f.FuncName.L == ast.RowFunc {
		return len(f.GetArgs())
	return 1

// CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow checks the args are not multi-column row.
func CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(args ...Expression) error {
	for _, arg := range args {
		if GetRowLen(arg) != 1 {
			return ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
	return nil

// GetFuncArg gets the argument of the function at idx.
func GetFuncArg(e Expression, idx int) Expression {
	if f, ok := e.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
		return f.GetArgs()[idx]
	return nil

// PopRowFirstArg pops the first element and returns the rest of row.
// e.g. After this function (1, 2, 3) becomes (2, 3).
func PopRowFirstArg(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) (ret Expression, err error) {
	if f, ok := e.(*ScalarFunction); ok && f.FuncName.L == ast.RowFunc {
		args := f.GetArgs()
		if len(args) == 2 {
			return args[1], nil
		ret, err = NewFunction(ctx, ast.RowFunc, f.GetType(), args[1:]...)
		return ret, err

// DatumToConstant generates a Constant expression from a Datum.
func DatumToConstant(d types.Datum, tp byte, flag uint) *Constant {
	t := types.NewFieldType(tp)
	return &Constant{Value: d, RetType: t}

// ParamMarkerExpression generate a getparam function expression.
func ParamMarkerExpression(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *driver.ParamMarkerExpr, needParam bool) (*Constant, error) {
	useCache := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.UseCache
	isPointExec := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.PointExec
	tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeUnspecified)
	types.DefaultParamTypeForValue(v.GetValue(), tp)
	value := &Constant{Value: v.Datum, RetType: tp}
	if useCache || isPointExec || needParam {
		value.ParamMarker = &ParamMarker{
			order: v.Order,
			ctx:   ctx,
	return value, nil

// ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker checks whether the given ast tree has paramMarker and is in prepare statement.
type ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker struct {
	InPrepareStmt bool

// Enter implements Visitor Interface.
func (pc *ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker) Enter(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, skipChildren bool) {
	switch v := in.(type) {
	case *driver.ParamMarkerExpr:
		pc.InPrepareStmt = !v.InExecute
		return v, true
	return in, false

// Leave implements Visitor Interface.
func (pc *ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker) Leave(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, ok bool) {
	return in, true

// DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr disables ParseToJSONFlag for `expr` except Column.
// We should not *PARSE* a string as JSON under some scenarios. ParseToJSONFlag
// is 0 for JSON column yet(as well as JSON correlated column), so we can skip
// it. Moreover, Column.RetType refers to the infoschema, if we modify it, data
// race may happen if another goroutine read from the infoschema at the same
// time.
func DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr(expr Expression) {
	if _, isColumn := expr.(*Column); isColumn {
	if _, isCorCol := expr.(*CorrelatedColumn); isCorCol {
	expr.GetType().SetFlag(expr.GetType().GetFlag() & ^mysql.ParseToJSONFlag)

// ConstructPositionExpr constructs PositionExpr with the given ParamMarkerExpr.
func ConstructPositionExpr(p *driver.ParamMarkerExpr) *ast.PositionExpr {
	return &ast.PositionExpr{P: p}

// PosFromPositionExpr generates a position value from PositionExpr.
func PosFromPositionExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *ast.PositionExpr) (int, bool, error) {
	if v.P == nil {
		return v.N, false, nil
	value, err := ParamMarkerExpression(ctx, v.P.(*driver.ParamMarkerExpr), false)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, true, err
	pos, isNull, err := GetIntFromConstant(ctx, value)
	if err != nil || isNull {
		return 0, true, err
	return pos, false, nil

// GetStringFromConstant gets a string value from the Constant expression.
func GetStringFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (string, bool, error) {
	con, ok := value.(*Constant)
	if !ok {
		err := errors.Errorf("Not a Constant expression %+v", value)
		return "", true, err
	str, isNull, err := con.EvalString(ctx, chunk.Row{})
	if err != nil || isNull {
		return "", true, err
	return str, false, nil

// GetIntFromConstant gets an interger value from the Constant expression.
func GetIntFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (int, bool, error) {
	str, isNull, err := GetStringFromConstant(ctx, value)
	if err != nil || isNull {
		return 0, true, err
	intNum, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, true, nil
	return intNum, false, nil

// BuildNotNullExpr wraps up `not(isnull())` for given expression.
func BuildNotNullExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression {
	isNull := NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.IsNull, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr)
	notNull := NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.UnaryNot, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), isNull)
	return notNull

// IsRuntimeConstExpr checks if a expr can be treated as a constant in **executor**.
func IsRuntimeConstExpr(expr Expression) bool {
	switch x := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if _, ok := unFoldableFunctions[x.FuncName.L]; ok {
			return false
		for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			if !IsRuntimeConstExpr(arg) {
				return false
		return true
	case *Column:
		return false
	case *Constant, *CorrelatedColumn:
		return true
	return false

// CheckNonDeterministic checks whether the current expression contains a non-deterministic func.
func CheckNonDeterministic(e Expression) bool {
	switch x := e.(type) {
	case *Constant, *Column, *CorrelatedColumn:
		return false
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if _, ok := unFoldableFunctions[x.FuncName.L]; ok {
			return true
		for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			if CheckNonDeterministic(arg) {
				return true
	return false

// CheckFuncInExpr checks whether there's a given function in the expression.
func CheckFuncInExpr(e Expression, funcName string) bool {
	switch x := e.(type) {
	case *Constant, *Column, *CorrelatedColumn:
		return false
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if x.FuncName.L == funcName {
			return true
		for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			if CheckFuncInExpr(arg, funcName) {
				return true
	return false

// IsMutableEffectsExpr checks if expr contains function which is mutable or has side effects.
func IsMutableEffectsExpr(expr Expression) bool {
	switch x := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if _, ok := mutableEffectsFunctions[x.FuncName.L]; ok {
			return true
		for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			if IsMutableEffectsExpr(arg) {
				return true
	case *Column:
	case *Constant:
		if x.DeferredExpr != nil {
			return IsMutableEffectsExpr(x.DeferredExpr)
	return false

// RemoveDupExprs removes identical exprs. Not that if expr contains functions which
// are mutable or have side effects, we cannot remove it even if it has duplicates;
// if the plan is going to be cached, we cannot remove expressions containing `?` neither.
func RemoveDupExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) []Expression {
	res := make([]Expression, 0, len(exprs))
	exists := make(map[string]struct{}, len(exprs))
	sc := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		key := string(expr.HashCode(sc))
		if _, ok := exists[key]; !ok || IsMutableEffectsExpr(expr) {
			res = append(res, expr)
			exists[key] = struct{}{}
	return res

// GetUint64FromConstant gets a uint64 from constant expression.
func GetUint64FromConstant(expr Expression) (uint64, bool, bool) {
	con, ok := expr.(*Constant)
	if !ok {
		logutil.BgLogger().Warn("not a constant expression", zap.String("expression", expr.ExplainInfo()))
		return 0, false, false
	dt := con.Value
	if con.ParamMarker != nil {
		dt = con.ParamMarker.GetUserVar()
	} else if con.DeferredExpr != nil {
		var err error
		dt, err = con.DeferredExpr.Eval(chunk.Row{})
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("eval deferred expr failed", zap.Error(err))
			return 0, false, false
	switch dt.Kind() {
	case types.KindNull:
		return 0, true, true
	case types.KindInt64:
		val := dt.GetInt64()
		if val < 0 {
			return 0, false, false
		return uint64(val), false, true
	case types.KindUint64:
		return dt.GetUint64(), false, true
	return 0, false, false

// ContainVirtualColumn checks if the expressions contain a virtual column
func ContainVirtualColumn(exprs []Expression) bool {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		switch v := expr.(type) {
		case *Column:
			if v.VirtualExpr != nil {
				return true
		case *ScalarFunction:
			if ContainVirtualColumn(v.GetArgs()) {
				return true
	return false

// ContainCorrelatedColumn checks if the expressions contain a correlated column
func ContainCorrelatedColumn(exprs []Expression) bool {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		switch v := expr.(type) {
		case *CorrelatedColumn:
			return true
		case *ScalarFunction:
			if ContainCorrelatedColumn(v.GetArgs()) {
				return true
	return false

// MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache used to check whether an optimization can work
// for the statement when we enable the plan cache.
// In some situations, some optimizations maybe over-optimize and cache an
// overOptimized plan. The cached plan may not get the correct result when we
// reuse the plan for other statements.
// For example, `pk>=$a and pk<=$b` can be optimized to a PointGet when
// `$a==$b`, but it will cause wrong results when `$a!=$b`.
// So we need to do the check here. The check includes the following aspects:
// 1. Whether the plan cache switch is enable.
// 2. Whether the statement can be cached.
// 3. Whether the expressions contain a lazy constant.
// TODO: Do more careful check here.
func MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) bool {
	// If we do not enable plan cache, all the optimization can work correctly.
	if !ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.UseCache || ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.SkipPlanCache {
		return false
	return containMutableConst(ctx, exprs)

// containMutableConst checks if the expressions contain a lazy constant.
func containMutableConst(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) bool {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		switch v := expr.(type) {
		case *Constant:
			if v.ParamMarker != nil || v.DeferredExpr != nil {
				return true
		case *ScalarFunction:
			if containMutableConst(ctx, v.GetArgs()) {
				return true
	return false

// RemoveMutableConst used to remove the `ParamMarker` and `DeferredExpr` in the `Constant` expr.
func RemoveMutableConst(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) {
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		switch v := expr.(type) {
		case *Constant:
			v.ParamMarker = nil
			v.DeferredExpr = nil
		case *ScalarFunction:
			RemoveMutableConst(ctx, v.GetArgs())

const (
	_   = iota
	kib = 1 << (10 * iota)
	mib = 1 << (10 * iota)
	gib = 1 << (10 * iota)
	tib = 1 << (10 * iota)
	pib = 1 << (10 * iota)
	eib = 1 << (10 * iota)

const (
	nano    = 1
	micro   = 1000 * nano
	milli   = 1000 * micro
	sec     = 1000 * milli
	min     = 60 * sec
	hour    = 60 * min
	dayTime = 24 * hour

// GetFormatBytes convert byte count to value with units.
func GetFormatBytes(bytes float64) string {
	var divisor float64
	var unit string

	bytesAbs := math.Abs(bytes)
	if bytesAbs >= eib {
		divisor = eib
		unit = "EiB"
	} else if bytesAbs >= pib {
		divisor = pib
		unit = "PiB"
	} else if bytesAbs >= tib {
		divisor = tib
		unit = "TiB"
	} else if bytesAbs >= gib {
		divisor = gib
		unit = "GiB"
	} else if bytesAbs >= mib {
		divisor = mib
		unit = "MiB"
	} else if bytesAbs >= kib {
		divisor = kib
		unit = "KiB"
	} else {
		divisor = 1
		unit = "bytes"

	if divisor == 1 {
		return strconv.FormatFloat(bytes, 'f', 0, 64) + " " + unit
	value := bytes / divisor
	if math.Abs(value) >= 100000.0 {
		return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'e', 2, 64) + " " + unit
	return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', 2, 64) + " " + unit

// GetFormatNanoTime convert time in nanoseconds to value with units.
func GetFormatNanoTime(time float64) string {
	var divisor float64
	var unit string

	timeAbs := math.Abs(time)
	if timeAbs >= dayTime {
		divisor = dayTime
		unit = "d"
	} else if timeAbs >= hour {
		divisor = hour
		unit = "h"
	} else if timeAbs >= min {
		divisor = min
		unit = "min"
	} else if timeAbs >= sec {
		divisor = sec
		unit = "s"
	} else if timeAbs >= milli {
		divisor = milli
		unit = "ms"
	} else if timeAbs >= micro {
		divisor = micro
		unit = "us"
	} else {
		divisor = 1
		unit = "ns"

	if divisor == 1 {
		return strconv.FormatFloat(time, 'f', 0, 64) + " " + unit
	value := time / divisor
	if math.Abs(value) >= 100000.0 {
		return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'e', 2, 64) + " " + unit
	return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', 2, 64) + " " + unit

// SQLDigestTextRetriever is used to find the normalized SQL statement text by SQL digests in statements_summary table.
// It's exported for test purposes. It's used by the `tidb_decode_sql_digests` builtin function, but also exposed to
// be used in other modules.
type SQLDigestTextRetriever struct {
	// SQLDigestsMap is the place to put the digests that's requested for getting SQL text and also the place to put
	// the query result.
	SQLDigestsMap map[string]string

	// Replace querying for test purposes.
	mockLocalData  map[string]string
	mockGlobalData map[string]string
	// There are two ways for querying information: 1) query specified digests by WHERE IN query, or 2) query all
	// information to avoid the too long WHERE IN clause. If there are more than `fetchAllLimit` digests needs to be
	// queried, the second way will be chosen; otherwise, the first way will be chosen.
	fetchAllLimit int

// NewSQLDigestTextRetriever creates a new SQLDigestTextRetriever.
func NewSQLDigestTextRetriever() *SQLDigestTextRetriever {
	return &SQLDigestTextRetriever{
		SQLDigestsMap: make(map[string]string),
		fetchAllLimit: 512,

func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) runMockQuery(data map[string]string, inValues []interface{}) (map[string]string, error) {
	if len(inValues) == 0 {
		return data, nil
	res := make(map[string]string, len(inValues))
	for _, digest := range inValues {
		if text, ok := data[digest.(string)]; ok {
			res[digest.(string)] = text
	return res, nil

// runFetchDigestQuery runs query to the system tables to fetch the kv mapping of SQL digests and normalized SQL texts
// of the given SQL digests, if `inValues` is given, or all these mappings otherwise. If `queryGlobal` is false, it
// queries information_schema.statements_summary and information_schema.statements_summary_history; otherwise, it
// queries the cluster version of these two tables.
func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) runFetchDigestQuery(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, queryGlobal bool, inValues []interface{}) (map[string]string, error) {
	ctx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnOthers)
	// If mock data is set, query the mock data instead of the real statements_summary tables.
	if !queryGlobal && r.mockLocalData != nil {
		return r.runMockQuery(r.mockLocalData, inValues)
	} else if queryGlobal && r.mockGlobalData != nil {
		return r.runMockQuery(r.mockGlobalData, inValues)

	exec, ok := sctx.(sqlexec.RestrictedSQLExecutor)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("restricted sql can't be executed in this context")

	// Information in statements_summary will be periodically moved to statements_summary_history. Union them together
	// to avoid missing information when statements_summary is just cleared.
	stmt := "select digest, digest_text from information_schema.statements_summary union distinct " +
		"select digest, digest_text from information_schema.statements_summary_history"
	if queryGlobal {
		stmt = "select digest, digest_text from information_schema.cluster_statements_summary union distinct " +
			"select digest, digest_text from information_schema.cluster_statements_summary_history"
	// Add the where clause if `inValues` is specified.
	if len(inValues) > 0 {
		stmt += " where digest in (" + strings.Repeat("%?,", len(inValues)-1) + "%?)"

	rows, _, err := exec.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, stmt, inValues...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	res := make(map[string]string, len(rows))
	for _, row := range rows {
		res[row.GetString(0)] = row.GetString(1)
	return res, nil

func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) updateDigestInfo(queryResult map[string]string) {
	for digest, text := range r.SQLDigestsMap {
		if len(text) > 0 {
			// The text of this digest is already known
		sqlText, ok := queryResult[digest]
		if ok {
			r.SQLDigestsMap[digest] = sqlText

// RetrieveLocal tries to retrieve the SQL text of the SQL digests from local information.
func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveLocal(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error {
	if len(r.SQLDigestsMap) == 0 {
		return nil

	var queryResult map[string]string
	if len(r.SQLDigestsMap) <= r.fetchAllLimit {
		inValues := make([]interface{}, 0, len(r.SQLDigestsMap))
		for key := range r.SQLDigestsMap {
			inValues = append(inValues, key)
		var err error
		queryResult, err = r.runFetchDigestQuery(ctx, sctx, false, inValues)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

		if len(queryResult) == len(r.SQLDigestsMap) {
			r.SQLDigestsMap = queryResult
			return nil
	} else {
		var err error
		queryResult, err = r.runFetchDigestQuery(ctx, sctx, false, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

	return nil

// RetrieveGlobal tries to retrieve the SQL text of the SQL digests from the information of the whole cluster.
func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveGlobal(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error {
	err := r.RetrieveLocal(ctx, sctx)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	// In some unit test environments it's unable to retrieve global info, and this function blocks it for tens of
	// seconds, which wastes much time during unit test. In this case, enable this failpoint to bypass retrieving
	// globally.
	failpoint.Inject("sqlDigestRetrieverSkipRetrieveGlobal", func() {

	var unknownDigests []interface{}
	for k, v := range r.SQLDigestsMap {
		if len(v) == 0 {
			unknownDigests = append(unknownDigests, k)

	if len(unknownDigests) == 0 {
		return nil

	var queryResult map[string]string
	if len(r.SQLDigestsMap) <= r.fetchAllLimit {
		queryResult, err = r.runFetchDigestQuery(ctx, sctx, true, unknownDigests)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	} else {
		queryResult, err = r.runFetchDigestQuery(ctx, sctx, true, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

	return nil


tidb 源码目录


tidb builtin 源码

tidb builtin_arithmetic 源码

tidb builtin_arithmetic_vec 源码

tidb builtin_cast 源码

tidb builtin_cast_vec 源码

tidb builtin_compare 源码

tidb builtin_compare_vec 源码

tidb builtin_compare_vec_generated 源码

tidb builtin_control 源码

tidb builtin_control_vec_generated 源码

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