spark Dispatcher 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (383)

spark Dispatcher 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.rpc.netty

import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentMap, CountDownLatch}
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rpc._

 * A message dispatcher, responsible for routing RPC messages to the appropriate endpoint(s).
 * @param numUsableCores Number of CPU cores allocated to the process, for sizing the thread pool.
 *                       If 0, will consider the available CPUs on the host.
private[netty] class Dispatcher(nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv, numUsableCores: Int) extends Logging {

  private val endpoints: ConcurrentMap[String, MessageLoop] =
    new ConcurrentHashMap[String, MessageLoop]
  private val endpointRefs: ConcurrentMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef] =
    new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef]

  private val shutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
  private lazy val sharedLoop = new SharedMessageLoop(nettyEnv.conf, this, numUsableCores)

   * True if the dispatcher has been stopped. Once stopped, all messages posted will be bounced
   * immediately.
  private var stopped = false

  def registerRpcEndpoint(name: String, endpoint: RpcEndpoint): NettyRpcEndpointRef = {
    val addr = RpcEndpointAddress(nettyEnv.address, name)
    val endpointRef = new NettyRpcEndpointRef(nettyEnv.conf, addr, nettyEnv)
    synchronized {
      if (stopped) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("RpcEnv has been stopped")
      if (endpoints.containsKey(name)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"There is already an RpcEndpoint called $name")

      // This must be done before assigning RpcEndpoint to MessageLoop, as MessageLoop sets Inbox be
      // active when registering, and endpointRef must be put into endpointRefs before onStart is
      // called.
      endpointRefs.put(endpoint, endpointRef)

      var messageLoop: MessageLoop = null
      try {
        messageLoop = endpoint match {
          case e: IsolatedRpcEndpoint =>
            new DedicatedMessageLoop(name, e, this)
          case _ =>
            sharedLoop.register(name, endpoint)
        endpoints.put(name, messageLoop)
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          throw e

  def getRpcEndpointRef(endpoint: RpcEndpoint): RpcEndpointRef = endpointRefs.get(endpoint)

  def removeRpcEndpointRef(endpoint: RpcEndpoint): Unit = endpointRefs.remove(endpoint)

  // Should be idempotent
  private def unregisterRpcEndpoint(name: String): Unit = {
    val loop = endpoints.remove(name)
    if (loop != null) {
    // Don't clean `endpointRefs` here because it's possible that some messages are being processed
    // now and they can use `getRpcEndpointRef`. So `endpointRefs` will be cleaned in Inbox via
    // `removeRpcEndpointRef`.

  def stop(rpcEndpointRef: RpcEndpointRef): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      if (stopped) {
        // This endpoint will be stopped by Dispatcher.stop() method.

   * Send a message to all registered [[RpcEndpoint]]s in this process.
   * This can be used to make network events known to all end points (e.g. "a new node connected").
  def postToAll(message: InboxMessage): Unit = {
    val iter = endpoints.keySet().iterator()
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      val name =
        postMessage(name, message, (e) => { e match {
          case e: RpcEnvStoppedException => logDebug(s"Message $message dropped. ${e.getMessage}")
          case e: Throwable => logWarning(s"Message $message dropped. ${e.getMessage}")

  /** Posts a message sent by a remote endpoint. */
  def postRemoteMessage(message: RequestMessage, callback: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = {
    val rpcCallContext =
      new RemoteNettyRpcCallContext(nettyEnv, callback, message.senderAddress)
    val rpcMessage = RpcMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content, rpcCallContext)
    postMessage(, rpcMessage, (e) => callback.onFailure(e))

  /** Posts a message sent by a local endpoint. */
  def postLocalMessage(message: RequestMessage, p: Promise[Any]): Unit = {
    val rpcCallContext =
      new LocalNettyRpcCallContext(message.senderAddress, p)
    val rpcMessage = RpcMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content, rpcCallContext)
    postMessage(, rpcMessage, (e) => p.tryFailure(e))

  /** Posts a one-way message. */
  def postOneWayMessage(message: RequestMessage): Unit = {
    postMessage(, OneWayMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content),
        // SPARK-31922: in local cluster mode, there's always a RpcEnvStoppedException when
        // stop is called due to some asynchronous message handling. We catch the exception
        // and log it at debug level to avoid verbose error message when user stop a local
        // cluster in spark shell.
        case re: RpcEnvStoppedException => logDebug(s"Message $message dropped. ${re.getMessage}")
        case e if SparkEnv.get.isStopped =>
          logWarning(s"Message $message dropped due to sparkEnv is stopped. ${e.getMessage}")
        case e => throw e

   * Posts a message to a specific endpoint.
   * @param endpointName name of the endpoint.
   * @param message the message to post
   * @param callbackIfStopped callback function if the endpoint is stopped.
  private def postMessage(
      endpointName: String,
      message: InboxMessage,
      callbackIfStopped: (Exception) => Unit): Unit = {
    val error = synchronized {
      val loop = endpoints.get(endpointName)
      if (stopped) {
        Some(new RpcEnvStoppedException())
      } else if (loop == null) {
        Some(new SparkException(s"Could not find $endpointName."))
      } else {, message)
    // We don't need to call `onStop` in the `synchronized` block

  def stop(): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      if (stopped) {
      stopped = true
    var stopSharedLoop = false
    endpoints.asScala.foreach { case (name, loop) =>
      if (!loop.isInstanceOf[SharedMessageLoop]) {
      } else {
        stopSharedLoop = true
    if (stopSharedLoop) {

  def awaitTermination(): Unit = {

   * Return if the endpoint exists
  def verify(name: String): Boolean = {


spark 源码目录


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