hadoop DecayRpcScheduler 源码

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haddop DecayRpcScheduler 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.ipc;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import javax.management.ObjectName;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.com.google.common.util.concurrent.AtomicDoubleArray;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.metrics.DecayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.metrics.RpcMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSource;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.DefaultMetricsSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.Interns;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.MBeans;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Metrics2Util.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Metrics2Util.TopN;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProcessingDetails.Timing;

 * The decay RPC scheduler tracks the cost of incoming requests in a map, then
 * decays the costs at a fixed time interval. The scheduler is optimized
 * for large periods (on the order of seconds), as it offloads work to the
 * decay sweep.
public class DecayRpcScheduler implements RpcScheduler,
    DecayRpcSchedulerMXBean, MetricsSource {
   * Period controls how many milliseconds between each decay sweep.
  public static final String IPC_FCQ_DECAYSCHEDULER_PERIOD_KEY =

   * Decay factor controls how much each cost is suppressed by on each sweep.
   * Valid numbers are > 0 and < 1. Decay factor works in tandem with
   * period
   * to control how long the scheduler remembers an identity.
  public static final String IPC_FCQ_DECAYSCHEDULER_FACTOR_KEY =

   * Thresholds are specified as integer percentages, and specify which usage
   * range each queue will be allocated to. For instance, specifying the list
   *  10, 40, 80
   * implies 4 queues, with
   * - q3 from 80% up
   * - q2 from 40 up to 80
   * - q1 from 10 up to 40
   * - q0 otherwise.
  public static final String IPC_DECAYSCHEDULER_THRESHOLDS_KEY =
  public static final String IPC_FCQ_DECAYSCHEDULER_THRESHOLDS_KEY =

   *  Service users will always be scheduled into the highest-priority queue.
   *  They are specified as a comma-separated list.
  public static final String IPC_DECAYSCHEDULER_SERVICE_USERS_KEY =

  // Specifies the identity to use when the IdentityProvider cannot handle
  // a schedulable.
  public static final String DECAYSCHEDULER_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY =

  public static final String
  public static final Boolean

  // Specifies the average response time (ms) thresholds of each
  // level to trigger backoff
  public static final String

  // Specifies the top N user's call count and scheduler decision
  // Metrics2 Source
  public static final String DECAYSCHEDULER_METRICS_TOP_USER_COUNT =

  public static final Logger LOG =

  private static final ObjectWriter WRITER = new ObjectMapper().writer();

  // Track the decayed and raw (no decay) number of calls for each schedulable
  // identity from all previous decay windows: idx 0 for decayed call cost and
  // idx 1 for the raw call cost
  private final ConcurrentHashMap<Object, List<AtomicLong>> callCosts =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, List<AtomicLong>>();

  // Should be the sum of all AtomicLongs in decayed callCosts except
  // service-user.
  private final AtomicLong totalDecayedCallCost = new AtomicLong();
  // The sum of all AtomicLongs in raw callCosts except service-user.
  private final AtomicLong totalRawCallCost = new AtomicLong();
  // Should be the sum of all AtomicLongs in decayed callCosts of service-user.
  private final AtomicLong totalServiceUserDecayedCallCost = new AtomicLong();
  // The sum of all AtomicLongs in raw callCosts of service-user.
  private final AtomicLong totalServiceUserRawCallCost = new AtomicLong();

  // Track total call count and response time in current decay window
  private final AtomicLongArray responseTimeCountInCurrWindow;
  private final AtomicLongArray responseTimeTotalInCurrWindow;

  // Track average response time in previous decay window
  private final AtomicDoubleArray responseTimeAvgInLastWindow;
  private final AtomicLongArray responseTimeCountInLastWindow;

  // RPC queue time rates per queue
  private final DecayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics

  // Pre-computed scheduling decisions during the decay sweep are
  // atomically swapped in as a read-only map
  private final AtomicReference<Map<Object, Integer>> scheduleCacheRef =
    new AtomicReference<Map<Object, Integer>>();

  // Tune the behavior of the scheduler
  private final long decayPeriodMillis; // How long between each tick
  private final double decayFactor; // nextCost = currentCost * decayFactor
  private final int numLevels;
  private final double[] thresholds;
  private final IdentityProvider identityProvider;
  private final boolean backOffByResponseTimeEnabled;
  private final long[] backOffResponseTimeThresholds;
  private final String namespace;
  private final int topUsersCount; // e.g., report top 10 users' metrics
  private static final double PRECISION = 0.0001;
  private final TimeUnit metricsTimeUnit;
  private MetricsProxy metricsProxy;
  private final CostProvider costProvider;
  private final Map<String, Integer> staticPriorities = new HashMap<>();
  private Set<String> serviceUserNames;

   * This TimerTask will call decayCurrentCosts until
   * the scheduler has been garbage collected.
  public static class DecayTask extends TimerTask {
    private WeakReference<DecayRpcScheduler> schedulerRef;
    private Timer timer;

    public DecayTask(DecayRpcScheduler scheduler, Timer timer) {
      this.schedulerRef = new WeakReference<DecayRpcScheduler>(scheduler);
      this.timer = timer;

    public void run() {
      DecayRpcScheduler sched = schedulerRef.get();
      if (sched != null) {
      } else {
        // Our scheduler was garbage collected since it is no longer in use,
        // so we should terminate the timer as well

   * Create a decay scheduler.
   * @param numLevels number of priority levels
   * @param ns config prefix, so that we can configure multiple schedulers
   *           in a single instance.
   * @param conf configuration to use.
  public DecayRpcScheduler(int numLevels, String ns, Configuration conf) {
    if(numLevels < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of Priority Levels must be " +
          "at least 1");
    this.numLevels = numLevels;
    this.namespace = ns;
    this.decayFactor = parseDecayFactor(ns, conf);
    this.decayPeriodMillis = parseDecayPeriodMillis(ns, conf);
    this.identityProvider = this.parseIdentityProvider(ns, conf);
    this.costProvider = this.parseCostProvider(ns, conf);
    this.thresholds = parseThresholds(ns, conf, numLevels);
    this.backOffByResponseTimeEnabled = parseBackOffByResponseTimeEnabled(ns,
    this.backOffResponseTimeThresholds =
        parseBackOffResponseTimeThreshold(ns, conf, numLevels);
    this.serviceUserNames = this.parseServiceUserNames(ns, conf);

    // Setup response time metrics
    responseTimeTotalInCurrWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeCountInCurrWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeAvgInLastWindow = new AtomicDoubleArray(numLevels);
    responseTimeCountInLastWindow = new AtomicLongArray(numLevels);

    topUsersCount =
    Preconditions.checkArgument(topUsersCount > 0,
        "the number of top users for scheduler metrics must be at least 1");

    decayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics =

    metricsTimeUnit = RpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit(conf);

    // Setup delay timer
    Timer timer = new Timer(true);
    DecayTask task = new DecayTask(this, timer);
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, decayPeriodMillis, decayPeriodMillis);

    metricsProxy = MetricsProxy.getInstance(ns, numLevels, this);

  private CostProvider parseCostProvider(String ns, Configuration conf) {
    List<CostProvider> providers = conf.getInstances(
        ns + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_COST_PROVIDER_KEY,

    if (providers.size() < 1) {
      String[] nsPort = ns.split("\\.");
      if (nsPort.length == 2) {
        // Only if ns is split with ".", we can separate namespace and port.
        // In the absence of "ipc.<port>.cost-provider.impl" property,
        // we look up "ipc.cost-provider.impl" property.
        providers = conf.getInstances(
            nsPort[0] + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_COST_PROVIDER_KEY,

    if (providers.size() < 1) {
      LOG.info("CostProvider not specified, defaulting to DefaultCostProvider");
      return new DefaultCostProvider();
    } else if (providers.size() > 1) {
      LOG.warn("Found multiple CostProviders; using: {}",

    CostProvider provider = providers.get(0); // use the first
    provider.init(ns, conf);
    return provider;

  // Load configs
  private IdentityProvider parseIdentityProvider(String ns,
      Configuration conf) {
    List<IdentityProvider> providers = conf.getInstances(
      ns + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_KEY,

    if (providers.size() < 1) {
      String[] nsPort = ns.split("\\.");
      if (nsPort.length == 2) {
        // Only if ns is split with ".", we can separate namespace and port.
        // In the absence of "ipc.<port>.identity-provider.impl" property,
        // we look up "ipc.identity-provider.impl" property.
        providers = conf.getInstances(
            nsPort[0] + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_KEY,

    if (providers.size() < 1) {
      LOG.info("IdentityProvider not specified, " +
        "defaulting to UserIdentityProvider");
      return new UserIdentityProvider();

    return providers.get(0); // use the first

  private static double parseDecayFactor(String ns, Configuration conf) {
    double factor = conf.getDouble(ns + "." +
    if (factor == 0.0) {
      factor = conf.getDouble(ns + "." +
    } else if ((factor > 0.0) && (factor < 1)) {
          " is deprecated. Please use " +
    if (factor <= 0 || factor >= 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decay Factor " +
        "must be between 0 and 1");

    return factor;

  private static long parseDecayPeriodMillis(String ns, Configuration conf) {
    long period = conf.getLong(ns + "." +
    if (period == 0) {
      period = conf.getLong(ns + "." +
    } else if (period > 0) {
          " is deprecated. Please use " +
    if (period <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Period millis must be >= 0");

    return period;

  private static double[] parseThresholds(String ns, Configuration conf,
      int numLevels) {
    int[] percentages = conf.getInts(ns + "." +

    if (percentages.length == 0) {
      percentages = conf.getInts(ns + "." + IPC_DECAYSCHEDULER_THRESHOLDS_KEY);
      if (percentages.length == 0) {
        return getDefaultThresholds(numLevels);
    } else {
          " is deprecated. Please use " +

    if (percentages.length != numLevels-1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of thresholds should be " +
        (numLevels-1) + ". Was: " + percentages.length);

    // Convert integer percentages to decimals
    double[] decimals = new double[percentages.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < percentages.length; i++) {
      decimals[i] = percentages[i] / 100.0;

    return decimals;

  private Set<String> parseServiceUserNames(String ns, Configuration conf) {
    Collection<String> collection = conf.getStringCollection(
    return new HashSet<>(collection);

   * Generate default thresholds if user did not specify. Strategy is
   * to halve each time, since queue usage tends to be exponential.
   * So if numLevels is 4, we would generate: double[]{0.125, 0.25, 0.5}
   * which specifies the boundaries between each queue's usage.
   * @param numLevels number of levels to compute for
   * @return array of boundaries of length numLevels - 1
  private static double[] getDefaultThresholds(int numLevels) {
    double[] ret = new double[numLevels - 1];
    double div = Math.pow(2, numLevels - 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
      ret[i] = Math.pow(2, i)/div;
    return ret;

  private static long[] parseBackOffResponseTimeThreshold(String ns,
      Configuration conf, int numLevels) {
    long[] responseTimeThresholds = conf.getTimeDurations(ns + "." +
    // backoff thresholds not specified
    if (responseTimeThresholds.length == 0) {
      return getDefaultBackOffResponseTimeThresholds(numLevels);
    // backoff thresholds specified but not match with the levels
    if (responseTimeThresholds.length != numLevels) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "responseTimeThresholds must match with the number of priority " +
    // invalid thresholds
    for (long responseTimeThreshold: responseTimeThresholds) {
      if (responseTimeThreshold <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "responseTimeThreshold millis must be >= 0");
    return responseTimeThresholds;

  // 10s for level 0, 20s for level 1, 30s for level 2, ...
  private static long[] getDefaultBackOffResponseTimeThresholds(int numLevels) {
    long[] ret = new long[numLevels];
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
      ret[i] = 10000*(i+1);
    return ret;

  private static Boolean parseBackOffByResponseTimeEnabled(String ns,
      Configuration conf) {
    return conf.getBoolean(ns + "." +

   * Decay the stored costs for each user and clean as necessary.
   * This method should be called periodically in order to keep
   * costs current.
  private void decayCurrentCosts() {
    LOG.debug("Start to decay current costs.");
    try {
      long totalDecayedCost = 0;
      long totalRawCost = 0;
      long totalServiceUserDecayedCost = 0;
      long totalServiceUserRawCost = 0;
      Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>>> it =

      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>> entry = it.next();
        AtomicLong decayedCost = entry.getValue().get(0);
        AtomicLong rawCost = entry.getValue().get(1);

        // Compute the next value by reducing it by the decayFactor
        long currentValue = decayedCost.get();
        long nextValue = (long) (currentValue * decayFactor);
        if (isServiceUser((String) entry.getKey())) {
          totalServiceUserRawCost += rawCost.get();
          totalServiceUserDecayedCost += nextValue;
        } else {
          totalRawCost += rawCost.get();
          totalDecayedCost += nextValue;

            "Decaying costs for the user: {}, its decayedCost: {}, rawCost: {}",
            entry.getKey(), nextValue, rawCost.get());
        if (nextValue == 0) {
          LOG.debug("The decayed cost for the user {} is zero " +
              "and being cleaned.", entry.getKey());
          // We will clean up unused keys here. An interesting optimization
          // might be to have an upper bound on keyspace in callCosts and only
          // clean once we pass it.

      // Update the total so that we remain in sync

      LOG.debug("After decaying the stored costs, totalDecayedCost: {}, "
              + "totalRawCallCost: {}, totalServiceUserDecayedCost: {},"
              + " totalServiceUserRawCost: {}.", totalDecayedCost, totalRawCost,
          totalServiceUserDecayedCost, totalServiceUserRawCost);
      // Now refresh the cache of scheduling decisions

      // Update average response time with decay
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      LOG.error("decayCurrentCosts exception: " +
      throw ex;

   * Update the scheduleCache to match current conditions in callCosts.
  private void recomputeScheduleCache() {
    Map<Object, Integer> nextCache = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();

    for (Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>> entry : callCosts.entrySet()) {
      Object id = entry.getKey();
      AtomicLong value = entry.getValue().get(0);

      long snapshot = value.get();
      int computedLevel = computePriorityLevel(snapshot, id);

      nextCache.put(id, computedLevel);

    // Swap in to activate

   * Adjust the stored cost for a given identity.
   * @param identity the identity of the user whose cost should be adjusted
   * @param costDelta the cost to add for the given identity
  private void addCost(Object identity, long costDelta) {
    // We will increment the cost, or create it if no such cost exists
    List<AtomicLong> cost = this.callCosts.get(identity);
    if (cost == null) {
      // Create the costs since no such cost exists.
      // idx 0 for decayed call cost
      // idx 1 for the raw call cost
      cost = new ArrayList<AtomicLong>(2);
      cost.add(new AtomicLong(0));
      cost.add(new AtomicLong(0));

      // Put it in, or get the AtomicInteger that was put in by another thread
      List<AtomicLong> otherCost = callCosts.putIfAbsent(identity, cost);
      if (otherCost != null) {
        cost = otherCost;

    // Update the total
    if (!isServiceUser((String) identity)) {
    } else {

    // At this point value is guaranteed to be not null. It may however have
    // been clobbered from callCosts. Nonetheless, we return what
    // we have.

   * Given the cost for an identity, compute a scheduling decision.
   * @param cost the cost for an identity
   * @param identity the identity of the user
   * @return scheduling decision from 0 to numLevels - 1
  private int computePriorityLevel(long cost, Object identity) {
    // The priority for service users is always 0
    if (isServiceUser((String)identity)) {
      return 0;
    Integer staticPriority = staticPriorities.get(identity);
    if (staticPriority != null) {
      return staticPriority.intValue();
    long totalCallSnapshot = totalDecayedCallCost.get();

    double proportion = 0;
    if (totalCallSnapshot > 0) {
      proportion = (double) cost / totalCallSnapshot;

    // Start with low priority levels, since they will be most common
    for(int i = (numLevels - 1); i > 0; i--) {
      if (proportion >= this.thresholds[i - 1]) {
        return i; // We've found our level number

    // If we get this far, we're at level 0
    return 0;

   * Returns the priority level for a given identity by first trying the cache,
   * then computing it.
   * @param identity an object responding to toString and hashCode
   * @return integer scheduling decision from 0 to numLevels - 1
  private int cachedOrComputedPriorityLevel(Object identity) {
    // Try the cache
    Map<Object, Integer> scheduleCache = scheduleCacheRef.get();
    if (scheduleCache != null) {
      Integer priority = scheduleCache.get(identity);
      if (priority != null) {
        LOG.debug("Cache priority for: {} with priority: {}", identity,
        return priority;

    // Cache was no good, compute it
    List<AtomicLong> costList = callCosts.get(identity);
    long currentCost = costList == null ? 0 : costList.get(0).get();
    int priority = computePriorityLevel(currentCost, identity);
    LOG.debug("compute priority for identity: {}={}", identity,
    return priority;

  private String getIdentity(Schedulable obj) {
    String identity = this.identityProvider.makeIdentity(obj);
    if (identity == null) {
      // Identity provider did not handle this
    return identity;

   * Compute the appropriate priority for a schedulable based on past requests.
   * @param obj the schedulable obj to query and remember
   * @return the level index which we recommend scheduling in
  public int getPriorityLevel(Schedulable obj) {
    // First get the identity
    String identity = getIdentity(obj);
    // highest priority users may have a negative priority but their
    // calls will be priority 0.
    return Math.max(0, cachedOrComputedPriorityLevel(identity));

  int getPriorityLevel(UserGroupInformation ugi) {
    String identity = getIdentity(newSchedulable(ugi));
    // returns true priority of the user.
    return cachedOrComputedPriorityLevel(identity);

  void setPriorityLevel(UserGroupInformation ugi, int priority) {
    String identity = getIdentity(newSchedulable(ugi));
    priority = Math.min(numLevels - 1, priority);
    LOG.info("Setting priority for user: {}={}", identity, priority);
    staticPriorities.put(identity, priority);

  // dummy instance to conform to identity provider api.
  private static Schedulable newSchedulable(UserGroupInformation ugi) {
    return new Schedulable() {
      public UserGroupInformation getUserGroupInformation() {
        return ugi;

      public int getPriorityLevel() {
        return 0;

  private boolean isServiceUser(String userName) {
    return this.serviceUserNames.contains(userName);

  public boolean shouldBackOff(Schedulable obj) {
    Boolean backOff = false;
    if (backOffByResponseTimeEnabled) {
      int priorityLevel = obj.getPriorityLevel();
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        double[] responseTimes = getAverageResponseTime();
        LOG.debug("Current Caller: {}  Priority: {} ",
        for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
          LOG.debug("Queue: {} responseTime: {} backoffThreshold: {}", i,
              responseTimes[i], backOffResponseTimeThresholds[i]);
      // High priority rpc over threshold triggers back off of low priority rpc
      for (int i = 0; i < priorityLevel + 1; i++) {
        if (responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.get(i) >
            backOffResponseTimeThresholds[i]) {
          backOff = true;
    return backOff;

  public void addResponseTime(String callName, Schedulable schedulable,
      ProcessingDetails details) {
    String user = identityProvider.makeIdentity(schedulable);
    long processingCost = costProvider.getCost(details);
    addCost(user, processingCost);

    int priorityLevel = schedulable.getPriorityLevel();
    long queueTime = details.get(Timing.QUEUE, metricsTimeUnit);
    long processingTime = details.get(Timing.PROCESSING,

        priorityLevel, queueTime);
        priorityLevel, processingTime);

    LOG.debug("addResponseTime for call: {}  priority: {} queueTime: {} " +
        "processingTime: {} ", callName, priorityLevel, queueTime,

  // Update the cached average response time at the end of the decay window
  void updateAverageResponseTime(boolean enableDecay) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
      double averageResponseTime = 0;
      long totalResponseTime = responseTimeTotalInCurrWindow.get(i);
      long responseTimeCount = responseTimeCountInCurrWindow.get(i);
      if (responseTimeCount > 0) {
        averageResponseTime = (double) totalResponseTime / responseTimeCount;
      final double lastAvg = responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.get(i);
      if (lastAvg > PRECISION || averageResponseTime > PRECISION) {
        if (enableDecay) {
          final double decayed = decayFactor * lastAvg + averageResponseTime;
          responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.set(i, decayed);
        } else {
          responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.set(i, averageResponseTime);
      } else {
        responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.set(i, 0);
      responseTimeCountInLastWindow.set(i, responseTimeCount);
      LOG.debug("updateAverageResponseTime queue: {} Average: {} Count: {}",
          i, averageResponseTime, responseTimeCount);
      // Reset for next decay window
      responseTimeTotalInCurrWindow.set(i, 0);
      responseTimeCountInCurrWindow.set(i, 0);

  // For testing
  double getDecayFactor() {
    return decayFactor;

  long getDecayPeriodMillis() {
    return decayPeriodMillis;

  double[] getThresholds() {
    return thresholds;

  Set<String> getServiceUserNames() {
    return serviceUserNames;

  void forceDecay() {

  Map<Object, Long> getCallCostSnapshot() {
    HashMap<Object, Long> snapshot = new HashMap<Object, Long>();

    for (Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>> entry : callCosts.entrySet()) {
      snapshot.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(0).get());

    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(snapshot);

  long getTotalCallSnapshot() {
    return totalDecayedCallCost.get();

   * MetricsProxy is a singleton because we may init multiple schedulers and we
   * want to clean up resources when a new scheduler replaces the old one.
  public static final class MetricsProxy implements DecayRpcSchedulerMXBean,
      MetricsSource {
    // One singleton per namespace
    private static final HashMap<String, MetricsProxy> INSTANCES =
      new HashMap<String, MetricsProxy>();

    // Weakref for delegate, so we don't retain it forever if it can be GC'd
    private WeakReference<DecayRpcScheduler> delegate;
    private double[] averageResponseTimeDefault;
    private long[] callCountInLastWindowDefault;
    private ObjectName decayRpcSchedulerInfoBeanName;

    private MetricsProxy(String namespace, int numLevels,
        DecayRpcScheduler drs) {
      averageResponseTimeDefault = new double[numLevels];
      callCountInLastWindowDefault = new long[numLevels];
      decayRpcSchedulerInfoBeanName =
          MBeans.register(namespace, "DecayRpcScheduler", this);

    public static synchronized MetricsProxy getInstance(String namespace,
        int numLevels, DecayRpcScheduler drs) {
      MetricsProxy mp = INSTANCES.get(namespace);
      if (mp == null) {
        // We must create one
        mp = new MetricsProxy(namespace, numLevels, drs);
        INSTANCES.put(namespace, mp);
      } else  if (drs != mp.delegate.get()){
        // in case of delegate is reclaimed, we should set it again
      return mp;

    public static synchronized void removeInstance(String namespace) {

    public void setDelegate(DecayRpcScheduler obj) {
      this.delegate = new WeakReference<DecayRpcScheduler>(obj);

    void registerMetrics2Source(String namespace) {
      final String name = "DecayRpcSchedulerMetrics2." + namespace;
      DefaultMetricsSystem.instance().register(name, name, this);

    void unregisterSource(String namespace) {
      final String name = "DecayRpcSchedulerMetrics2." + namespace;
      if (decayRpcSchedulerInfoBeanName != null) {

    public String getSchedulingDecisionSummary() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return "No Active Scheduler";
      } else {
        return scheduler.getSchedulingDecisionSummary();

    public String getCallVolumeSummary() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return "No Active Scheduler";
      } else {
        return scheduler.getCallVolumeSummary();

    public int getUniqueIdentityCount() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return scheduler.getUniqueIdentityCount();

    public long getTotalCallVolume() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return scheduler.getTotalCallVolume();

    public double[] getAverageResponseTime() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return averageResponseTimeDefault;
      } else {
        return scheduler.getAverageResponseTime();

    public long[] getResponseTimeCountInLastWindow() {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler == null) {
        return callCountInLastWindowDefault;
      } else {
        return scheduler.getResponseTimeCountInLastWindow();

    public void getMetrics(MetricsCollector collector, boolean all) {
      DecayRpcScheduler scheduler = delegate.get();
      if (scheduler != null) {
        scheduler.getMetrics(collector, all);

  public int getUniqueIdentityCount() {
    return callCosts.size();

  public long getTotalCallVolume() {
    return totalDecayedCallCost.get();

  public long getTotalRawCallVolume() {
    return totalRawCallCost.get();

  public long getTotalServiceUserCallVolume() {
    return totalServiceUserDecayedCallCost.get();

  public long getTotalServiceUserRawCallVolume() {
    return totalServiceUserRawCallCost.get();

  public long[] getResponseTimeCountInLastWindow() {
    long[] ret = new long[responseTimeCountInLastWindow.length()];
    for (int i = 0; i < responseTimeCountInLastWindow.length(); i++) {
      ret[i] = responseTimeCountInLastWindow.get(i);
    return ret;

  public double[] getAverageResponseTime() {
    double[] ret = new double[responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.length()];
    for (int i = 0; i < responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.length(); i++) {
      ret[i] = responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.get(i);
    return ret;

  public void getMetrics(MetricsCollector collector, boolean all) {
    // Metrics2 interface to act as a Metric source
    try {
      MetricsRecordBuilder rb = collector.addRecord(getClass().getName())
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception thrown while metric collection. Exception : "
          + e.getMessage());

  // Key: UniqueCallers
  private void addUniqueIdentityCount(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    rb.addCounter(Interns.info("UniqueCallers", "Total unique callers"),

  // Key: DecayedCallVolume
  private void addDecayedCallVolume(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    rb.addCounter(Interns.info("DecayedCallVolume", "Decayed Total " +
        "incoming Call Volume"), getTotalCallVolume());

  private void addRawCallVolume(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    rb.addCounter(Interns.info("CallVolume", "Raw Total " +
        "incoming Call Volume"), getTotalRawCallVolume());

  // Key: ServiceUserDecayedCallVolume.
  private void addServiceUserDecayedCallVolume(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
        "Service-user Decayed Total incoming Call Volume"),

  // Key: ServiceUserCallVolume.
  private void addServiceUserRawCallVolume(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
        "Service-user Raw Total incoming Call Volume"),

  // Key: Priority.0.CompletedCallVolume
  private void addCallVolumePerPriority(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    for (int i = 0; i < responseTimeCountInLastWindow.length(); i++) {
      rb.addGauge(Interns.info("Priority." + i + ".CompletedCallVolume",
          "Completed Call volume " +
          "of priority "+ i), responseTimeCountInLastWindow.get(i));

  // Key: Priority.0.AvgResponseTime
  private void addAvgResponseTimePerPriority(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    for (int i = 0; i < responseTimeAvgInLastWindow.length(); i++) {
      rb.addGauge(Interns.info("Priority." + i + ".AvgResponseTime", "Average" +
          " response time of priority " + i),

  // Key: Caller(xyz).Volume and Caller(xyz).Priority
  private void addTopNCallerSummary(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
    TopN topNCallers = getTopCallers(topUsersCount);
    Map<Object, Integer> decisions = scheduleCacheRef.get();
    final int actualCallerCount = topNCallers.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < actualCallerCount; i++) {
      NameValuePair entry =  topNCallers.poll();
      String topCaller = "Caller(" + entry.getName() + ")";
      String topCallerVolume = topCaller + ".Volume";
      String topCallerPriority = topCaller + ".Priority";
      rb.addCounter(Interns.info(topCallerVolume, topCallerVolume),
      Integer priority = decisions.get(entry.getName());
      if (priority != null) {
        rb.addCounter(Interns.info(topCallerPriority, topCallerPriority),

  // Get the top N callers' raw call cost and scheduler decision
  private TopN getTopCallers(int n) {
    TopN topNCallers = new TopN(n);
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>>> it =
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>> entry = it.next();
      String caller = entry.getKey().toString();
      Long cost = entry.getValue().get(1).get();
      if (cost > 0) {
        topNCallers.offer(new NameValuePair(caller, cost));
    return topNCallers;

  public String getSchedulingDecisionSummary() {
    Map<Object, Integer> decisions = scheduleCacheRef.get();
    if (decisions == null) {
      return "{}";
    } else {
      try {
        return WRITER.writeValueAsString(decisions);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        return "Error: " + e.getMessage();

  public String getCallVolumeSummary() {
    try {
      return WRITER.writeValueAsString(getDecayedCallCosts());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return "Error: " + e.getMessage();

  private Map<Object, Long> getDecayedCallCosts() {
    Map<Object, Long> decayedCallCosts = new HashMap<>(callCosts.size());
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>>> it =
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry<Object, List<AtomicLong>> entry = it.next();
      Object user = entry.getKey();
      Long decayedCost = entry.getValue().get(0).get();
      if (decayedCost > 0) {
        decayedCallCosts.put(user, decayedCost);
    return decayedCallCosts;

  public DecayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics
      getDecayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics() {
    return decayRpcSchedulerDetailedMetrics;

  public void stop() {


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AlignmentContext 源码

hadoop AsyncCallLimitExceededException 源码

hadoop CallQueueManager 源码

hadoop CallerContext 源码

hadoop Client 源码

hadoop ClientCache 源码

hadoop ClientId 源码

hadoop CostProvider 源码

hadoop DecayRpcSchedulerMXBean 源码

hadoop DefaultCostProvider 源码

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