tidb backoff 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (593)

tidb backoff 代码


// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.

package utils

import (

	berrors "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/pkg/errors"

const (
	// importSSTRetryTimes specifies the retry time. Its longest time is about 90s-100s.
	importSSTRetryTimes      = 16
	importSSTWaitInterval    = 40 * time.Millisecond
	importSSTMaxWaitInterval = 10 * time.Second

	downloadSSTRetryTimes      = 8
	downloadSSTWaitInterval    = 1 * time.Second
	downloadSSTMaxWaitInterval = 4 * time.Second

	resetTSRetryTime       = 16
	resetTSWaitInterval    = 50 * time.Millisecond
	resetTSMaxWaitInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond

	resetTSRetryTimeExt       = 600
	resetTSWaitIntervalExt    = 500 * time.Millisecond
	resetTSMaxWaitIntervalExt = 300 * time.Second

// RetryState is the mutable state needed for retrying.
// It likes the `utils.Backoffer`, but more fundamental:
// this only control the backoff time and knows nothing about what error happens.
// NOTE: Maybe also implement the backoffer via this.
type RetryState struct {
	maxRetry   int
	retryTimes int

	maxBackoff  time.Duration
	nextBackoff time.Duration

// Whether in the current state we can retry.
func (rs *RetryState) ShouldRetry() bool {
	return rs.retryTimes < rs.maxRetry

// Get the exponential backoff durion and transform the state.
func (rs *RetryState) ExponentialBackoff() time.Duration {
	backoff := rs.nextBackoff
	rs.nextBackoff *= 2
	if rs.nextBackoff > rs.maxBackoff {
		rs.nextBackoff = rs.maxBackoff
	return backoff

// InitialRetryState make the initial state for retrying.
func InitialRetryState(maxRetryTimes int, initialBackoff, maxBackoff time.Duration) RetryState {
	return RetryState{
		maxRetry:    maxRetryTimes,
		maxBackoff:  maxBackoff,
		nextBackoff: initialBackoff,

// RecordRetry simply record retry times, and no backoff
func (rs *RetryState) RecordRetry() {

// Attempt implements the `Backoffer`.
// TODO: Maybe use this to replace the `exponentialBackoffer` (which is nearly homomorphic to this)?
func (rs *RetryState) Attempt() int {
	return rs.maxRetry - rs.retryTimes

// NextBackoff implements the `Backoffer`.
func (rs *RetryState) NextBackoff(error) time.Duration {
	return rs.ExponentialBackoff()

type importerBackoffer struct {
	attempt      int
	delayTime    time.Duration
	maxDelayTime time.Duration

// NewBackoffer creates a new controller regulating a truncated exponential backoff.
func NewBackoffer(attempt int, delayTime, maxDelayTime time.Duration) Backoffer {
	return &importerBackoffer{
		attempt:      attempt,
		delayTime:    delayTime,
		maxDelayTime: maxDelayTime,

func NewImportSSTBackoffer() Backoffer {
	return NewBackoffer(importSSTRetryTimes, importSSTWaitInterval, importSSTMaxWaitInterval)

func NewDownloadSSTBackoffer() Backoffer {
	return NewBackoffer(downloadSSTRetryTimes, downloadSSTWaitInterval, downloadSSTMaxWaitInterval)

func (bo *importerBackoffer) NextBackoff(err error) time.Duration {
	if MessageIsRetryableStorageError(err.Error()) {
		bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
	} else {
		e := errors.Cause(err)
		switch e { // nolint:errorlint
		case berrors.ErrKVEpochNotMatch, berrors.ErrKVDownloadFailed, berrors.ErrKVIngestFailed, berrors.ErrPDLeaderNotFound:
			bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
		case berrors.ErrKVRangeIsEmpty, berrors.ErrKVRewriteRuleNotFound:
			// Excepted error, finish the operation
			bo.delayTime = 0
			bo.attempt = 0
			switch status.Code(e) {
			case codes.Unavailable, codes.Aborted:
				bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
				// Unexcepted error
				bo.delayTime = 0
				bo.attempt = 0
				log.Warn("unexcepted error, stop to retry", zap.Error(err))
	if bo.delayTime > bo.maxDelayTime {
		return bo.maxDelayTime
	return bo.delayTime

func (bo *importerBackoffer) Attempt() int {
	return bo.attempt

type pdReqBackoffer struct {
	attempt      int
	delayTime    time.Duration
	maxDelayTime time.Duration

func NewPDReqBackoffer() Backoffer {
	return &pdReqBackoffer{
		attempt:      resetTSRetryTime,
		delayTime:    resetTSWaitInterval,
		maxDelayTime: resetTSMaxWaitInterval,

func NewPDReqBackofferExt() Backoffer {
	return &pdReqBackoffer{
		attempt:      resetTSRetryTimeExt,
		delayTime:    resetTSWaitIntervalExt,
		maxDelayTime: resetTSMaxWaitIntervalExt,

func (bo *pdReqBackoffer) NextBackoff(err error) time.Duration {
	// bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
	// bo.attempt--
	e := errors.Cause(err)
	switch e { // nolint:errorlint
	case nil, context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded, io.EOF, sql.ErrNoRows:
		// Excepted error, finish the operation
		bo.delayTime = 0
		bo.attempt = 0
	case berrors.ErrRestoreTotalKVMismatch:
		bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
		switch status.Code(e) {
		case codes.DeadlineExceeded, codes.NotFound, codes.AlreadyExists, codes.PermissionDenied, codes.ResourceExhausted, codes.Aborted, codes.OutOfRange, codes.Unavailable, codes.DataLoss, codes.Unknown:
			bo.delayTime = 2 * bo.delayTime
			// Unexcepted error
			bo.delayTime = 0
			bo.attempt = 0
			log.Warn("unexcepted error, stop to retry", zap.Error(err))

	if bo.delayTime > bo.maxDelayTime {
		return bo.maxDelayTime
	return bo.delayTime

func (bo *pdReqBackoffer) Attempt() int {
	return bo.attempt


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