superset schemas 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (514)

superset schemas 代码


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

from marshmallow import fields, post_load, Schema
from marshmallow.validate import Length, ValidationError

from superset.exceptions import SupersetException
from superset.utils import core as utils

get_delete_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
get_export_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
get_fav_star_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
thumbnail_query_schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {"force": {"type": "boolean"}},

dashboard_title_description = "A title for the dashboard."
slug_description = "Unique identifying part for the web address of the dashboard."
owners_description = (
    "Owner are users ids allowed to delete or change this dashboard. "
    "If left empty you will be one of the owners of the dashboard."
roles_description = (
    "Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. "
    "These roles are always applied in addition to restrictions on dataset "
    "level access. "
    "If no roles defined then the dashboard is available to all roles."
position_json_description = (
    "This json object describes the positioning of the widgets "
    "in the dashboard. It is dynamically generated when "
    "adjusting the widgets size and positions by using "
    "drag & drop in the dashboard view"
css_description = "Override CSS for the dashboard."
json_metadata_description = (
    "This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking "
    "the save or overwrite button in the dashboard view. "
    "It is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter "
    " specific parameters."
published_description = (
    "Determines whether or not this dashboard is visible in "
    "the list of all dashboards."
charts_description = (
    "The names of the dashboard's charts. Names are used for legacy reasons."
certified_by_description = "Person or group that has certified this dashboard"
certification_details_description = "Details of the certification"

openapi_spec_methods_override = {
    "get": {"get": {"description": "Get a dashboard detail information."}},
    "get_list": {
        "get": {
            "description": "Get a list of dashboards, use Rison or JSON query "
            "parameters for filtering, sorting, pagination and "
            " for selecting specific columns and metadata.",
    "info": {
        "get": {
            "description": "Several metadata information about dashboard API "
    "related": {
        "get": {"description": "Get a list of all possible owners for a dashboard."}

def validate_json(value: Union[bytes, bytearray, str]) -> None:
    except SupersetException as ex:
        raise ValidationError("JSON not valid") from ex

def validate_json_metadata(value: Union[bytes, bytearray, str]) -> None:
    if not value:
        value_obj = json.loads(value)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex:
        raise ValidationError("JSON not valid") from ex
    errors = DashboardJSONMetadataSchema().validate(value_obj, partial=False)
    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)

class DashboardJSONMetadataSchema(Schema):
    show_native_filters = fields.Boolean()
    # native_filter_configuration is for dashboard-native filters
    native_filter_configuration = fields.List(fields.Dict(), allow_none=True)
    # chart_configuration for now keeps data about cross-filter scoping for charts
    chart_configuration = fields.Dict()
    # filter_sets_configuration is for dashboard-native filters
    filter_sets_configuration = fields.List(fields.Dict(), allow_none=True)
    timed_refresh_immune_slices = fields.List(fields.Integer())
    # deprecated wrt dashboard-native filters
    filter_scopes = fields.Dict()
    expanded_slices = fields.Dict()
    refresh_frequency = fields.Integer()
    # deprecated wrt dashboard-native filters
    default_filters = fields.Str()
    stagger_refresh = fields.Boolean()
    stagger_time = fields.Integer()
    color_scheme = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
    color_namespace = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
    positions = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
    label_colors = fields.Dict()
    shared_label_colors = fields.Dict()
    color_scheme_domain = fields.List(fields.Str())
    # used for v0 import/export
    import_time = fields.Integer()
    remote_id = fields.Integer()

class UserSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    username = fields.String()
    first_name = fields.String()
    last_name = fields.String()

class RolesSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    name = fields.String()

class DashboardGetResponseSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    slug = fields.String()
    url = fields.String()
    dashboard_title = fields.String(description=dashboard_title_description)
    thumbnail_url = fields.String()
    published = fields.Boolean()
    css = fields.String(description=css_description)
    json_metadata = fields.String(description=json_metadata_description)
    position_json = fields.String(description=position_json_description)
    certified_by = fields.String(description=certified_by_description)
    certification_details = fields.String(description=certification_details_description)
    changed_by_name = fields.String()
    changed_by_url = fields.String()
    changed_by = fields.Nested(UserSchema)
    changed_on = fields.DateTime()
    charts = fields.List(fields.String(description=charts_description))
    owners = fields.List(fields.Nested(UserSchema))
    roles = fields.List(fields.Nested(RolesSchema))
    changed_on_humanized = fields.String(data_key="changed_on_delta_humanized")
    is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, default=False)

class DatabaseSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    name = fields.String()
    backend = fields.String()
    allows_subquery = fields.Bool()
    allows_cost_estimate = fields.Bool()
    allows_virtual_table_explore = fields.Bool()
    disable_data_preview = fields.Bool()
    explore_database_id = fields.Int()

class DashboardDatasetSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    uid = fields.Str()
    column_formats = fields.Dict()
    database = fields.Nested(DatabaseSchema)
    default_endpoint = fields.String()
    filter_select = fields.Bool()
    filter_select_enabled = fields.Bool()
    is_sqllab_view = fields.Bool()
    name = fields.Str()
    datasource_name = fields.Str()
    table_name = fields.Str()
    type = fields.Str()
    schema = fields.Str()
    offset = fields.Int()
    cache_timeout = fields.Int()
    params = fields.Str()
    perm = fields.Str()
    edit_url = fields.Str()
    sql = fields.Str()
    select_star = fields.Str()
    main_dttm_col = fields.Str()
    health_check_message = fields.Str()
    fetch_values_predicate = fields.Str()
    template_params = fields.Str()
    owners = fields.List(fields.Dict())
    columns = fields.List(fields.Dict())
    column_types = fields.List(fields.Int())
    metrics = fields.List(fields.Dict())
    order_by_choices = fields.List(fields.List(fields.Str()))
    verbose_map = fields.Dict(fields.Str(), fields.Str())
    time_grain_sqla = fields.List(fields.List(fields.Str()))
    granularity_sqla = fields.List(fields.List(fields.Str()))

class BaseDashboardSchema(Schema):
    # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument
    def post_load(self, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if data.get("slug"):
            data["slug"] = data["slug"].strip()
            data["slug"] = data["slug"].replace(" ", "-")
            data["slug"] = re.sub(r"[^\w\-]+", "", data["slug"])
        return data

class DashboardPostSchema(BaseDashboardSchema):
    dashboard_title = fields.String(
        validate=Length(0, 500),
    slug = fields.String(
        description=slug_description, allow_none=True, validate=[Length(1, 255)]
    owners = fields.List(fields.Integer(description=owners_description))
    roles = fields.List(fields.Integer(description=roles_description))
    position_json = fields.String(
        description=position_json_description, validate=validate_json
    css = fields.String()
    json_metadata = fields.String(
    published = fields.Boolean(description=published_description)
    certified_by = fields.String(description=certified_by_description, allow_none=True)
    certification_details = fields.String(
        description=certification_details_description, allow_none=True
    is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, default=False)
    external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)

class DashboardPutSchema(BaseDashboardSchema):
    dashboard_title = fields.String(
        validate=Length(0, 500),
    slug = fields.String(
        description=slug_description, allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 255)
    owners = fields.List(
        fields.Integer(description=owners_description, allow_none=True)
    roles = fields.List(fields.Integer(description=roles_description, allow_none=True))
    position_json = fields.String(
        description=position_json_description, allow_none=True, validate=validate_json
    css = fields.String(description=css_description, allow_none=True)
    json_metadata = fields.String(
    published = fields.Boolean(description=published_description, allow_none=True)
    certified_by = fields.String(description=certified_by_description, allow_none=True)
    certification_details = fields.String(
        description=certification_details_description, allow_none=True
    is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, default=False)
    external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)

class ChartFavStarResponseResult(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer(description="The Chart id")
    value = fields.Boolean(description="The FaveStar value")

class GetFavStarIdsSchema(Schema):
    result = fields.List(
        description="A list of results for each corresponding chart in the request",

class ImportV1DashboardSchema(Schema):
    dashboard_title = fields.String(required=True)
    description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    css = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    slug = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    uuid = fields.UUID(required=True)
    position = fields.Dict()
    metadata = fields.Dict()
    version = fields.String(required=True)
    is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, default=False)
    external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)

class EmbeddedDashboardConfigSchema(Schema):
    allowed_domains = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True)

class EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema(Schema):
    uuid = fields.String()
    allowed_domains = fields.List(fields.String())
    dashboard_id = fields.String()
    changed_on = fields.DateTime()
    changed_by = fields.Nested(UserSchema)


superset 源码目录


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