spark UI 源码
spark UI 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.spark.internal.config
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
private[spark] object UI {
val UI_SHOW_CONSOLE_PROGRESS = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.showConsoleProgress")
.doc("When true, show the progress bar in the console.")
val UI_ENABLED = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.enabled")
.doc("Whether to run the web UI for the Spark application.")
val UI_PORT = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.port")
.doc("Port for your application's dashboard, which shows memory and workload data.")
val UI_FILTERS = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.filters")
.doc("Comma separated list of filter class names to apply to the Spark Web UI.")
val UI_ALLOW_FRAMING_FROM = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.allowFramingFrom")
val UI_REVERSE_PROXY = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.reverseProxy")
.doc("Enable running Spark Master as reverse proxy for worker and application UIs. " +
"In this mode, Spark master will reverse proxy the worker and application UIs to enable " +
"access without requiring direct access to their hosts. Use it with caution, as worker " +
"and application UI will not be accessible directly, you will only be able to access them" +
"through spark master/proxy public URL. This setting affects all the workers and " +
"application UIs running in the cluster and must be set on all the workers, drivers " +
" and masters.")
val UI_REVERSE_PROXY_URL = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.reverseProxyUrl")
.doc("This is the URL where your proxy is running. This URL is for proxy which is running " +
"in front of Spark Master. This is useful when running proxy for authentication e.g. " +
"OAuth proxy. Make sure this is a complete URL including scheme (http/https) and port to " +
"reach your proxy.")
.checkValue ({ s =>
val words = s.split("/")
!words.contains("proxy") && !words.contains("history") },
"Cannot use the keyword 'proxy' or 'history' in reverse proxy URL. Spark UI relies on both " +
"keywords for getting REST API endpoints from URIs.")
val UI_KILL_ENABLED = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.killEnabled")
.doc("Allows jobs and stages to be killed from the web UI.")
val UI_THREAD_DUMPS_ENABLED = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.threadDumpsEnabled")
val UI_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.prometheus.enabled")
.doc("Expose executor metrics at /metrics/executors/prometheus. " +
"For master/worker/driver metrics, you need to configure `conf/`.")
val UI_X_XSS_PROTECTION = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.xXssProtection")
.doc("Value for HTTP X-XSS-Protection response header")
.createWithDefaultString("1; mode=block")
val UI_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.xContentTypeOptions.enabled")
.doc("Set to 'true' for setting X-Content-Type-Options HTTP response header to 'nosniff'")
val UI_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.strictTransportSecurity")
.doc("Value for HTTP Strict Transport Security Response Header")
val UI_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.requestHeaderSize")
.doc("Value for HTTP request header size in bytes.")
val UI_TIMELINE_ENABLED = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.timelineEnabled")
.doc("Whether to display event timeline data on UI pages.")
val UI_TIMELINE_TASKS_MAXIMUM = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.timeline.tasks.maximum")
val UI_TIMELINE_JOBS_MAXIMUM = ConfigBuilder("")
val UI_TIMELINE_STAGES_MAXIMUM = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.timeline.stages.maximum")
val UI_TIMELINE_EXECUTORS_MAXIMUM = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.timeline.executors.maximum")
val ACLS_ENABLE = ConfigBuilder("spark.acls.enable")
val UI_VIEW_ACLS = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.view.acls")
val UI_VIEW_ACLS_GROUPS = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.view.acls.groups")
val ADMIN_ACLS = ConfigBuilder("spark.admin.acls")
val ADMIN_ACLS_GROUPS = ConfigBuilder("spark.admin.acls.groups")
val MODIFY_ACLS = ConfigBuilder("spark.modify.acls")
val MODIFY_ACLS_GROUPS = ConfigBuilder("spark.modify.acls.groups")
val USER_GROUPS_MAPPING = ConfigBuilder("spark.user.groups.mapping")
val PROXY_REDIRECT_URI = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.proxyRedirectUri")
.doc("Proxy address to use when responding with HTTP redirects.")
val CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_LOG_URL = ConfigBuilder("spark.ui.custom.executor.log.url")
.doc("Specifies custom spark executor log url for supporting external log service instead of " +
"using cluster managers' application log urls in the Spark UI. Spark will support " +
"some path variables via patterns which can vary on cluster manager. Please check the " +
"documentation for your cluster manager to see which patterns are supported, if any. " +
"This configuration replaces original log urls in event log, which will be also effective " +
"when accessing the application on history server. The new log urls must be permanent, " +
"otherwise you might have dead link for executor log urls.")
val MASTER_UI_DECOMMISSION_ALLOW_MODE = ConfigBuilder("spark.master.ui.decommission.allow.mode")
.doc("Specifies the behavior of the Master Web UI's /workers/kill endpoint. Possible choices" +
" are: `LOCAL` means allow this endpoint from IP's that are local to the machine running" +
" the Master, `DENY` means to completely disable this endpoint, `ALLOW` means to allow" +
" calling this endpoint from any IP.")
- 所属分类: 前端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦