harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Manager Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (585)

Bundle Manager Subsystem Changelog

cl.bundlemanager.1 Field Change of the ApplicationInfo Struct in API Version 9

The ApplicationInfo struct bundleManager/applicationInfo.d.ts in API version 9 has field changes, with the systemApp field being added and the entryDir field being deleted.

Change Impact
There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes
The following table describes the changed fields in the ApplicationInfo struct. |Deleted Field|Added or Changed Field in API Version 9|Type| |—|—|—| |N/A|systemApp|boolean| |entryDir|N/A|string|

Adaptation Guide
Import the bundle manager query module and use the systemApp field in the ApplicationInfo struct of API version 9. If the entryDir field is used, change the field because it is redundant in features where HAP decompression is not required.

cl.bundlemanager.2 Field Change of the HapModuleInfo Struct in API Version 9

The moduleSourceDir field is deleted from the HapModuleInfo struct bundleManager/hapModuleInfo.d.ts in API version 9.

Change Impact
There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes
The following table describes the changed fields in the HapModuleInfo struct. |Deleted Field|Added or Changed Field in API Version 9|Type| |—|—|—| |moduleSourceDir|N/A|string|

Adaptation Guide
Import the bundle manager query module and do not use the moduleSourceDir field in the HapModuleInfo struct of API version 9. If the moduleSourceDir field is used, change the field because it is redundant in features where HAP decompression is not required.


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