spark RDDOperationGraph 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark RDDOperationGraph 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.ui.scope

import java.util.Objects

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, StringBuilder}
import scala.xml.Utility

import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.DeterministicLevel
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo

 * A representation of a generic cluster graph used for storing information on RDD operations.
 * Each graph is defined with a set of edges and a root cluster, which may contain children
 * nodes and children clusters. Additionally, a graph may also have edges that enter or exit
 * the graph from nodes that belong to adjacent graphs.
private[spark] case class RDDOperationGraph(
    edges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    outgoingEdges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    incomingEdges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    rootCluster: RDDOperationCluster)

/** A node in an RDDOperationGraph. This represents an RDD. */
private[spark] case class RDDOperationNode(
    id: Int,
    name: String,
    cached: Boolean,
    barrier: Boolean,
    callsite: String,
    outputDeterministicLevel: DeterministicLevel.Value)

 * A directed edge connecting two nodes in an RDDOperationGraph.
 * This represents an RDD dependency.
private[spark] case class RDDOperationEdge(fromId: Int, toId: Int)

 * A cluster that groups nodes together in an RDDOperationGraph.
 * This represents any grouping of RDDs, including operation scopes (e.g. textFile, flatMap),
 * stages, jobs, or any higher level construct. A cluster may be nested inside of other clusters.
private[spark] class RDDOperationCluster(
    val id: String,
    val barrier: Boolean,
    private var _name: String) {
  private val _childNodes = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationNode]
  private val _childClusters = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationCluster]

  def name: String = _name
  def setName(n: String): Unit = { _name = n }

  def childNodes: Seq[RDDOperationNode] = _childNodes.iterator.toSeq
  def childClusters: Seq[RDDOperationCluster] = _childClusters.iterator.toSeq
  def attachChildNode(childNode: RDDOperationNode): Unit = { _childNodes += childNode }
  def attachChildCluster(childCluster: RDDOperationCluster): Unit = {
    _childClusters += childCluster

  /** Return all the nodes which are cached. */
  def getCachedNodes: Seq[RDDOperationNode] = {
    (_childNodes.filter(_.cached) ++ _childClusters.flatMap(_.getCachedNodes)).toSeq

  def getBarrierClusters: Seq[RDDOperationCluster] = {
    (_childClusters.filter(_.barrier) ++ _childClusters.flatMap(_.getBarrierClusters)).toSeq

  def getIndeterminateNodes: Seq[RDDOperationNode] = {
    (_childNodes.filter(_.outputDeterministicLevel == DeterministicLevel.INDETERMINATE) ++

  def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[RDDOperationCluster]

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: RDDOperationCluster =>
      (that canEqual this) &&
          _childClusters == that._childClusters &&
          id == &&
          _name == that._name
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    val state = Seq(_childClusters, id, _name), b) => 31 * a + b)

private[spark] object RDDOperationGraph extends Logging {

  val STAGE_CLUSTER_PREFIX = "stage_"

   * Construct a RDDOperationGraph for a given stage.
   * The root cluster represents the stage, and all children clusters represent RDD operations.
   * Each node represents an RDD, and each edge represents a dependency between two RDDs pointing
   * from the parent to the child.
   * This does not currently merge common operation scopes across stages. This may be worth
   * supporting in the future if we decide to group certain stages within the same job under
   * a common scope (e.g. part of a SQL query).
  def makeOperationGraph(stage: StageInfo, retainedNodes: Int): RDDOperationGraph = {
    val edges = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationEdge]
    val nodes = new mutable.HashMap[Int, RDDOperationNode]
    val clusters = new mutable.HashMap[String, RDDOperationCluster] // indexed by cluster ID

    // Root cluster is the stage cluster
    // Use a special prefix here to differentiate this cluster from other operation clusters
    val stageClusterId = STAGE_CLUSTER_PREFIX + stage.stageId
    val stageClusterName = s"Stage ${stage.stageId}" +
      { if (stage.attemptNumber == 0) "" else s" (attempt ${stage.attemptNumber})" }
    val rootCluster = new RDDOperationCluster(stageClusterId, false, stageClusterName)

    var rootNodeCount = 0
    val addRDDIds = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()
    val dropRDDIds = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()

    // Find nodes, edges, and operation scopes that belong to this stage
    stage.rddInfos.sortBy( { rdd =>
      val parentIds = rdd.parentIds
      val isAllowed =
        if (parentIds.isEmpty) {
          rootNodeCount += 1
          rootNodeCount <= retainedNodes
        } else {
          parentIds.exists(id => addRDDIds.contains(id) || !dropRDDIds.contains(id))

      if (isAllowed) {
        addRDDIds +=
        edges ++= parentIds.filter(id => !dropRDDIds.contains(id)).map(RDDOperationEdge(_,
      } else {
        dropRDDIds +=

      // TODO: differentiate between the intention to cache an RDD and whether it's actually cached
      val node = nodes.getOrElseUpdate(, RDDOperationNode(,, rdd.storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE, rdd.isBarrier, rdd.callSite,
      if (rdd.scope.isEmpty) {
        // This RDD has no encompassing scope, so we put it directly in the root cluster
        // This should happen only if an RDD is instantiated outside of a public RDD API
        if (isAllowed) {
      } else {
        // Otherwise, this RDD belongs to an inner cluster,
        // which may be nested inside of other clusters
        val rddScopes = { scope => scope.getAllScopes }.getOrElse(Seq.empty)
        val rddClusters = { scope =>
          val clusterId =
          val clusterName ="\\n", "\\\\n")
            clusterId, new RDDOperationCluster(clusterId, false, clusterName))
        // Build the cluster hierarchy for this RDD
        rddClusters.sliding(2).foreach { pc =>
          if (pc.size == 2) {
            val parentCluster = pc(0)
            val childCluster = pc(1)
        // Attach the outermost cluster to the root cluster, and the RDD to the innermost cluster
        rddClusters.headOption.foreach { cluster =>
          if (!rootCluster.childClusters.contains(cluster)) {
        if (isAllowed) {
          rddClusters.lastOption.foreach { cluster => cluster.attachChildNode(node) }

    // Classify each edge as internal, outgoing or incoming
    // This information is needed to reason about how stages relate to each other
    val internalEdges = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationEdge]
    val outgoingEdges = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationEdge]
    val incomingEdges = new ListBuffer[RDDOperationEdge]
    edges.foreach { case e: RDDOperationEdge =>
      val fromThisGraph = nodes.contains(e.fromId)
      val toThisGraph = nodes.contains(e.toId)
      (fromThisGraph, toThisGraph) match {
        case (true, true) => internalEdges += e
        case (true, false) => outgoingEdges += e
        case (false, true) => incomingEdges += e
        // should never happen
        case _ => logWarning(s"Found an orphan edge in stage ${stage.stageId}: $e")

    RDDOperationGraph(internalEdges.toSeq, outgoingEdges.toSeq, incomingEdges.toSeq, rootCluster)

   * Generate the content of a dot file that describes the specified graph.
   * Note that this only uses a minimal subset of features available to the DOT specification.
   * Part of the styling must be done here because the rendering library must take certain
   * attributes into account when arranging the graph elements. More style is added in the
   * visualization later through post-processing in JavaScript.
   * For the complete DOT specification, see
  def makeDotFile(graph: RDDOperationGraph): String = {
    val dotFile = new StringBuilder
    dotFile.append("digraph G {\n")
    makeDotSubgraph(dotFile, graph.rootCluster, indent = "  ")
    graph.edges.foreach { edge => dotFile.append(s"""  ${edge.fromId}->${edge.toId};\n""") }
    val result = dotFile.toString()

  /** Return the dot representation of a node in an RDDOperationGraph. */
  private def makeDotNode(node: RDDOperationNode): String = {
    val isCached = if (node.cached) {
      " [Cached]"
    } else {
    val isBarrier = if (node.barrier) {
      " [Barrier]"
    } else {
    val outputDeterministicLevel = node.outputDeterministicLevel match {
      case DeterministicLevel.DETERMINATE => ""
      case DeterministicLevel.INDETERMINATE => " [Indeterminate]"
      case DeterministicLevel.UNORDERED => " [Unordered]"
    val escapedCallsite = Utility.escape(node.callsite)
    val label = s"${} [${}]$isCached$isBarrier$outputDeterministicLevel" +
    s"""${} [labelType="html" label="${StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(label)}"]"""

  /** Update the dot representation of the RDDOperationGraph in cluster to subgraph. */
  private def makeDotSubgraph(
      subgraph: StringBuilder,
      cluster: RDDOperationCluster,
      indent: String): Unit = {
    subgraph.append(indent).append(s"subgraph cluster${} {\n")
      .append(indent).append(s"""  label="${StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(}";\n""")
    cluster.childNodes.foreach { node =>
      subgraph.append(indent).append(s"  ${makeDotNode(node)};\n")
    cluster.childClusters.foreach { cscope =>
      makeDotSubgraph(subgraph, cscope, indent + "  ")


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