spark InternalKafkaConsumerPool 源码
spark InternalKafkaConsumerPool 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.consumer
import java.{util => ju}
import java.time.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import org.apache.commons.pool2.{BaseKeyedPooledObjectFactory, PooledObject, SwallowedExceptionListener}
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.{BaseObjectPoolConfig, DefaultEvictionPolicy, DefaultPooledObject, GenericKeyedObjectPool, GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010._
import org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.consumer.InternalKafkaConsumerPool._
import org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.consumer.KafkaDataConsumer.CacheKey
* Provides object pool for [[InternalKafkaConsumer]] which is grouped by [[CacheKey]].
* This class leverages [[GenericKeyedObjectPool]] internally, hence providing methods based on
* the class, and same contract applies: after using the borrowed object, you must either call
* returnObject() if the object is healthy to return to pool, or invalidateObject() if the object
* should be destroyed.
* The soft capacity of pool is determined by "spark.kafka.consumer.cache.capacity" config value,
* and the pool will have reasonable default value if the value is not provided.
* (The instance will do its best effort to respect soft capacity but it can exceed when there's
* a borrowing request and there's neither free space nor idle object to clear.)
* This class guarantees that no caller will get pooled object once the object is borrowed and
* not yet returned, hence provide thread-safety usage of non-thread-safe [[InternalKafkaConsumer]]
* unless caller shares the object to multiple threads.
private[consumer] class InternalKafkaConsumerPool(
objectFactory: ObjectFactory,
poolConfig: PoolConfig) extends Logging {
def this(conf: SparkConf) = {
this(new ObjectFactory, new PoolConfig(conf))
// the class is intended to have only soft capacity
assert(poolConfig.getMaxTotal < 0)
private val pool = {
val internalPool = new GenericKeyedObjectPool[CacheKey, InternalKafkaConsumer](
objectFactory, poolConfig)
* Borrows [[InternalKafkaConsumer]] object from the pool. If there's no idle object for the key,
* the pool will create the [[InternalKafkaConsumer]] object.
* If the pool doesn't have idle object for the key and also exceeds the soft capacity,
* pool will try to clear some of idle objects.
* Borrowed object must be returned by either calling returnObject or invalidateObject, otherwise
* the object will be kept in pool as active object.
def borrowObject(key: CacheKey, kafkaParams: ju.Map[String, Object]): InternalKafkaConsumer = {
updateKafkaParamForKey(key, kafkaParams)
if (size >= poolConfig.softMaxSize) {
logWarning("Pool exceeds its soft max size, cleaning up idle objects...")
/** Returns borrowed object to the pool. */
def returnObject(consumer: InternalKafkaConsumer): Unit = {
pool.returnObject(extractCacheKey(consumer), consumer)
/** Invalidates (destroy) borrowed object to the pool. */
def invalidateObject(consumer: InternalKafkaConsumer): Unit = {
pool.invalidateObject(extractCacheKey(consumer), consumer)
/** Invalidates all idle consumers for the key */
def invalidateKey(key: CacheKey): Unit = {
* Closes the keyed object pool. Once the pool is closed,
* borrowObject will fail with [[IllegalStateException]], but returnObject and invalidateObject
* will continue to work, with returned objects destroyed on return.
* Also destroys idle instances in the pool.
def close(): Unit = {
def reset(): Unit = {
// this is the best-effort of clearing up. otherwise we should close the pool and create again
// but we don't want to make it "var" only because of tests.
def numIdle: Int = pool.getNumIdle
def numIdle(key: CacheKey): Int = pool.getNumIdle(key)
def numActive: Int = pool.getNumActive
def numActive(key: CacheKey): Int = pool.getNumActive(key)
def size: Int = numIdle + numActive
def size(key: CacheKey): Int = numIdle(key) + numActive(key)
// TODO: revisit the relation between CacheKey and kafkaParams - for now it looks a bit weird
// as we force all consumers having same (groupId, topicPartition) to have same kafkaParams
// which might be viable in performance perspective (kafkaParams might be too huge to use
// as a part of key), but there might be the case kafkaParams could be different -
// cache key should be differentiated for both kafkaParams.
private def updateKafkaParamForKey(key: CacheKey, kafkaParams: ju.Map[String, Object]): Unit = {
// We can assume that kafkaParam should not be different for same cache key,
// otherwise we can't reuse the cached object and cache key should contain kafkaParam.
// So it should be safe to put the key/value pair only when the key doesn't exist.
val oldKafkaParams = objectFactory.keyToKafkaParams.putIfAbsent(key, kafkaParams)
require(oldKafkaParams == null || kafkaParams == oldKafkaParams, "Kafka parameters for same " +
s"cache key should be equal. old parameters: $oldKafkaParams new parameters: $kafkaParams")
private def extractCacheKey(consumer: InternalKafkaConsumer): CacheKey = {
new CacheKey(consumer.topicPartition, consumer.kafkaParams)
private[consumer] object InternalKafkaConsumerPool {
object CustomSwallowedExceptionListener extends SwallowedExceptionListener with Logging {
override def onSwallowException(e: Exception): Unit = {
logError(s"Error closing Kafka consumer", e)
class PoolConfig(conf: SparkConf) extends GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig[InternalKafkaConsumer] {
private var _softMaxSize = Int.MaxValue
def softMaxSize: Int = _softMaxSize
def init(): Unit = {
_softMaxSize = conf.get(CONSUMER_CACHE_CAPACITY)
val jmxEnabled = conf.get(CONSUMER_CACHE_JMX_ENABLED)
val minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = conf.get(CONSUMER_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
val evictorThreadRunIntervalMillis = conf.get(
// NOTE: Below lines define the behavior, so do not modify unless you know what you are
// doing, and update the class doc accordingly if necessary when you modify.
// 1. Set min idle objects per key to 0 to avoid creating unnecessary object.
// 2. Set max idle objects per key to 3 but set total objects per key to infinite
// which ensures borrowing per key is not restricted.
// 3. Set max total objects to infinite which ensures all objects are managed in this pool.
// Set minimum evictable idle time which will be referred from evictor thread
// evictor thread will run test with ten idle objects
setEvictionPolicy(new DefaultEvictionPolicy[InternalKafkaConsumer]())
// Immediately fail on exhausted pool while borrowing
class ObjectFactory extends BaseKeyedPooledObjectFactory[CacheKey, InternalKafkaConsumer] {
val keyToKafkaParams = new ConcurrentHashMap[CacheKey, ju.Map[String, Object]]()
override def create(key: CacheKey): InternalKafkaConsumer = {
Option(keyToKafkaParams.get(key)) match {
case Some(kafkaParams) => new InternalKafkaConsumer(key.topicPartition, kafkaParams)
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("Kafka params should be set before " +
"borrowing object.")
override def wrap(value: InternalKafkaConsumer): PooledObject[InternalKafkaConsumer] = {
new DefaultPooledObject[InternalKafkaConsumer](value)
override def destroyObject(key: CacheKey, p: PooledObject[InternalKafkaConsumer]): Unit = {
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦