superset views 源码
superset views 代码
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Views used by the SqlAlchemy connector"""
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, cast
from flask import current_app, flash, Markup, redirect
from flask_appbuilder import CompactCRUDMixin, expose
from flask_appbuilder.fieldwidgets import Select2Widget
from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface
from import has_access
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Regexp
from superset import app, db
from superset.connectors.base.views import DatasourceModelView
from superset.connectors.sqla import models
from superset.constants import MODEL_VIEW_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP, RouteMethod
from superset.superset_typing import FlaskResponse
from superset.utils import core as utils
from superset.views.base import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SelectDataRequired(DataRequired): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Select required flag on the input field will not work well on Chrome
Console error:
An invalid form control with name='tables' is not focusable.
This makes a simple override to the DataRequired to be used specifically with
select fields
field_flags = ()
class TableColumnInlineView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.TableColumn)
# TODO TODO, review need for this on related_views
class_permission_name = "Dataset"
method_permission_name = MODEL_VIEW_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.RELATED_VIEW_SET | RouteMethod.API_SET
list_title = _("Columns")
show_title = _("Show Column")
add_title = _("Add Column")
edit_title = _("Edit Column")
can_delete = False
list_widget = ListWidgetWithCheckboxes
edit_columns = [
add_columns = edit_columns
list_columns = [
page_size = 500
description_columns = {
"is_dttm": _(
"Whether to make this column available as a "
"[Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or "
"filterable": _(
"Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section "
"of the explore view."
"type": _(
"The data type that was inferred by the database. "
"It may be necessary to input a type manually for "
"expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case "
"users should not need to alter this."
"expression": utils.markdown(
"a valid, *non-aggregating* SQL expression as supported by the "
"underlying backend. Example: `substr(name, 1, 1)`",
"python_date_format": utils.markdown(
"The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use "
'<a href="'
"python datetime string pattern</a> expression which needs to "
'adhere to the <a href="">'
"ISO 8601</a> standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering "
"coincides with the chronological ordering. If the timestamp "
"format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 standard you will need to "
"define an expression and type for transforming the string into a "
"date or timestamp. Note currently time zones are not supported. "
"If time is stored in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`."
"If no pattern is specified we fall back to using the optional "
"defaults on a per database/column name level via the extra parameter."
"extra": utils.markdown(
"Extra data to specify column metadata. Currently supports "
'certification data of the format: `{ "certification": "certified_by": '
'"Taylor Swift", "details": "This column is the source of truth." '
"} }`. This should be modified from the edit datasource model in "
"Explore to ensure correct formatting.",
label_columns = {
"column_name": _("Column"),
"verbose_name": _("Verbose Name"),
"description": _("Description"),
"groupby": _("Groupable"),
"filterable": _("Filterable"),
"table": _("Table"),
"expression": _("Expression"),
"is_dttm": _("Is temporal"),
"python_date_format": _("Datetime Format"),
"type": _("Type"),
"advanced_data_type": _("Business Data Type"),
validators_columns = {
"python_date_format": [
# Restrict viable values to epoch_s, epoch_ms, or a strftime format
# which adhere's to the ISO 8601 format (without time zone).
message=_("Invalid date/timestamp format"),
add_form_extra_fields = {
"table": QuerySelectField(
query_factory=lambda: db.session.query(models.SqlaTable),
edit_form_extra_fields = add_form_extra_fields
class SqlMetricInlineView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.SqlMetric)
class_permission_name = "Dataset"
method_permission_name = MODEL_VIEW_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.RELATED_VIEW_SET | RouteMethod.API_SET
list_title = _("Metrics")
show_title = _("Show Metric")
add_title = _("Add Metric")
edit_title = _("Edit Metric")
list_columns = ["metric_name", "verbose_name", "metric_type", "extra"]
edit_columns = [
description_columns = {
"expression": utils.markdown(
"a valid, *aggregating* SQL expression as supported by the "
"underlying backend. Example: `count(DISTINCT userid)`",
"d3format": utils.markdown(
"d3 formatting string as defined [here]"
"( "
"For instance, this default formatting applies in the Table "
"visualization and allow for different metric to use different "
"extra": utils.markdown(
"Extra data to specify metric metadata. Currently supports "
'metadata of the format: `{ "certification": { "certified_by": '
'"Data Platform Team", "details": "This metric is the source of truth." '
'}, "warning_markdown": "This is a warning." }`. This should be modified '
"from the edit datasource model in Explore to ensure correct formatting.",
add_columns = edit_columns
page_size = 500
label_columns = {
"metric_name": _("Metric"),
"description": _("Description"),
"verbose_name": _("Verbose Name"),
"metric_type": _("Type"),
"expression": _("SQL Expression"),
"table": _("Table"),
"d3format": _("D3 Format"),
"extra": _("Extra"),
"warning_text": _("Warning Message"),
add_form_extra_fields = {
"table": QuerySelectField(
query_factory=lambda: db.session.query(models.SqlaTable),
edit_form_extra_fields = add_form_extra_fields
class RowLevelSecurityListWidget(
): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
template = "superset/models/rls/list.html"
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
kwargs["appbuilder"] = current_app.appbuilder
class RowLevelSecurityFiltersModelView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
SupersetModelView, DeleteMixin
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.RowLevelSecurityFilter)
list_widget = cast(SupersetListWidget, RowLevelSecurityListWidget)
list_title = _("Row level security filter")
show_title = _("Show Row level security filter")
add_title = _("Add Row level security filter")
edit_title = _("Edit Row level security filter")
list_columns = [
order_columns = ["name", "filter_type", "clause", "modified"]
edit_columns = [
show_columns = edit_columns
search_columns = (
add_columns = edit_columns
base_order = ("changed_on", "desc")
description_columns = {
"name": _("Choose a unique name"),
"description": _("Optionally add a detailed description"),
"filter_type": _(
"Regular filters add where clauses to queries if a user belongs to a "
"role referenced in the filter. Base filters apply filters to all queries "
"except the roles defined in the filter, and can be used to define what "
"users can see if no RLS filters within a filter group apply to them."
"tables": _("These are the tables this filter will be applied to."),
"roles": _(
"For regular filters, these are the roles this filter will be "
"applied to. For base filters, these are the roles that the "
"filter DOES NOT apply to, e.g. Admin if admin should see all "
"group_key": _(
"Filters with the same group key will be ORed together within the group, "
"while different filter groups will be ANDed together. Undefined group "
"keys are treated as unique groups, i.e. are not grouped together. "
"For example, if a table has three filters, of which two are for "
"departments Finance and Marketing (group key = 'department'), and one "
"refers to the region Europe (group key = 'region'), the filter clause "
"would apply the filter (department = 'Finance' OR department = "
"'Marketing') AND (region = 'Europe')."
"clause": _(
"This is the condition that will be added to the WHERE clause. "
"For example, to only return rows for a particular client, "
"you might define a regular filter with the clause `client_id = 9`. To "
"display no rows unless a user belongs to a RLS filter role, a base "
"filter can be created with the clause `1 = 0` (always false)."
label_columns = {
"name": _("Name"),
"description": _("Description"),
"tables": _("Tables"),
"roles": _("Roles"),
"clause": _("Clause"),
"creator": _("Creator"),
"modified": _("Modified"),
validators_columns = {"tables": [SelectDataRequired()]}
if app.config["RLS_FORM_QUERY_REL_FIELDS"]:
add_form_query_rel_fields = app.config["RLS_FORM_QUERY_REL_FIELDS"]
edit_form_query_rel_fields = add_form_query_rel_fields
class TableModelView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
DatasourceModelView, DeleteMixin, YamlExportMixin
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.SqlaTable)
class_permission_name = "Dataset"
method_permission_name = MODEL_VIEW_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.CRUD_SET
list_title = _("Tables")
show_title = _("Show Table")
add_title = _("Import a table definition")
edit_title = _("Edit Table")
list_columns = ["link", "database_name", "changed_by_", "modified"]
order_columns = ["modified"]
add_columns = ["database", "schema", "table_name"]
edit_columns = [
base_filters = [["id", DatasourceFilter, lambda: []]]
show_columns = edit_columns + ["perm", "slices"]
related_views = [
base_order = ("changed_on", "desc")
search_columns = ("database", "schema", "table_name", "owners", "is_sqllab_view")
description_columns = {
"slices": _(
"The list of charts associated with this table. By "
"altering this datasource, you may change how these associated "
"charts behave. "
"Also note that charts need to point to a datasource, so "
"this form will fail at saving if removing charts from a "
"datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a chart, "
"overwrite the chart from the 'explore view'"
"offset": _("Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource"),
"table_name": _("Name of the table that exists in the source database"),
"schema": _(
"Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift " "and DB2"
"description": Markup(
'Supports <a href="">'
"sql": _(
"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will "
"run a query against this string as a subquery."
"fetch_values_predicate": _(
"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to "
"populate the filter control component. Supports "
"jinja template syntax. Applies only when "
"`Enable Filter Select` is on."
"default_endpoint": _(
"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table "
"from the table list"
"filter_select_enabled": _(
"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore "
"view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched "
"from the backend on the fly"
"is_sqllab_view": _(
"Whether the table was generated by the 'Visualize' flow " "in SQL Lab"
"template_params": _(
"A set of parameters that become available in the query using "
"Jinja templating syntax"
"cache_timeout": _(
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this table. "
"A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. "
"Note this defaults to the database timeout if undefined."
"extra": utils.markdown(
"Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports "
'metadata of the format: `{ "certification": { "certified_by": '
'"Data Platform Team", "details": "This table is the source of truth." '
'}, "warning_markdown": "This is a warning." }`.',
label_columns = {
"slices": _("Associated Charts"),
"link": _("Table"),
"changed_by_": _("Changed By"),
"database": _("Database"),
"database_name": _("Database"),
"changed_on_": _("Last Changed"),
"filter_select_enabled": _("Enable Filter Select"),
"schema": _("Schema"),
"default_endpoint": _("Default Endpoint"),
"offset": _("Offset"),
"cache_timeout": _("Cache Timeout"),
"table_name": _("Table Name"),
"fetch_values_predicate": _("Fetch Values Predicate"),
"owners": _("Owners"),
"main_dttm_col": _("Main Datetime Column"),
"description": _("Description"),
"is_sqllab_view": _("SQL Lab View"),
"template_params": _("Template parameters"),
"extra": _("Extra"),
"modified": _("Modified"),
edit_form_extra_fields = {
"database": QuerySelectField(
query_factory=lambda: db.session.query(models.Database),
def post_add( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
item: "TableModelView",
flash_message: bool = True,
fetch_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None:
if fetch_metadata:
if flash_message:
"The table was created. "
"As part of this two-phase configuration "
"process, you should now click the edit button by "
"the new table to configure it."
def post_update(self, item: "TableModelView") -> None:
self.post_add(item, flash_message=False, fetch_metadata=False)
def _delete(self, pk: int) -> None:
DeleteMixin._delete(self, pk)
@expose("/edit/<pk>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def edit(self, pk: str) -> FlaskResponse:
"""Simple hack to redirect to explore view after saving"""
resp = super().edit(pk)
if isinstance(resp, str):
return resp
return redirect("/explore/?dataset_type=table&dataset_id={}".format(pk))
def list(self) -> FlaskResponse:
return super().render_app_template()
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