harmony 鸿蒙Account

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (936)



In the standard system, the Account subsystem provides basic capabilities such as OS account lifecycle management, distributed account login status management, and app account information management.


Figure 1 Account subsystem architecture

Directory Structure

├── dfx                      
│   ├── hidumper_adapter     # Code of the adapter for exporting system service information         
│   ├── hisysevent_adapter   # Code of the system event logging adapter         
├── figures                  # Figures
├── frameworks               # Code of the account subsystem
│   ├── account_iam          # Internal API code for account identity authentication and access management
│   │   └── src              # Code for implementing internal APIs for account identity authentication and access management         
│   ├── appaccount           # Internal API code of the app account module
│   │   └── native           # Code for implementing the internal APIs of the app account module
│   ├── common               # Code of the common module
│   │   ├── account_error    # Error codes
│   │   ├── database         # Database code
│   │   ├── file_operator    # File operator code
│   │   ├── log              # Code for printing logs
│   │   ├── perf_stat        # Code for performance statistics
│   │   └── test             # Test code for the common module
│   ├── ohosaccount          # Internal API code of the distributed account module
│   │   ├── native           # Code for implementing the internal APIs of the distributed account module
│   │   └── test             # Test code for the distributed account internal APIs
│   └── osaccount            # Internal API code of the OS account module
│       ├── core             # OS account IPC
│       └── native           # Code for implementing the internal APIs of the OS account module
├── interfaces               # Account subsystem APIs exposed externally 
│   ├── innerkits            # Internal API header files
│   │   ├── account_iam      # Account identity authentication and access management
│   │   ├── appaccount       # Header files of the app account internal APIs
│   │   ├── ohosaccount      # Header files of the distributed account internal APIs
│   │   └── osaccount        # Header files of the OS account internal APIs
│   └── kits                 # Encapsulation of external APIs
│       └── napi             # External API encapsulation code of the account subsystem
├── sa_profile               # SA profile directory of the account subsystem
├── services                 # accountmgr service code
│   └── accountmgr           # Account subsystem service code
│       ├── include          # Service code header files
│       ├── src              # Source code of the account subsystem service code
│       └── test             # Test of the account subsystem service code
├── test                     # Test code
│   ├── fuzztest             # Fuzzy test code
│   ├── resource             # Test resource files
│   └── systemtest           # System test code
└── tools                    # Tool code
    ├── acm                  # acm tool code
    │   ├── include          # acm header files
    │   └── src              # acm source file
    └── test                 # acm test code



Module Description
OS account Provides APIs for adding, deleting, querying, modifying, and starting OS accounts and subscribing to OS account information.
Distributed account Provides APIs for managing distributed account login status, supports interactions with cloud account applications on devices, and provides capabilities for querying and updating cloud account login status.
App account Provides APIs for adding, deleting, querying, modifying, and authenticating app accounts.

How to Use

Repositories Involved

Account Subsystem



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