hadoop OBSConstants 源码

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haddop OBSConstants 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.apache.hadoop.fs.obs;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;

 * All constants used by {@link OBSFileSystem}.
 * <p>Some of the strings are marked as {@code Unstable}. This means that they
 * may be unsupported in future; at which point they will be marked as
 * deprecated and simply ignored.
final class OBSConstants {
   * Minimum multipart size which OBS supports.
  static final int MULTIPART_MIN_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

   * OBS access key.
  static final String ACCESS_KEY = "fs.obs.access.key";

   * OBS secret key.
  static final String SECRET_KEY = "fs.obs.secret.key";

   * OBS credentials provider.
  static final String OBS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER
      = "fs.obs.credentials.provider";

   * OBS client security provider.
  static final String OBS_SECURITY_PROVIDER = "fs.obs.security.provider";

   * Extra set of security credentials which will be prepended to that set in
   * {@code "hadoop.security.credential.provider.path"}. This extra option
   * allows for per-bucket overrides.

   * Session token for when using TemporaryOBSCredentialsProvider.
  static final String SESSION_TOKEN = "fs.obs.session.token";

   * Maximum number of simultaneous connections to obs.
  static final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = "fs.obs.connection.maximum";

   * Default value of {@link #MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = 1000;

   * Connect to obs over ssl.
  static final String SECURE_CONNECTIONS = "fs.obs.connection.ssl.enabled";

   * Default value of {@link #SECURE_CONNECTIONS}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_SECURE_CONNECTIONS = false;

   * Use a custom endpoint.
  static final String ENDPOINT = "fs.obs.endpoint";

   * Host for connecting to OBS through proxy server.
  static final String PROXY_HOST = "fs.obs.proxy.host";

   * Port for connecting to OBS through proxy server.
  static final String PROXY_PORT = "fs.obs.proxy.port";

   * User name for connecting to OBS through proxy server.
  static final String PROXY_USERNAME = "fs.obs.proxy.username";

   * Password for connecting to OBS through proxy server.
  static final String PROXY_PASSWORD = "fs.obs.proxy.password";

   * Default port for HTTPS.
  static final int DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443;

   * Default port for HTTP.
  static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;

   * Number of times we should retry errors.
  static final String MAX_ERROR_RETRIES = "fs.obs.attempts.maximum";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_ERROR_RETRIES}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRIES = 3;

   * Seconds until we give up trying to establish a connection to obs.
  static final String ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT
      = "fs.obs.connection.establish.timeout";

   * Default value of {@link #ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT}.
  static final int DEFAULT_ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT = 120000;

   * Seconds until we give up on a connection to obs.
  static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "fs.obs.connection.timeout";

   * Default value of {@link #SOCKET_TIMEOUT}.
  static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 120000;

   * Socket send buffer to be used in OBS SDK.
  static final String SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER = "fs.obs.socket.send.buffer";

   * Default value of {@link #SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER}.
  static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER = 256 * 1024;

   * Socket receive buffer to be used in OBS SDK.
  static final String SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER = "fs.obs.socket.recv.buffer";

   * Default value of {@link #SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER}.
  static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER = 256 * 1024;

   * Number of records to get while paging through a directory listing.
  static final String MAX_PAGING_KEYS = "fs.obs.paging.maximum";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_PAGING_KEYS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PAGING_KEYS = 1000;

   * Maximum number of threads to allow in the pool used by TransferManager.
  static final String MAX_THREADS = "fs.obs.threads.max";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = 20;

   * Maximum number of tasks cached if all threads are already uploading.
  static final String MAX_TOTAL_TASKS = "fs.obs.max.total.tasks";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_TOTAL_TASKS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_TASKS = 20;

   * Max number of copy threads.
  static final String MAX_COPY_THREADS = "fs.obs.copy.threads.max";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_COPY_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_COPY_THREADS = 40;

   * Max number of delete threads.
  static final String MAX_DELETE_THREADS = "fs.obs.delete.threads.max";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_DELETE_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DELETE_THREADS = 20;

   * Unused option: maintained for compile-time compatibility. If set, a warning
   * is logged in OBS during init.
  static final String CORE_THREADS = "fs.obs.threads.core";

   * The time that an idle thread waits before terminating.
  static final String KEEPALIVE_TIME = "fs.obs.threads.keepalivetime";

   * Default value of {@link #KEEPALIVE_TIME}.
  static final int DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_TIME = 60;

   * Size of each of or multipart pieces in bytes.
  static final String MULTIPART_SIZE = "fs.obs.multipart.size";

   * Default value of {@link #MULTIPART_SIZE}.
  static final long DEFAULT_MULTIPART_SIZE = 104857600; // 100 MB

   * Enable multi-object delete calls.
  static final String ENABLE_MULTI_DELETE = "fs.obs.multiobjectdelete.enable";

   * Max number of objects in one multi-object delete call. This option takes
   * effect only when the option 'ENABLE_MULTI_DELETE' is set to 'true'.
  static final String MULTI_DELETE_MAX_NUMBER
      = "fs.obs.multiobjectdelete.maximum";

   * Default value of {@link #MULTI_DELETE_MAX_NUMBER}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MULTI_DELETE_MAX_NUMBER = 1000;

   * Delete recursively or not.
  static final String MULTI_DELETE_RECURSION
      = "fs.obs.multiobjectdelete.recursion";

   * Minimum number of objects in one multi-object delete call.
  static final String MULTI_DELETE_THRESHOLD
      = "fs.obs.multiobjectdelete.threshold";

   * Default value of {@link #MULTI_DELETE_THRESHOLD}.
  static final int MULTI_DELETE_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 3;

   * Comma separated list of directories.
  static final String BUFFER_DIR = "fs.obs.buffer.dir";

   * Switch to the fast block-by-block upload mechanism.
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD = "fs.obs.fast.upload";

   * What buffer to use. Default is {@link #FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_DISK} Value:
   * {@value}
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER = "fs.obs.fast.upload.buffer";

   * Buffer blocks to disk: {@value}. Capacity is limited to available disk
   * space.
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_DISK = "disk";

   * Use an in-memory array. Fast but will run of heap rapidly: {@value}.
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_ARRAY = "array";

   * Use a byte buffer. May be more memory efficient than the {@link
   * #FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER_ARRAY}: {@value}.
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD_BYTEBUFFER = "bytebuffer";

   * Maximum number of blocks a single output stream can have active (uploading,
   * or queued to the central FileSystem instance's pool of queued operations.
   * )This stops a single stream overloading the shared thread pool. {@value}
   * <p>Default is {@link #DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS}
  static final String FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS
      = "fs.obs.fast.upload.active.blocks";

   * Limit of queued block upload operations before writes block. Value:
   * {@value}

   * Canned acl options: Private | PublicRead | PublicReadWrite |
   * AuthenticatedRead | LogDeliveryWrite | BucketOwnerRead |
   * BucketOwnerFullControl.
  static final String CANNED_ACL = "fs.obs.acl.default";

   * Default value of {@link #CANNED_ACL}.
  static final String DEFAULT_CANNED_ACL = "";

   * Should we try to purge old multipart uploads when starting up.
  static final String PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART = "fs.obs.multipart.purge";

   * Default value of {@link #PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART = false;

   * Purge any multipart uploads older than this number of seconds.
      = "fs.obs.multipart.purge.age";

   * Default value of {@link #PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE}.
  static final long DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE = 86400;

   * OBS folder suffix.
  static final String OBS_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_$folder$";

   * Block size for
   * {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem#getDefaultBlockSize()}.
  static final String FS_OBS_BLOCK_SIZE = "fs.obs.block.size";

   * Default value of {@link #FS_OBS_BLOCK_SIZE}.
  static final int DEFAULT_FS_OBS_BLOCK_SIZE = 128 * 1024 * 1024;

   * OBS scheme.
  static final String OBS_SCHEME = "obs";

   * Prefix for all OBS properties: {@value}.
  static final String FS_OBS_PREFIX = "fs.obs.";

   * Prefix for OBS bucket-specific properties: {@value}.
  static final String FS_OBS_BUCKET_PREFIX = "fs.obs.bucket.";

   * OBS default port.
  static final int OBS_DEFAULT_PORT = -1;

   * User agent prefix.
  static final String USER_AGENT_PREFIX = "fs.obs.user.agent.prefix";

   * Read ahead buffer size to prevent connection re-establishments.
  static final String READAHEAD_RANGE = "fs.obs.readahead.range";

   * Default value of {@link #READAHEAD_RANGE}.
  static final long DEFAULT_READAHEAD_RANGE = 1024 * 1024;

   * Flag indicating if {@link OBSInputStream#read(long, byte[], int, int)} will
   * use the implementation of
   * {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSInputStream#read(long,
   * byte[], int, int)}.
  static final String READ_TRANSFORM_ENABLE = "fs.obs.read.transform.enable";

   * OBS client factory implementation class.
  static final String OBS_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL
      = "fs.obs.client.factory.impl";

   * Default value of {@link #OBS_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL}.
  static final Class<? extends OBSClientFactory>

   * Maximum number of partitions in a multipart upload: {@value}.
  static final int MAX_MULTIPART_COUNT = 10000;

  // OBS Client configuration

   * Idle connection time.
  static final String IDLE_CONNECTION_TIME = "fs.obs.idle.connection.time";

   * Default value of {@link #IDLE_CONNECTION_TIME}.
  static final int DEFAULT_IDLE_CONNECTION_TIME = 30000;

   * Maximum number of idle connections.
  static final String MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS = "fs.obs.max.idle.connections";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS = 1000;

   * Keep alive.
  static final String KEEP_ALIVE = "fs.obs.keep.alive";

   * Default value of {@link #KEEP_ALIVE}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE = true;

   * Validate certificate.
  static final String VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE = "fs.obs.validate.certificate";

   * Default value of {@link #VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE = false;

   * Verify response content type.
      = "fs.obs.verify.response.content.type";

   * Default value of {@link #VERIFY_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_VERIFY_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE = true;

   * UploadStreamRetryBufferSize.
  static final String UPLOAD_STREAM_RETRY_SIZE
      = "fs.obs.upload.stream.retry.buffer.size";

   * Default value of {@link #UPLOAD_STREAM_RETRY_SIZE}.
  static final int DEFAULT_UPLOAD_STREAM_RETRY_SIZE = 512 * 1024;

   * Read buffer size.
  static final String READ_BUFFER_SIZE = "fs.obs.read.buffer.size";

   * Default value of {@link #READ_BUFFER_SIZE}.
  static final int DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024;

   * Write buffer size.
  static final String WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = "fs.obs.write.buffer.size";

   * Default value of {@link #WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE}.
  static final int DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024;

   * Canonical name.
  static final String CNAME = "fs.obs.cname";

   * Default value of {@link #CNAME}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_CNAME = false;

   * Strict host name verification.
      = "fs.obs.strict.hostname.verification";

   * Default value of {@link #STRICT_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_STRICT_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION = false;

   * Size of object copy part pieces in bytes.
  static final String COPY_PART_SIZE = "fs.obs.copypart.size";

   * Maximum value of {@link #COPY_PART_SIZE}.
  static final long MAX_COPY_PART_SIZE = 5368709120L; // 5GB

   * Default value of {@link #COPY_PART_SIZE}.
  static final long DEFAULT_COPY_PART_SIZE = 104857600L; // 100MB

   * Maximum number of copy part threads.
  static final String MAX_COPY_PART_THREADS = "fs.obs.copypart.threads.max";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_COPY_PART_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_COPY_PART_THREADS = 40;

   * Number of core list threads.
  static final String CORE_LIST_THREADS = "fs.obs.list.threads.core";

   * Default value of {@link #CORE_LIST_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_CORE_LIST_THREADS = 30;

   * Maximum number of list threads.
  static final String MAX_LIST_THREADS = "fs.obs.list.threads.max";

   * Default value of {@link #MAX_LIST_THREADS}.
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LIST_THREADS = 60;

   * Capacity of list work queue.
  static final String LIST_WORK_QUEUE_CAPACITY
      = "fs.obs.list.workqueue.capacity";

   * Default value of {@link #LIST_WORK_QUEUE_CAPACITY}.
  static final int DEFAULT_LIST_WORK_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1024;

   * List parallel factor.
  static final String LIST_PARALLEL_FACTOR = "fs.obs.list.parallel.factor";

   * Default value of {@link #LIST_PARALLEL_FACTOR}.
  static final int DEFAULT_LIST_PARALLEL_FACTOR = 30;

   * Switch for the fast delete.
  static final String TRASH_ENABLE = "fs.obs.trash.enable";

   * Enable obs content summary or not.
  static final String OBS_CONTENT_SUMMARY_ENABLE
      = "fs.obs.content.summary.enable";

   * Enable obs client dfs list or not.
  static final String OBS_CLIENT_DFS_LIST_ENABLE
      = "fs.obs.client.dfs.list.enable";

   * Default trash : false.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_TRASH = false;

   * The fast delete recycle directory.
  static final String TRASH_DIR = "fs.obs.trash.dir";

   * Encryption type is sse-kms or sse-c.
  static final String SSE_TYPE = "fs.obs.server-side-encryption-type";

   * Kms key id for sse-kms, while key base64 encoded content for sse-c.
  static final String SSE_KEY = "fs.obs.server-side-encryption-key";

   * Array first block size.
      = "fs.obs.fast.upload.array.first.buffer";

   * The fast upload buffer array first block default size.
      * 1024;

   * Auth Type Negotiation Enable Switch.
      = "fs.obs.authtype.negotiation.enable";

   * Default value of {@link #SDK_AUTH_TYPE_NEGOTIATION_ENABLE}.
  static final boolean DEFAULT_SDK_AUTH_TYPE_NEGOTIATION_ENABLE = false;

   * Okhttp retryOnConnectionFailure switch.
      = "fs.obs.connection.retry.enable";

   * Default value of {@link #SDK_RETRY_ON_CONNECTION_FAILURE_ENABLE}.

   * Sdk max retry times on unexpected end of stream. exception, default: -1,
   * don't retry
      = "fs.obs.unexpectedend.retrytime";


   * Maximum sdk connection retry times, default : 2000.

   * Second to millisecond factor.
  static final int SEC2MILLISEC_FACTOR = 1000;

  private OBSConstants() {


hadoop 源码目录


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