kubernetes generator 源码

  • 2022-09-18
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kubernetes generator 代码


Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package protobuf

import (



// genProtoIDL produces a .proto IDL.
type genProtoIDL struct {
	localPackage   types.Name
	localGoPackage types.Name
	imports        namer.ImportTracker

	generateAll    bool
	omitGogo       bool
	omitFieldTypes map[types.Name]struct{}

func (g *genProtoIDL) PackageVars(c *generator.Context) []string {
	if g.omitGogo {
		return []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("option go_package = %q;", g.localGoPackage.Package),
	return []string{
		"option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;",
		"option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;",
		"option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;",
		"option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer_all) = false;",
		"option (gogoproto.stringer_all) = true;",
		"option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;",
		"option (gogoproto.goproto_unrecognized_all) = false;",
		"option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix_all) = false;",
		"option (gogoproto.goproto_getters_all) = false;",
		fmt.Sprintf("option go_package = %q;", g.localGoPackage.Package),
func (g *genProtoIDL) Filename() string { return g.OptionalName + ".proto" }
func (g *genProtoIDL) FileType() string { return "protoidl" }
func (g *genProtoIDL) Namers(c *generator.Context) namer.NameSystems {
	return namer.NameSystems{
		// The local namer returns the correct protobuf name for a proto type
		// in the context of a package
		"local": localNamer{g.localPackage},

// Filter ignores types that are identified as not exportable.
func (g *genProtoIDL) Filter(c *generator.Context, t *types.Type) bool {
	tagVals := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", t.CommentLines)["protobuf"]
	if tagVals != nil {
		if tagVals[0] == "false" {
			// Type specified "false".
			return false
		if tagVals[0] == "true" {
			// Type specified "true".
			return true
		klog.Fatalf(`Comment tag "protobuf" must be true or false, found: %q`, tagVals[0])
	if !g.generateAll {
		// We're not generating everything.
		return false
	seen := map[*types.Type]bool{}
	ok := isProtoable(seen, t)
	return ok

func isProtoable(seen map[*types.Type]bool, t *types.Type) bool {
	if seen[t] {
		// be optimistic in the case of type cycles.
		return true
	seen[t] = true
	switch t.Kind {
	case types.Builtin:
		return true
	case types.Alias:
		return isProtoable(seen, t.Underlying)
	case types.Slice, types.Pointer:
		return isProtoable(seen, t.Elem)
	case types.Map:
		return isProtoable(seen, t.Key) && isProtoable(seen, t.Elem)
	case types.Struct:
		if len(t.Members) == 0 {
			return true
		for _, m := range t.Members {
			if isProtoable(seen, m.Type) {
				return true
		return false
	case types.Func, types.Chan:
		return false
	case types.DeclarationOf, types.Unknown, types.Unsupported:
		return false
	case types.Interface:
		return false
		log.Printf("WARNING: type %q is not portable: %s", t.Kind, t.Name)
		return false

// isOptionalAlias should return true if the specified type has an underlying type
// (is an alias) of a map or slice and has the comment tag protobuf.nullable=true,
// indicating that the type should be nullable in protobuf.
func isOptionalAlias(t *types.Type) bool {
	if t.Underlying == nil || (t.Underlying.Kind != types.Map && t.Underlying.Kind != types.Slice) {
		return false
	if extractBoolTagOrDie("protobuf.nullable", t.CommentLines) == false {
		return false
	return true

func (g *genProtoIDL) Imports(c *generator.Context) (imports []string) {
	lines := []string{}
	// TODO: this could be expressed more cleanly
	for _, line := range g.imports.ImportLines() {
		if g.omitGogo && line == "github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto" {
		lines = append(lines, line)
	return lines

// GenerateType makes the body of a file implementing a set for type t.
func (g *genProtoIDL) GenerateType(c *generator.Context, t *types.Type, w io.Writer) error {
	sw := generator.NewSnippetWriter(w, c, "$", "$")
	b := bodyGen{
		locator: &protobufLocator{
			namer:    c.Namers["proto"].(ProtobufFromGoNamer),
			tracker:  g.imports,
			universe: c.Universe,

			localGoPackage: g.localGoPackage.Package,
		localPackage: g.localPackage,

		omitGogo:       g.omitGogo,
		omitFieldTypes: g.omitFieldTypes,

		t: t,
	switch t.Kind {
	case types.Alias:
		return b.doAlias(sw)
	case types.Struct:
		return b.doStruct(sw)
		return b.unknown(sw)

// ProtobufFromGoNamer finds the protobuf name of a type (and its package, and
// the package path) from its Go name.
type ProtobufFromGoNamer interface {
	GoNameToProtoName(name types.Name) types.Name

type ProtobufLocator interface {
	ProtoTypeFor(t *types.Type) (*types.Type, error)
	GoTypeForName(name types.Name) *types.Type
	CastTypeName(name types.Name) string

type protobufLocator struct {
	namer    ProtobufFromGoNamer
	tracker  namer.ImportTracker
	universe types.Universe

	localGoPackage string

// CastTypeName returns the cast type name of a Go type
// TODO: delegate to a new localgo namer?
func (p protobufLocator) CastTypeName(name types.Name) string {
	if name.Package == p.localGoPackage {
		return name.Name
	return name.String()

func (p protobufLocator) GoTypeForName(name types.Name) *types.Type {
	if len(name.Package) == 0 {
		name.Package = p.localGoPackage
	return p.universe.Type(name)

// ProtoTypeFor locates a Protobuf type for the provided Go type (if possible).
func (p protobufLocator) ProtoTypeFor(t *types.Type) (*types.Type, error) {
	switch {
	// we've already converted the type, or it's a map
	case t.Kind == types.Protobuf || t.Kind == types.Map:
		return t, nil
	// it's a fundamental type
	if t, ok := isFundamentalProtoType(t); ok {
		return t, nil
	// it's a message
	if t.Kind == types.Struct || isOptionalAlias(t) {
		t := &types.Type{
			Name: p.namer.GoNameToProtoName(t.Name),
			Kind: types.Protobuf,

			CommentLines: t.CommentLines,
		return t, nil
	return nil, errUnrecognizedType

type bodyGen struct {
	locator        ProtobufLocator
	localPackage   types.Name
	omitGogo       bool
	omitFieldTypes map[types.Name]struct{}

	t *types.Type

func (b bodyGen) unknown(sw *generator.SnippetWriter) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not sure how to generate: %#v", b.t)

func (b bodyGen) doAlias(sw *generator.SnippetWriter) error {
	if !isOptionalAlias(b.t) {
		return nil

	var kind string
	switch b.t.Underlying.Kind {
	case types.Map:
		kind = "map"
		kind = "slice"
	optional := &types.Type{
		Name: b.t.Name,
		Kind: types.Struct,

		CommentLines:              b.t.CommentLines,
		SecondClosestCommentLines: b.t.SecondClosestCommentLines,
		Members: []types.Member{
				Name:         "Items",
				CommentLines: []string{fmt.Sprintf("items, if empty, will result in an empty %s\n", kind)},
				Type:         b.t.Underlying,
	nested := b
	nested.t = optional
	return nested.doStruct(sw)

func (b bodyGen) doStruct(sw *generator.SnippetWriter) error {
	if len(b.t.Name.Name) == 0 {
		return nil
	if namer.IsPrivateGoName(b.t.Name.Name) {
		return nil

	var alias *types.Type
	var fields []protoField
	options := []string{}
	allOptions := types.ExtractCommentTags("+", b.t.CommentLines)
	for k, v := range allOptions {
		switch {
		case strings.HasPrefix(k, "protobuf.options."):
			key := strings.TrimPrefix(k, "protobuf.options.")
			switch key {
			case "marshal":
				if v[0] == "false" {
					if !b.omitGogo {
						options = append(options,
							"(gogoproto.marshaler) = false",
							"(gogoproto.unmarshaler) = false",
							"(gogoproto.sizer) = false",
				if !b.omitGogo || !strings.HasPrefix(key, "(gogoproto.") {
					if key == "(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)" && v[0] == "false" {
						options = append(options, "(gogoproto.stringer) = false")
					options = append(options, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", key, v[0]))
		// protobuf.as allows a type to have the same message contents as another Go type
		case k == "protobuf.as":
			fields = nil
			if alias = b.locator.GoTypeForName(types.Name{Name: v[0]}); alias == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("type %v references alias %q which does not exist", b.t, v[0])
		// protobuf.embed instructs the generator to use the named type in this package
		// as an embedded message.
		case k == "protobuf.embed":
			fields = []protoField{
					Tag:  1,
					Name: v[0],
					Type: &types.Type{
						Name: types.Name{
							Name:    v[0],
							Package: b.localPackage.Package,
							Path:    b.localPackage.Path,
	if alias == nil {
		alias = b.t

	// If we don't explicitly embed anything, generate fields by traversing fields.
	if fields == nil {
		memberFields, err := membersToFields(b.locator, alias, b.localPackage, b.omitFieldTypes)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("type %v cannot be converted to protobuf: %v", b.t, err)
		fields = memberFields

	out := sw.Out()
	genComment(out, b.t.CommentLines, "")
	sw.Do(`message $.Name.Name$ {
`, b.t)

	if len(options) > 0 {
		for _, s := range options {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "  option %s;\n", s)

	for i, field := range fields {
		genComment(out, field.CommentLines, "  ")
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "  ")
		switch {
		case field.Map:
		case field.Repeated:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "repeated ")
		case field.Required:
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "required ")
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "optional ")
		sw.Do(`$.Type|local$ $.Name$ = $.Tag$`, field)
		if len(field.Extras) > 0 {
			extras := []string{}
			for k, v := range field.Extras {
				if b.omitGogo && strings.HasPrefix(k, "(gogoproto.") {
				extras = append(extras, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", k, v))
			if len(extras) > 0 {
				fmt.Fprintf(out, " [")
				fmt.Fprint(out, strings.Join(extras, ", "))
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "]")
		fmt.Fprintf(out, ";\n")
		if i != len(fields)-1 {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
	fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n\n")
	return nil

type protoField struct {
	LocalPackage types.Name

	Tag      int
	Name     string
	Type     *types.Type
	Map      bool
	Repeated bool
	Optional bool
	Required bool
	Nullable bool
	Extras   map[string]string

	CommentLines []string

var (
	errUnrecognizedType = fmt.Errorf("did not recognize the provided type")

func isFundamentalProtoType(t *types.Type) (*types.Type, bool) {
	// TODO: when we enable proto3, also include other fundamental types in the google.protobuf package
	// switch {
	// case t.Kind == types.Struct && t.Name == types.Name{Package: "time", Name: "Time"}:
	// 	return &types.Type{
	// 		Kind: types.Protobuf,
	// 		Name: types.Name{Path: "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto", Package: "google.protobuf", Name: "Timestamp"},
	// 	}, true
	// }
	switch t.Kind {
	case types.Slice:
		if t.Elem.Name.Name == "byte" && len(t.Elem.Name.Package) == 0 {
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "bytes"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
	case types.Builtin:
		switch t.Name.Name {
		case "string", "uint32", "int32", "uint64", "int64", "bool":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: t.Name.Name}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		case "int":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "int64"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		case "uint":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "uint64"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		case "float64", "float":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "double"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		case "float32":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "float"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		case "uintptr":
			return &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "uint64"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}, true
		// TODO: complex?
	return t, false

func memberTypeToProtobufField(locator ProtobufLocator, field *protoField, t *types.Type) error {
	var err error
	switch t.Kind {
	case types.Protobuf:
		field.Type, err = locator.ProtoTypeFor(t)
	case types.Builtin:
		field.Type, err = locator.ProtoTypeFor(t)
	case types.Map:
		valueField := &protoField{}
		if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, valueField, t.Elem); err != nil {
			return err
		keyField := &protoField{}
		if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, keyField, t.Key); err != nil {
			return err
		// All other protobuf types have kind types.Protobuf, so setting types.Map
		// here would be very misleading.
		field.Type = &types.Type{
			Kind: types.Protobuf,
			Key:  keyField.Type,
			Elem: valueField.Type,
		if !strings.HasPrefix(t.Name.Name, "map[") {
			field.Extras["(gogoproto.casttype)"] = strconv.Quote(locator.CastTypeName(t.Name))
		if k, ok := keyField.Extras["(gogoproto.casttype)"]; ok {
			field.Extras["(gogoproto.castkey)"] = k
		if v, ok := valueField.Extras["(gogoproto.casttype)"]; ok {
			field.Extras["(gogoproto.castvalue)"] = v
		field.Map = true
	case types.Pointer:
		if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, field, t.Elem); err != nil {
			return err
		field.Nullable = true
	case types.Alias:
		if isOptionalAlias(t) {
			field.Type, err = locator.ProtoTypeFor(t)
			field.Nullable = true
		} else {
			if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, field, t.Underlying); err != nil {
				log.Printf("failed to alias: %s %s: err %v", t.Name, t.Underlying.Name, err)
				return err
			// If this is not an alias to a slice, cast to the alias
			if !field.Repeated {
				if field.Extras == nil {
					field.Extras = make(map[string]string)
				field.Extras["(gogoproto.casttype)"] = strconv.Quote(locator.CastTypeName(t.Name))
	case types.Slice:
		if t.Elem.Name.Name == "byte" && len(t.Elem.Name.Package) == 0 {
			field.Type = &types.Type{Name: types.Name{Name: "bytes"}, Kind: types.Protobuf}
			return nil
		if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, field, t.Elem); err != nil {
			return err
		field.Repeated = true
	case types.Struct:
		if len(t.Name.Name) == 0 {
			return errUnrecognizedType
		field.Type, err = locator.ProtoTypeFor(t)
		field.Nullable = false
		return errUnrecognizedType
	return err

// protobufTagToField extracts information from an existing protobuf tag
func protobufTagToField(tag string, field *protoField, m types.Member, t *types.Type, localPackage types.Name) error {
	if len(tag) == 0 || tag == "-" {
		return nil

	// protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=Id,customtype=github.com/gogo/protobuf/test.Uuid"
	parts := strings.Split(tag, ",")
	if len(parts) < 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("member %q of %q malformed 'protobuf' tag, not enough segments\n", m.Name, t.Name)
	protoTag, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("member %q of %q malformed 'protobuf' tag, field ID is %q which is not an integer: %v\n", m.Name, t.Name, parts[1], err)
	field.Tag = protoTag

	// In general there is doesn't make sense to parse the protobuf tags to get the type,
	// as all auto-generated once will have wire type "bytes", "varint" or "fixed64".
	// However, sometimes we explicitly set them to have a custom serialization, e.g.:
	//   type Time struct {
	//     time.Time `protobuf:"Timestamp,1,req,name=time"`
	//   }
	// to force the generator to use a given type (that we manually wrote serialization &
	// deserialization methods for).
	switch parts[0] {
	case "varint", "fixed32", "fixed64", "bytes", "group":
		var name types.Name
		if last := strings.LastIndex(parts[0], "."); last != -1 {
			prefix := parts[0][:last]
			name = types.Name{
				Name:    parts[0][last+1:],
				Package: prefix,
				Path:    strings.Replace(prefix, ".", "/", -1),
		} else {
			name = types.Name{
				Name:    parts[0],
				Package: localPackage.Package,
				Path:    localPackage.Path,
		field.Type = &types.Type{
			Name: name,
			Kind: types.Protobuf,

	protoExtra := make(map[string]string)
	for i, extra := range parts[3:] {
		parts := strings.SplitN(extra, "=", 2)
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return fmt.Errorf("member %q of %q malformed 'protobuf' tag, tag %d should be key=value, got %q\n", m.Name, t.Name, i+4, extra)
		switch parts[0] {
		case "name":
			protoExtra[parts[0]] = parts[1]
		case "casttype", "castkey", "castvalue":
			parts[0] = fmt.Sprintf("(gogoproto.%s)", parts[0])
			protoExtra[parts[0]] = strconv.Quote(parts[1])

	field.Extras = protoExtra
	if name, ok := protoExtra["name"]; ok {
		field.Name = name
		delete(protoExtra, "name")

	return nil

func membersToFields(locator ProtobufLocator, t *types.Type, localPackage types.Name, omitFieldTypes map[types.Name]struct{}) ([]protoField, error) {
	fields := []protoField{}

	for _, m := range t.Members {
		if namer.IsPrivateGoName(m.Name) {
			// skip private fields
		if _, ok := omitFieldTypes[types.Name{Name: m.Type.Name.Name, Package: m.Type.Name.Package}]; ok {
		tags := reflect.StructTag(m.Tags)
		field := protoField{
			LocalPackage: localPackage,

			Tag:    -1,
			Extras: make(map[string]string),

		protobufTag := tags.Get("protobuf")
		if protobufTag == "-" {

		if err := protobufTagToField(protobufTag, &field, m, t, localPackage); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// extract information from JSON field tag
		if tag := tags.Get("json"); len(tag) > 0 {
			parts := strings.Split(tag, ",")
			if len(field.Name) == 0 && len(parts[0]) != 0 {
				field.Name = parts[0]
			if field.Tag == -1 && field.Name == "-" {

		if field.Type == nil {
			if err := memberTypeToProtobufField(locator, &field, m.Type); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to embed type %q as field %q in %q: %v", m.Type, field.Name, t.Name, err)
		if len(field.Name) == 0 {
			field.Name = namer.IL(m.Name)

		if field.Map && field.Repeated {
			// maps cannot be repeated
			field.Repeated = false
			field.Nullable = true

		if !field.Nullable {
			field.Extras["(gogoproto.nullable)"] = "false"
		if (field.Type.Name.Name == "bytes" && field.Type.Name.Package == "") || (field.Repeated && field.Type.Name.Package == "" && namer.IsPrivateGoName(field.Type.Name.Name)) {
			delete(field.Extras, "(gogoproto.nullable)")
		if field.Name != m.Name {
			field.Extras["(gogoproto.customname)"] = strconv.Quote(m.Name)
		field.CommentLines = m.CommentLines
		fields = append(fields, field)

	// assign tags
	highest := 0
	byTag := make(map[int]*protoField)
	// fields are in Go struct order, which we preserve
	for i := range fields {
		field := &fields[i]
		tag := field.Tag
		if tag != -1 {
			if existing, ok := byTag[tag]; ok {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("field %q and %q both have tag %d", field.Name, existing.Name, tag)
			byTag[tag] = field
		if tag > highest {
			highest = tag
	// starting from the highest observed tag, assign new field tags
	for i := range fields {
		field := &fields[i]
		if field.Tag != -1 {
		field.Tag = highest
		byTag[field.Tag] = field
	return fields, nil

func genComment(out io.Writer, lines []string, indent string) {
	for {
		l := len(lines)
		if l == 0 || len(lines[l-1]) != 0 {
		lines = lines[:l-1]
	for _, c := range lines {
		if len(c) == 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s//\n", indent) // avoid trailing whitespace
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s// %s\n", indent, c)

func formatProtoFile(source []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	// TODO; Is there any protobuf formatter?
	return source, nil

func assembleProtoFile(w io.Writer, f *generator.File) {

	fmt.Fprint(w, "syntax = \"proto2\";\n\n")

	if len(f.PackageName) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "package %s;\n\n", f.PackageName)

	if len(f.Imports) > 0 {
		imports := []string{}
		for i := range f.Imports {
			imports = append(imports, i)
		for _, s := range imports {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "import %q;\n", s)
		fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")

	if f.Vars.Len() > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", f.Vars.String())


func NewProtoFile() *generator.DefaultFileType {
	return &generator.DefaultFileType{
		Format:   formatProtoFile,
		Assemble: assembleProtoFile,


kubernetes 源码目录


kubernetes cmd 源码

kubernetes cmd_test 源码

kubernetes import_tracker 源码

kubernetes namer 源码

kubernetes namer_test 源码

kubernetes package 源码

kubernetes parser 源码

kubernetes parser_test 源码

kubernetes tags 源码

0  赞