dubbo MockInvokersSelector 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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dubbo MockInvokersSelector 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.router.mock;

import org.apache.dubbo.common.URL;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.Holder;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.Invocation;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.Invoker;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.RpcException;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.router.RouterSnapshotNode;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.router.state.AbstractStateRouter;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.router.state.BitList;
import org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.router.state.RouterGroupingState;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Constants.INVOCATION_NEED_MOCK;
import static org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Constants.MOCK_PROTOCOL;

 * A specific Router designed to realize mock feature.
 * If a request is configured to use mock, then this router guarantees that only the invokers with protocol MOCK appear in final the invoker list, all other invokers will be excluded.
public class MockInvokersSelector<T> extends AbstractStateRouter<T> {

    public static final String NAME = "MOCK_ROUTER";

    private volatile BitList<Invoker<T>> normalInvokers = BitList.emptyList();
    private volatile BitList<Invoker<T>> mockedInvokers = BitList.emptyList();

    public MockInvokersSelector(URL url) {

    protected BitList<Invoker<T>> doRoute(BitList<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation,
                                          boolean needToPrintMessage, Holder<RouterSnapshotNode<T>> nodeHolder,
                                          Holder<String> messageHolder) throws RpcException {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(invokers)) {
            if (needToPrintMessage) {
                messageHolder.set("Empty invokers. Directly return.");
            return invokers;

        if (invocation.getObjectAttachments() == null) {
            if (needToPrintMessage) {
                messageHolder.set("ObjectAttachments from invocation are null. Return normal Invokers.");
            return invokers.and(normalInvokers);
        } else {
            String value = (String) invocation.getObjectAttachmentWithoutConvert(INVOCATION_NEED_MOCK);
            if (value == null) {
                if (needToPrintMessage) {
                    messageHolder.set("invocation.need.mock not set. Return normal Invokers.");
                return invokers.and(normalInvokers);
            } else if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                if (needToPrintMessage) {
                    messageHolder.set("invocation.need.mock is true. Return mocked Invokers.");
                return invokers.and(mockedInvokers);
        if (needToPrintMessage) {
            messageHolder.set("Directly Return. Reason: invocation.need.mock is set but not match true");
        return invokers;

    public void notify(BitList<Invoker<T>> invokers) {

    private void cacheMockedInvokers(BitList<Invoker<T>> invokers) {
        BitList<Invoker<T>> clonedInvokers = invokers.clone();
        clonedInvokers.removeIf((invoker) -> !invoker.getUrl().getProtocol().equals(MOCK_PROTOCOL));
        mockedInvokers = clonedInvokers;

    private void cacheNormalInvokers(BitList<Invoker<T>> invokers) {
        BitList<Invoker<T>> clonedInvokers = invokers.clone();
        clonedInvokers.removeIf((invoker) -> invoker.getUrl().getProtocol().equals(MOCK_PROTOCOL));
        normalInvokers = clonedInvokers;

    protected String doBuildSnapshot() {
        Map<String, BitList<Invoker<T>>> grouping = new HashMap<>();
        grouping.put("Mocked", mockedInvokers);
        grouping.put("Normal", normalInvokers);
        return new RouterGroupingState<>(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mockedInvokers.size() + normalInvokers.size(), grouping).toString();


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