greenplumn CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils 源码
greenplumn CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils.h
// @doc:
// Class providing helper methods for translating from Expr to DXL
#ifndef GPOPT_CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils_H
#define GPOPT_CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CRange.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDAccessor.h"
#include "gpopt/metadata/CTableDescriptor.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpression.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalConstTableGet.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorExprToDXL.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLColDescr.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLScalarBoolExpr.h"
// fwd decl
namespace gpmd
class IMDRelation;
namespace gpdxl
class CDXLPhysicalProperties;
class CDXLScalarProjElem;
} // namespace gpdxl
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;
using namespace gpdxl;
using namespace gpnaucrates;
// @class:
// CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils
// @doc:
// Class providing helper methods for translating from Expr to DXL
class CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils
// construct a scalar comparison of the given type between the
// column with the given col id and the scalar expression
static CDXLNode *PdxlnCmp(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
ULONG ulPartLevel, BOOL fLowerBound,
CDXLNode *pdxlnScalar, IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type,
IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey, IMDId *pmdidTypeExpr,
IMDId *pmdidTypeCastExpr, IMDId *mdid_cast_func);
// create a column reference
static CColRef *PcrCreate(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CColumnFactory *col_factory, IMDId *mdid,
INT type_modifier, const WCHAR *wszName);
// compute a DXL datum from a point constraint
static CDXLDatum *PdxldatumFromPointConstraint(CMemoryPool *mp,
CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
const CColRef *pcrDistrCol,
CConstraint *pcnstrDistrCol);
// compute an array of DXL datum arrays from a disjunction of point constraints
static CDXLDatum2dArray *PdrgpdrgpdxldatumFromDisjPointConstraint(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, const CColRef *pcrDistrCol,
CConstraint *pcnstrDistrCol);
// compute the direct dispatch info from the constraints
// on the distribution keys
static CDXLDirectDispatchInfo *GetDXLDirectDispatchInfo(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprHashed, CConstraint *pcnstr);
// compute the direct dispatch info for a single distribution key from the constraints
// on the distribution key
static CDXLDirectDispatchInfo *PdxlddinfoSingleDistrKey(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CExpression *pexprHashed,
CConstraint *pcnstr);
// check if the given constant value for a particular distribution column can be used
// to identify which segment to direct dispatch to.
static BOOL FDirectDispatchable(const CColRef *pcrDistrCol,
const CDXLDatum *dxl_datum);
// construct a default properties container
static CDXLPhysicalProperties *GetProperties(CMemoryPool *mp);
// create a scalar const value expression for the given bool value
static CDXLNode *PdxlnBoolConst(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
BOOL value);
// create a scalar const value expression for the given int4 value
static CDXLNode *PdxlnInt4Const(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
INT val);
// construct a filter node for a list partition predicate
static CDXLNode *PdxlnListFilterScCmp(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *pdxlnPartKey,
CDXLNode *pdxlnScalar, IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey, IMDId *pmdidTypeOther,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type, ULONG ulPartLevel, BOOL fHasDefaultPart);
// construct a DXL node for the part key portion of the list partition filter
static CDXLNode *PdxlnListFilterPartKey(CMemoryPool *mp,
CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprPartKey,
IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey,
ULONG ulPartLevel);
// construct a filter node for a range predicate
static CDXLNode *PdxlnRangeFilterScCmp(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *pdxlnScalar,
IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey, IMDId *pmdidTypeOther,
IMDId *pmdidTypeCastExpr, IMDId *mdid_cast_func,
IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type, ULONG ulPartLevel);
// construct a range filter for an equality comparison
static CDXLNode *PdxlnRangeFilterEqCmp(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *pdxlnScalar,
IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey, IMDId *pmdidTypeOther,
IMDId *pmdidTypeCastExpr, IMDId *mdid_cast_func, ULONG ulPartLevel);
// construct a predicate for the lower or upper bound of a partition
static CDXLNode *PdxlnRangeFilterPartBound(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *pdxlnScalar,
IMDId *pmdidTypePartKey, IMDId *pmdidTypeOther,
IMDId *pmdidTypeCastExpr, IMDId *mdid_cast_func, ULONG ulPartLevel,
ULONG fLowerBound, IMDType::ECmpType cmp_type);
// construct predicates to cover the cases of default partition and
// open-ended partitions if necessary
static CDXLNode *PdxlnRangeFilterDefaultAndOpenEnded(
CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG ulPartLevel, BOOL fLTComparison,
BOOL fGTComparison, BOOL fEQComparison, BOOL fDefaultPart);
// check if the DXL Node is a scalar const TRUE
static BOOL FScalarConstTrue(CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// check if the DXL Node is a scalar const false
static BOOL FScalarConstFalse(CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// check whether a project list has the same columns in the given array
// and in the same order
static BOOL FProjectListMatch(CDXLNode *pdxlnPrL,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// create a project list by creating references to the columns of the given
// project list of the child node
static CDXLNode *PdxlnProjListFromChildProjList(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColumnFactory *col_factory,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxln, const CDXLNode *pdxlnProjListChild);
// construct the project list of a partition selector
static CDXLNode *PdxlnPrLPartitionSelector(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CColumnFactory *col_factory,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxln, BOOL fUseChildProjList,
CDXLNode *pdxlnPrLChild, CColRef *pcrOid, ULONG ulPartLevels,
BOOL fGeneratePartOid);
// create a DXL project elem node from as a scalar identifier for the
// child project element node
static CDXLNode *PdxlnProjElem(CMemoryPool *mp, CColumnFactory *col_factory,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxln,
const CDXLNode *pdxlnProjElemChild);
// create a scalar identifier node for the given column reference
static CDXLNode *PdxlnIdent(CMemoryPool *mp,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxlnSubplans,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxlnIndexLookup,
ColRefToUlongMap *phmcrulPartColId,
const CColRef *colref);
// replace subplan entry in the given map with a dxl column reference
static void ReplaceSubplan(CMemoryPool *mp,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxlnSubplans,
const CColRef *colref,
CDXLScalarProjElem *pdxlopPrEl);
// create a project elem from a given col ref
static CDXLNode *PdxlnProjElem(CMemoryPool *mp,
ColRefToDXLNodeMap *phmcrdxlnSubplans,
const CColRef *colref);
// construct an array of NULL datums for a given array of columns
static IDatumArray *PdrgpdatumNulls(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// map an array of columns to a new array of columns
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrMapColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInput,
ColRefToUlongMap *phmcrul,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrMapDest);
// combine two boolean expressions using the given boolean operator
static CDXLNode *PdxlnCombineBoolean(CMemoryPool *mp,
CDXLNode *first_child_dxlnode,
CDXLNode *second_child_dxlnode,
EdxlBoolExprType boolexptype);
// create a DXL result node
static CDXLNode *PdxlnResult(CMemoryPool *mp,
CDXLPhysicalProperties *dxl_properties,
CDXLNode *pdxlnPrL, CDXLNode *filter_dxlnode,
CDXLNode *one_time_filter,
CDXLNode *child_dxlnode);
// create a DXL ValuesScan node
static CDXLNode *PdxlnValuesScan(CMemoryPool *mp,
CDXLPhysicalProperties *dxl_properties,
CDXLNode *pdxlnPrL,
IDatum2dArray *pdrgpdrgdatum);
// build hashmap based on a column array, where the key is the column
// and the value is the index of that column in the array
static ColRefToUlongMap *PhmcrulColIndex(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// set statistics of the operator
static void SetStats(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CDXLNode *dxlnode, const IStatistics *stats,
BOOL fRoot);
// set direct dispatch info of the operator
static void SetDirectDispatchInfo(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CDXLNode *dxlnode,
CExpression *pexpr, CDistributionSpecArray *pdrgpdsBaseTables);
// is the aggregate a local hash aggregate that is safe to stream
static BOOL FLocalHashAggStreamSafe(CExpression *pexprAgg);
// if operator is a scalar cast or func allowed for Partition selection, extract type and function
static void ExtractCastFuncMdids(COperator *pop, IMDId **ppmdidType,
IMDId **ppmdidCastFunc);
// produce DXL representation of a datum
static CDXLDatum *
GetDatumVal(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, IDatum *datum)
IMDId *mdid = datum->MDId();
return md_accessor->RetrieveType(mdid)->GetDatumVal(mp, datum);
// return a copy the dxl node's physical properties
static CDXLPhysicalProperties *PdxlpropCopy(CMemoryPool *mp,
CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// check if given dxl operator exists in the given list
static BOOL FDXLOpExists(const CDXLOperator *pop,
const gpdxl::Edxlopid *peopid, ULONG ulOps);
// check if given dxl node has any operator in the given list
static BOOL FHasDXLOp(const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
const gpdxl::Edxlopid *peopid, ULONG ulOps);
// check if the project lists contains subplans with broadcast motion
static BOOL FProjListContainsSubplanWithBroadCast(CDXLNode *pdxlnPrLNew);
// check if the dxl node imposes a motion hazard
static BOOL FMotionHazard(CMemoryPool *mp, CDXLNode *dxlnode,
const gpdxl::Edxlopid *peopid, ULONG ulOps,
CBitSet *pbsPrjCols);
// check if the dxl operator does not impose a motion hazard
static BOOL FMotionHazardSafeOp(CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// extract the column ids of the ident from project list
static void ExtractIdentColIds(CDXLNode *dxlnode, CBitSet *pbs);
// is this Filter node direct dispatchable?
static BOOL FDirectDispatchableFilter(CExpression *pexprFilter);
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CTranslatorExprToDXLUtils_H
// EOF
greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToExpr 源码
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