greenplumn CLogicalIntersect 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (285)


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CLogicalIntersect.cpp
//	@doc:
//		Implementation of Intersect operator

#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalIntersect.h"

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CKeyCollection.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpressionHandle.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalGbAgg.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalIntersectAll.h"

using namespace gpopt;

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::CLogicalIntersect
//	@doc:
//		Ctor - for pattern
CLogicalIntersect::CLogicalIntersect(CMemoryPool *mp) : CLogicalSetOp(mp)
	m_fPattern = true;

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::CLogicalIntersect
//	@doc:
//		Ctor
CLogicalIntersect::CLogicalIntersect(CMemoryPool *mp,
									 CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput,
									 CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrInput)
	: CLogicalSetOp(mp, pdrgpcrOutput, pdrgpdrgpcrInput)

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::~CLogicalIntersect
//	@doc:
//		Dtor
CLogicalIntersect::~CLogicalIntersect() = default;

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::DeriveMaxCard
//	@doc:
//		Derive max card
CLogicalIntersect::DeriveMaxCard(CMemoryPool *,	 // mp
								 CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const
	// contradictions produce no rows
	if (exprhdl.DerivePropertyConstraint()->FContradiction())
		return CMaxCard(0 /*ull*/);

	CMaxCard maxcardL = exprhdl.DeriveMaxCard(0);
	CMaxCard maxcardR = exprhdl.DeriveMaxCard(1);

	if (maxcardL <= maxcardR)
		return maxcardL;

	return maxcardR;

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::PopCopyWithRemappedColumns
//	@doc:
//		Return a copy of the operator with remapped columns
COperator *
CLogicalIntersect::PopCopyWithRemappedColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
											  UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping,
											  BOOL must_exist)
	CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput =
		CUtils::PdrgpcrRemap(mp, m_pdrgpcrOutput, colref_mapping, must_exist);
	CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrInput = CUtils::PdrgpdrgpcrRemap(
		mp, m_pdrgpdrgpcrInput, colref_mapping, must_exist);

	return GPOS_NEW(mp) CLogicalIntersect(mp, pdrgpcrOutput, pdrgpdrgpcrInput);

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::PxfsCandidates
//	@doc:
//		Get candidate xforms
CXformSet *
CLogicalIntersect::PxfsCandidates(CMemoryPool *mp) const
	CXformSet *xform_set = GPOS_NEW(mp) CXformSet(mp);
	(void) xform_set->ExchangeSet(CXform::ExfIntersect2Join);
	return xform_set;

//	@function:
//		CLogicalIntersect::PstatsDerive
//	@doc:
//		Derive statistics
IStatistics *
CLogicalIntersect::PstatsDerive(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
								IStatisticsArray *	// not used
) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(Esp(exprhdl) > EspNone);

	// intersect is transformed into a group by over an intersect all
	// we follow the same route to compute statistics

	CColRefSetArray *output_colrefsets = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSetArray(mp);
	const ULONG size = m_pdrgpdrgpcrInput->Size();
	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < size; ul++)
		CColRefSet *pcrs =
			GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp, (*m_pdrgpdrgpcrInput)[ul]);

	IStatistics *pstatsIntersectAll = CLogicalIntersectAll::PstatsDerive(
		mp, exprhdl, m_pdrgpdrgpcrInput, output_colrefsets);

	// computed columns
	ULongPtrArray *pdrgpulComputedCols = GPOS_NEW(mp) ULongPtrArray(mp);

	IStatistics *stats = CLogicalGbAgg::PstatsDerive(
		mp, pstatsIntersectAll,
		(*m_pdrgpdrgpcrInput)[0],  // we group by the columns of the first child
		pdrgpulComputedCols,	   // no computed columns for set ops
		nullptr					   // no keys, use all grouping cols
	// clean up

	return stats;

// EOF

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