greenplumn nodeIndexscan 源码

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greenplumn nodeIndexscan 代码


 * nodeIndexscan.c
 *	  Routines to support indexed scans of relations
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/nodeIndexscan.c
 *		ExecIndexScan			scans a relation using an index
 *		IndexNext				retrieve next tuple using index
 *		IndexNextWithReorder	same, but recheck ORDER BY expressions
 *		ExecInitIndexScan		creates and initializes state info.
 *		ExecReScanIndexScan		rescans the indexed relation.
 *		ExecEndIndexScan		releases all storage.
 *		ExecIndexMarkPos		marks scan position.
 *		ExecIndexRestrPos		restores scan position.
 *		ExecIndexScanEstimate	estimates DSM space needed for parallel index scan
 *		ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM initialize DSM for parallel indexscan
 *		ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM reinitialize DSM for fresh scan
 *		ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker attach to DSM info in parallel worker
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/nbtree.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
#include "lib/pairingheap.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"

 * When an ordering operator is used, tuples fetched from the index that
 * need to be reordered are queued in a pairing heap, as ReorderTuples.
typedef struct
	pairingheap_node ph_node;
	HeapTuple	htup;
	Datum	   *orderbyvals;
	bool	   *orderbynulls;
} ReorderTuple;

static TupleTableSlot *IndexNext(IndexScanState *node);
static TupleTableSlot *IndexNextWithReorder(IndexScanState *node);
static void EvalOrderByExpressions(IndexScanState *node, ExprContext *econtext);
static bool IndexRecheck(IndexScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot);
static int	cmp_orderbyvals(const Datum *adist, const bool *anulls,
							const Datum *bdist, const bool *bnulls,
							IndexScanState *node);
static int	reorderqueue_cmp(const pairingheap_node *a,
							 const pairingheap_node *b, void *arg);
static void reorderqueue_push(IndexScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot,
							  Datum *orderbyvals, bool *orderbynulls);
static HeapTuple reorderqueue_pop(IndexScanState *node);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		IndexNext
 *		Retrieve a tuple from the IndexScan node's currentRelation
 *		using the index specified in the IndexScanState information.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
IndexNext(IndexScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	ScanDirection direction;
	IndexScanDesc scandesc;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	estate = node->;
	direction = estate->es_direction;
	/* flip direction if this is an overall backward scan */
	if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(((IndexScan *) node->>indexorderdir))
		if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
			direction = BackwardScanDirection;
		else if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction))
			direction = ForwardScanDirection;
	scandesc = node->iss_ScanDesc;
	econtext = node->;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;

	if (scandesc == NULL)
		 * We reach here if the index scan is not parallel, or if we're
		 * serially executing an index scan that was planned to be parallel.
		scandesc = index_beginscan(node->ss.ss_currentRelation,

		node->iss_ScanDesc = scandesc;

		 * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and
		 * pass the scankeys to the index AM.
		if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
						 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
						 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);

	 * ok, now that we have what we need, fetch the next tuple.
	while (index_getnext_slot(scandesc, direction, slot))

		 * If the index was lossy, we have to recheck the index quals using
		 * the fetched tuple.
		if (scandesc->xs_recheck)
			econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
			if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->indexqualorig, econtext))
				/* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */
				InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);

		return slot;

	 * if we get here it means the index scan failed so we are at the end of
	 * the scan..
	node->iss_ReachedEnd = true;
	return ExecClearTuple(slot);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		IndexNextWithReorder
 *		Like IndexNext, but this version can also re-check ORDER BY
 *		expressions, and reorder the tuples as necessary.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
IndexNextWithReorder(IndexScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	IndexScanDesc scandesc;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ReorderTuple *topmost = NULL;
	bool		was_exact;
	Datum	   *lastfetched_vals;
	bool	   *lastfetched_nulls;
	int			cmp;

	estate = node->;

	 * Only forward scan is supported with reordering.  Note: we can get away
	 * with just Asserting here because the system will not try to run the
	 * plan backwards if ExecSupportsBackwardScan() says it won't work.
	 * Currently, that is guaranteed because no index AMs support both
	 * amcanorderbyop and amcanbackward; if any ever do,
	 * ExecSupportsBackwardScan() will need to consider indexorderbys
	 * explicitly.
	Assert(!ScanDirectionIsBackward(((IndexScan *) node->>indexorderdir));

	scandesc = node->iss_ScanDesc;
	econtext = node->;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;

	if (scandesc == NULL)
		 * We reach here if the index scan is not parallel, or if we're
		 * serially executing an index scan that was planned to be parallel.
		scandesc = index_beginscan(node->ss.ss_currentRelation,

		node->iss_ScanDesc = scandesc;

		 * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and
		 * pass the scankeys to the index AM.
		if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
						 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
						 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);

	for (;;)

		 * Check the reorder queue first.  If the topmost tuple in the queue
		 * has an ORDER BY value smaller than (or equal to) the value last
		 * returned by the index, we can return it now.
		if (!pairingheap_is_empty(node->iss_ReorderQueue))
			topmost = (ReorderTuple *) pairingheap_first(node->iss_ReorderQueue);

			if (node->iss_ReachedEnd ||
								node) <= 0)
				HeapTuple	tuple;

				tuple = reorderqueue_pop(node);

				/* Pass 'true', as the tuple in the queue is a palloc'd copy */
				ExecForceStoreHeapTuple(tuple, slot, true);
				return slot;
		else if (node->iss_ReachedEnd)
			/* Queue is empty, and no more tuples from index.  We're done. */
			return ExecClearTuple(slot);

		 * Fetch next tuple from the index.
		if (!index_getnext_slot(scandesc, ForwardScanDirection, slot))
			 * No more tuples from the index.  But we still need to drain any
			 * remaining tuples from the queue before we're done.
			node->iss_ReachedEnd = true;

		 * If the index was lossy, we have to recheck the index quals and
		 * ORDER BY expressions using the fetched tuple.
		if (scandesc->xs_recheck)
			econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
			if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->indexqualorig, econtext))
				/* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */
				InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);
				/* allow this loop to be cancellable */
				goto next_indextuple;

		if (scandesc->xs_recheckorderby)
			econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
			EvalOrderByExpressions(node, econtext);

			 * Was the ORDER BY value returned by the index accurate?  The
			 * recheck flag means that the index can return inaccurate values,
			 * but then again, the value returned for any particular tuple
			 * could also be exactly correct.  Compare the value returned by
			 * the index with the recalculated value.  (If the value returned
			 * by the index happened to be exact right, we can often avoid
			 * pushing the tuple to the queue, just to pop it back out again.)
			cmp = cmp_orderbyvals(node->iss_OrderByValues,
			if (cmp < 0)
				elog(ERROR, "index returned tuples in wrong order");
			else if (cmp == 0)
				was_exact = true;
				was_exact = false;
			lastfetched_vals = node->iss_OrderByValues;
			lastfetched_nulls = node->iss_OrderByNulls;
			was_exact = true;
			lastfetched_vals = scandesc->xs_orderbyvals;
			lastfetched_nulls = scandesc->xs_orderbynulls;

		 * Can we return this tuple immediately, or does it need to be pushed
		 * to the reorder queue?  If the ORDER BY expression values returned
		 * by the index were inaccurate, we can't return it yet, because the
		 * next tuple from the index might need to come before this one. Also,
		 * we can't return it yet if there are any smaller tuples in the queue
		 * already.
		if (!was_exact || (topmost && cmp_orderbyvals(lastfetched_vals,
													  node) > 0))
			/* Put this tuple to the queue */
			reorderqueue_push(node, slot, lastfetched_vals, lastfetched_nulls);
			/* Can return this tuple immediately. */
			return slot;

	 * if we get here it means the index scan failed so we are at the end of
	 * the scan..
	return ExecClearTuple(slot);

 * Calculate the expressions in the ORDER BY clause, based on the heap tuple.
static void
EvalOrderByExpressions(IndexScanState *node, ExprContext *econtext)
	int			i;
	ListCell   *l;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);

	i = 0;
	foreach(l, node->indexorderbyorig)
		ExprState  *orderby = (ExprState *) lfirst(l);

		node->iss_OrderByValues[i] = ExecEvalExpr(orderby,


 * IndexRecheck -- access method routine to recheck a tuple in EvalPlanQual
static bool
IndexRecheck(IndexScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot)
	ExprContext *econtext;

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	econtext = node->;

	/* Does the tuple meet the indexqual condition? */
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
	return ExecQualAndReset(node->indexqualorig, econtext);

 * Compare ORDER BY expression values.
static int
cmp_orderbyvals(const Datum *adist, const bool *anulls,
				const Datum *bdist, const bool *bnulls,
				IndexScanState *node)
	int			i;
	int			result;

	for (i = 0; i < node->iss_NumOrderByKeys; i++)
		SortSupport ssup = &node->iss_SortSupport[i];

		 * Handle nulls.  We only need to support NULLS LAST ordering, because
		 * match_pathkeys_to_index() doesn't consider indexorderby
		 * implementation otherwise.
		if (anulls[i] && !bnulls[i])
			return 1;
		else if (!anulls[i] && bnulls[i])
			return -1;
		else if (anulls[i] && bnulls[i])
			return 0;

		result = ssup->comparator(adist[i], bdist[i], ssup);
		if (result != 0)
			return result;

	return 0;

 * Pairing heap provides getting topmost (greatest) element while KNN provides
 * ascending sort.  That's why we invert the sort order.
static int
reorderqueue_cmp(const pairingheap_node *a, const pairingheap_node *b,
				 void *arg)
	ReorderTuple *rta = (ReorderTuple *) a;
	ReorderTuple *rtb = (ReorderTuple *) b;
	IndexScanState *node = (IndexScanState *) arg;

	/* exchange argument order to invert the sort order */
	return cmp_orderbyvals(rtb->orderbyvals, rtb->orderbynulls,
						   rta->orderbyvals, rta->orderbynulls,

 * Helper function to push a tuple to the reorder queue.
static void
reorderqueue_push(IndexScanState *node, TupleTableSlot *slot,
				  Datum *orderbyvals, bool *orderbynulls)
	IndexScanDesc scandesc = node->iss_ScanDesc;
	EState	   *estate = node->;
	MemoryContext oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
	ReorderTuple *rt;
	int			i;

	rt = (ReorderTuple *) palloc(sizeof(ReorderTuple));
	rt->htup = ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(slot);
	rt->orderbyvals =
		(Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * scandesc->numberOfOrderBys);
	rt->orderbynulls =
		(bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * scandesc->numberOfOrderBys);
	for (i = 0; i < node->iss_NumOrderByKeys; i++)
		if (!orderbynulls[i])
			rt->orderbyvals[i] = datumCopy(orderbyvals[i],
			rt->orderbyvals[i] = (Datum) 0;
		rt->orderbynulls[i] = orderbynulls[i];
	pairingheap_add(node->iss_ReorderQueue, &rt->ph_node);


 * Helper function to pop the next tuple from the reorder queue.
static HeapTuple
reorderqueue_pop(IndexScanState *node)
	HeapTuple	result;
	ReorderTuple *topmost;
	int			i;

	topmost = (ReorderTuple *) pairingheap_remove_first(node->iss_ReorderQueue);

	result = topmost->htup;
	for (i = 0; i < node->iss_NumOrderByKeys; i++)
		if (!node->iss_OrderByTypByVals[i] && !topmost->orderbynulls[i])

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexScan(node)
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecIndexScan(PlanState *pstate)
	IndexScanState *node = castNode(IndexScanState, pstate);

	 * If we have runtime keys and they've not already been set up, do it now.
	if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 && !node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
		ExecReScan((PlanState *) node);

	if (node->iss_NumOrderByKeys > 0)
		return ExecScan(&node->ss,
						(ExecScanAccessMtd) IndexNextWithReorder,
						(ExecScanRecheckMtd) IndexRecheck);
		return ExecScan(&node->ss,
						(ExecScanAccessMtd) IndexNext,
						(ExecScanRecheckMtd) IndexRecheck);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecReScanIndexScan(node)
 *		Recalculates the values of any scan keys whose value depends on
 *		information known at runtime, then rescans the indexed relation.
 *		Updating the scan key was formerly done separately in
 *		ExecUpdateIndexScanKeys. Integrating it into ReScan makes
 *		rescans of indices and relations/general streams more uniform.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecReScanIndexScan(IndexScanState *node)
	 * If we are doing runtime key calculations (ie, any of the index key
	 * values weren't simple Consts), compute the new key values.  But first,
	 * reset the context so we don't leak memory as each outer tuple is
	 * scanned.  Note this assumes that we will recalculate *all* runtime keys
	 * on each call.
	if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0)
		ExprContext *econtext = node->iss_RuntimeContext;

	node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady = true;

	/* flush the reorder queue */
	if (node->iss_ReorderQueue)
		while (!pairingheap_is_empty(node->iss_ReorderQueue))

	/* reset index scan */
	if (node->iss_ScanDesc)
					 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
					 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);
	node->iss_ReachedEnd = false;


 * ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys
 *		Evaluate any runtime key values, and update the scankeys.
ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys(ExprContext *econtext,
						 IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *runtimeKeys, int numRuntimeKeys)
	int			j;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	/* We want to keep the key values in per-tuple memory */
	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);

	for (j = 0; j < numRuntimeKeys; j++)
		ScanKey		scan_key = runtimeKeys[j].scan_key;
		ExprState  *key_expr = runtimeKeys[j].key_expr;
		Datum		scanvalue;
		bool		isNull;

		 * For each run-time key, extract the run-time expression and evaluate
		 * it with respect to the current context.  We then stick the result
		 * into the proper scan key.
		 * Note: the result of the eval could be a pass-by-ref value that's
		 * stored in some outer scan's tuple, not in
		 * econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory.  We assume that the outer tuple
		 * will stay put throughout our scan.  If this is wrong, we could copy
		 * the result into our context explicitly, but I think that's not
		 * necessary.
		 * It's also entirely possible that the result of the eval is a
		 * toasted value.  In this case we should forcibly detoast it, to
		 * avoid repeat detoastings each time the value is examined by an
		 * index support function.
		scanvalue = ExecEvalExpr(key_expr,
		if (isNull)
			scan_key->sk_argument = scanvalue;
			scan_key->sk_flags |= SK_ISNULL;
			if (runtimeKeys[j].key_toastable)
				scanvalue = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(scanvalue));
			scan_key->sk_argument = scanvalue;
			scan_key->sk_flags &= ~SK_ISNULL;


 * ExecIndexEvalArrayKeys
 *		Evaluate any array key values, and set up to iterate through arrays.
 * Returns true if there are array elements to consider; false means there
 * is at least one null or empty array, so no match is possible.  On true
 * result, the scankeys are initialized with the first elements of the arrays.
ExecIndexEvalArrayKeys(ExprContext *econtext,
					   IndexArrayKeyInfo *arrayKeys, int numArrayKeys)
	bool		result = true;
	int			j;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	/* We want to keep the arrays in per-tuple memory */
	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);

	for (j = 0; j < numArrayKeys; j++)
		ScanKey		scan_key = arrayKeys[j].scan_key;
		ExprState  *array_expr = arrayKeys[j].array_expr;
		Datum		arraydatum;
		bool		isNull;
		ArrayType  *arrayval;
		int16		elmlen;
		bool		elmbyval;
		char		elmalign;
		int			num_elems;
		Datum	   *elem_values;
		bool	   *elem_nulls;

		 * Compute and deconstruct the array expression. (Notes in
		 * ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys() apply here too.)
		arraydatum = ExecEvalExpr(array_expr,
		if (isNull)
			result = false;
			break;				/* no point in evaluating more */
		arrayval = DatumGetArrayTypeP(arraydatum);
		/* We could cache this data, but not clear it's worth it */
							 &elmlen, &elmbyval, &elmalign);
						  elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign,
						  &elem_values, &elem_nulls, &num_elems);
		if (num_elems <= 0)
			result = false;
			break;				/* no point in evaluating more */

		 * Note: we expect the previous array data, if any, to be
		 * automatically freed by resetting the per-tuple context; hence no
		 * pfree's here.
		arrayKeys[j].elem_values = elem_values;
		arrayKeys[j].elem_nulls = elem_nulls;
		arrayKeys[j].num_elems = num_elems;
		scan_key->sk_argument = elem_values[0];
		if (elem_nulls[0])
			scan_key->sk_flags |= SK_ISNULL;
			scan_key->sk_flags &= ~SK_ISNULL;
		arrayKeys[j].next_elem = 1;


	return result;

 * ExecIndexAdvanceArrayKeys
 *		Advance to the next set of array key values, if any.
 * Returns true if there is another set of values to consider, false if not.
 * On true result, the scankeys are initialized with the next set of values.
ExecIndexAdvanceArrayKeys(IndexArrayKeyInfo *arrayKeys, int numArrayKeys)
	bool		found = false;
	int			j;

	 * Note we advance the rightmost array key most quickly, since it will
	 * correspond to the lowest-order index column among the available
	 * qualifications.  This is hypothesized to result in better locality of
	 * access in the index.
	for (j = numArrayKeys - 1; j >= 0; j--)
		ScanKey		scan_key = arrayKeys[j].scan_key;
		int			next_elem = arrayKeys[j].next_elem;
		int			num_elems = arrayKeys[j].num_elems;
		Datum	   *elem_values = arrayKeys[j].elem_values;
		bool	   *elem_nulls = arrayKeys[j].elem_nulls;

		if (next_elem >= num_elems)
			next_elem = 0;
			found = false;		/* need to advance next array key */
			found = true;
		scan_key->sk_argument = elem_values[next_elem];
		if (elem_nulls[next_elem])
			scan_key->sk_flags |= SK_ISNULL;
			scan_key->sk_flags &= ~SK_ISNULL;
		arrayKeys[j].next_elem = next_elem + 1;
		if (found)

	return found;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndIndexScan
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndIndexScan(IndexScanState *node)
	Relation	indexRelationDesc;
	IndexScanDesc indexScanDesc;

	 * extract information from the node
	indexRelationDesc = node->iss_RelationDesc;
	indexScanDesc = node->iss_ScanDesc;

	 * Free the exprcontext(s) ... now dead code, see ExecFreeExprContext
	 * GPDB: This is not dead code in GPDB, because we don't want to leak
	 * exprcontexts in a dynamic index scan.
#if 1
	if (node->iss_RuntimeContext)
		FreeExprContext(node->iss_RuntimeContext, true);
		node->iss_RuntimeContext = NULL;

	 * clear out tuple table slots
	if (node->

	 * close the index relation (no-op if we didn't open it)
	if (indexScanDesc)
	if (indexRelationDesc)
		index_close(indexRelationDesc, NoLock);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexMarkPos
 * Note: we assume that no caller attempts to set a mark before having read
 * at least one tuple.  Otherwise, iss_ScanDesc might still be NULL.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexMarkPos(IndexScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate = node->;

	if (estate->es_epqTupleSlot != NULL)
		 * We are inside an EvalPlanQual recheck.  If a test tuple exists for
		 * this relation, then we shouldn't access the index at all.  We would
		 * instead need to save, and later restore, the state of the
		 * es_epqScanDone flag, so that re-fetching the test tuple is
		 * possible.  However, given the assumption that no caller sets a mark
		 * at the start of the scan, we can only get here with es_epqScanDone
		 * already set, and so no state need be saved.
		Index		scanrelid = ((Scan *) node->>scanrelid;

		Assert(scanrelid > 0);
		if (estate->es_epqTupleSlot[scanrelid - 1] != NULL)
			/* Verify the claim above */
			if (!estate->es_epqScanDone[scanrelid - 1])
				elog(ERROR, "unexpected ExecIndexMarkPos call in EPQ recheck");


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexRestrPos
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexRestrPos(IndexScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate = node->;

	if (estate->es_epqTupleSlot != NULL)
		/* See comments in ExecIndexMarkPos */
		Index		scanrelid = ((Scan *) node->>scanrelid;

		Assert(scanrelid > 0);
		if (estate->es_epqTupleSlot[scanrelid - 1] != NULL)
			/* Verify the claim above */
			if (!estate->es_epqScanDone[scanrelid - 1])
				elog(ERROR, "unexpected ExecIndexRestrPos call in EPQ recheck");


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitIndexScan
 *		Initializes the index scan's state information, creates
 *		scan keys, and opens the base and index relations.
 *		Note: index scans have 2 sets of state information because
 *			  we have to keep track of the base relation and the
 *			  index relation.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
IndexScanState *
ExecInitIndexScan(IndexScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	Relation	currentRelation;

	 * open the base relation and acquire appropriate lock on it.
	currentRelation = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate, node->scan.scanrelid, eflags);

	return ExecInitIndexScanForPartition(node, estate, eflags,
	                                     currentRelation, node->indexid);

IndexScanState *
ExecInitIndexScanForPartition(IndexScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags,
	                          Relation currentRelation, Oid indexid)
	IndexScanState *indexstate;
	LOCKMODE	lockmode;

	 * create state structure
	indexstate = makeNode(IndexScanState);
	indexstate-> = (Plan *) node;
	indexstate-> = estate;
	indexstate-> = ExecIndexScan;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &indexstate->;

	indexstate->ss.ss_currentRelation = currentRelation;
	indexstate->ss.ss_currentScanDesc = NULL;	/* no heap scan here */

	 * get the scan type from the relation descriptor.
	ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &indexstate->ss,

	 * Initialize result type and projection.

	 * initialize child expressions
	 * Note: we don't initialize all of the indexqual expression, only the
	 * sub-parts corresponding to runtime keys (see below).  Likewise for
	 * indexorderby, if any.  But the indexqualorig expression is always
	 * initialized even though it will only be used in some uncommon cases ---
	 * would be nice to improve that.  (Problem is that any SubPlans present
	 * in the expression must be found now...)
	indexstate-> =
			ExecInitQual(node->scan.plan.qual, (PlanState *) indexstate);
	indexstate->indexqualorig =
			ExecInitQual(node->indexqualorig, (PlanState *) indexstate);
	indexstate->indexorderbyorig =
			ExecInitExprList(node->indexorderbyorig, (PlanState *) indexstate);

	 * If we are just doing EXPLAIN (ie, aren't going to run the plan), stop
	 * here.  This allows an index-advisor plugin to EXPLAIN a plan containing
	 * references to nonexistent indexes.
		return indexstate;

	/* Open the index relation. */
	lockmode = exec_rt_fetch(node->scan.scanrelid, estate)->rellockmode;
	indexstate->iss_RelationDesc = index_open(indexid, lockmode);

	 * Initialize index-specific scan state
	indexstate->iss_RuntimeKeysReady = false;
	indexstate->iss_RuntimeKeys = NULL;
	indexstate->iss_NumRuntimeKeys = 0;

	 * build the index scan keys from the index qualification
	ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexstate,
						   NULL,	/* no ArrayKeys */

	 * any ORDER BY exprs have to be turned into scankeys in the same way
	ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexstate,
						   NULL,	/* no ArrayKeys */

	/* Initialize sort support, if we need to re-check ORDER BY exprs */
	if (indexstate->iss_NumOrderByKeys > 0)
		int			numOrderByKeys = indexstate->iss_NumOrderByKeys;
		int			i;
		ListCell   *lco;
		ListCell   *lcx;

		 * Prepare sort support, and look up the data type for each ORDER BY
		 * expression.
		Assert(numOrderByKeys == list_length(node->indexorderbyops));
		Assert(numOrderByKeys == list_length(node->indexorderbyorig));
		indexstate->iss_SortSupport = (SortSupportData *)
				palloc0(numOrderByKeys * sizeof(SortSupportData));
		indexstate->iss_OrderByTypByVals = (bool *)
				palloc(numOrderByKeys * sizeof(bool));
		indexstate->iss_OrderByTypLens = (int16 *)
				palloc(numOrderByKeys * sizeof(int16));
		i = 0;
		forboth(lco, node->indexorderbyops, lcx, node->indexorderbyorig)
			Oid			orderbyop = lfirst_oid(lco);
			Node	   *orderbyexpr = (Node *) lfirst(lcx);
			Oid			orderbyType = exprType(orderbyexpr);
			Oid			orderbyColl = exprCollation(orderbyexpr);
			SortSupport orderbysort = &indexstate->iss_SortSupport[i];

			/* Initialize sort support */
			orderbysort->ssup_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
			orderbysort->ssup_collation = orderbyColl;
			/* See cmp_orderbyvals() comments on NULLS LAST */
			orderbysort->ssup_nulls_first = false;
			/* ssup_attno is unused here and elsewhere */
			orderbysort->ssup_attno = 0;
			/* No abbreviation */
			orderbysort->abbreviate = false;
			PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(orderbyop, orderbysort);


		/* allocate arrays to hold the re-calculated distances */
		indexstate->iss_OrderByValues = (Datum *)
				palloc(numOrderByKeys * sizeof(Datum));
		indexstate->iss_OrderByNulls = (bool *)
				palloc(numOrderByKeys * sizeof(bool));

		/* and initialize the reorder queue */
		indexstate->iss_ReorderQueue = pairingheap_allocate(reorderqueue_cmp,

	 * If we have runtime keys, we need an ExprContext to evaluate them. The
	 * node's standard context won't do because we want to reset that context
	 * for every tuple.  So, build another context just like the other one...
	 * -tgl 7/11/00
	if (indexstate->iss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0)
		ExprContext *stdecontext = indexstate->;

		ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &indexstate->;
		indexstate->iss_RuntimeContext = indexstate->;
		indexstate-> = stdecontext;
		indexstate->iss_RuntimeContext = NULL;

	 * all done.
	return indexstate;

 * ExecIndexBuildScanKeys
 *		Build the index scan keys from the index qualification expressions
 * The index quals are passed to the index AM in the form of a ScanKey array.
 * This routine sets up the ScanKeys, fills in all constant fields of the
 * ScanKeys, and prepares information about the keys that have non-constant
 * comparison values.  We divide index qual expressions into five types:
 * 1. Simple operator with constant comparison value ("indexkey op constant").
 * For these, we just fill in a ScanKey containing the constant value.
 * 2. Simple operator with non-constant value ("indexkey op expression").
 * For these, we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the
 * expression value, and set up an IndexRuntimeKeyInfo struct to drive
 * evaluation of the expression at the right times.
 * 3. RowCompareExpr ("(indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expr, expr, ...)").
 * For these, we create a header ScanKey plus a subsidiary ScanKey array,
 * as specified in access/skey.h.  The elements of the row comparison
 * can have either constant or non-constant comparison values.
 * 4. ScalarArrayOpExpr ("indexkey op ANY (array-expression)").  If the index
 * supports amsearcharray, we handle these the same as simple operators,
 * setting the SK_SEARCHARRAY flag to tell the AM to handle them.  Otherwise,
 * we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the comparison value,
 * and set up an IndexArrayKeyInfo struct to drive processing of the qual.
 * (Note that if we use an IndexArrayKeyInfo struct, the array expression is
 * always treated as requiring runtime evaluation, even if it's a constant.)
 * 5. NullTest ("indexkey IS NULL/IS NOT NULL").  We just fill in the
 * ScanKey properly.
 * This code is also used to prepare ORDER BY expressions for amcanorderbyop
 * indexes.  The behavior is exactly the same, except that we have to look up
 * the operator differently.  Note that only cases 1 and 2 are currently
 * possible for ORDER BY.
 * Input params are:
 * planstate: executor state node we are working for
 * index: the index we are building scan keys for
 * quals: indexquals (or indexorderbys) expressions
 * isorderby: true if processing ORDER BY exprs, false if processing quals
 * *runtimeKeys: ptr to pre-existing IndexRuntimeKeyInfos, or NULL if none
 * *numRuntimeKeys: number of pre-existing runtime keys
 * Output params are:
 * *scanKeys: receives ptr to array of ScanKeys
 * *numScanKeys: receives number of scankeys
 * *runtimeKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexRuntimeKeyInfos, or NULL if none
 * *numRuntimeKeys: receives number of runtime keys
 * *arrayKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexArrayKeyInfos, or NULL if none
 * *numArrayKeys: receives number of array keys
 * Caller may pass NULL for arrayKeys and numArrayKeys to indicate that
 * IndexArrayKeyInfos are not supported.
ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index,
					   List *quals, bool isorderby,
					   ScanKey *scanKeys, int *numScanKeys,
					   IndexRuntimeKeyInfo **runtimeKeys, int *numRuntimeKeys,
					   IndexArrayKeyInfo **arrayKeys, int *numArrayKeys)
	ListCell   *qual_cell;
	ScanKey		scan_keys;
	IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *runtime_keys;
	IndexArrayKeyInfo *array_keys;
	int			n_scan_keys;
	int			n_runtime_keys;
	int			max_runtime_keys;
	int			n_array_keys;
	int			j;

	/* Allocate array for ScanKey structs: one per qual */
	n_scan_keys = list_length(quals);
	scan_keys = (ScanKey) palloc(n_scan_keys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));

	 * runtime_keys array is dynamically resized as needed.  We handle it this
	 * way so that the same runtime keys array can be shared between
	 * indexquals and indexorderbys, which will be processed in separate calls
	 * of this function.  Caller must be sure to pass in NULL/0 for first
	 * call.
	runtime_keys = *runtimeKeys;
	n_runtime_keys = max_runtime_keys = *numRuntimeKeys;

	/* Allocate array_keys as large as it could possibly need to be */
	array_keys = (IndexArrayKeyInfo *)
		palloc0(n_scan_keys * sizeof(IndexArrayKeyInfo));
	n_array_keys = 0;

	 * for each opclause in the given qual, convert the opclause into a single
	 * scan key
	j = 0;
	foreach(qual_cell, quals)
		Expr	   *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(qual_cell);
		ScanKey		this_scan_key = &scan_keys[j++];
		Oid			opno;		/* operator's OID */
		RegProcedure opfuncid;	/* operator proc id used in scan */
		Oid			opfamily;	/* opfamily of index column */
		int			op_strategy;	/* operator's strategy number */
		Oid			op_lefttype;	/* operator's declared input types */
		Oid			op_righttype;
		Expr	   *leftop;		/* expr on lhs of operator */
		Expr	   *rightop;	/* expr on rhs ... */
		AttrNumber	varattno;	/* att number used in scan */
		int			indnkeyatts;

		indnkeyatts = IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(index);
		if (IsA(clause, OpExpr))
			/* indexkey op const or indexkey op expression */
			int			flags = 0;
			Datum		scanvalue;

			opno = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opno;
			opfuncid = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opfuncid;

			 * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled
			leftop = (Expr *) get_leftop(clause);

			if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
				leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;

			Assert(leftop != NULL);

			if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) &&
				  ((Var *) leftop)->varno == INDEX_VAR))
				elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side");

			varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno;
			if (varattno < 1 || varattno > indnkeyatts)
				elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification");

			 * We have to look up the operator's strategy number.  This
			 * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index.
			opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1];

			get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby,

			if (isorderby)
				flags |= SK_ORDER_BY;

			 * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value
			rightop = (Expr *) get_rightop(clause);

			if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType))
				rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg;

			Assert(rightop != NULL);

			if (IsA(rightop, Const))
				/* OK, simple constant comparison value */
				scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue;
				if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull)
					flags |= SK_ISNULL;
				/* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */
				if (n_runtime_keys >= max_runtime_keys)
					if (max_runtime_keys == 0)
						max_runtime_keys = 8;
						runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
							palloc(max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
						max_runtime_keys *= 2;
						runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
							repalloc(runtime_keys, max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
				runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key;
				runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr =
					ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate);
				runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_toastable =
				scanvalue = (Datum) 0;

			 * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately
								   varattno,	/* attribute number to scan */
								   op_strategy, /* op's strategy */
								   op_righttype,	/* strategy subtype */
								   ((OpExpr *) clause)->inputcollid,	/* collation */
								   opfuncid,	/* reg proc to use */
								   scanvalue);	/* constant */
		else if (IsA(clause, RowCompareExpr))
			/* (indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expression, expression, ...) */
			RowCompareExpr *rc = (RowCompareExpr *) clause;
			ScanKey		first_sub_key;
			int			n_sub_key;
			ListCell   *largs_cell;
			ListCell   *rargs_cell;
			ListCell   *opnos_cell;
			ListCell   *collids_cell;


			first_sub_key = (ScanKey)
				palloc(list_length(rc->opnos) * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
			n_sub_key = 0;

			/* Scan RowCompare columns and generate subsidiary ScanKey items */
			forfour(largs_cell, rc->largs, rargs_cell, rc->rargs,
					opnos_cell, rc->opnos, collids_cell, rc->inputcollids)
				ScanKey		this_sub_key = &first_sub_key[n_sub_key];
				int			flags = SK_ROW_MEMBER;
				Datum		scanvalue;
				Oid			inputcollation;

				leftop = (Expr *) lfirst(largs_cell);
				rightop = (Expr *) lfirst(rargs_cell);
				opno = lfirst_oid(opnos_cell);
				inputcollation = lfirst_oid(collids_cell);

				 * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled
				if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
					leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;

				Assert(leftop != NULL);

				if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) &&
					  ((Var *) leftop)->varno == INDEX_VAR))
					elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side");

				varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno;

				 * We have to look up the operator's associated btree support
				 * function
				if (index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID ||
					varattno < 1 || varattno > indnkeyatts)
					elog(ERROR, "bogus RowCompare index qualification");
				opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1];

				get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby,

				if (op_strategy != rc->rctype)
					elog(ERROR, "RowCompare index qualification contains wrong operator");

				opfuncid = get_opfamily_proc(opfamily,
				if (!RegProcedureIsValid(opfuncid))
					elog(ERROR, "missing support function %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u",
						 BTORDER_PROC, op_lefttype, op_righttype, opfamily);

				 * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value
				if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType))
					rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg;

				Assert(rightop != NULL);

				if (IsA(rightop, Const))
					/* OK, simple constant comparison value */
					scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue;
					if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull)
						flags |= SK_ISNULL;
					/* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */
					if (n_runtime_keys >= max_runtime_keys)
						if (max_runtime_keys == 0)
							max_runtime_keys = 8;
							runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
								palloc(max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
							max_runtime_keys *= 2;
							runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
								repalloc(runtime_keys, max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_sub_key;
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr =
						ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate);
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_toastable =
					scanvalue = (Datum) 0;

				 * initialize the subsidiary scan key's fields appropriately
									   varattno,	/* attribute number */
									   op_strategy, /* op's strategy */
									   op_righttype,	/* strategy subtype */
									   inputcollation,	/* collation */
									   opfuncid,	/* reg proc to use */
									   scanvalue);	/* constant */

			/* Mark the last subsidiary scankey correctly */
			first_sub_key[n_sub_key - 1].sk_flags |= SK_ROW_END;

			 * We don't use ScanKeyEntryInitialize for the header because it
			 * isn't going to contain a valid sk_func pointer.
			MemSet(this_scan_key, 0, sizeof(ScanKeyData));
			this_scan_key->sk_flags = SK_ROW_HEADER;
			this_scan_key->sk_attno = first_sub_key->sk_attno;
			this_scan_key->sk_strategy = rc->rctype;
			/* sk_subtype, sk_collation, sk_func not used in a header */
			this_scan_key->sk_argument = PointerGetDatum(first_sub_key);
		else if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr))
			/* indexkey op ANY (array-expression) */
			ScalarArrayOpExpr *saop = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) clause;
			int			flags = 0;
			Datum		scanvalue;


			opno = saop->opno;
			opfuncid = saop->opfuncid;

			 * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled
			leftop = (Expr *) linitial(saop->args);

			if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
				leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;

			Assert(leftop != NULL);

			if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) &&
				  ((Var *) leftop)->varno == INDEX_VAR))
				elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side");

			varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno;
			if (varattno < 1 || varattno > indnkeyatts)
				elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification");

			 * We have to look up the operator's strategy number.  This
			 * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index.
			opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1];

			get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby,

			 * rightop is the constant or variable array value
			rightop = (Expr *) lsecond(saop->args);

			if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType))
				rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg;

			Assert(rightop != NULL);

			if (index->rd_indam->amsearcharray)
				/* Index AM will handle this like a simple operator */
				flags |= SK_SEARCHARRAY;
				if (IsA(rightop, Const))
					/* OK, simple constant comparison value */
					scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue;
					if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull)
						flags |= SK_ISNULL;
					/* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */
					if (n_runtime_keys >= max_runtime_keys)
						if (max_runtime_keys == 0)
							max_runtime_keys = 8;
							runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
								palloc(max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
							max_runtime_keys *= 2;
							runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *)
								repalloc(runtime_keys, max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo));
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key;
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr =
						ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate);

					 * Careful here: the runtime expression is not of
					 * op_righttype, but rather is an array of same; so
					 * TypeIsToastable() isn't helpful.  However, we can
					 * assume that all array types are toastable.
					runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_toastable = true;
					scanvalue = (Datum) 0;
				/* Executor has to expand the array value */
				array_keys[n_array_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key;
				array_keys[n_array_keys].array_expr =
					ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate);
				/* the remaining fields were zeroed by palloc0 */
				scanvalue = (Datum) 0;

			 * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately
								   varattno,	/* attribute number to scan */
								   op_strategy, /* op's strategy */
								   op_righttype,	/* strategy subtype */
								   saop->inputcollid,	/* collation */
								   opfuncid,	/* reg proc to use */
								   scanvalue);	/* constant */
		else if (IsA(clause, NullTest))
			/* indexkey IS NULL or indexkey IS NOT NULL */
			NullTest   *ntest = (NullTest *) clause;
			int			flags;


			 * argument should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled
			leftop = ntest->arg;

			if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
				leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;

			Assert(leftop != NULL);

			if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) &&
				  ((Var *) leftop)->varno == INDEX_VAR))
				elog(ERROR, "NullTest indexqual has wrong key");

			varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno;

			 * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately
			switch (ntest->nulltesttype)
				case IS_NULL:
				case IS_NOT_NULL:
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized nulltesttype: %d",
						 (int) ntest->nulltesttype);
					flags = 0;	/* keep compiler quiet */

								   varattno,	/* attribute number to scan */
								   InvalidStrategy, /* no strategy */
								   InvalidOid,	/* no strategy subtype */
								   InvalidOid,	/* no collation */
								   InvalidOid,	/* no reg proc for this */
								   (Datum) 0);	/* constant */
			elog(ERROR, "unsupported indexqual type: %d",
				 (int) nodeTag(clause));

	Assert(n_runtime_keys <= max_runtime_keys);

	/* Get rid of any unused arrays */
	if (n_array_keys == 0)
		array_keys = NULL;

	 * Return info to our caller.
	*scanKeys = scan_keys;
	*numScanKeys = n_scan_keys;
	*runtimeKeys = runtime_keys;
	*numRuntimeKeys = n_runtime_keys;
	if (arrayKeys)
		*arrayKeys = array_keys;
		*numArrayKeys = n_array_keys;
	else if (n_array_keys != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "ScalarArrayOpExpr index qual found where not allowed");

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *						Parallel Scan Support
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexScanEstimate
 *		Compute the amount of space we'll need in the parallel
 *		query DSM, and inform pcxt->estimator about our needs.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexScanEstimate(IndexScanState *node,
					  ParallelContext *pcxt)
	EState	   *estate = node->;

	node->iss_PscanLen = index_parallelscan_estimate(node->iss_RelationDesc,
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, node->iss_PscanLen);
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM
 *		Set up a parallel index scan descriptor.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM(IndexScanState *node,
						   ParallelContext *pcxt)
	EState	   *estate = node->;
	ParallelIndexScanDesc piscan;

	piscan = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, node->iss_PscanLen);
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, node->>plan_node_id, piscan);
	node->iss_ScanDesc =

	 * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and pass
	 * the scankeys to the index AM.
	if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
					 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
					 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM
 *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM(IndexScanState *node,
							 ParallelContext *pcxt)

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker
 *		Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker(IndexScanState *node,
							  ParallelWorkerContext *pwcxt)
	ParallelIndexScanDesc piscan;

	piscan = shm_toc_lookup(pwcxt->toc, node->>plan_node_id, false);
	node->iss_ScanDesc =

	 * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and pass
	 * the scankeys to the index AM.
	if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
					 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
					 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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