tidb txn_info 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (522)

tidb txn_info 代码


// Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package txninfo

import (


// TxnRunningState is the current state of a transaction
type TxnRunningState = int32

const (
	// TxnIdle means the transaction is idle, i.e. waiting for the user's next statement
	TxnIdle TxnRunningState = iota
	// TxnRunning means the transaction is running, i.e. executing a statement
	// TxnLockAcquiring means the transaction is trying to acquire a lock
	// TxnCommitting means`` the transaction is (at least trying to) committing
	// TxnRollingBack means the transaction is rolling back
	// TxnStateCounter is a marker of the number of states, ensuring we don't miss any of them

var txnDurationHistogramForState [][]prometheus.Observer = [][]prometheus.Observer{
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("idle", "false"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("idle", "true"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("executing_sql", "false"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("executing_sql", "true"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("acquiring_lock", "false"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("acquiring_lock", "true"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("committing", "false"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("committing", "true"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("rolling_back", "false"),
		metrics.TxnDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("rolling_back", "true"),

var txnStatusEnteringCounterForState []prometheus.Counter = []prometheus.Counter{

func init() {
	if len(txnDurationHistogramForState) != int(TxnStateCounter) {
		panic("len(txnDurationHistogramForState) != TxnStateCounter")
	if len(txnStatusEnteringCounterForState) != int(TxnStateCounter) {
		panic("len(txnStatusEnteringCounterForState) != TxnStateCounter")

// TxnDurationHistogram returns the observer for the given state and hasLock type.
func TxnDurationHistogram(state TxnRunningState, hasLock bool) prometheus.Observer {
	hasLockInt := 0
	if hasLock {
		hasLockInt = 1
	return txnDurationHistogramForState[state][hasLockInt]

// TxnStatusEnteringCounter returns the counter for the given state.
func TxnStatusEnteringCounter(state TxnRunningState) prometheus.Counter {
	return txnStatusEnteringCounterForState[state]

const (
	// IDStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's ID column.
	IDStr = "ID"
	// StartTimeStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's StartTime column.
	StartTimeStr = "START_TIME"
	// CurrentSQLDigestStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's CurrentSQLDigest column.
	// CurrentSQLDigestTextStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's CurrentSQLDigestText column.
	// StateStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's State column.
	StateStr = "STATE"
	// WaitingStartTimeStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's WaitingStartTime column.
	WaitingStartTimeStr = "WAITING_START_TIME"
	// MemBufferKeysStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's MemBufferKeys column.
	MemBufferKeysStr = "MEM_BUFFER_KEYS"
	// MemBufferBytesStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's MemBufferBytes column.
	MemBufferBytesStr = "MEM_BUFFER_BYTES"
	// SessionIDStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's SessionID column.
	SessionIDStr = "SESSION_ID"
	// UserStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's User column.
	UserStr = "USER"
	// DBStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's DB column.
	DBStr = "DB"
	// AllSQLDigestsStr is the column name of the TIDB_TRX table's AllSQLDigests column.
	// RelatedTableIDsStr is the table id of the TIDB_TRX table's RelatedTableIDs column.
	RelatedTableIDsStr = "RELATED_TABLE_IDS"

// TxnRunningStateStrs is the names of the TxnRunningStates
var TxnRunningStateStrs = []string{
	"Idle", "Running", "LockWaiting", "Committing", "RollingBack",

// TxnInfo is information about a running transaction
// This is supposed to be the datasource of `TIDB_TRX` in infoschema
type TxnInfo struct {
	// The following fields are immutable and can be safely read across threads.

	StartTS uint64
	// Digest of SQL currently running
	CurrentSQLDigest string
	// Digests of all SQLs executed in the transaction.
	AllSQLDigests []string

	// The following fields are mutable and needs to be read or written by atomic operations. But since only the
	// transaction's thread can modify its value, it's ok for the transaction's thread to read it without atomic
	// operations.

	// Current execution state of the transaction.
	State TxnRunningState
	// When last time `State` changes, for metrics
	LastStateChangeTime time.Time
	// Last trying to block start time. Invalid if State is not TxnLockAcquiring.
	BlockStartTime struct {
		Valid bool
	// How many entries are in MemDB
	EntriesCount uint64
	// MemDB used memory
	EntriesSize uint64

	// The following fields will be filled in `session` instead of `LazyTxn`

	// Which session this transaction belongs to
	ConnectionID uint64
	// The user who open this session
	Username string
	// The schema this transaction works on
	CurrentDB string
	// The related table IDs.
	RelatedTableIDs map[int64]struct{}

var columnValueGetterMap = map[string]func(*TxnInfo) types.Datum{
	IDStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.StartTS)
	StartTimeStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		humanReadableStartTime := time.UnixMilli(oracle.ExtractPhysical(info.StartTS))
		return types.NewDatum(types.NewTime(types.FromGoTime(humanReadableStartTime), mysql.TypeTimestamp, types.MaxFsp))
	CurrentSQLDigestStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		if len(info.CurrentSQLDigest) != 0 {
			return types.NewDatum(info.CurrentSQLDigest)
		return types.NewDatum(nil)
	StateStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		e, err := types.ParseEnumValue(TxnRunningStateStrs, uint64(info.State+1))
		if err != nil {
			panic("this should never happen")

		state := types.NewMysqlEnumDatum(e)
		return state
	WaitingStartTimeStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		if !info.BlockStartTime.Valid {
			return types.NewDatum(nil)
		return types.NewDatum(types.NewTime(types.FromGoTime(info.BlockStartTime.Time), mysql.TypeTimestamp, types.MaxFsp))
	MemBufferKeysStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.EntriesCount)
	MemBufferBytesStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.EntriesSize)
	SessionIDStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.ConnectionID)
	UserStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.Username)
	DBStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		return types.NewDatum(info.CurrentDB)
	AllSQLDigestsStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		allSQLDigests := info.AllSQLDigests
		// Replace nil with empty array
		if allSQLDigests == nil {
			allSQLDigests = []string{}
		res, err := json.Marshal(allSQLDigests)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("Failed to marshal sql digests list as json", zap.Uint64("txnStartTS", info.StartTS))
			return types.NewDatum(nil)
		return types.NewDatum(string(res))
	RelatedTableIDsStr: func(info *TxnInfo) types.Datum {
		relatedTableIDs := info.RelatedTableIDs
		str := strings.Builder{}
		first := true
		for tblID := range relatedTableIDs {
			if !first {
			} else {
				first = false
			str.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", tblID))
		return types.NewDatum(str.String())

// ToDatum Converts the `TxnInfo`'s specified column to `Datum` to show in the `TIDB_TRX` table.
func (info *TxnInfo) ToDatum(column string) types.Datum {
	res, ok := columnValueGetterMap[column]
	if !ok {
		return types.NewDatum(nil)
	return res(info)


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