greenplumn nodeHashjoin 源码

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greenplumn nodeHashjoin 代码


 * nodeHashjoin.c
 *	  Routines to handle hash join nodes
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/nodeHashjoin.c
 * Hash joins can participate in parallel query execution in several ways.  A
 * parallel-oblivious hash join is one where the node is unaware that it is
 * part of a parallel plan.  In this case, a copy of the inner plan is used to
 * build a copy of the hash table in every backend, and the outer plan could
 * either be built from a partial or complete path, so that the results of the
 * hash join are correspondingly either partial or complete.  A parallel-aware
 * hash join is one that behaves differently, coordinating work between
 * backends, and appears as Parallel Hash Join in EXPLAIN output.  A Parallel
 * Hash Join always appears with a Parallel Hash node.
 * Parallel-aware hash joins use the same per-backend state machine to track
 * progress through the hash join algorithm as parallel-oblivious hash joins.
 * In a parallel-aware hash join, there is also a shared state machine that
 * co-operating backends use to synchronize their local state machines and
 * program counters.  The shared state machine is managed with a Barrier IPC
 * primitive.  When all attached participants arrive at a barrier, the phase
 * advances and all waiting participants are released.
 * When a participant begins working on a parallel hash join, it must first
 * figure out how much progress has already been made, because participants
 * don't wait for each other to begin.  For this reason there are switch
 * statements at key points in the code where we have to synchronize our local
 * state machine with the phase, and then jump to the correct part of the
 * algorithm so that we can get started.
 * One barrier called build_barrier is used to coordinate the hashing phases.
 * The phase is represented by an integer which begins at zero and increments
 * one by one, but in the code it is referred to by symbolic names as follows:
 *   PHJ_BUILD_ELECTING              -- initial state
 *   PHJ_BUILD_ALLOCATING            -- one sets up the batches and table 0
 *   PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER         -- all hash the inner rel
 *   PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_OUTER         -- (multi-batch only) all hash the outer
 *   PHJ_BUILD_DONE                  -- building done, probing can begin
 * While in the phase PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER a separate pair of barriers may
 * be used repeatedly as required to coordinate expansions in the number of
 * batches or buckets.  Their phases are as follows:
 *   PHJ_GROW_BATCHES_ELECTING       -- initial state
 *   PHJ_GROW_BATCHES_ALLOCATING     -- one allocates new batches
 *   PHJ_GROW_BATCHES_FINISHING      -- one cleans up, detects skew
 *   PHJ_GROW_BUCKETS_ELECTING       -- initial state
 *   PHJ_GROW_BUCKETS_ALLOCATING     -- one allocates new buckets
 *   PHJ_GROW_BUCKETS_REINSERTING    -- all insert tuples
 * If the planner got the number of batches and buckets right, those won't be
 * necessary, but on the other hand we might finish up needing to expand the
 * buckets or batches multiple times while hashing the inner relation to stay
 * within our memory budget and load factor target.  For that reason it's a
 * separate pair of barriers using circular phases.
 * The PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_OUTER phase is required only for multi-batch joins,
 * because we need to divide the outer relation into batches up front in order
 * to be able to process batches entirely independently.  In contrast, the
 * parallel-oblivious algorithm simply throws tuples 'forward' to 'later'
 * batches whenever it encounters them while scanning and probing, which it
 * can do because it processes batches in serial order.
 * Once PHJ_BUILD_DONE is reached, backends then split up and process
 * different batches, or gang up and work together on probing batches if there
 * aren't enough to go around.  For each batch there is a separate barrier
 * with the following phases:
 *  PHJ_BATCH_ELECTING       -- initial state
 *  PHJ_BATCH_ALLOCATING     -- one allocates buckets
 *  PHJ_BATCH_LOADING        -- all load the hash table from disk
 *  PHJ_BATCH_PROBING        -- all probe
 *  PHJ_BATCH_DONE           -- end
 * Batch 0 is a special case, because it starts out in phase
 * PHJ_BATCH_PROBING; populating batch 0's hash table is done during
 * PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_INNER so we can skip loading.
 * Initially we try to plan for a single-batch hash join using the combined
 * work_mem of all participants to create a large shared hash table.  If that
 * turns out either at planning or execution time to be impossible then we
 * fall back to regular work_mem sized hash tables.
 * To avoid deadlocks, we never wait for any barrier unless it is known that
 * all other backends attached to it are actively executing the node or have
 * already arrived.  Practically, that means that we never return a tuple
 * while attached to a barrier, unless the barrier has reached its final
 * state.  In the slightly special case of the per-batch barrier, we return
 * tuples while in PHJ_BATCH_PROBING phase, but that's OK because we use
 * BarrierArriveAndDetach() to advance it to PHJ_BATCH_DONE without waiting.

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/parallel.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/hashjoin.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h"	/* Instrumentation */
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/sharedtuplestore.h"

#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"			/* work_mem */
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"

 * States of the ExecHashJoin state machine
#define HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER		2
#define HJ_SCAN_BUCKET			3
#define HJ_NEED_NEW_BATCH		6

/* Returns true if doing null-fill on outer relation */
#define HJ_FILL_OUTER(hjstate)	((hjstate)->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot != NULL)
/* Returns true if doing null-fill on inner relation */
#define HJ_FILL_INNER(hjstate)	((hjstate)->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot != NULL)

extern bool Test_print_prefetch_joinqual;

static TupleTableSlot *ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(PlanState *outerNode,
												 HashJoinState *hjstate,
												 uint32 *hashvalue);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecParallelHashJoinOuterGetTuple(PlanState *outerNode,
														 HashJoinState *hjstate,
														 uint32 *hashvalue);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(HashJoinState *hjstate,
												 BufFile *file,
												 uint32 *hashvalue,
												 TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot);
static bool ExecHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate);
static bool isNotDistinctJoin(List *qualList);
static bool ExecParallelHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate);
static void ExecParallelHashJoinPartitionOuter(HashJoinState *node);

static void ReleaseHashTable(HashJoinState *node);

static void SpillCurrentBatch(HashJoinState *node);
static bool ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable(HashJoinState *hjstate);
static void ExecEagerFreeHashJoin(HashJoinState *node);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashJoinImpl
 *		This function implements the Hybrid Hashjoin algorithm.  It is marked
 *		with an always-inline attribute so that ExecHashJoin() and
 *		ExecParallelHashJoin() can inline it.  Compilers that respect the
 *		attribute should create versions specialized for parallel == true and
 *		parallel == false with unnecessary branches removed.
 *		Note: the relation we build hash table on is the "inner"
 *			  the other one is "outer".
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static pg_attribute_always_inline TupleTableSlot *
ExecHashJoinImpl(PlanState *pstate, bool parallel)
	HashJoinState *node = castNode(HashJoinState, pstate);
	PlanState  *outerNode;
	HashState  *hashNode;
	ExprState  *joinqual;
	ExprState  *otherqual;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	HashJoinTable hashtable;
	TupleTableSlot *outerTupleSlot;
	uint32		hashvalue;
	int			batchno;
	ParallelHashJoinState *parallel_state;
	EState	   *estate;

	 * get information from HashJoin node
	estate = node->;
	joinqual = node->js.joinqual;
	otherqual = node->;
	hashNode = (HashState *) innerPlanState(node);
	outerNode = outerPlanState(node);
	hashtable = node->hj_HashTable;
	econtext = node->;
	parallel_state = hashNode->parallel_state;

	 * Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation
	 * storage allocated in the previous tuple cycle.

	 * run the hash join state machine
	for (;;)
		/* We must never use an eagerly released hash table */
		Assert(hashtable == NULL || !hashtable->eagerlyReleased);
		 * It's possible to iterate this loop many times before returning a
		 * tuple, in some pathological cases such as needing to move much of
		 * the current batch to a later batch.  So let's check for interrupts
		 * each time through.

		switch (node->hj_JoinState)

				 * First time through: build hash table for inner relation.
				Assert(hashtable == NULL);

				 * MPP-4165: My fix for MPP-3300 was correct in that we avoided
				 * the *deadlock* but had very unexpected (and painful)
				 * performance characteristics: we basically de-pipeline and
				 * de-parallelize execution of any query which has motion below
				 * us.
				 * So now prefetch_inner is set (see createplan.c) if we have *any* motion
				 * below us. If we don't have any motion, it doesn't matter.
				 * See motion_sanity_walker() for details on how a deadlock may occur.
				if (!node->prefetch_inner)
					 * If the outer relation is completely empty, and it's not
					 * right/full join, we can quit without building the hash
					 * table.  However, for an inner join it is only a win to
					 * check this when the outer relation's startup cost is less
					 * than the projected cost of building the hash table.
					 * Otherwise it's best to build the hash table first and see
					 * if the inner relation is empty.  (When it's a left join, we
					 * should always make this check, since we aren't going to be
					 * able to skip the join on the strength of an empty inner
					 * relation anyway.)
					 * If we are rescanning the join, we make use of information
					 * gained on the previous scan: don't bother to try the
					 * prefetch if the previous scan found the outer relation
					 * nonempty. This is not 100% reliable since with new
					 * parameters the outer relation might yield different
					 * results, but it's a good heuristic.
					 * The only way to make the check is to try to fetch a tuple
					 * from the outer plan node.  If we succeed, we have to stash
					 * it away for later consumption by ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple.
					if (HJ_FILL_INNER(node))
						/* no chance to not build the hash table */
						node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;
					else if (parallel)
						 * The empty-outer optimization is not implemented for
						 * shared hash tables, because no one participant can
						 * determine that there are no outer tuples, and it's not
						 * yet clear that it's worth the synchronization overhead
						 * of reaching consensus to figure that out.  So we have
						 * to build the hash table.
						node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;
					else if (HJ_FILL_OUTER(node) ||
						 (outerNode->plan->startup_cost < hashNode->ps.plan->total_cost &&
						node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);
						if (TupIsNull(node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot))
							node->hj_OuterNotEmpty = false;
							return NULL;
							node->hj_OuterNotEmpty = true;
						node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;
					/* see MPP-989 comment above, for now we assume that we have
					* at least one row on the outer. */
					node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;

				 * Create the hash table.  If using Parallel Hash, then
				 * whoever gets here first will create the hash table and any
				 * later arrivals will merely attach to it.
				hashtable = ExecHashTableCreate(hashNode,
				 * hashNode->hs_keepnull is required to support using IS NOT DISTINCT FROM as hash condition
				 * For example, in ORCA, `explain SELECT t2.a FROM t2 INTERSECT (SELECT t1.a FROM t1);`
												HJ_FILL_INNER(node) || hashNode->hs_keepnull,
												PlanStateOperatorMemKB((PlanState *) hashNode));
				node->hj_HashTable = hashtable;

				 * CDB: Offer extra info for EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
				if ((estate->es_instrument & INSTRUMENT_CDB))
					ExecHashTableExplainInit(hashNode, node, hashtable);

				 * Only if doing a LASJ_NOTIN join, we want to quit as soon as we find
				 * a NULL key on the inner side
				hashNode->hs_quit_if_hashkeys_null = (node->js.jointype == JOIN_LASJ_NOTIN);

				 * Execute the Hash node, to build the hash table.  If using
				 * Parallel Hash, then we'll try to help hashing unless we
				 * arrived too late.
				hashNode->hashtable = hashtable;
				(void) MultiExecProcNode((PlanState *) hashNode);

#ifdef HJDEBUG
				elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashJoin built table with %.1f tuples by executing subplan for batch 0", hashtable->totalTuples);

				 * If LASJ_NOTIN and a null was found on the inner side, then clean out.
				if (node->js.jointype == JOIN_LASJ_NOTIN && hashNode->hs_hashkeys_null)
					return NULL;

				 * If the inner relation is completely empty, and we're not
				 * doing a left outer join, we can quit without scanning the
				 * outer relation.
				if (hashtable->totalTuples == 0 && !HJ_FILL_OUTER(node))
					return NULL;

				 * Prefetch JoinQual or NonJoinQual to prevent motion hazard.
				 * See ExecPrefetchQual() for details.
				if (node->prefetch_joinqual)
					ExecPrefetchQual(&node->js, true);
					node->prefetch_joinqual = false;

				if (node->prefetch_qual)
					ExecPrefetchQual(&node->js, false);
					node->prefetch_qual = false;

				 * We just scanned the entire inner side and built the hashtable
				 * (and its overflow batches). Check here and remember if the inner
				 * side is empty.
				node->hj_InnerEmpty = (hashtable->totalTuples == 0);

				 * need to remember whether nbatch has increased since we
				 * began scanning the outer relation
				hashtable->nbatch_outstart = hashtable->nbatch;

				 * Reset OuterNotEmpty for scan.  (It's OK if we fetched a
				 * tuple above, because ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple will
				 * immediately set it again.)
				node->hj_OuterNotEmpty = false;

				if (parallel)
					Barrier    *build_barrier;

					build_barrier = &parallel_state->build_barrier;
					Assert(BarrierPhase(build_barrier) == PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_OUTER ||
						   BarrierPhase(build_barrier) == PHJ_BUILD_DONE);
					if (BarrierPhase(build_barrier) == PHJ_BUILD_HASHING_OUTER)
						 * If multi-batch, we need to hash the outer relation
						 * up front.
						if (hashtable->nbatch > 1)
					Assert(BarrierPhase(build_barrier) == PHJ_BUILD_DONE);

					/* Each backend should now select a batch to work on. */
					hashtable->curbatch = -1;
					node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_BATCH;

					node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

				/* FALL THRU */


				/* For a rescannable hash table we might need to reload batch 0 during rescan */
				if (hashtable->curbatch == -1 && !hashtable->first_pass)
					hashtable->curbatch = 0;
					if (!ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable(node))
						return NULL;

				 * We don't have an outer tuple, try to get the next one
				if (parallel)
					outerTupleSlot =
						ExecParallelHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, node,
					outerTupleSlot =
						ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, node, &hashvalue);

				if (TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot))
					/* end of batch, or maybe whole join */
					if (HJ_FILL_INNER(node))
						/* set up to scan for unmatched inner tuples */
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_FILL_INNER_TUPLES;
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_BATCH;

				econtext->ecxt_outertuple = outerTupleSlot;
				node->hj_MatchedOuter = false;

				 * Find the corresponding bucket for this tuple in the main
				 * hash table or skew hash table.
				node->hj_CurHashValue = hashvalue;
				ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch(hashtable, hashvalue,
										  &node->hj_CurBucketNo, &batchno);
				node->hj_CurSkewBucketNo = ExecHashGetSkewBucket(hashtable,
				node->hj_CurTuple = NULL;

				 * The tuple might not belong to the current batch (where
				 * "current batch" includes the skew buckets if any).
				if (batchno != hashtable->curbatch &&
					node->hj_CurSkewBucketNo == INVALID_SKEW_BUCKET_NO)
					bool		shouldFree;
					MinimalTuple mintuple = ExecFetchSlotMinimalTuple(outerTupleSlot,

					 * Need to postpone this outer tuple to a later batch.
					 * Save it in the corresponding outer-batch file.
					Assert(parallel_state == NULL);
					Assert(batchno > hashtable->curbatch);
					ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(&node->, mintuple,

					if (shouldFree)

					/* Loop around, staying in HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER state */

				/* OK, let's scan the bucket for matches */
				node->hj_JoinState = HJ_SCAN_BUCKET;

				/* FALL THRU */


				 * OPT-3325: Handle NULLs in the outer side of LASJ_NOTIN
				 *  - if tuple is NULL and inner is not empty, drop outer tuple
				 *  - if tuple is NULL and inner is empty, keep going as we'll
				 *    find no match for this tuple in the inner side
				if (node->js.jointype == JOIN_LASJ_NOTIN &&
					!node->hj_InnerEmpty &&
					node->hj_MatchedOuter = true;
					node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

				 * Scan the selected hash bucket for matches to current outer
				if (parallel)
					if (!ExecParallelScanHashBucket(hashNode, node, econtext))
						/* out of matches; check for possible outer-join fill */
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_FILL_OUTER_TUPLE;
					if (!ExecScanHashBucket(hashNode, node, econtext))
						/* out of matches; check for possible outer-join fill */
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_FILL_OUTER_TUPLE;

				 * We've got a match, but still need to test non-hashed quals.
				 * ExecScanHashBucket already set up all the state needed to
				 * call ExecQual.
				 * If we pass the qual, then save state for next call and have
				 * ExecProject form the projection, store it in the tuple
				 * table, and return the slot.
				 * Only the joinquals determine tuple match status, but all
				 * quals must pass to actually return the tuple.
				if (joinqual == NULL || ExecQual(joinqual, econtext))
					node->hj_MatchedOuter = true;

					/* In an antijoin, we never return a matched tuple */
					if (node->js.jointype == JOIN_ANTI ||
						node->js.jointype == JOIN_LASJ_NOTIN)
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

					 * If we only need to join to the first matching inner
					 * tuple, then consider returning this one, but after that
					 * continue with next outer tuple.
					if (node->js.single_match)
						node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

					if (otherqual == NULL || ExecQual(otherqual, econtext))
						return ExecProject(node->;
						InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);
					InstrCountFiltered1(node, 1);


				 * The current outer tuple has run out of matches, so check
				 * whether to emit a dummy outer-join tuple.  Whether we emit
				 * one or not, the next state is NEED_NEW_OUTER.
				node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

				if (!node->hj_MatchedOuter &&
					 * Generate a fake join tuple with nulls for the inner
					 * tuple, and return it if it passes the non-join quals.
					econtext->ecxt_innertuple = node->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot;

					if (otherqual == NULL || ExecQual(otherqual, econtext))
						return ExecProject(node->;
						InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);


				 * We have finished a batch, but we are doing right/full join,
				 * so any unmatched inner tuples in the hashtable have to be
				 * emitted before we continue to the next batch.
				if (!ExecScanHashTableForUnmatched(node, econtext))
					/* no more unmatched tuples */
					node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_BATCH;

				 * Generate a fake join tuple with nulls for the outer tuple,
				 * and return it if it passes the non-join quals.
				econtext->ecxt_outertuple = node->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot;

				if (otherqual == NULL || ExecQual(otherqual, econtext))
					return ExecProject(node->;
					InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);


				 * Try to advance to next batch.  Done if there are no more.
				if (parallel)
					if (!ExecParallelHashJoinNewBatch(node))
						return NULL;	/* end of parallel-aware join */
					if (!ExecHashJoinNewBatch(node))
						return NULL;	/* end of parallel-oblivious join */
				node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized hashjoin state: %d",
					 (int) node->hj_JoinState);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashJoin
 *		Parallel-oblivious version.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *			/* return: a tuple or NULL */
ExecHashJoin(PlanState *pstate)
	TupleTableSlot *result;

	 * On sufficiently smart compilers this should be inlined with the
	 * parallel-aware branches removed.
	result = ExecHashJoinImpl(pstate, false);

	if (TupIsNull(result) && !((HashJoinState *) pstate)->reuse_hashtable)
		 * CDB: We'll read no more from inner subtree. To keep our
		 * sibling QEs from being starved, tell source QEs not to
		 * clog up the pipeline with our never-to-be-consumed
		 * data.

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecParallelHashJoin
 *		Parallel-aware version.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *			/* return: a tuple or NULL */
ExecParallelHashJoin(PlanState *pstate)
	TupleTableSlot *result;

	 * On sufficiently smart compilers this should be inlined with the
	 * parallel-oblivious branches removed.
	result = ExecHashJoinImpl(pstate, true);

	if (TupIsNull(result) && !((HashJoinState *) pstate)->reuse_hashtable)
		 * CDB: We'll read no more from inner subtree. To keep our
		 * sibling QEs from being starved, tell source QEs not to
		 * clog up the pipeline with our never-to-be-consumed
		 * data.

	return result;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitHashJoin
 *		Init routine for HashJoin node.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
HashJoinState *
ExecInitHashJoin(HashJoin *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	HashJoinState *hjstate;
	Plan	   *outerNode;
	Hash	   *hashNode;
	List	   *lclauses;
	List	   *rclauses;
	List	   *rhclauses;
	List	   *hoperators;
	List	   *hcollations;
	TupleDesc	outerDesc,
	ListCell   *l;
	const TupleTableSlotOps *ops;

	/* check for unsupported flags */
	Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));

	 * create state structure
	hjstate = makeNode(HashJoinState);
	hjstate-> = (Plan *) node;
	hjstate-> = estate;
	hjstate->reuse_hashtable = (eflags & EXEC_FLAG_REWIND) != 0;

	 * See ExecHashJoinInitializeDSM() and ExecHashJoinInitializeWorker()
	 * where this function may be replaced with a parallel version, if we
	 * managed to launch a parallel query.
	hjstate-> = ExecHashJoin;
	hjstate->js.jointype = node->join.jointype;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &hjstate->;

	if (node->hashqualclauses != NIL)
		/* CDB: This must be an IS NOT DISTINCT join!  */
		hjstate->hj_nonequijoin = true;
		hjstate->hj_nonequijoin = false;

	 * MPP-3300, we only pre-build hashtable if we need to (this is relaxing
	 * the fix to MPP-989)
	hjstate->prefetch_inner = node->join.prefetch_inner;
	hjstate->prefetch_joinqual = node->join.prefetch_joinqual;
	hjstate->prefetch_qual = node->join.prefetch_qual;

	if (Test_print_prefetch_joinqual && hjstate->prefetch_joinqual)
			 "prefetch join qual in slice %d of plannode %d",
			 currentSliceId, ((Plan *) node)->plan_node_id);

	 * reuse GUC Test_print_prefetch_joinqual to output debug information for
	 * prefetching non join qual
	if (Test_print_prefetch_joinqual && hjstate->prefetch_qual)
			 "prefetch non join qual in slice %d of plannode %d",
			 currentSliceId, ((Plan *) node)->plan_node_id);

	 * initialize child nodes
	 * Note: we could suppress the REWIND flag for the inner input, which
	 * would amount to betting that the hash will be a single batch.  Not
	 * clear if this would be a win or not.
	hashNode = (Hash *) innerPlan(node);
	outerNode = outerPlan(node);

	 * XXX The following order are significant.  We init Hash first, then the outerNode
	 * this is the same order as we execute (in the sense of the first exec called).
	 * Until we have a better way to uncouple, share input needs this to be true.  If the
	 * order is wrong, when both hash and outer node have share input and (both ?) have 
	 * a subquery node, share input will fail because the estate of the nodes can not be
	 * set up correctly.
    innerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode((Plan *) hashNode, estate, eflags);
    innerDesc = ExecGetResultType(innerPlanState(hjstate));
	((HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate))->hs_keepnull = hjstate->hj_nonequijoin;

	outerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags);
	outerDesc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(hjstate));

	 * Initialize result slot, type and projection.
	ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(&hjstate->, &TTSOpsVirtual);
	ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&hjstate->, NULL);

	 * tuple table initialization
	ops = ExecGetResultSlotOps(outerPlanState(hjstate), NULL);
	hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, outerDesc,

	 * detect whether we need only consider the first matching inner tuple
	hjstate->js.single_match = (node->join.inner_unique ||
								node->join.jointype == JOIN_SEMI);

	/* set up null tuples for outer joins, if needed */
	switch (node->join.jointype)
		case JOIN_INNER:
		case JOIN_SEMI:
		case JOIN_LEFT:
		case JOIN_ANTI:
			hjstate->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot =
				ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, innerDesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
		case JOIN_RIGHT:
			hjstate->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot =
				ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, outerDesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
		case JOIN_FULL:
			hjstate->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot =
				ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, outerDesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
			hjstate->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot =
				ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, innerDesc, &TTSOpsVirtual);
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d",
				 (int) node->join.jointype);

	 * now for some voodoo.  our temporary tuple slot is actually the result
	 * tuple slot of the Hash node (which is our inner plan).  we can do this
	 * because Hash nodes don't return tuples via ExecProcNode() -- instead
	 * the hash join node uses ExecScanHashBucket() to get at the contents of
	 * the hash table.  -cim 6/9/91
		HashState  *hashstate = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);
		TupleTableSlot *slot = hashstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot;

		hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot = slot;

	 * initialize child expressions
	hjstate-> =
		ExecInitQual(node->join.plan.qual, (PlanState *) hjstate);
	hjstate->js.joinqual =
		ExecInitQual(node->join.joinqual, (PlanState *) hjstate);
	hjstate->hashclauses =
		ExecInitQual(node->hashclauses, (PlanState *) hjstate);

	if (node->hashqualclauses != NIL)
		hjstate->hashqualclauses =
			ExecInitQual(node->hashqualclauses, (PlanState *) hjstate);
		hjstate->hashqualclauses = hjstate->hashclauses;

	 * initialize hash-specific info
	hjstate->hj_HashTable = NULL;
	hjstate->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;

	hjstate->hj_CurHashValue = 0;
	hjstate->hj_CurBucketNo = 0;
	hjstate->hj_CurSkewBucketNo = INVALID_SKEW_BUCKET_NO;
	hjstate->hj_CurTuple = NULL;

	 * Deconstruct the hash clauses into outer and inner argument values, so
	 * that we can evaluate those subexpressions separately.  Also make a list
	 * of the hash operator OIDs, in preparation for looking up the hash
	 * functions to use.
	lclauses = NIL;
	rclauses = NIL;
	rhclauses = NIL;
	hoperators = NIL;
	hcollations = NIL;
	foreach(l, node->hashclauses)
		OpExpr	   *hclause = lfirst_node(OpExpr, l);

		lclauses = lappend(lclauses, ExecInitExpr(linitial(hclause->args),
												  (PlanState *) hjstate));
		rclauses = lappend(rclauses, ExecInitExpr(lsecond(hclause->args),
												  (PlanState *) hjstate));
		rhclauses = lappend(rhclauses, ExecInitExpr(lsecond(hclause->args),
		hoperators = lappend_oid(hoperators, hclause->opno);
		hcollations = lappend_oid(hcollations, hclause->inputcollid);
	hjstate->hj_OuterHashKeys = lclauses;
	hjstate->hj_InnerHashKeys = rclauses;
	hjstate->hj_HashOperators = hoperators;
	hjstate->hj_Collations = hcollations;
	/* child Hash node needs to evaluate inner hash keys, too */
	((HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate))->hashkeys = rhclauses;

	hjstate->hj_JoinState = HJ_BUILD_HASHTABLE;
	hjstate->hj_MatchedOuter = false;
	hjstate->hj_OuterNotEmpty = false;

	return hjstate;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndHashJoin
 *		clean up routine for HashJoin node
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndHashJoin(HashJoinState *node)
	 * Free hash table
	if (node->hj_HashTable)
		if (!node->hj_HashTable->eagerlyReleased)
			HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(node);

			ExecHashTableDestroy(hashState, node->hj_HashTable);
		node->hj_HashTable = NULL;

	 * Free the exprcontext

	 * clean out the tuple table

	 * clean up subtrees

 * ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple
 *		get the next outer tuple for a parallel oblivious hashjoin: either by
 *		executing the outer plan node in the first pass, or from the temp
 *		files for the hashjoin batches.
 * Returns a null slot if no more outer tuples (within the current batch).
 * On success, the tuple's hash value is stored at *hashvalue --- this is
 * either originally computed, or re-read from the temp file.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(PlanState *outerNode,
						  HashJoinState *hjstate,
						  uint32 *hashvalue)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	int			curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);

	/* Read tuples from outer relation only if it's the first batch */
	if (curbatch == 0)
		 * Check to see if first outer tuple was already fetched by
		 * ExecHashJoin() and not used yet.
		slot = hjstate->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot;
		if (!TupIsNull(slot))
			hjstate->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;
			slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);

		while (!TupIsNull(slot))
			 * We have to compute the tuple's hash value.
			econtext = hjstate->;
			econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot;

			bool hashkeys_null = false;
			bool keep_nulls = HJ_FILL_OUTER(hjstate) ||
			if (ExecHashGetHashValue(hashState, hashtable, econtext,
									 true,	/* outer tuple */
				/* remember outer relation is not empty for possible rescan */
				hjstate->hj_OuterNotEmpty = true;

				return slot;

			 * That tuple couldn't match because of a NULL, so discard it and
			 * continue with the next one.
			slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);

#ifdef HJDEBUG
		elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashJoin built table with %.1f tuples for batch %d", hashtable->totalTuples, curbatch);
	else if (curbatch < hashtable->nbatch)
		BufFile	   *file = hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch];

		 * In outer-join cases, we could get here even though the batch file
		 * is empty.
		if (file == NULL)
			return NULL;

		 * For batches > 0, we can be reading many many outer tuples from disk
		 * and probing them against the hashtable. If we don't find any
		 * matches, we'll keep coming back here to read tuples from disk and
		 * returning them (MPP-23213). Break this long tight loop here.

		if (QueryFinishPending)
			return NULL;

		slot = ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(hjstate,
		if (!TupIsNull(slot))
			return slot;

#ifdef HJDEBUG
		elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashJoin built table with %.1f tuples for batch %d", hashtable->totalTuples, curbatch);

	/* End of this batch */
	return NULL;

 * ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple variant for the parallel case.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecParallelHashJoinOuterGetTuple(PlanState *outerNode,
								  HashJoinState *hjstate,
								  uint32 *hashvalue)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	int			curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);

	 * In the Parallel Hash case we only run the outer plan directly for
	 * single-batch hash joins.  Otherwise we have to go to batch files, even
	 * for batch 0.
	if (curbatch == 0 && hashtable->nbatch == 1)
		slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);

		while (!TupIsNull(slot))
			ExprContext *econtext = hjstate->;
			bool		hashkeys_null = false;
			bool		keep_nulls;

			keep_nulls = HJ_FILL_OUTER(hjstate) ||

			econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot;
			if (ExecHashGetHashValue(hashState,
									 hashtable, econtext,
									 true,	/* outer tuple */
				return slot;

			 * That tuple couldn't match because of a NULL, so discard it and
			 * continue with the next one.
			slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);
	else if (curbatch < hashtable->nbatch)
		MinimalTuple tuple;

		tuple = sts_parallel_scan_next(hashtable->batches[curbatch].outer_tuples,
		if (tuple != NULL)
			slot = hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot;
			return slot;

	/* End of this batch */
	return NULL;

 * ExecHashJoinNewBatch
 *		switch to a new hashjoin batch
 * Returns true if successful, false if there are no more batches.
static bool
ExecHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	int			nbatch;
	int			curbatch;


	HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);

	nbatch = hashtable->nbatch;
	curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;

	if (curbatch >= nbatch)
		return false;

	if (curbatch >= 0 && hashtable->stats)
		ExecHashTableExplainBatchEnd(hashState, hashtable);

	if (curbatch > 0)
		 * We no longer need the previous outer batch file; close it right
		 * away to free disk space.
		if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch])
		hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] = NULL;
	else	/* we just finished the first batch */
		 * Reset some of the skew optimization state variables, since we no
		 * longer need to consider skew tuples after the first batch. The
		 * memory context reset we are about to do will release the skew
		 * hashtable itself.
		hashtable->skewEnabled = false;
		hashtable->skewBucket = NULL;
		hashtable->skewBucketNums = NULL;
		hashtable->nSkewBuckets = 0;
		hashtable->spaceUsedSkew = 0;

	 * If we want to keep the hash table around, for re-scan, then write
	 * the current batch's state to disk before moving to the next one.
	 * It's possible that we increase the number of batches later, so that
	 * by the time we reload this file, some of the tuples we wrote here
	 * will logically belong to a later file. ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable
	 * will move such tuples when the file is reloaded.
	 * If we have already re-scanned, we might still have the old file
	 * around, in which case there's no need to write it again.
	 * XXX: Currently, we actually always re-create it, see comments in
	 * ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable.
	if (nbatch > 1 && hjstate->reuse_hashtable &&
		hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] == NULL)

	 * We can always skip over any batches that are completely empty on both
	 * sides.  We can sometimes skip over batches that are empty on only one
	 * side, but there are exceptions:
	 * 1. In a left/full outer join, we have to process outer batches even if
	 * the inner batch is empty.  Similarly, in a right/full outer join, we
	 * have to process inner batches even if the outer batch is empty.
	 * 2. If we have increased nbatch since the initial estimate, we have to
	 * scan inner batches since they might contain tuples that need to be
	 * reassigned to later inner batches.
	 * 3. Similarly, if we have increased nbatch since starting the outer
	 * scan, we have to rescan outer batches in case they contain tuples that
	 * need to be reassigned.
	while (curbatch < nbatch &&
		   (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] == NULL ||
			hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] == NULL))

		 * For rescannable we must complete respilling on first batch
		 * Consider case 2: the inner workfile is not null. We are on the first pass
		 * (before ReScan was called). I.e., we are processing a join for the base
		 * case of a recursive CTE. If the base case does not have tuples for batch
		 * k (i.e., the outer workfile for batch k is null), and we never increased
		 * the initial number of batches, then we will skip the inner batchfile (case 2).
		 * However, one iteration of recursive CTE is no guarantee that the future outer
		 * batch will also not match batch k on the inner. Therefore, we may have a
		 * non-null outer batch k on some future iteration.
		 * If during loading batch k inner workfile for future iteration triggers a re-spill
		 * we will be forced to increase number of batches. This will result in wrong result
		 * as we will not write any inner tuples (we consider inner workfiles read-only after
		 * a rescan call).
		 * So, to produce wrong result, without this guard, the following conditions have
		 * to be true:
		 * 1. Outer batchfile for batch k is null
		 * 2. Inner batchfile for batch k not null
		 * 3. No resizing of nbatch for batch (0...(k-1))
		 * 4. Inner batchfile for batch k is too big to fit in memory
		if (hjstate->reuse_hashtable)

		if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] &&
			break;				/* must process due to rule 1 */
		if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] &&
			break;				/* must process due to rule 1 */
		if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] &&
			nbatch != hashtable->nbatch_original)
			break;				/* must process due to rule 2 */
		if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] &&
			nbatch != hashtable->nbatch_outstart)
			break;				/* must process due to rule 3 */
		/* We can ignore this batch. */
		/* Release associated temp files right away. */
		if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] && !hjstate->reuse_hashtable)
		hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] = NULL;
		if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch])
		hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] = NULL;


	hashtable->curbatch = curbatch;		/* CDB: upd before return, even if no
										 * more data, so stats logic can see
										 * whether join was run to completion */

	if (curbatch >= nbatch)
		return false;			/* no more batches */

	if (!ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable(hjstate))
		/* We no longer continue as we couldn't load the batch */
		return false;

	 * Rewind outer batch file (if present), so that we can start reading it.
	if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch] != NULL)
		if (BufFileSeek(hashtable->outerBatchFile[curbatch], 0, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
					 errmsg("could not rewind hash-join temporary file: %m")));

	return true;

 * Choose a batch to work on, and attach to it.  Returns true if successful,
 * false if there are no more batches.
static bool
ExecParallelHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	int			start_batchno;
	int			batchno;

	 * If we started up so late that the batch tracking array has been freed
	 * already by ExecHashTableDetach(), then we are finished.  See also
	 * ExecParallelHashEnsureBatchAccessors().
	if (hashtable->batches == NULL)
		return false;

	 * If we were already attached to a batch, remember not to bother checking
	 * it again, and detach from it (possibly freeing the hash table if we are
	 * last to detach).
	if (hashtable->curbatch >= 0)
		hashtable->batches[hashtable->curbatch].done = true;

	 * Search for a batch that isn't done.  We use an atomic counter to start
	 * our search at a different batch in every participant when there are
	 * more batches than participants.
	batchno = start_batchno =
		pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&hashtable->parallel_state->distributor, 1) %
		uint32		hashvalue;
		MinimalTuple tuple;
		TupleTableSlot *slot;

		if (!hashtable->batches[batchno].done)
			SharedTuplestoreAccessor *inner_tuples;
			Barrier    *batch_barrier =

			switch (BarrierAttach(batch_barrier))

					/* One backend allocates the hash table. */
					if (BarrierArriveAndWait(batch_barrier,
						ExecParallelHashTableAlloc(hashtable, batchno);
					/* Fall through. */

					/* Wait for allocation to complete. */
					/* Fall through. */

					/* Start (or join in) loading tuples. */
					ExecParallelHashTableSetCurrentBatch(hashtable, batchno);
					inner_tuples = hashtable->batches[batchno].inner_tuples;
					while ((tuple = sts_parallel_scan_next(inner_tuples,
						slot = hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot;
						ExecParallelHashTableInsertCurrentBatch(hashtable, slot,
					/* Fall through. */


					 * This batch is ready to probe.  Return control to
					 * caller. We stay attached to batch_barrier so that the
					 * hash table stays alive until everyone's finished
					 * probing it, but no participant is allowed to wait at
					 * this barrier again (or else a deadlock could occur).
					 * All attached participants must eventually call
					 * BarrierArriveAndDetach() so that the final phase
					 * PHJ_BATCH_DONE can be reached.
					ExecParallelHashTableSetCurrentBatch(hashtable, batchno);
					return true;

				case PHJ_BATCH_DONE:

					 * Already done.  Detach and go around again (if any
					 * remain).
					hashtable->batches[batchno].done = true;
					hashtable->curbatch = -1;

					elog(ERROR, "unexpected batch phase %d",
		batchno = (batchno + 1) % hashtable->nbatch;
	} while (batchno != start_batchno);

	return false;

 * ExecHashJoinSaveTuple
 *		save a tuple to a batch file.
 * The data recorded in the file for each tuple is its hash value,
 * then the tuple in MinimalTuple format.
 * Note: it is important always to call this in the regular executor
 * context, not in a shorter-lived context; else the temp file buffers
 * will get messed up.
ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(PlanState *ps, MinimalTuple tuple, uint32 hashvalue,
					  HashJoinTable hashtable, BufFile **fileptr,
					  MemoryContext bfCxt)
	BufFile	   *file = *fileptr;
	size_t		written;

	if (hashtable->work_set == NULL)
		 * First time spilling.
		if (hashtable->hjstate->
			hashtable->hjstate->>workfileCreated = true;

		MemoryContext oldcxt;

		oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(bfCxt);
		hashtable->work_set = workfile_mgr_create_set("HashJoin", NULL, true /* hold pin */);

	if (file == NULL)
		MemoryContext oldcxt;

		oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(bfCxt);

		/* First write to this batch file, so create it */
		Assert(hashtable->work_set != NULL);
		file = BufFileCreateTempInSet("HashJoin", false /* interXact */,
		BufFilePledgeSequential(file);	/* allow compression */
		*fileptr = file;

		elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "create batch file %s",


	written = BufFileWrite(file, (void *) &hashvalue, sizeof(uint32));
	if (written != sizeof(uint32))
				 errmsg("could not write to temporary file: %m")));

	written = BufFileWrite(file, (void *) tuple, tuple->t_len);
	if (written != tuple->t_len)
				 errmsg("could not write to temporary file: %m")));

 * ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple
 *		read the next tuple from a batch file.  Return NULL if no more.
 * On success, *hashvalue is set to the tuple's hash value, and the tuple
 * itself is stored in the given slot.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(HashJoinState *hjstate,
						  BufFile *file,
						  uint32 *hashvalue,
						  TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot)
	uint32		header[2];
	size_t		nread;
	MinimalTuple tuple;

	 * We check for interrupts here because this is typically taken as an
	 * alternative code path to an ExecProcNode() call, which would include
	 * such a check.

	 * Since both the hash value and the MinimalTuple length word are uint32,
	 * we can read them both in one BufFileRead() call without any type
	 * cheating.
	nread = BufFileRead(file, (void *) header, sizeof(header));
	if (nread != sizeof(header))				/* end of file */
		return NULL;

	*hashvalue = header[0];
	tuple = (MinimalTuple) palloc(header[1]);
	tuple->t_len = header[1];
	nread = BufFileRead(file,
						(void *) ((char *) tuple + sizeof(uint32)),
						header[1] - sizeof(uint32));
	if (nread != header[1] - sizeof(uint32))
				 errmsg("could not read from hash-join temporary file: %m")));
	ExecForceStoreMinimalTuple(tuple, tupleSlot, true);
	return tupleSlot;

ExecReScanHashJoin(HashJoinState *node)
	 * In a multi-batch join, we currently have to do rescans the hard way,
	 * primarily because batch temp files may have already been released. But
	 * if it's a single-batch join, and there is no parameter change for the
	 * inner subnode, then we can just re-use the existing hash table without
	 * rebuilding it.
	if (node->hj_HashTable != NULL)
		node->hj_HashTable->first_pass = false;

		if (node->>chgParam == NULL &&
			 * Okay to reuse the hash table; needn't rescan inner, either.
			 * However, if it's a right/full join, we'd better reset the
			 * inner-tuple match flags contained in the table.
			if (HJ_FILL_INNER(node))

			 * Also, we need to reset our state about the emptiness of the
			 * outer relation, so that the new scan of the outer will update
			 * it correctly if it turns out to be empty this time. (There's no
			 * harm in clearing it now because ExecHashJoin won't need the
			 * info.  In the other cases, where the hash table doesn't exist
			 * or we are destroying it, we leave this state alone because
			 * ExecHashJoin will need it the first time through.)
			node->hj_OuterNotEmpty = false;

			/* ExecHashJoin can skip the BUILD_HASHTABLE step */
			node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;

			if (node->hj_HashTable->nbatch > 1)
				/* Force reloading batch 0 upon next ExecHashJoin */
				node->hj_HashTable->curbatch = -1;
				/* MPP-1600: reset the batch number */
				node->hj_HashTable->curbatch = 0;
			/* must destroy and rebuild hash table */
			if (!node->hj_HashTable->eagerlyReleased)
				HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(node);

				ExecHashTableDestroy(hashState, node->hj_HashTable);
			node->hj_HashTable = NULL;
			node->hj_JoinState = HJ_BUILD_HASHTABLE;

			 * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned
			 * by first ExecProcNode.
			if (node->>chgParam == NULL)

	/* Always reset intra-tuple state */
	node->hj_CurHashValue = 0;
	node->hj_CurBucketNo = 0;
	node->hj_CurSkewBucketNo = INVALID_SKEW_BUCKET_NO;
	node->hj_CurTuple = NULL;

	node->hj_MatchedOuter = false;
	node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;

	 * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
	 * first ExecProcNode.
	if (node->>chgParam == NULL)

 * This method releases the hash table's memory. It maintains some of the other
 * aspects of the hash table like memory usage statistics. These may be required
 * during an explain analyze. A hash table that has been released cannot perform
 * any useful function anymore.
static void
ReleaseHashTable(HashJoinState *node)
	if (node->hj_HashTable)
		HashState *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(node);

		/* This hashtable should not have been released already! */
		if (node->hj_HashTable->stats)
			/* Report on batch in progress. */
			ExecHashTableExplainBatchEnd(hashState, node->hj_HashTable);
		ExecHashTableDestroy(hashState, node->hj_HashTable);
		node->hj_HashTable->eagerlyReleased = true;

	/* Always reset intra-tuple state */
	node->hj_CurHashValue = 0;
	node->hj_CurBucketNo = 0;
	node->hj_CurTuple = NULL;

	node->hj_JoinState = HJ_NEED_NEW_OUTER;
	node->hj_MatchedOuter = false;
	node->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL;


/* Is this an IS-NOT-DISTINCT-join qual list (as opposed the an equijoin)?
 * XXX We perform an abbreviated test based on the assumptions that 
 *     these are the only possibilities and that all conjuncts are 
 *     alike in this regard.
isNotDistinctJoin(List *qualList)
	ListCell   *lc;

	foreach(lc, qualList)
		BoolExpr   *bex = (BoolExpr *) lfirst(lc);
		DistinctExpr *dex;

		if (IsA(bex, BoolExpr) &&bex->boolop == NOT_EXPR)
			dex = (DistinctExpr *) linitial(bex->args);

			if (IsA(dex, DistinctExpr))
				return true;	/* We assume the rest follow suit! */
	return false;

static void
ExecEagerFreeHashJoin(HashJoinState *node)
	if (node->hj_HashTable != NULL && !node->hj_HashTable->eagerlyReleased)

ExecSquelchHashJoin(HashJoinState *node)

 * In our hybrid hash join we either spill when we increase number of batches
 * or when we re-spill. As we go, we normally destroy the batch file of the
 * batch that we have already processed. But if we need to support re-scanning
 * of the outer tuples, without also re-scanning the inner side, we need to
 * save the current hash for the next re-scan, instead.
static void
SpillCurrentBatch(HashJoinState *node)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = node->hj_HashTable;
	int			curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;
	HashJoinTuple tuple;
	int			i;

	Assert(hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] == NULL);

	for (i = 0; i < hashtable->nbuckets; i++)
		/* don't need to consider parallel hashjoins which use shared tuplestores instead of raw files */
		tuple = hashtable->buckets.unshared[i];

		while (tuple != NULL)
			ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(NULL, HJTUPLE_MINTUPLE(tuple),
			tuple = tuple->next.unshared;

static bool
ExecHashJoinReloadHashTable(HashJoinState *hjstate)
	HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	uint32		hashvalue;
	int			curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;
	int			nmoved = 0;
#if 0
	int			orignbatch = hashtable->nbatch;

	 * Reload the hash table with the new inner batch (which could be empty)
	ExecHashTableReset(hashState, hashtable);

	if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] != NULL)
		/* Rewind batch file */
		if (BufFileSeek(hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch], 0, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
			ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(),
							errmsg("could not access temporary file")));

		for (;;)

			if (QueryFinishPending)
				return false;

			slot = ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(hjstate,
			if (!slot)

			 * NOTE: some tuples may be sent to future batches.  Also, it is
			 * possible for hashtable->nbatch to be increased here!
			if (!ExecHashTableInsert(hashState, hashtable, slot, hashvalue))

		 * after we build the hash table, the inner batch file is no longer
		 * needed
		if (hjstate-> && hjstate->>need_cdb)
			hashtable->stats->batchstats[curbatch].innerfilesize =


		 * If we want to re-use the hash table after a re-scan, don't
		 * delete it yet. But if we did not load the batch file into memory as is,
		 * because some tuples were sent to later batches, then delete it now, so
		 * that it will be recreated with just the remaining tuples, after processing
		 * this batch.
		 * XXX: Currently, we actually always close the file, and recreate it
		 * afterwards, even if there are no changes. That's because the workfile
		 * API doesn't support appending to a file that's already been read from.
		 * FIXME: could fix that now
#if 0
		if (!hjstate->reuse_hashtable || nmoved > 0 || hashtable->nbatch != orignbatch)
			hashtable->innerBatchFile[curbatch] = NULL;

	return true;

ExecShutdownHashJoin(HashJoinState *node)
	if (node->hj_HashTable)
		 * Detach from shared state before DSM memory goes away.  This makes
		 * sure that we don't have any pointers into DSM memory by the time
		 * ExecEndHashJoin runs.

static void
ExecParallelHashJoinPartitionOuter(HashJoinState *hjstate)
	PlanState  *outerState = outerPlanState(hjstate);
	ExprContext *econtext = hjstate->;
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	uint32		hashvalue;
	int			i;
	HashState  *hashState = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate);

	Assert(hjstate->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot == NULL);

	/* Execute outer plan, writing all tuples to shared tuplestores. */
	for (;;)
		slot = ExecProcNode(outerState);
		if (TupIsNull(slot))
		econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot;

		bool		hashkeys_null = false;
		bool		keep_nulls = HJ_FILL_OUTER(hjstate) ||
		if (ExecHashGetHashValue(hashState, hashtable, econtext,
								 true,	/* outer tuple */
			int			batchno;
			int			bucketno;
			bool		shouldFree;
			MinimalTuple mintup = ExecFetchSlotMinimalTuple(slot, &shouldFree);

			ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch(hashtable, hashvalue, &bucketno,
						 &hashvalue, mintup);

			if (shouldFree)

	/* Make sure all outer partitions are readable by any backend. */
	for (i = 0; i < hashtable->nbatch; ++i)

ExecHashJoinEstimate(HashJoinState *state, ParallelContext *pcxt)
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, sizeof(ParallelHashJoinState));
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

ExecHashJoinInitializeDSM(HashJoinState *state, ParallelContext *pcxt)
	int			plan_node_id = state->>plan_node_id;
	HashState  *hashNode;
	ParallelHashJoinState *pstate;

	 * Disable shared hash table mode if we failed to create a real DSM
	 * segment, because that means that we don't have a DSA area to work with.
	if (pcxt->seg == NULL)

	ExecSetExecProcNode(&state->, ExecParallelHashJoin);

	 * Set up the state needed to coordinate access to the shared hash
	 * table(s), using the plan node ID as the toc key.
	pstate = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, sizeof(ParallelHashJoinState));
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, plan_node_id, pstate);

	 * Set up the shared hash join state with no batches initially.
	 * ExecHashTableCreate() will prepare at least one later and set nbatch
	 * and space_allowed.
	pstate->nbatch = 0;
	pstate->space_allowed = 0;
	pstate->batches = InvalidDsaPointer;
	pstate->old_batches = InvalidDsaPointer;
	pstate->nbuckets = 0;
	pstate->growth = PHJ_GROWTH_OK;
	pstate->chunk_work_queue = InvalidDsaPointer;
	pg_atomic_init_u32(&pstate->distributor, 0);
	pstate->nparticipants = pcxt->nworkers + 1;
	pstate->total_tuples = 0;
	BarrierInit(&pstate->build_barrier, 0);
	BarrierInit(&pstate->grow_batches_barrier, 0);
	BarrierInit(&pstate->grow_buckets_barrier, 0);

	/* Set up the space we'll use for shared temporary files. */
	SharedFileSetInit(&pstate->fileset, pcxt->seg);

	/* Initialize the shared state in the hash node. */
	hashNode = (HashState *) innerPlanState(state);
	hashNode->parallel_state = pstate;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashJoinReInitializeDSM
 *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashJoinReInitializeDSM(HashJoinState *state, ParallelContext *cxt)
	int			plan_node_id = state->>plan_node_id;
	ParallelHashJoinState *pstate =
	shm_toc_lookup(cxt->toc, plan_node_id, false);

	 * It would be possible to reuse the shared hash table in single-batch
	 * cases by resetting and then fast-forwarding build_barrier to
	 * PHJ_BUILD_DONE and batch 0's batch_barrier to PHJ_BATCH_PROBING, but
	 * currently shared hash tables are already freed by now (by the last
	 * participant to detach from the batch).  We could consider keeping it
	 * around for single-batch joins.  We'd also need to adjust
	 * finalize_plan() so that it doesn't record a dummy dependency for
	 * Parallel Hash nodes, preventing the rescan optimization.  For now we
	 * don't try.

	/* Detach, freeing any remaining shared memory. */
	if (state->hj_HashTable != NULL)

	/* Clear any shared batch files. */

	/* Reset build_barrier to PHJ_BUILD_ELECTING so we can go around again. */
	BarrierInit(&pstate->build_barrier, 0);

ExecHashJoinInitializeWorker(HashJoinState *state,
							 ParallelWorkerContext *pwcxt)
	HashState  *hashNode;
	int			plan_node_id = state->>plan_node_id;
	ParallelHashJoinState *pstate =
	shm_toc_lookup(pwcxt->toc, plan_node_id, false);

	/* Attach to the space for shared temporary files. */
	SharedFileSetAttach(&pstate->fileset, pwcxt->seg);

	/* Attach to the shared state in the hash node. */
	hashNode = (HashState *) innerPlanState(state);
	hashNode->parallel_state = pstate;

	ExecSetExecProcNode(&state->, ExecParallelHashJoin);


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

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