harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-communication

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (482)

Change Type Old Version New Version d.ts File
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function setDevicePinCode(device: string, code: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function setDevicePinCode(device: string, code: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Method or attribute name: properties?: GattProperties;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanResult
Method or attribute name: deviceName: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinRequiredParam
Method or attribute name: pinType: PinType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Method or attribute name: write?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Method or attribute name: writeNoResponse?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Method or attribute name: read?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Method or attribute name: notify?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattProperties
Method or attribute name: indicate?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_ENTER_PIN_CODE = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_ENTER_PASSKEY = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_CONFIRM_PASSKEY = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_NO_PASSKEY_CONSENT = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_NOTIFY_PASSKEY = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_DISPLAY_PIN_CODE = 5
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_OOB_CONSENT = 6
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinType
Method or attribute name: PIN_TYPE_PIN_16_DIGITS = 7
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getGlobalHttpProxy(callback: AsyncCallback<HttpProxy>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getGlobalHttpProxy(): Promise<HttpProxy>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function setGlobalHttpProxy(httpProxy: HttpProxy, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function setGlobalHttpProxy(httpProxy: HttpProxy): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: HttpProxy
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: HttpProxy
Method or attribute name: host: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: HttpProxy
Method or attribute name: port: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.connection
Class name: HttpProxy
Method or attribute name: exclusionList: Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.ethernet
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘interfaceStateChange’, callback: Callback<{ iface: string, active: boolean }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.ethernet
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘interfaceStateChange’, callback?: Callback<{ iface: string, active: boolean }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: usingProxy?: boolean |HttpProxy;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: caPath?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request2(url: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request2(url: string, options: HttpRequestOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request2(url: string, options?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: on(type: “dataReceive”, callback: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: off(type: “dataReceive”, callback?: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: on(type: “dataEnd”, callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: off(type: “dataEnd”, callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: on(type: “dataProgress”, callback: Callback<{ receiveSize: number, totalSize: number }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.http
Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: off(type: “dataProgress”, callback?: Callback<{ receiveSize: number, totalSize: number }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function addLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo,
callback: AsyncCallback<LocalServiceInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function addLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo): Promise<LocalServiceInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function removeLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo,
callback: AsyncCallback<LocalServiceInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function removeLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo): Promise<LocalServiceInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function createDiscoveryService(context: Context, serviceType: string): DiscoveryService;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function resolveLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo,
callback: AsyncCallback<LocalServiceInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: mdns
Method or attribute name: function resolveLocalService(context: Context, serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo): Promise<LocalServiceInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘discoveryStart’,
callback: Callback<{ serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo, errorCode?: MdnsError }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘discoveryStop’,
callback: Callback<{ serviceInfo: LocalServiceInfo, errorCode?: MdnsError }>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘serviceFound’, callback: Callback<LocalServiceInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘serviceLost’, callback: Callback<LocalServiceInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: startSearchingMDNS(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: DiscoveryService
Method or attribute name: stopSearchingMDNS(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Method or attribute name: serviceType: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Method or attribute name: serviceName: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Method or attribute name: port?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Method or attribute name: host?: NetAddress;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: LocalServiceInfo
Method or attribute name: serviceAttribute?: Array<ServiceAttribute>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: ServiceAttribute
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: ServiceAttribute
Method or attribute name: key: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: ServiceAttribute
Method or attribute name: value: Array<number>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: MdnsError
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: MdnsError
Method or attribute name: INTERNAL_ERROR = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: MdnsError
Method or attribute name: ALREADY_ACTIVE = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.net.mdns
Class name: MdnsError
Method or attribute name: MAX_LIMIT = 2
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function registerForegroundDispatch(elementName: ElementName, discTech: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<TagInfo>): void;
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function unregisterForegroundDispatch(elementName: ElementName): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: omapi
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: omapi
Method or attribute name: function newSEService(type: ‘serviceState’, callback: Callback<ServiceState>): SEService;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: SEService
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: SEService
Method or attribute name: getReaders(): Reader[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: SEService
Method or attribute name: isConnected(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: SEService
Method or attribute name: shutdown(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: SEService
Method or attribute name: getVersion(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Reader
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Reader
Method or attribute name: getName(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Reader
Method or attribute name: isSecureElementPresent(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Reader
Method or attribute name: openSession(): Session;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Reader
Method or attribute name: closeSessions(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: getReader(): Reader;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: getATR(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: isClosed(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: closeChannels(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openBasicChannel(aid: number[]): Promise<Channel>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openBasicChannel(aid: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openBasicChannel(aid: number[], p2: number): Promise<Channel>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openBasicChannel(aid: number[], p2: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openLogicalChannel(aid: number[]): Promise<Channel>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openLogicalChannel(aid: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openLogicalChannel(aid: number[], p2: number): Promise<Channel>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Session
Method or attribute name: openLogicalChannel(aid: number[], p2: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Channel>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: getSession(): Session;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: isBasicChannel(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: isClosed(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: getSelectResponse(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: transmit(command: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: Channel
Method or attribute name: transmit(command: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: ServiceState
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: ServiceState
Method or attribute name: DISCONNECTED = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.secureElement
Class name: ServiceState
Method or attribute name: CONNECTED = 1
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanInfoList(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function updateDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disableDeviceConfig(networkId: number): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeAllDeviceConfigs(): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeDeviceConfig(networkId: number): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isBandTypeSupported(bandType: WifiBandType): boolean;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function get5GChannelList(): Array<number>;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getHotspotStations(): Array<StationInfo>;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentP2pGroup(): Promise<WifiP2pGroupInfo>;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentP2pGroup(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pGroupInfo>): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function createP2pGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeP2pGroup(): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function startDiscoverP2pDevices(): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function stopDiscoverP2pDevices(): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function deletePersistentP2pGroup(netId: number): void;
Added NA Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function setP2pDeviceName(devName: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_BAND_NONE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_BAND_2G
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_BAND_5G
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_BAND_6G
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiBandType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_BAND_60G
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_UNDEFINED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11A
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11B
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11G
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11N
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11AC
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11AX
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiStandard
Method or attribute name: WIFI_STANDARD_11AD
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: rxLinkSpeed: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: maxSupportedTxLinkSpeed: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: maxSupportedRxLinkSpeed: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: channelWidth: WifiChannelWidth;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: wifiStandard: WifiStandard;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: channel: number;
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResults(): Promise<Array<WifiScanInfo>>;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResults(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiScanInfo>>): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResultsSync(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disableNetwork(netId: number): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeAllNetwork(): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeDevice(id: number): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getStations(): Array<StationInfo>;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(): Promise<WifiP2pGroupInfo>;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pGroupInfo>): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeGroup(): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function startDiscoverDevices(): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function stopDiscoverDevices(): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Deleted Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function setDeviceName(devName: string): void;
NA @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function scan(): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function scan(): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCandidateConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCandidateConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_CONFIG
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION and ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_CONFIG
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice[]>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice[]>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(): Promise<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(): Promise<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: “p2pDeviceChange”, callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: “p2pDeviceChange”, callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: “p2pDeviceChange”, callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: “p2pDeviceChange”, callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: “p2pPeerDeviceChange”, callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: “p2pPeerDeviceChange”, callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: “p2pPeerDeviceChange”, callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: “p2pPeerDeviceChange”, callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION


harmony 鸿蒙Readme

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-ability

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-accessibility

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-account

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-arkui

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-battery

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-bundle

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-compiler-and-runtime

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-customization

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-distributed-data

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