greenplumn redzone_handler 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn redzone_handler 代码


 * redzone_handler.c
 *	 Implementation of the red-zone handler that detects when the system
 *	 is running low in vmem (i.e., the system is in red-zone). The red-zone
 *	 handler identifies the session that consumes most vmem and asks it
 *	 to gracefully release its memory.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/backend/utils/mmgr/redzone_handler.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "port/atomics.h"
#include "utils/vmem_tracker.h"
#include "utils/session_state.h"
#include "utils/resgroup.h"
#include "utils/resource_manager.h"

/* External dependencies within the runaway cleanup framework */
extern bool vmemTrackerInited;
extern volatile int32 *segmentVmemChunks;
extern volatile EventVersion *CurrentVersion;
extern volatile EventVersion *latestRunawayVersion;
extern void RunawayCleaner_StartCleanup(void);
extern int32 VmemTracker_ConvertVmemMBToChunks(int mb);


/* The runaway detector activates if the used vmem exceeds this percentage of the vmem quota */
int	runaway_detector_activation_percent = 80;

 * Number of VMEM chunks at which we consider the VMEM level critical.
 * Derived from chunk size, gp_vmem_protect_limit and RED_ZONE_RATIO.
static int32 redZoneChunks = 0;

 * When runaway_detector_activation_percent set to 0 or 100, means disable runaway detection,
 * and also disable Red-Zone check for resource group. We use the INT32_MAX to indicate that
 * the current config is disabled Red-Zone check.
#define DisableRedZoneCheckChunksValue INT32_MAX

 * A shared memory binary flag (0 or 1) that identifies one process at-a-time as runaway
 * detector. At red-zone each process tries to determine runaway query, but only the first
 * process that succeeds to set this counter to 1 becomes the detector.
volatile uint32 *isRunawayDetector = NULL;

void RedZoneHandler_ShmemInit(void);
void RedZoneHandler_ReactivateRunawayDetector(void);

 * Returns the red-zone cut-off in "chunks" unit
	return redZoneChunks;

 * Returns the red-zone cut-off in "MB" unit
	return VmemTracker_ConvertVmemChunksToMB(redZoneChunks);

 * Initializes the red zone handler's shared memory states.

	bool		alreadyInShmem = false;

	isRunawayDetector = (uint32 *)
	Assert(alreadyInShmem || !IsUnderPostmaster);

	Assert(NULL != isRunawayDetector);

		 * runaway_detector_activation_percent equals to 0 or 100 is reserved for not
		 * enforcing runaway detection by setting the redZoneChunks to an artificially
		 * high value, that's DisableRedZoneCheckChunksValue.
		 * Also, during gpinitsystem we may start a QD without initializing the
		 * gp_vmem_protect_limit. This may result in 0 vmem protect limit. In such case,
		 * we ensure that the redZoneChunks is set to a large value.
		 * When we enable resource group, we will not use redZoneChunks to determine
		 * whether the current process is in red-zone or not, so we can calculate the
		 * redZoneChunks, but it'll never be used.
		if (runaway_detector_activation_percent != 0 &&
			runaway_detector_activation_percent != 100 &&
			gp_vmem_protect_limit != 0)
			 * Calculate red zone threshold in MB, and then convert MB to "chunks"
			 * using chunk size for efficient comparison to detect red zone
			redZoneChunks = VmemTracker_ConvertVmemMBToChunks(gp_vmem_protect_limit * (((float) runaway_detector_activation_percent) / 100.0));
			/* 0 or 100 means disable red-zone completely */
			redZoneChunks = DisableRedZoneCheckChunksValue;

		*isRunawayDetector = 0;

 * Returns true if the system is in red-zone (too little VMEM)
	Assert(!vmemTrackerInited || redZoneChunks > 0);

	 * if runaway_detector_activation_percent be set to 0 or 100, means
	 * disable runaway detection, just return false.
	if (redZoneChunks == DisableRedZoneCheckChunksValue)
		return false;

	if (vmemTrackerInited)
		if (IsResGroupEnabled())
			return IsGroupInRedZone();
			return *segmentVmemChunks > redZoneChunks;

	return false;

 * Finds and notifies the top vmem consuming session.
static void
	if (!vmemTrackerInited)

	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);

	Oid resGroupId = InvalidOid;
	uint32 expected = 0;
	bool success = pg_atomic_compare_exchange_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) isRunawayDetector, &expected, 1);

	/* If successful then this process must be the runaway detector */
	AssertImply(success, 1 == *isRunawayDetector);

	 * Someone already determined the runaway query, so nothing to do. This
	 * will also prevent re-entry to this method by a cleaning session.
	if (!success)

	 * In resource group mode, we should acquire ResGroupLock to avoid
	 * resource group slot being changed during flag top consumer in redzone.
	 * Note that flag top consumer is a low frequency action, so the
	 * additional overhead is acceptable.
	 * Note that we also need to acquire SessionStateLock as well, so the lock
	 * order is important to avoid deadlock. Make sure always acquire
	 * ResGroupLock ahead.
	if (IsResGroupEnabled())
		LWLockAcquire(ResGroupLock, LW_SHARED);

	 * Grabbing a shared lock prevents others to modify the SessionState
	 * data structure, therefore ensuring that we don't flag someone
	 * who was already dying. A shared lock is enough as we access the
	 * data structure in a read-only manner.
	LWLockAcquire(SessionStateLock, LW_SHARED);

	int32 maxVmem = 0;
	int32 maxActiveVmem = 0;
	SessionState *maxActiveVmemSessionState = NULL;
	SessionState *maxVmemSessionState = NULL;

	SessionState *curSessionState = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;

	 * Find the group which used the most of global memory in resgroup mode.
	if (IsResGroupEnabled())
		int32	maxGlobalShareMem = 0;
		int32	sessionGroupGSMem;

		while (curSessionState != NULL)
			Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID != curSessionState->sessionId);

			sessionGroupGSMem = SessionGetResGroupGlobalShareMemUsage(curSessionState);

			if (sessionGroupGSMem > maxGlobalShareMem)
				maxGlobalShareMem = sessionGroupGSMem;
				resGroupId = SessionGetResGroupId(curSessionState);

			curSessionState = curSessionState->next;

	curSessionState = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;

	while (curSessionState != NULL)
		Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID != curSessionState->sessionId);

		 * in resgroup mode, we should only flag top consumer in group which uses
		 * the most of the global shared memory
		if (IsResGroupEnabled() && SessionGetResGroupId(curSessionState) != resGroupId)
			curSessionState = curSessionState->next;	

		int32 curVmem = curSessionState->sessionVmem;

		Assert(maxActiveVmem <= maxVmem);

		if (curVmem > maxActiveVmem)
			if (curVmem > maxVmem)
				maxVmemSessionState = curSessionState;
				maxVmem = curVmem;

			 * Only consider sessions with at least 1 active process. As we
			 * are *not* grabbings locks, this does not guarantee that by the
			 * time we finish walking all sessions the chosen session will
			 * still have active process.
			if  (curSessionState->activeProcessCount > 0)
				maxActiveVmemSessionState = curSessionState;
				maxActiveVmem = curVmem;

		curSessionState = curSessionState->next;

	if (NULL != maxActiveVmemSessionState)

		 * Now that we grabbed lock, make sure we have at least 1 active process
		 * before flagging this session for termination
		if (0 < maxActiveVmemSessionState->activeProcessCount)
			 * First update the runaway event detection version so that
			 * an active process of the runaway session is forced to clean up before
			 * it deactivates. As we grabbed the spin lock, no process of the runaway
			 * session can deactivate unless we release the lock. The other sessions
			 * don't care what global runaway version they observe as the runaway
			 * event is not pertinent to them.
			 * We don't need any lock here as the runaway detector is singleton,
			 * and only the detector can update this variable.
			*latestRunawayVersion = *CurrentVersion + 1;
			 * Make sure that the runaway event version is not shared with any other
			 * processes, and not shared with any other deactivation/reactivation version
			*CurrentVersion = *CurrentVersion + 2;

			Assert(CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY == maxActiveVmemSessionState->cleanupCountdown);
			 * Determine how many processes need to cleanup to mark the session clean.
			maxActiveVmemSessionState->cleanupCountdown = maxActiveVmemSessionState->activeProcessCount;

			if (maxActiveVmemSessionState == maxVmemSessionState)
				/* Finally signal the runaway process for cleanup */
				maxActiveVmemSessionState->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_PrimaryRunawaySession;
				maxActiveVmemSessionState->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_SecondaryRunawaySession;

			/* Save the amount of vmem session was holding when it was flagged as runaway */
			maxActiveVmemSessionState->sessionVmemRunaway = maxActiveVmemSessionState->sessionVmem;

			/* Save the command count currently running in the runaway session */
			maxActiveVmemSessionState->commandCountRunaway = gp_command_count;
			 * Failed to find any viable runaway session. Reset runaway detector flag
			 * for another round of runaway determination at a later time. As we couldn't
			 * find any runaway session, the CurrentVersion is not changed.
			*isRunawayDetector = 0;

		 * No active session to mark as runaway. So, reenable the runaway detection process
		*isRunawayDetector = 0;


	if (IsResGroupEnabled())

 * In a red-zone this method identifies the top vmem consuming session,
 * and requests it to cleanup. If the red-zone handler determines itself
 * as the runaway session, it also starts the cleanup.

	 * InterruptHoldoffCount > 0 indicates we are in a sensitive code path that doesn't
	 * like a control flow disruption as may happen from a pending die/cancel interrupt.
	 * As we may eventually ERROR out from this method (during RunawayCleaner_StartCleanup)
	 * we want to make sure that HOLD_INTERRUPTS() was not called (i.e., InterruptHoldoffCount == 0).
	 * What happens if we don't check for InterruptHoldoffCount? One example is LWLockAcquire()
	 * which calls HOLD_INTERRUPTS() to ensure that no unexpected control
	 * flow disruption happens because of FATAL/ERROR as done from die/cancel interrupt
	 * handler. If we ignore InterruptHoldoffCount, the PGSemaphoreLock() (called from LWLockAcquire)
	 * would call CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() and we may throw ERROR if the current session is a runaway.
	 * Unfortunately, LWLockAcquire shares the semaphore with the regular lock manager and
	 * ProcWaitForSignal. Therefore, LWLockAcquire may wake up multiple times during its wait
	 * for a semaphore which may not relate to an actual LWLock release. This requires LWLockAcquire
	 * to keep track of how many of those false wake events it has consumed (by decrementing semaphore
	 * when it shouldn't have done so) and LWLockAcquire rollback the semaphore decrements for
	 * the irrelevant wake up events by re-incrementing once it actually acquires the lock.
	 * Therefore, an unexpected control flow out of the LWLockAcquire before it properly rolled back
	 * may prevent the LWLockAcquire to rollback the false wake events. Although we do call LWLockRelease
	 * during an error handling, that doesn't guarantee that the falsely consumed semaphore wake
	 * events would be rolled back (i.e., semaphore does not get re-incremented during error handling) as
	 * done at the end of LWLockAcquire. This may cause the semaphore to never wake up other waiting
	 * processes and therefore may cause other processes to hang perpetually.
	if (!RedZoneHandler_IsVmemRedZone() || InterruptHoldoffCount > 0 ||
			CritSectionCount > 0)

	/* We don't support runaway detection/termination from non-owner thread */


 * Saves VMEM usage of all the sessions into log
	if (!vmemTrackerInited)

	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);

	 * Grabbing a shared lock ensures that the data structure is not
	 * modified while we are reading. Shared lock is enough as we
	 * are only reading and not modifying the SessionState data structure
	LWLockAcquire(SessionStateLock, LW_SHARED);

	SessionState *curSessionState = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;

		/* Write the header for the subsequent lines of memory usage information */
		write_stderr("session_state: session_id, is_runaway, qe_count, active_qe_count, dirty_qe_count, vmem_mb, runaway_vmem_mb, runaway_command_cnt\n");

		while (curSessionState != NULL)
			Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID != curSessionState->sessionId);

			write_stderr("session_state: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", curSessionState->sessionId,
					curSessionState->runawayStatus != RunawayStatus_NotRunaway, curSessionState->pinCount,
					curSessionState->activeProcessCount, curSessionState->cleanupCountdown, VmemTracker_ConvertVmemChunksToMB(curSessionState->sessionVmem),
					VmemTracker_ConvertVmemChunksToMB(curSessionState->sessionVmemRunaway), curSessionState->commandCountRunaway);

			curSessionState = curSessionState->next;



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