greenplumn restrictinfo 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (390)

greenplumn restrictinfo 代码


 * restrictinfo.h
 *	  prototypes for restrictinfo.c.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/optimizer/restrictinfo.h

#include "nodes/pathnodes.h"

/* Convenience macro for the common case of a valid-everywhere qual */
#define make_simple_restrictinfo(clause)  \
	make_restrictinfo(clause, true, false, false, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)

extern RestrictInfo *make_restrictinfo(Expr *clause,
									   bool is_pushed_down,
									   bool outerjoin_delayed,
									   bool pseudoconstant,
									   Index security_level,
									   Relids required_relids,
									   Relids outer_relids,
									   Relids nullable_relids);
extern RestrictInfo *commute_restrictinfo(RestrictInfo *rinfo, Oid comm_op);
extern bool restriction_is_or_clause(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo);
extern bool restriction_is_securely_promotable(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo,
											   RelOptInfo *rel);
extern List *get_actual_clauses(List *restrictinfo_list);
extern List *extract_actual_clauses(List *restrictinfo_list,
									bool pseudoconstant);
extern void extract_actual_join_clauses(List *restrictinfo_list,
										Relids joinrelids,
										List **joinquals,
										List **otherquals);
extern bool join_clause_is_movable_to(RestrictInfo *rinfo, RelOptInfo *baserel);
extern bool join_clause_is_movable_into(RestrictInfo *rinfo,
										Relids currentrelids,
										Relids current_and_outer);

#endif							/* RESTRICTINFO_H */


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