harmony 鸿蒙Distributed Data Management Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (495)

Distributed Data Management Subsystem Changelog

cl.distributeddatamgr.1 Changed ValuesBucket to a Public Interface

Change Impact

For applications developed based on earlier versions, only system applications can use ValuesBucket. From this version, ValuesBucket can be called by third-party applications.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

     * Indicates possible value types
     * @syscap SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.DataShare.Core
     * @systemapi
     * @StageModelOnly
     * @since 9
    export type ValueType = number|string|boolean;

After change:

     * Indicates possible value types
     * @syscap SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.DataShare.Core
     * @StageModelOnly
     * @since 10
    export type ValueType = number|string|boolean;

cl.distributeddatamgr.2 Changed Some Predicate Interfaces in dataSharePredicates to Public Interfaces

Change Impact

For applications developed based on earlier versions, only system applications can use dataSharePredicates. From this version, on, the namespace dataSharePredicates, dataSharePredicates class, and some predicate interfaces can be called by third-party applications.

Key API/Component Changes

The involved interfaces are as follows:

  • equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataSharePredicates

  • and(): DataSharePredicates

  • orderByAsc(field: string): DataSharePredicates

  • orderByDesc(field: string): DataSharePredicates

  • limit(total: number, offset: number): DataSharePredicates

  • in(field: string, value: Array): DataSharePredicates


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