harmony 鸿蒙vulkan_ohos.h

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (658)



The vulkan_ohos.h file declares the Vulkan interfaces extended by OpenHarmony. File to include: <vulkan/vulkan.h>



Related Modules




Name Description
VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS Defines the parameters required for creating a Vulkan surface.
VkNativeBufferUsageOHOS Defines the usage of a NativeBuffer.
VkNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS Defines the properties of a NativeBuffer.
VkNativeBufferFormatPropertiesOHOS Defines the format properties of a NativeBuffer.
VkImportNativeBufferInfoOHOS Defines the pointer to an OH_NativeBuffer struct.
VkMemoryGetNativeBufferInfoOHOS Defines a struct used to obtain an OH_NativeBuffer from the Vulkan memory.
VkExternalFormatOHOS Defines an externally defined format.


Name Description
VK_OHOS_surface 1 Surface extension macro definition of OpenHarmony.
VK_OHOS_SURFACE_SPEC_VERSION 1 Surface extension version of OpenHarmony.
VK_OHOS_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME “VK_OHOS_surface” Surface extension name of OpenHarmony.
VK_OHOS_external_memory 1 External memory extension macro definition of OpenHarmony.
VK_OHOS_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_SPEC_VERSION 1 External memory extension version of OpenHarmony.
VK_OHOS_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXTENSION_NAME “VK_OHOS_external_memory” External memory extension name of OpenHarmony.


Name Description
OHNativeWindow Defines an OHNativeWindow.
VkSurfaceCreateFlagsOHOS Defines the bit mask of the VkFlags type used for the creation of a Vulkan surface. It is a reserved flag type.
VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS Defines the parameters required for creating a Vulkan surface.
VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSurfaceOHOS) (VkInstance instance, const VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR *pSurface) Defines the function pointer for creating a Vulkan surface.
VkNativeBufferUsageOHOS Defines the usage of a NativeBuffer.
VkNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS Defines the properties of a NativeBuffer.
VkNativeBufferFormatPropertiesOHOS Defines the format properties of a NativeBuffer.
VkImportNativeBufferInfoOHOS Defines the pointer to an OH_NativeBuffer struct.
VkMemoryGetNativeBufferInfoOHOS Defines a struct used to obtain an OH_NativeBuffer from the Vulkan memory.
VkExternalFormatOHOS Defines an externally defined format.
VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS) (VkDevice device, const struct OH_NativeBuffer *buffer, VkNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS *pProperties) Defines a function pointer used to obtain OH_NativeBuffer properties.
VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetMemoryNativeBufferOHOS) (VkDevice device, const VkMemoryGetNativeBufferInfoOHOS *pInfo, struct OH_NativeBuffer **pBuffer) Defines a function pointer used to obtain an OH_NativeBuffer instance.


Name Description
vkCreateSurfaceOHOS (VkInstance instance, const VkSurfaceCreateInfoOHOS *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR *pSurface) Creates a Vulkan surface.
vkGetNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS (VkDevice device, const struct OH_NativeBuffer *buffer, VkNativeBufferPropertiesOHOS *pProperties) Obtains the properties of an OH_NativeBuffer instance.
vkGetMemoryNativeBufferOHOS (VkDevice device, const VkMemoryGetNativeBufferInfoOHOS *pInfo, struct OH_NativeBuffer **pBuffer) Obtains an OH_NativeBuffer instance.


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