harmony 鸿蒙Pasteboard Error Codes

  • 2022-12-22
  • 浏览 (743)

Pasteboard Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

12900001 Index Out of Range

Error Message

The index is out of range.


This error code is reported when the index passed in to the called API, such as getRecord, is out of range.

Possible Causes

The index passed in the API is beyond the record index range of the PasteData object. For example, the index passed in to getRecord exceeds the number of records.


Check the index range and call the API again with a valid index.

12900002 Maximum Number of Records Reached

Error Message

The number of record exceeds the maximum limit.


This error code is reported when no new PasteData record can be added.

Possible Causes

The number of PasteData records has reached the maximum.


  1. Check whether the number of PasteData records has reached the maximum.
  2. If the number of PasteData records has reached the maximum, delete some records before adding new ones.

12900003 Another Copy or Paste Operation in Progress

Error Message

Another copy or paste is in progress.


This error code is reported when a new copy or paste attempt is made before the previous one is completed.

Possible Causes

The copy and paste APIs are both asynchronous APIs. If the data to be copied or pasted is in large amount, the time required may be long. New copy or paste operations can be performed only after the previous operations have been completed.


  1. Before copying or pasting data, check the status of the last copy or paste operation.
  2. Perform subsequent operations only after the previous copy/paste operation is completed.

12900004 Copy Prohibited

Error Message

Replication is prohibited.


This error code is reported when an attempt is made to copy data that cannot be copied.

Possible Causes

The target data cannot be copied, such as read-only data.


Make sure the target data allows the copy action.


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